Maplewood Park PropertyCIVIC CENTER 250 FIFTH AVE. N. Office of the City Attorney James A. Murphy May 11, 1967 Mr. Donald Lawson City Supervisor Civic Center Edmonds, Washington Wifi ■ CITY OF EDMONDS Snohomish County, Washington Re: Maplewood Ravine Park Site Dear Don: Enclosed please find the Statutory Warranty Deed and Earnest money agreement from Gary R. Edin and Barbara K. Edin, to the City of Edmonds, which has been recorded. Also enclosed is the Statutory Warranty Deed from Lydia Peterson to the City of Edmonds, which has been recorded and the Closing Statement, Purchaser's Escrow Instructions and Earnest money agreement. The Purchaser's Title Policy for these two parcels will be forthcoming as soon as the escrow company obtains a release from the mortgagee of the access easement to that portion of the respective parcels which we have pur- chased. JDW:ds urs very truly, John D. Wallace PROSPECT 6-1107 April 30, 1979 MEMO TO: Harve H. Harrison Mayor FROM: Charles G. Dibble Mayor's Admin. Asst. SUBJECT: FUNDING SOURCE FOR UNION OIL BEACH PARKING Attached are the Council's motion of April 24 and an excerpt from the Park Board minutes of April 25. We recommend that the appropriation for parking pavement at Union Oil Beach be made from the in -lieu park fee funds. N CGD/am Attachments PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING April 25, 1979 UNION OIL PARK Mr. Jim Jessel stated that, at the present time, Union Oil Park is closed, and the Port and the City are attempting to find ways to discourage the use of the area by teenagers. He went on to say that the most immediate need is that of a blacktopped parking area. This parking area and the cost of it will be shared jointly with the Port of Edmonds. The Port of Edmonds will fund one-half of the costs involved in the parking lot, with the City of Edmonds assuring the other one-half. The parking lot has been designed so that when Union Oil Park is built, it is exactly the parking lot desired. This has been reviewed with the City Council to set up the cooperative atmosphere with the Port of Edmonds. The parking lot will have twenty-five parking stalls and it is felt that this will nicely accommodate the 65 - 70 people using the park, which would be about the maximum amount of traffic the park could bear. Bicycle stalls will also be placed in this area. Mr. Jessel presented cost estimates for the parking lot which would run in the neighborhood of $8,000.00 and he asked the Park Board for their approval of using $4,204.00 in in -lieu funds for this project. Inasmuch as there was not a quorum present at this meeting, a discussion ensued as to a motion being passed regarding the use of the in -lieu fee funds for the parking lot project. Members present approved of taking the funds for the park- ing lot from the in -lieu fee funds and approval by proxy of the use of these funds was granted when the other Park and Recreation Advisory Board members were called. May 13, 1982 MEMO TO: Harve H. Harrison Mayor FROM: Steve Simpson, Director Parks and Recreation Department SUBJECT: REPORT FROM PARKS & RECREATION ON UNION OIL BEACH IMPROVEMENTS Union Oil Beach development is 50% complete. About $5,600 has been spent to date from the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund to complete grading, addition of topsoil, seeding, and irrigation. The plan to complete the project includes the addition of pathways, trees, play equipment, improvements to the entry, and an enlarged parking lot. We estimate it will cost $20,000 from the -In Lieu Park Fund to complete the Union Oil Beach park project. SOS/mw Attachment C0( May 13, 1982 MEMO TO: Harve H. Harrison Mayor FROM: Steve Simpson, Director Parks and Recreation Department SUBJECT: REPORT FROM PARKS & RECREATION ON UNION OIL BEACH IMPROVEMENTS The Planning Advisory Board reviewed the development plans for Union Oil Beach at their May 12, 1982 meeting. Nancy Dilworth, Landscape Designer, and Jim Jessel, Project Administrator, re- viewed the history of the City's shoreline plan for the development between Brackett's Landing Beach and the Union Oil pier. Development of Union Oil Beach is part of a comprehensive waterfront plan that includes a pedestrian/bicycle path connecting developed nodes on the Edmonds waterfront. The Union Oil Beach node was identified in the 1978 Waterfront Plan as an area that should be developed. Although the beachfront is not be- ing developed with the grandiose scale originally envisioned, the plan is be- ing following wherever possible. Development of Union Oil Beach began with a 22-car parking lot designed by the Public Works Department that limited parking to one area. The Parks and Recrea- tion Department designed the park after the lot was in place. The park's design is intended to: Buffer park users from the industrial develop- ment with berms and trees; encourage people to leave their cars to appreciate the area's amenities; provide for active and passive activities; and leave natural amenities in the park as is and develop only the altered areas. The Planning Advisory Board questioned whether the City considered the natural features and the original uses of the beach. Staff believed that there were few natural elements in the gravel parking lot that the City wanted to preserve. The area behind the beach was mostly fill dirt with no vegetation. The primary use was by young people engaged in rowdy behavior. This behavior, sometimes illegal and antisocial, discouraged use by other age and interest groups. The City's policy of displacing this activity (to other parts of the City) was questioned by Ward Phillips and Ray Sittauer. Mr. Phillips and Mr. Sittauer believed that the City should have considered use by teens a legitimate activity that should not have been eliminated without accommodating it elsewhere in the City. The problem is now on Sunset Avenue where it is difficult to control and overburdens the police and antagonizes other citizens. Mr. Phillips felt this solution offered does not address the whole problem. Staff and other members of the Planning Advisory Board felt the development would not stop the park's use by teenagers, but would get them out of their cars. Staff also felt no one had found a solution to the "teenage problem". REPORT FROM PARKS & RECREATION ON UNION OIL BEACH IMPROVEMENTS May 13, 1982 - Page 2 The Planning Advisory Board questioned whether there is enough parking for the expected increased use. Jim Jessel explained that park development standards call for 21 spaces per acre for a neighborhood park. Union Oil Beach has 22 parking spaces. Plans include doubling the size to 44 spaces. This should be sufficient for the parks' two acres and expected use level. Funds are available for developing the larger parking lot. The City Staff do not believe park users will have to use Port parking. At least a portion of the users will bicycle, jog or walk to the park. There will be racks for bicycle parking, along with benches and picnic tables. Public transportation will be encouraged as part of the waterfront plan. The Planning Advisory Board suggested the City make every effort to cooperate and coordinate with the Port on waterfront development. The Planning Advisory Board asked if development was planned south of the Union Oil pier. Jim Jessel said Union Oil Company would lease the property to the City if a passage were provided over or under the pipeline. This should not overtax the parking lot since the new area would be left in a natural condition and not be much more of an attraction than it is now. The Planning Advisory Board suggested that the entry chain link fence should be softened with additional plantings. The Planning Advisory Board recommended by unanimous vote to: 1. Review closing times of the park, and suggested that it not be before 10:00 p.m. 2. Continue the existing plans to develop the area and double the size of the parking lot to 44 spaces. 3. Review the planting plans and soften the entry gate with additional plantings. 4. Explore every alternative to allow the City to lease the Union Oil property south of the Union Oil pier and lease it as quickly as possible. Note: This report is not an official account of the May 12, 1982 Planning Board Meeting. SOS/mw June 3, 1982 MEMO TO: Harve H. Harrison Mayor VIA: Steve Simpson, Director Parks and Recreation Department FROM: Jim Jessel, Project Administrator Parks and Recreation Department SUBJECT: REPORT FROM PARKS & RECREATION ON UNION OIL BEACH IMPROVEMENT On May 12, 1982, we reviewed the status of the Union Oil Beach improvement plans with the Planning Advisory Board. Their three major recommendations were: 1. That the portion of the beach south of the Union Oil pier be con- sidered in future planning. 