Ordinance 01240,RDINA'ITC"F, NCO ",, 324 An 0 -rdi rai.cr to Provide fcr the le` y a nd c ollection cf F- read pr. Il tax in the T OE� n of Edronds. Be i't d,rdained by the Ocunci-I Of the Town cf Edrcnds: N I . All TlaIe persons cf this Tcwri Cve-v twentyene years of age and uydc:c fifty yea. -es cf age, inside, the ccr-mrate linits of the. T own of 9 dr-C-nds, UTIless by I aw exec pt, shall ahnuall:, jxyj. road poll tax of *io dcllars, which shall be due and payuble in r6ney without exer-ption en the first day of W-rch in each yesr. A-1 I poll taxes shall be raid into the road and bridge fund C4 the Tcwn cf Fdrcnds. SECTI 0 41 11 T be rcll tax collector s-ha]3 annually, cor-ren - cing on the first day C f March in each year, der, and a ycil tex fror each I-e-rsen Liable . therefot. S ECM-:)CPN II I. Any Larsen, f irl'- , cCrTCTati C n c r c c,- T- yan, y, cr a0ent therecf, having perscns in his cr their employ liable to IF),y 011 tc,,x hereinbefOrE _jTCVidEd, shall umn deran d duly rade by suea collects o r, furnish a I i s t showing the nares of all persons so ca ploVcd, and if the aicunt cf said y,,cll tax be then due it shall be laid at once to the collector by said eryloyet. Any such erployer refusing to furnish such I i st i: you der and shall be decrr- d guilty of a Y.isdereanor, andupon ccnvict- icn shall be fined in 8, nY suri I,ot exceeding OnE hmdrEd eLcllars, and ray c-Iso be irp-ri soned in the Town j ail not exceE ding ol't , ip c,,nth. 16-md any Payrent rade by s aid eiployer as herein riwide d shall be a c oLl2cte defenec in any suit o r a. c ti cn brcught- by the Euploye for s uch s uT, C" T- G II.T r 9 ECTION IV,. T -he poll tax collector ray invoke in the ccllect- ion Of such tax, any prccess cf civi_'t procedure a-uthcrized by I a*. S,PCTIO(N V0, k,n3,r poll taxes due or delinquent. ahal I be charge- able toand shall bea I ein fror the tire such taxes are due 0, nd raytible on & ny r e al o r I ersonal 1, TOICTty of the ierson coring the tax. The tax ccllector r ay rake & list of persons frojr, whcm, le . 11 tams are clue or, dE-linQUEnt to t, he county auditcr *hc shall extend such list or I ists on th-e t a-,,, r olls againdt the 1 eal or y-ersonal yrojerty of such ta,> d ebtcr. . SECTI.0,N VI. T he mans Fr rcthcds 1--.cvided in this act fc.r the c (: Ilection o f p oil t axec, shall be held to be concurrent and any two cr r cre r, ay be paestnteed at the sire tizd. S ECT -ION VIT T he T corn Ma-rsha-I is heieby authorized to cellect t he poll -L axes in accordance with this c rdinance ,and tc tur-T, the taxe S C" ccl a cted 0 veer to the T c vn T reasurel SECTION VIII. A;11 ordinances or parts Of erdinances in cell flict 'with the provisions cf this ardinarceare, hcTc-byir]xa1c4__ j904. P'assed by the Council- o)ri!-, 36th. day of M'.arch A.D. 390 4. A TV rC'U-- d by the Tf ayor this. day . of Alarch as Cr A , t tes te d-l-- C le r k. P ubli c a t i m rad e thi s AgAd ay M a rc h J 90 (4, a