2. That additional buffer landscaping be considered on Port of Edmonds property. 3. That our recommendation for doubling the present parking lot size be approved. Mary Lou Block and I have met with Union Oil Company representatives to discuss future uses of the southern beach and we have requested a meeting with the Port of Edmonds; both in an effort to meet Planning Advisory Board suggestions. We have spent less than $6,000 to date on the Union Oil Beach improvements project (excluding approximately $2,000 of in-house labor). This included grading of the grass area by Edmonds Community College students, an auto- matic irrigation system, equipment rental, grass seed, and construction of the parking lot. The City Council authorized up to $30,000 for the Junior High playfield and Union Oil Beach projects for 1982 from In Lieu Park Funds. When negotiations with the Port are completed, we will return to the Planning Advisory Board and City Council for authorization to finish the landscaping and parking lot phase. JJ/mw Attachments CITY !TY OF E O M O N D S HARVE H. HARRISON 700 MAIN ST • EDMONDS. WASHINGTON 96020 • (206) 775.2525 MAYOR PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT June 2, 1982 Mr. Gordon Maxwell, President Port of Edmonds 456 Admiral Way Edmonds, Washington 98020 Dear Gordon: Subject: Waterfront Improvements As noted in our June 1 conversation, the City of Edmonds Planning Advisory Board recently reviewed our improvement plans for Union Oil Beach and suggested that improvements to Port of Edmonds' property be jointly considered. Specifically, entrance and buffer landscaping was discussed. I have attached the Planning Advisory Board meeting minutes for your review. Please call me at your earliest convenience to further discuss these improvements. �--.Sincerely, 7 Ja es F. Jessel Project Administrator Parks and Recreation Department JFJ/mw Attachment cc: Mr. Ray Sittauer, Chairman Planning Advisory Board Mr. Steve Simpson, Director Parks and Recreation Department Nancy Dilworth, Landscape Designer Parks and Recreation Department PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD May 12, 1982 The regular meeting of the Planning Advisory Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m, by Chairman Ray Sittauer in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Ray Sittauer John Hodgin Duane Bowman, Assistant City Planner John McGibbon Steve Simpson, Parks b Recreation Director Dave Larson Jim Jessel, Project Administrator Fred Ross Nancy Dilworth, Landscape Designer J. Ward Phillips Felix deMello, Buildings & Grounds Supervisor Ken Mattson Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney Valina Walker Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk APPROVAL OF MINUTES MR. ROSS MOVED, SECONDED BY MRS. WALKER, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 28, 1982, MOT10N CARRIED. STAFF AND PAB COMMENTS Mr. Bowman reported that the City Council had a public hearing on the PAB recommendation for downtown parking and remanded it to the PAB for further discussion. The Staff will provide additional information for the PAB's consideration. Mr. Bowman noted that the City Council had acted on the ordinance aggregating non- conforming lots but they included the requirement for a covenant for a no protest clause which the PAB had not recommended. AUDIENCE Lloyd Ostrom, 711 Puget Lane, noted that at the April 14 PAB meeting there was some discussion of upcoming projects and one of them was a study of downtown land use and update of the Comprehensive Policy Plan. He asked what that meant, inasmuch a lot of time had been spent in putting together the Community Development Code, Mr. Bowman responded that the PAB will be looking at the Comprehensive Policy Plan as it relates to the downtown and its development, and the intent is not to rewrite the entire Comprehensive Policy Plan, He said there is some interest in the possibility of looking at programs for revitalization as they relate to development and design, Mr. Phillips added that it is t❑ look at what has been done and to visualize it more in detail. Mr. Larson also added that they think the specific parking requirements for the downtown area are in conflict with the Comprehensive Policy Plan, and they are not defensive about the Comprehensive Policy Plan but believe it is a working tool and if conditions change it should be reviewed periodically also. PUBLIC HEARING ON PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD REVIEW OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF UNION OIL PARK AS PART OF THE CITY OF EOMONDS WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT PLAN Landscape Designer Nancy Dilworth showed slides which reflected the development of the waterfront from Union Oil Park to Brackett's Landing Park during the last few years. Project Administrator Jim Jessel and she reviewed the history of this development plan. The Union Oil Beach portion was identified in the 1978 Waterfront Plan as an area that should be developed. It has a 22-car parking lot which is proposed to be doubled in size. Mr. Phillips had been concerned that what is being accomplished there is ❑verdevelopment and that the site should be left in its natural state. The Staff indicated that the area behind the beach was mostly fill dirt with no vegetation and that there were few natural elements in the gravel parking lot that the City wanted to preserve. Mr. McGibbon colimented that it had developed to a beach surrounded by a grassy dune and he thought it looked "pretty decent." Mr. Larson urged that the south portion of Union Oil Beach be included in the plans. He said consideration should be given to how it relates to the present parking and the proposed parking, and also that the City must learn to work with the Port of Edmonds. He also urged r working with voluntary groups for improving the planting areas, noting that Edmonds has some very active garden clubs and volunteers. The hearing was opened, no one wished to speak, and the hearing was closed. Mr. Bowman said he had received a telephone call from a lady who was concerned that the Union Oil Park should be kept open and natural. Mr. Phillips said it is important to address the fact that in the very beginning stages of planning something was displaced and it was human beings in the form of teenagers. He said a developer doing this would have to file an EIS, and he was disturbed that the fact that something was displaced had not been addressed. He said this was an area that teenagers used for many years and then a park was put on it, so now they are up on Sunset. He thought the mental thinking process could have worked better, and the Park Department should be careful of what they are displacing when they work on something. Mr. Ross responded that he did not think the City had a responsibility to provide a place for young people to drink beer and smoke marijuana. Mr. Mattson said that problem was addressed and this is the answer to the problem. Mr. Phillips then said the parks on the water should not be closed before sunset, and he also thought there should be some trees at the entry to Union Oil Park. He encouraged looking for a lease for the remaining property. 11R. LARSON THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY MR. PHILLIPS, TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THEY REVIEW THE CLOSING TIMES FOR THE WATERFRONT PARKS AND THAT CLOSING TIME FOR BRACKETT'S LANDING BEACH AND UNION OIL BEACH BE 10:00 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. MR. PHILLIPS MOVED, SECONDED BY MRS. WALKER, THAT THE PAB RECOMMEND THAT THE PARKING LOT AT UNION OIL BEACH BE DOUBLED IN SIZE IMMEDIATELY. MOTION CARRIED. MR. PHILLIPS MOVED, SECONDED BY MR. LARSON, THAT THE PAB RECOMMEND THAT THE PARK DEPARTMENT EXPLORE THE ALTERNATIVES FOR LEASING THE PROPERTY ADJOINING UNION OIL BEACH TO THE SOUTH. MOTION CARRIED. It was noted that bicycle racks and softening the entrance with landscaping also are to be considered. ISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 20.60 REGARDING FREESTANDING SIGNS Mr. McGibbon stated that as now written the Code allows some flexibility and the decision can always be appealed to the City Council. He asked for some evidence that this was not in the City's best interest. Mr. Phillips responded that the Code itself is in conflict because 15.15.030 B.2., "Downtown Concept," states that signs are to be low level and oriented to pedestrians, and in another part it says they only will be allowed if the sign cannot be placed on the building, and he felt a developer could abuse that. Mr. McGibbon said he had walked down 5th Ave. and he thought some of the freestanding signs look better than a sign on the building, e.g., an attorney's office in a residential building with a small freestanding sign in front. Mr. Phillips responded that University Federal Savings is now trying to interpret the Code to their advantage and it is not working in the City's favor, in that when their sign proposals were rejected they said they would use the old pole sign on the property. Mr. Bowman noted that this was only a discussion item this evening and that a public hearing would be held May 26 at which time some kind of decision should be rendered. Natalie Shippen, in the audience, commented that there are three kinds of signs: flush with the building, projecting from the building, and freestanding signs. She suggested a maximum height for the freestanding signs. She thought the Edmonds Garden sign to be lovely and noted that it 1s a freestanding sign, so she thought it extreme to eliminate all freestanding signs. She suggested a maximum of 5', as an arbitrary suggestion. Mr. Phillips responded that there is a strong consensus of opinion that there should be no more pole signs in downtown Edmonds. Mr. Larson asked if one of the problems was the type of sign, rather than the height, and Mr. Bowman said it was not, but he said they may want to distinguish between pole signs and freestanding signs. Mr. Phillips said if a sign exceeds the height of a pedestrian it is not low level and pedestrian oriented, and as the Code is now, downtown Edmonds could end up with signs like Westgate or Highway 99. He felt the City should have the ability to be specific in establishing a maximum. Mrs. Walker suggested that the height of freestanding signs be restricted to 5' unless otherwise approved by the ADB. This proposal was acceptable to the Board. Mr. McGibbon said he would like to see examples of recently approved freestanding signs, and also he would like to have a representative of the ADB present for the hearing. He said he would like to ask what difficulty the ADB perceives in enforcing the ordinance. Chairman Sittauer said he would not be present for the June 9 meeting. Mr. Tanaka was scheduled to be present on June 23 to discuss the duties and powers of the Board. There was no further business to come before the Board, and the meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Page 2 - May 12, 1982 MAKE REMITTANCES PAYABLE TO: ERNE SIEVER SNOHOMISH COUNTY TREASURER EVERETT, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT AND REAL ESTATE SALES TAX RECEIPT SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON STATE OF WASHINGTONJ ss COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH ' , Being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That the following information relative to the sale of real estate is true and correct. Seller's Name Address Buyer's Name Address__ Date of Instrument Nature of Instrument Date of Delivery Gross Sales or Selling Price Legal Description of Property Conveyed: - RETURN BOTH COPIES SELLING PRICE SALES TAX NO SA REQ E' J I v TAX .ED TAX FEB 2 1, 967 PEN i ey bra i _ nont t.. Chap. 11, Laws 1951, Extraordinary Session Signature of Seller. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this residing day of 19 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, WASHING,.iN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STAND._ yD FORM POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE Pioneer National Title Insurance Company WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION 719 SECOND AVENUE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 hereinafter called the Company, a California corporation, for valuable consideration, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date hereof, not shown in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of Sched- ule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or encumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense re- sulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs in- curred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder. In witness whereof, Pioneer National Title Insurance Company has caused this policy to be authenticated by the facsimile signature of its President and Secretary but this policy is not valid unless attested by an authorized signatory. Pioneer National Title Insurance Company By �Q PRESIDENT ULZ-4 k{-�aA SECRETARY Attest: �- AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY j as SCHEDULE A NO. F-134 813 AMOUNT $ 39200.00 DATE February 21, 1967 at 9:00 a.m. PREMIUM $ 33.75 1. INSURED THE CITY OF EDMONDS, a municipal corporation. 2. TITLE TO THE ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY IS VESTED IN The named insured. 3. ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED Fee simple estate. 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS POLICY IS ISSUED Lot 35, Except the West 136.83 feet, Plat of Pine Ridge, according to plat thereof recorded in volume 13of plats,page 66, records of Sn:homish County, Washington. SCHEDULE B DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER MATTERS AGAINST WHICH THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE: SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 1. General taxes for 1967 in the sum of *15.48. 2. Restrictions contained in deed recorded under auditor's file No. 1354961, substantially as follows: Exterior of all buildings to be finished within one year from date of starting. No outside toilets permitted. 3. Easement for ingress and egress and for utilities over, under and upon a portion of said premises granted to all present and future owners, their heirs and assigns, of all or any portion of Lots 35 and 36, Pine Ridge, and unto Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County, and West Coast Telephone Company, by instrument recorded March 19, 1964, under auditor's file No. 1683382. Maintenance of the Easement granted and conveyed herein shall be the responsibility of and the costs borne equally by the above mentioned present and future owners, their heirs and assigns. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Encroachments or questions of location, boundary and area, which an accurate survey may disclose; public or private easements not disclosed by the public records; rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in possession, not disclosed by the public records; material or labor liens or liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records; water rights or matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charges for sewer, water or electricity. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents; right of use, control or regulation by the United States of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; limitation by law or governmental regulation with respect to subdivision, use, enjoyment or oc- cupancy; defects, •liens, encumbrances, or other matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims based upon instruments or upon facts not disclosed by the public records but of which rights, claims, instruments or facts the insured has knowledge. 3. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien (End of Schedule B) R-2 ' TI Pioneer National Title Insurance Company WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION 719 SECOND AVENUE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 — ISSUED BY — �a'ds KE 'MA I M�;1 TITLE Hsi �')� -;SCE CU,PLAY SNORMISH COUNTY 0frICE EVERETT, WASH. 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OF RECORD I PAGE IREG- OF � A ; 1 1 I�I� EL�i :nTis.;�l�l A � ff'• A TITLE I""SURAN! J{E CO. { - AM 9:00 1967 A- - A i STANL-EY DUBUQUE AUDITOR A A SNOHOMISH COUNTY, !Aal. ----------------------------------- i -- : ' Statutory 1, 1 arrarliy Deems ,Form 467- 1-REV THE, GRANTOR GARY R. EDIN and BARBARA K. EDIN, his wife co for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATIONS M C7 in hand paid, conveys and warrants to THE CITY OF EDMONDS, a municipal corporation 0~ the following described real estate, situated, in the County of Snohomish , State of Washington: Lot 35, EXCEPT West 136r83 feet, Plat of Pine Ridge, according to plat thereof recorded in volume 13 of Plats, page 66, records of Snohomish County, Washington. No 71 L U. _ . �•.. %%% /1y SUBJECT TO restrictions contained in deed recorded under auditor's file No. 1354961, substantially as follows: Exterior of all buildings to be finished within one year from date of starting. No outside toilets permitted. SUBJECT TO Easement for ingress and for utilities over, under and upon a portion of said premises granted to all present and future owners, their heirs and assigns, of all or any portion of Lots 35 and 36, Pine Ridge, and unto Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County, and West Coast Telephone Company, by instrument recorded March 19, 1964 under auditor's file No. 1683382. Maintenance of the Easement granted and conveyed herein shall be the responsibility of and the costs borne equally by the above mentioned present and future owners, their heirs and assigns. Dated this 18th day of STATE OF WASHINGTON, �ss. County of Snohomish ,1;967 ••.... (SEAL) ...... (SEAL.) On this day personally appeared before me Gary R. Edin and Barbara K. Edin. to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instruni6t,' .4nd co acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act Aiid,dee,d' for. •the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under m hand and official seal this 1 `f V Y C� day of ,Ja�aarY«��" 4, , f.- + 9' 67 Wotery Public in and for the State of Washington,. ` residing at Lynnwood OFFICIAL RECORDi VOL, 070 �1TY OF EDMON_ J" EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT & AGREEMENT: EDMONDS, WASHINGTON ---- Janu2 ry___ Received from THE CITY OF EDMONDS, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "purchaser," One Hundred Dollars and no cents ($100.00) in the form of a note for $100.00 due on or before Ninety (90) Days, paid or delivered to agent as earnest money in part payment of the purchase price of the following described real estate in SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASH- INGTON, commonly known as .__vacant prop rty behind- 20429_._-.._...5th--Pl.__.Wo.a---Ed_monds-Q----------------------------------------- (The parties hereto hereby authorize agent to insert over their signatures the correct legal description of the above designated property if unavailable at time of signing, or to correct the legal description entered if erroneous or incomplete.) The East 273.5 feet of Tract 35, plat of Pine Ridge according to plat thereof as recorded in Volume 13 of plats, Page 66, records of Snohomish County, W-ashington. TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE is Three.•Thousand_ Ttao--Hundred._Dollars.•and._noD@B s- (s1,.M -,_Q payable as follows: ALL CASH, IN LIEU OF CONDEMNATION FOR PUBLIC PARK, IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD BY THE SELL- ER THAT THIS AGREEMENT IS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL $Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS AS TO ALL TERMS HEREIN PROVIDED WITHIN NINETY (90) DAYS OF PURCHASEWS SIGNATURE, SAID APPROVAL TO BE APPROVER] AND ATTESTED AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS ACREEMENT- 1. Title of seller is to be free of encumbrances, or defects, except: ..... NQNE_:---------------------------------------------- Rights reserved in federal patents or state deeds, building or use restrictions general to the district, existing easements not inconsistent with purchaser's intended use, and building or zoning regulations or provisions shall not be deemed encum- brances or defects. Encumbrances to be discharged by seller may be paid out of purchase money at date of closing. 2. Seller agrees to furnish and deliver to office of closing agent as soon as procurable a standard form purchaser's policy of title insurance or report preliminary thereto issued by a title insurance company, and seller authorizes agent to apply at once following approval by The City of Edmonds City Council for such title insurance. The title policy to be issued shall con- tain no exceptions other than those provided for in said standard form plus encumbrances or defects noted in paragraph 1. above. Delivery of such policy or report to closing agent named shall constitute delivery to purchaser. If title is not eo insurable as above provided and cannot be made so insurable by termination date set forth in paragraph 6. hereof, earn- est money shall be refunded and all rights of purchaser terminated: provided that purchaser may waive defects and elect to purchase. if title is so insurable and purchaser fails or refuses to complete purchase, the earnest money shall be for- feited as liquidated damages. The agent shall not be responsible for delivery of title. 3. Taxes for the current year, rents, insurance, interest, mortgage reserves, water and other utilities constituting liens shall of Closing be prorated as of ... ...... :••------------------------------------------ ---........... Purchaser shall pay for remaining oil in fuel tank, the amount to be determined by the supplier. 4. Purchaser shall be entitled to possession on --- .r, .: e _ o f C to 5. SelIer offers purchaser the property in its present condition, on terms noted, and agrees not to withdraw this offer dur- ing said period, or until earlier rejection thereof by purchaser. If purchaser does not accept this agreement within the time specified, the agent shall refund the earnest money upon demand. ..�.:��...._.. 6. The sale shall be closed in office of agent or ................................. ......... ........ ......._......... ...._......._.-............. ....... within days after title insurance policy or report preliminary thereto is delivered showing title insurable, as above provided. The pur- toacompleteseller purchase in accordance with d of either, thistin escrow with escrow agreement the cost of escowtall instn-iments and monies s a,i be paid a -half each by seller sa d purchaser. 7. Linoleum, window screens, screen doors, plumbing and lighting fixtures (except floor and standing lamps), shades, Venetian blinds, curtain rods, all attached bathroom fixtures, trees, plants and shrubbery in the yard, water heating apparatus and ifixtures, awnings, n the ale. Atttachedntelevis oncantennasi if any, that aresystems now on the premiesashali remain intat are now on thect andsshall be ies shall ncluded in the sale. 8. There are no verbal or other agreements which modify or affect this agreement. Time is of the essence of this agreement. The unders agrees to carry above agent foyr Seller CITY OF EDMONDS ... .............................. Edmonds City Supervisor l on this i _".. day of .�l l?Jx , _......._.... 1961q, hereby accepts and approves the above agreement and all of the terpt s thereof; however, it is understood and agreed that the seller will pay no commission to the ices. I/we fi�thgr agree and aelmowledge receipt of a true copy of this agreement, signed by both parties. t 0 Seller's Address Seller Phone PR 6-2 ...._ Wife) 7410 u.._..�......_.... _ DAY OF is r......... 1966. APPROVED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL THIS ---------- - ........ -• - "" (seal) Attested:— .................... city clerk For THE CITY O DM0ND8 . ....... AYOR f WASHINGTON LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANITARD FORM � ��"' `s��`� POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE WASHM"gGTON TITTLE INSURANCE COMPANY 719 Second Avenue Seattle 4, Washington hereinafter called the Company, a Washington corporation, for valuable considera- tion, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule. A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition d "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date here- of, not shown in Schedule E ; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of Schedule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or en- cumbrance not shown in Schedule B ; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims here- under. In witness whereof, WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this policy to be authenticated by the facsimile signature of its President, but this policy is not valid unless attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary. 'YY1�5HINOTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By • President Attest: Assistant Secretary SCHEDULE A NO. ,��'-3006'l AMOUNT $ 7500.00 DATE October 11, 1958 at 8:00 a.m. PREMIUM$ 46.25 1. INSURED CITY OF EDMONDS, a municipal corporation. 2. TITLE TO THE ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY IS VESTED IN An undivided 2/3 interest in H. A. Dent, presumptively subject to the corununity interest of his wife, Violette M. Dent, an undivided 1/3 interest in LaMonte Shorett, presumptively subject to the community interest of his wife, Wilhelmina Shorett. S. ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED Fee simple estate. 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS POLICY IS ISSUED That portion of Government Lot one (1), Section nineteen (19), Township twenty-seven (27) North, Range four (4) Bast, W.M., Snohomish County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning on the west line of said lot at a point 500 feet north of the southwest corner; thence east parallel to the south line of said lot to a point 200 feet west of the east line of said lot; thence north paralleling the east line of said lot to the intersection with the southerly line of the Maplewood county road as established under Survey No. 1111; thence westerly along the southerly line of said county road to the intersection with the north line of said government lot 1; thence west to the northwest corner of said lot 1; thence south_ along west line of said lot to the place of beginning. DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCUMBRA7 DOES NOT INSURE SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS SCHEDULE B ES AND OTHER MATTERS AGAR- 'WHICH THE COMPANY 1. Reservation of easer, ;t contained in contract n 3d in paragraph 2 below which provides for the right to maintain, repair and replace the wooden water main now in place over and across the above described premises. 2. Contract of sale in favor of the insured, City of Edmonds, a municipal corporation, recorded under auditor's file No. 1303750, records of Snohomish County, Washington.. Excise tax receipt No. 96960. NOTE: This contract provides for no assignment without consent of vendors. GENERAL 1. Encroachments or questions of location, boundary and area, which an accurate survey may disclose; public or private easements not disclosed by the public records; rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in possession, not disclosed by the public records; material or labor liens or liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records; water rights or matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charges for sewer, water or electricity. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States -Patents; right of use, control or regulation by the United States of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; limitation by law or governmental regulation with respect to subdivision, use, enjoyment or occupancy; defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims based upon instruments or upon facts not disclosed by the public records but of which rights, claims, instruments or facts the insured has knowledge. 3. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becom- ing a lien. (End of Schedule B) fssufD SY sNoHomisH covNrr r1TLE comp,,,,, 1510 WAIL STREET EVERETT, WASH, WAS H I N GTO N TITLE, INSURANCE COMPANY 719 SECOND AVENUE SEATTLE 4, WASHINGTON p• C• a' o 'r• o eD a �• e+ pw �o p„ e+ rr � e+ � � � r�. w ,h� Cr � w rr o P� �d 'Cy � P� t�' �d m ki �o y p � p. ce ,p, �' y � � � d � co �' �' �" o p' co �,,� A d+ • co �o � � � � w y y re y �..� cyo d 7v p; 0q M a,oW ypp�°"N'�a. 8.m�AppMH w P A v two a"° w �r �. G w w° W "• w w 8 m a to ... A oq er �' an d er o m m ° m N.. ro w e•r CL 0 w m �m��w�� o o a b m ya, p Cr Wtr ogmom q d a w 0.0 m o v,'d y.� m m m m D o w m w C o'er m �o ...o `y* o w y� �'C m G,°w '�� �.m a'0 a'p.co C t°�y w tee+ w rh p, o' �. w ear w '4 �' m . N' opp b d �. FOti ti �4 er a d m co ° M two o p d �, to a " N, �, e+ a a a '4 m ��� �� �� w M tr go 8 f �•�� p o w p:m p o M aG.�•�m m w m w a+mw too top m ~ b" m" e+ad e4map• °e4adoe4 °0� am py �Ap y w Aye. d'c� (te e+ G. ' m C' a o m O �4 M d n o o o y co S. °� a• �, �-t, p try' coaow oA.�er�,� e,2.0'4 ovw��.a �m�o�9.b� p8md �d'�ao0 M o e+p o �0 p �� � A+ � Kb as ° d' ,q �+ ty �, ;4 .o d t p�'"t, aq �, p� c�' t"o M a s� co c to � ,tea �s' G' ° co er R tp to .y�• n m er W . 0 fD eCD a p to y a e# p '°"4 + ,W°Pa"�� �tAeor p�er• OowCqr "p' wmp mo C. mmw .aqywG b Lr e° ,vm•,'`d44 0wfD Ubq mp�krID I'* er� Iemr*'Ma.y op .ram o a er woq `4 o 11 M mty� o wo °r4o�w COP�w �m w �m o tr e°+. t"o �' a e+ er ° � ,p � w O er � �• G d p er �' a• �; �r er y d' m er d m �. �. a e4 fi C v� wp coonwB.p'oer w MC+ tom b' d w w � W. G m CJ m m r n ° e+ cr m er O d fD n m w a w ks w Q°q m m �,d d•An "'ps m coo �' ''�' OR o `*w o a w pp o w a o v°, Ri C d p ° F 5 tyoR.mm a�*.:� �w.am�G.�a�by�o°m,`4�'pGya mV'G� ?�r� m b`�oa�.°'~.:r�,as°a��ma5'�a �p,�p�.5gm,`4 m�oN`a°�5�~�� P7 m er e+ m M � ° "4 p p' � � � � � e4o p p O ta � a ppw ° o d H r°+, �y� rr w �o 52. o er cmo um, b '4 t h p. p o, m o mGT m car vai 9. cD p aq H, p' p' to p w p, y m w to p co m d to w o. p, 5. & d m i7. wy y w O .. A °O t4. & �' w puwi Fn�`a.`4 tdo� n p y ,d d• m " m p .�' w p d• tD d' tD �. y tD rp .. m ° A. "a m p so?ram° o�° o a.erorr y P::c"o 0. w mCD •.to�wra�Mgo w.rd~m+hwowro- wcromro ~o'C`CwVr y e+ ~ m p ~ dq m p p '.s o^ o9 0' mer 0 e+ w a b Q p w w o b w a er y 0 `4 twe K r. m a K p pwq a s w m w d o Uq A o "' A �'co er C° m w 'IM - a r, p ai p' C :° d e+ w p m e r t' es p m "• O m �' g. m e+ m O pd °j v m °fi w w ro cyo a p p w w" a O m ewr m o m n+ 2. & m �. m W m a w o a• 0 er'd p p. c d ., p w w m p oq ,d y o M m m r, m er m m o �' ty '4 ° o m w er m y o p b m • m y oq "` `4 m a n m c"o m R w w W 95, P� m p' X a o �• a w C w E? m y C3 p m m 'C a w e+ A� °n rm+� y w '4a" p wa ymw wo mtommp�3m`' p W `� w �'C " � m ,,. �• � ° w � A� w �' c4o � � ° � � � � d �. m O. O.'b � �' p� y �' �pad"a pp , �M °po - 4qq M + rn 0K a m5 mwOw . aA� m'eC* wm m y.h� var and w d C+o 0 N m �A N� w yp e+m ~ a era c y p+ a �. o 'C p, y r°n �' o' I� c MW er o er m owq fi b m a 0. ti o m to w mp ° w d m �. by m o d m p o m o b ym� w m m o M a is A �S p tm"� �. A' t� �n O �r`r c� y t� P, w A= A 'C d C w m p p w m ce to w e+ y w A rbp e` ° �•h �,' h7 p C , � M a' m tT to M `�' a emr ° w °Q8 y h9 o�'00 y -o emr ~m y ifl a .°e ak c A.dY G c"o "° `r P� is con O d w two p" 0 a d' � m m M m w m M w a C r o W ps v gym, e* A. a �' ti 'mQ mp co �m��t o �. y a w K er °y � �pf m A c�'o m m o epr M G. M w d o °.! p' �'. �" p 'Q to d o9 by w w m m w N. �r o b ZD er er ... N 0 m o w A G p, w b 5. p to :- m �°�yl p o tmu b O. M M o d co ID ~ a+ d y W rh 9 " 'O p P7 O. P� O. `� co rp d C3 �. p� ~ 0 by by d' a'.. a P+ m rmi, m d y p e"o E. a d' w a e+ er m p o my w, d m w y `� v a m p m ps " w d w A+ Oq er G� co m m o w n+ O f9 y w Ry CL m o m p p w n o p m a w. why e �w a ao w w' d m y rp e+w w A w o C w er y y o c'e m m_'� o��' aq r =M g'm" e°dr� D�'o a�J a p G w e+ A F Cs o t"o t� p d co n w. d w C w er �Y V3? w ro ro m O. to 9 w o ps' o to a ID cmo p w m z w m C w rr ftq Uq er co oq M y 4 e r a w `��' o' :r 16-/9D �p PIONEER NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE ATICOR COMPANY Policy of Title Insurance PIONEER NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date hereof, not shown in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of Schedule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or encumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the refusal of any person to, enter into, or perform, any contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder. This policy shall not be valid or binding until countersigned below by a validating officer of the Company. REP UVE L01 CITY OF EDMOND! cicss1c Pioneer National Title Insurance Company by `�"` President 9 Attest 6-1 Secretary Countersig ed: By Validating Signatory TO 1483 PNTI WA (7-74) Washington Land Title Association Standard Form Policy 1. Encroachments or questions of location, boundary and area, which an accurate survey may disclose; public or private easements, streets, roads, alleys or high - ways, unless disclosed of record by recorded Plat or conveyance, or decree of a Court of record; rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in possession, not disclosed by the public records; ma- terial or labor liens, or liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records; water rights or matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity, or garbage removal. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents: Schedule E3, General Exceptions prohibition or limitation on the use, occupancy or im- provement of the land resulting from the rights of the public or riparian owners to use any waters which may cover the land; defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims based upon instruments or upon facts not dis- closed by the public records but of which rights, claims, instruments or facts the insured has know- ledge. 3. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. right of use, control or regulation by the United States 4. "Consumer credit protection," "truth -in -lending," of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; or similar law, or the failure to comply with said limitation by law or governmental regulation with re- law or laws. spect to subdivision, use, enjoyment or occupancy; any 1 . The Company shall have the right to, and wi 11, at its own expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands and legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encum- brance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or excepted here- in; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. In case any such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings shall be instituted the insured shall at once give notice there- of in writing to the Company at its home office and, if the in- sured is a party tb such legal proceedings, secure to the Company, within ten days after service of first process upon the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the in- sured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assist- ance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense in- cident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the claim of the insured unless the Company shall be actually prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or in- terest insured is defeated or impaired by reason of any ad- verse interest, lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein, claim may be made as herein provided. A statement in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its home office within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue with respect thereto until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had un- less an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said thirty days. Any rights or defenses of the Company against a named insured shall be equally available against any person or corporation who shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such named insured. 3. The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. Every payment made by the Company, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settle- ment of claims hereunder, shall reduce the liability of the Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Company shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the Company shall have paid a claim hereunder it shall be sub- rogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall transfer all such rights to the Company. If the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. Conditions and Stipulations Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim un- der the terms of this policy by reason of a defect in the title to a portion of the area described herein, liabi lity shall be limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy which the value of the defective portion bears to the value of the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, un- less liability is otherwise specifically segregated herein. If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebted- ness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall con- vey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate schedule any payment by the Company on said mortgage policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule A hereof shall reduce pro tanto the liability under this policy. All actions or proceedings against the Company must be based on the provisions of this policy. Any other action or actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may bring against the Company with respect to services rendered in connection with the issuance of this policy, are merged herein and shall be enforceable only under the terms, con- ditions and limitations of this policy. 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named as insured in Schedule A of this policy: (b) "the insured": such named insured together with (1 ) each successor in ownership of any indebtedness secured by any mortgage shown in Item 3 of Schedule A, (2) any owner or successor in ownership of any such indebtedness who acquires title to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or any part thereof, by lawful means in satisfaction of said indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental agency or instrumentality which insures or guarantees said indebtedness or any part thereof, and (4) any person or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate as an heir or devisee of a named insured or by reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a corporate named insured; (c) "date hereof': the exact day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "pub- lic records": records which, under the recording law, impart constructive notice with respect to said real estate; (e) "home office": the office of the Company at the address shown hereon; (t) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument described in Schedule A. 5. All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall include the number of this policy and shall be ad- dressed to it at the office which issued this policy or to its Home Office, Claims Department, 433 South Spring Street, P.O. Box 54730, Lor )geles, California 90054. TO 1484 WA (1-76) Washington Land Title Association Standard Form Policy JG Schedule A No. Date of Policy: F-186551 I JULY 7, 1976 AT 9:00 A.M. Amount of Insurance Premium $ 6,500.00 $ 60.50 1. Name of Insured: THE CITY OF EDMONDS, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 2. Title to the estate, lien or interest insured by this policy is vested in: THE NAMED INSURED 3. Estate, lien or interest insured: FEE SIMPLE ESTATE 4. Description of the Real Estate with respect to which this policy is issued: THE EAST 330 FEET OF TRACT 25, PUGET SOUND MACHINERY DEPOT FIVE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 5 OF PLATS., PAGE 47, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Schedule B F-186551 DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER MATTERS AGAINST WHICH THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE: All matters set forth in paragraphs numbered 1 to 4, inclusive, in the inside cover sheet of this policy under the heading Schedule B General Exceptions. Special Exceptions: 1. COVENANT AND AGREEMENT BY L. J. BIGELOW, J. L. ANDERSON AND C. C. BIGELOW.. CONTAINED IN AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 10, 1921, RECORDED MARCH 8, 1922, UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 2952440 THAT SUSIE A. KITTRIDGE, THEN OWNER OF TRACT 17 IN PUGET SOUND MACHINERY DEPOT FIVE ACRE TRACTS, HER SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS SHALL HAVE PRIVILETE OF FREE USE OF WATER FROM THE PIPE LINE OF SAID BIGELOW, ANDERSON AND BI.GELOW AND THAT THEY WILL ATTACH TO THEIR PIPE LINE AND KEEP IN ORDER FOR HER USE A PIPE NOT LESS THAN ONE INCH IN SIZE WITH PROPER FAUCET FOR TURNING ON AND SHUTTING OFF THE WATER TO BE SO PLACED AS TO BE CONVENIENT FOR ATTACHING PIPES AND USE OF WATER. "END OF SCHEDULE B" TO 1919.1 PNTI WA (5-75) ENDORSEMENT FORM WA 10-R' OWNER'S INFLATION PROTECTION ENDORSEMENT ATTACHED TO POLICY NO. F-18 6 5 51 ISSUED BY Pioneer National Title Insurance Company The Company, recognizing the current effect of inflation on real property valuation and intending to provide additional monetary protection to the Insured Owner named in said Policy, hereby modifies said Policy, as follows: 1. Notwithstanding anything contained in said Policy to the contrary, the amount of insurance provided by said Policy, as stated in Schedule A thereof, is subject to cumulative annual upward adjustments in the manner and to the extent hereinafter specified. 2. "Adjustment Date" is defined, for the purpose of this Endorsement, to be 12:01 a.m. on the first January 1 which occurs more than six months after the Date of Policy, as shown in Schedule A of the Policy to which this Endorsement is attached, and on each succeeding January 1. 3. An upward adjustment will be made on each of the Adjustment Dates, as defined above, by increasing the maximum amount of insurance provided by said Policy (as said amount may have been increased theretofore under the terms of this Endorsement) by the same percentage, if any; by which the 'United States Department -of .Commerce -Composite•-Construction Cost-- Index (ban period 1967Mor the month --of -September immediately pieceding -exceeds-thu highest Index number for the month of September in any previous year which is subsequent to Date of Policy; provided, however, that the maximum amount of insurance in force shall never exceed 150% of the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A of said Policy, less the amount of any claim paid under said Policy which, under the terms of the Conditions and Stipulations, reduces the amount of insurance in force. There shall be no annual adjustment in the amount of insurance for years in which there is no increase in said Construction Cost Index. 4. In the settlement of any claim against the Company under said Policy, the amount of insurance in force shall be deemed to be the amount which is in force as of the date on which the insured claimant first learned of the assertion or possible assertion of such claim, or as of the date of receipt by the Company of the first notice of such claim, whichever shall first occur. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as extending or changing the effective date of said Policy. This Endorsement is made a part of said Policy and is subject to the schedules, conditions and stipulations therein, except as modified by the provisions hereof. Pioneer National Title Insurance Company By President Attest: g. l Secretary NOTE: In connection -with a future application for title insurance covering said land, reissue credit on premium charges (-if applicable -at all) will be allowed only upon the original face amount of insurance as stated in Schedule A of said Policy. -- ISSUED BY - PIONEER NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SNOHOISH COUNTY OFFICE EVERETT, WASH. �r J PIONEER NATIONAITITIE INSURANCE ATICOR COMPANY APPRAISAL REPORT of THE HOWARD DENT, JR. PROPERTY South Side of 196th Southwest Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washington JUKE 1967 Made For CITY OF EDMONDS Snahorniah County, Washington $fir: Earl L. Stay, Appraiser EARL L. STAY REAL ESTATE APPRAISER & CONSULTANT 1603 NORTHWEST 1BSTH STREET SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 9B177 LINCOLN 6-1137 City of Edmonds Snohomish County, Washington aurae, i7 Be: Appraisal of Howard Dent, Jr. Praperty on South. Side of 196th g.W. Edmonds, Snohomish County, Wn. Attention: Mr. D. C. Lawson., City Supervisor Civic Center 250 Fifth Ave. North Edmonds.. 'Washington Dear fir. Lawson: Pursuaryt to your request, I have made an investigation of the H. Dent, Jr. property, legally described as the East 330 feet of Tract 25, Puget Sound Machinery Depot Five Acre Tarants, Snohomish County, Washington; for the purpose of estimating the Fair Market Value. Fain Market Value is the highest price estimated in terms of money which the property will brim if exposed for sate in the aspen market with a reasonable time allowed to find a purchaser buying; with full knowledge of all the uses and purposes to which the property is adapted,. No allavence has been made for remote, imaginary or purely conjectural uses. I have personally inspected the site and have exWnined a number of compar6bl.e properties in the vicinity of the subject for the purposes of estimating the Fair Market Value. The property has been appraised for its Fair Market Value as though owned in fee simple. The opinion of value expressed is the result of and subject to the data and conditions described in more detail in the accompanying report. No responsibility is assuaged for matters of legal nature or questions of survey. The appraisal report has been written so as to conform with appraisal wide of the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, Olympia, Washington. To the best of any knowledge and belief, the statements contained in the appraisal are try and the information upon which the opinions expressed are based is correct. The Fair Mark6kt Value of subject 21 acres as of June 23, 1967, is 6,250. z certify that neither gray errployzeat nor my compensation for making this appraise) are in any Way contingent upon the value reported. 1 have no direct or indirect, present or contemplated future Interest in the appraised property. Respectfull , submitted, Earl L. Stay 17 Appraiser Ks:hg INTERA MY COMi] TEE FOR INC PROJECT NO: OMDOOR JWRFATION 1018 East Union, 01,E pia,, Wash. OPINION OF FAIR MA.RM VALUE It is my opinion that the FAIR MARKET VALUE of the above captioned real property is, as of the 23rd da,;, of June, 1967 VALUE BUORE TAKING $6250 VALUE AFTER TAKING $ Nil TOTAL JET oc teasmm $ 625o The property 3w been appraised for its fair market value as though ovned in fee simple, or as encumbered only by the existing easement in favor of The opinion of value expressed above is the result of and is subject to the data and conditions described in detail in this report of �10_ pages. No responsibility is assumed for matters of a legal nature concerning the appraised property, nor of questions of survey. No fractional part of this appraisal is to be used in conjunction with another appraisal. Such use renders it invalid. A177LDAVlT OF APPRAI STATE OF WASRINMN ) )SS. County of King ) The undersigned,, being duly sworn, deposes and saja: That I have personally inspected the property herein appraised on June 1, lop 22, 1967: That to the best of iwj knowledge and belief the statements contained in the appraisal hereinabove and hereinafter set forte are true,, and the inform tion upon -rhich the opinions expressed therein are based is correct; subject to the limiting conditions therein set forth. That I understand that such appraisal is to be used in connection with the acquisition of Pru,)azty :for Outdoor Recreation and Open Spacei and that such appraisal to the best of my knowledge has been made in conformity with the appropriate State laws, regulation- =- ,d policies and procedures applicable to Egapraisal of property for ouch p-wpo5es, and that no portion of the value assigned to such property consists of items whieh are noncompensable andesr the establisiaed law of said State. That neither m employment nor my ecmipeneation for making this appraisal and report are in any way contingent -upon the values reported. :aerei.n. That I have no direct or indirect present or contemplated future personal interest in such property or in any benefit from the acquisition of such property appraised. That I will not reveal the findings and results of such appraisal to anyone other than the proper officials of the State and the Contracting Agency., Until authorized by Mate officials to do so, or until I am required to do so by due process of l.avp or until I am released from the obligation by having publicly testified as to such findings, Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me this - stay of , 1967. notary pifolic for 9tate of mash. Residing at: OF CONCLUSIONS /�'��1 TAKING: INDICATED VALUE BEFORE .iC1t ING: VALUE Highest and Best Use; Future Residential Land Area Unit Value 2.5 acres $250 6250 WRpVAMERTS Nil TOTAL INDICATED VALUE $6250 INDICATED VALUE OF RR&INDER: Highest and Beat Use: Nil Land Area Unit Value $ Nil IMPR0VAMM $ Nil TEAL INDICATED VALUE $pail BR&kKDOWN OF TAKING: Land Area Unit Value 2.5 acres $2500 acre 6250 Earl L. Stay, Appraiser Parcel No . .................... Page No . ...................... Year of 1967 RECORD OWNER 1 A C PROJECT J ADDRESS OF PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Howard Dent, Jr., LaMonte Shorett and Richard Rowe South side of 196th Street S.W. adjacent to Maplewood City Park, Edmonds, Washington The East 330 feet of Tract 25, Puget Sound Machinery Depot Five Acre Tracts, according to plat thereof as recorded in Vol. 5 of Plats, page 47, records of Snohomish County, Washington. GENEFAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPEF&Y Tae subject site is an irregular shaped tract with approxima 330 feet of frontage on the south side of 196th S.W.; 483.10 Feet along east property line; a total area of approximately 2J acres. The site has highly irregular topoGraphy and appears to suffer from damage problems. 196th Street S.W. is a heavily traveled traffic artery between. Lynnwood and Edmonds and is 10 to 20 feet above the grade of the subject. All public utilities except sanitary sewer are available. The surrounding neighborhoods are approximately 65% built up with homes in the $18,000 to $307000 price range. There is a moderate to strong demand for amenity properties in subject area. The costs of development of subject land are presently out of proportion to the marked; price of improved sites. The topographyo poor access, drainage and lack of sanitary sewer will limit use of the propert;; and extend the period of time that the property would have to be held to be economically developed. VALUATION Only the Market Data Approach would be applicable to the appraisal of the subject unimproved property. Earl L. Stay, Appraiser Parcel No . ............. Page No. 1 Year of 1967 1+OKET DATk APPROACH A number of current land sales in the vicinity of the subject property were exmmined. These sales were carefully analyzed as to the advantages and disadvantages as compared to the subject property. Because of the lack of current sales data of properties suffering from similar topograph-, and drainage problems, a number of adder sales of nearly equivalent properties were analyzed and adjusted upward for time increment. Correlation of current sales and adjusted sales indicate that subject acreage would command a unit price of $2500 per acre. Special emphasis was given to the conclusion of this appraiser that subject property would be held for speculation and could not presently be economically subdivided and developed for building sites. LopLarable Sale '- 1 with a unit price of $3319 per acre and adjusted price of 3650 per acre is superior to the subject. The irregular topography of comparable will not prevent the site from being immediately developed. Comparable has no apparent drainage problems and all public utilities are adjacent. Comparable Sale # 2 at $2138 per acre adjusted to $3100 per acre is superior to the subject. Comparable has superior topography, less drainage problems and could be presently economically developed. Cori ar~abla Sale -' 3 at $5140 per acre adjusted to $5900 per acre is considerably superior to the subject. Comparable saas superior topography, drainage and can be immediately developed. Site can be immediately subdivided into four building sites. Colnpa.rable Sale # 4 at $4285 per acre or $4500 adjusted is superior to subject. This site can be immediately developed into two building sites. Sales price without sewer assessment indicates a unit price of $2100 per building site. Comparable Sale{ 5j at $2200 per acre and adjusted to $264o per acne is superior to the subject. Canrparable has superior topography and drainage. Subject has superior access. Acquisition by City of L,�rnnwood was not made under a threat of condemnation and this appraiser is of the opinion that subject sale had all the elements of a Fair Market transaction Earl L. Stay, Appraiser Parcel No . .................... Page No . .................•.... Year of 1967 LA�'�1. APPROACH ( continued) C2aarable Sale 4 6 adjusted for time to $3640 per acre is also superior Uc tae subject because of topography and drainage-, .liaAL CORRELATION Value of Lane 2.5 acres x $25M per acre $ 6,250 Value of Improvements Nil Fair Market Value as of June 23 :-967 $ 6a 250 Earl L . S*ayy (J Appraiser Earl L. Stay, Appraiser Parcel No. ___ Page No. ......3. Year of 1967 SUBJECT PRWMY View of Subject Looking Westerly Along 196th gW View of Subject Looking Daterly Along 196th SW Earl L. Stay, Appraiser Parcel No ..................... Page No. ........4........... Year of 1967 CLYM APABLE SALE NO.: I ADDS: West end of 180th West at approx. 66th W LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Reg. 230' E of I' of Hft' th S 280' to N la R Sty th E 445' th N 280' th W 445' to tpb. Sec. 17-27-4 ACCESS: unimproved road L&ND USE-. vacant ZONING: R 12 SIZE: 280 x 375 AMA : 2.41 acres SALE DATE: 2-28-66 PRICE: $BOW INSTR(119,i4T : k1D E. T LX NO.: 148367 GRAMOR: Louis P. Hall Gam: Russell Earl Smith PROPERTY DETAM: Koderately steep hillside. Head egad road. Road frontage and utilities. Adjoins property at east lot line. ANALYSISt 'TOTAL VALUE UNIT VALUE Land: 2.41 acres 8000 $3319 acre Adj. for time 10% $3650 acre Earl L. Stay, Appraiser Parcel No ..................... Page No. -------- 5------------ Year of 1967 CC 'ARABLE SALE NO.: 2 ADDRESS: West side of 82nd West South of 208th SW LEGAL DESCRIPTION: �A) W 4741 of R- of Tr, 40 East Ed onds Acres W 474' of Sg of Tr. 5$ ri n (C) Basement along N 101 of F�2 Tr. 4 & 8 20' of Tr, 5 ACCESS: 30' easement access i.uTD USE: vacant ZO-TadG: rms o SWE: 164.73 x 474 AREA: 78,082 sq.ft. 1.8 acres SAM DATR: 1-26-63 PRICE: $3850 DWAM: RW $+100 dwno $ 50 mo . 7% GRAM : Peder N. Amundsen & label Gam: A. P. & Mae L. Bourassa PROPERTY T im: Westerly sloping rear land With sccerss by 30° unimproved easement, Native trees. Some draiWe problems at rear. All public utilities except sanitary sewer. AN ' SIS: Land: 1.8 acres Ad j . for time 45% TCM VALUE $3850 UNIT VALISE 432138 acre *3100 acre Earl L. Stay, Appraiser Parcel No .................. Page No. -�,-i- Year of 1967 00�A?�4$T;s SAT. RTO.: 3 ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 7 Pixie Ridge, exc. E 1.501 tog. with easement for ingress & utilities over N 201 of E 150' Lot 7. Purchaser & seller agrees to deed to City of Edmonds W 301 for road purposes after release of underlying mortgage on whole tract. AC,59easement access & unimproved st. W" USE: vacant ZONING: res. SIM: lo4 x 243.84 AREA: 25,370 sq.ft• .583 acre SALE RATE: 11-6-65 PRICE: $3000 DETAILS: WD E. TAX NO.: 131853 GRAR: Lee Stacey- & Carolyn GRANTEE: H. G. Dearinger & E. K. Tomlin PROPER'Y DETA=*. Moderate to steep slope. Rear land with access by easement and over dedicated but unimproved street. ANALYSIS: TOTAL, VALU i3Nri" VALUE Lana: .583 ac. �3000 $5140 acre 11.30 sq.ft. Adj. for time 15% $5900 acre Earl L. Stay, Appraiser Parcel No ..................... Page No........7..... Year of 1967 OWI -AWE -B E SPIX NO .: � ADDMS: 20901 80th Ave. W LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 27,, Wi"lowrdal.e Gardens Div. J1. Except E 323' ACCESS: blacktop 1AND USE: vacant ZO ING: RS 8000 Ste: 132.09 x 323 Ki A: 42,665 sq.ft. .98 acre SAS DATE* 10-35-66 PRICE: $4200 plus $1403.52 sever 1HSTR[WT; 1 D E. TAX NO..: 726387 O AMR: David Moore GROM: Darold. Brekke PROPMY DETAILS: Rectangular tract with 232.09' fronting 80th Ave. West. Topograpi3y slopes toward rear to approx. 7' below grade of fronting street. Rear portion swampy. Improved with old abandoned house containing approx. COO sq.ft. Structure is in poor repair with windows broken out. Purchaser felt there was no value to existing improvement and Douse would be razed when property vas developed. Water,, power & sanitary sewers are in frontage street. ANALYSIS: Lands .98 acre Adj, for time TOTAL VALUE UNIT VALUE $ 5603 $ 5718 acre wi 130 sq.ft. without sever: $2100 raw sit $4285 acre $4500 acre Earl L. Stay, Appraiser Parcel No ..................... PageNo. .................--- Year of 1967 sever COWAPA,RLE SALE NO.: 5 ADDRESS: 72nd West at 189th SW LEGAL DESCRIPTION: W-41- Nk* SWI,'- Sec. 17-27-4 .ACCESS: easement LAM USE : vacant ZO IM: R 12)000 SIZE: 330 x 66Q AREA: 5,0 acres SALE DATE: 5-21-65 PRICE: $11"Wit] INSTRU.kTM: REC Vol.. 8M pg. 741 TERMS: $1000 dwn, $i0oo yr 6% E. TAX NO.: not required GPTC?Ra Nils & Rjordis Foss GRANTEE: City of Lynnwood PI30PWTY DWAILS: Sloping 5 acre tract with poor access and irregular topography. Native trees. Puget Sound Power & Light easement diagonals thru tract. Although acquired by City, this appraiser was of opinion that transaction was hazed on Fair -Market concept. City did not seek to condo ( see dowa is a.rment) and price was based on negotiation. ANALYSIS: TOTAL VALUE UNIT VALUE Land: 5.0 acres $11,000 d`p'2200 acre Adj. for time 20% $2640 acre Earl L. Stay, Appraiser Parcel No . .................... Page No. ....... 9------------ Year of 1967 cwARA= saa No.: 6 Ai3D13ES6 3 20628 85t11 Pl . W LWAL 31FSCRIPTION: Lots 9 & 1.0p Pine Ridge ACCESS: blkektop LAND USE: res. ZONING: res. SIZE: 208 x 393.84 AREA: 810918 sq.ft. 1.88 acres SALE DATE: 5-2-.63 PRICE: $6950 DETAILS. E. TAB. NO. 56785 GRANTOR: ff. E. Costa GRANTEE: Robert F. King PROPERTY DETAILS: Sloping tract. Some drainage problems. Partially finished hou6e xi6.d contribution value of $2coo. All public utilities except sewer. ANALYSIS: TOTAL VALM UM1T VALUN Lands 1.88 acres $4950 $2632 acre T-agprovements: 200050 $69 Ad j . for time 40% $3684 acre Earl L. Stay, Appraiser Parcel No. ._1-0 ------------ Page No . .................... Year of 1967