Ordinance 0127(WDI NANCE N G - f 2 Z A Ti C rdinance creating local. b,prover-ent district N6. J... .within the ccrpcx ate limits of the Town rof Ear cndq. BE IT OPDAINED by the Council of the Town cf Fdticads . SECTION I. That all of the territory included in Fifth street, belmecii Dayton and ali ut streets, within the corporate lin its of the Town c f tdx.,(nds, shall. 'be designated d&K, kiown and set apart as loco- in -prove rent District ace , . X. .fer the Tcwn cf 11 1 m-cnds. SECTION I I All ordinarc es or parts of crdinances in ccnf lict w ith thik ordinance are hereby iepca1(,d. Passed thic, th day o f Vay J9OA_-. Approved thi s th day of Kay 190?,. Attested. Yr aycr. Clerk. Publisbcd by posting this Zh day cf KLay I 9C5 ORDINANCE NE-jZ� kN C RD.INAT-CE creating local - illp:roveT.ent district 143. ,within the CC-TpCrate limits of the Town CE Fidrcnds. BE IT 0 RDAY NED BY THE TOWN G P EDUE NDB SECTIC N 1. That all. the territory included in Sixth street, between Dayton street and the south end cf Uxth street within the corporate I irl- its of: t he Town of Edrcnds, shall_ be deEignated, known and cet a part aa• local. i P-Proven ent ri-s tri q t -,Nb _for the'iYwn cf__f;dncnd SECTION. 1 1. A, Il- crdinances o r -_p arts cf crdinances in CC.-nf lict with this ordinance , are P assed. by '*the- C-ouncil this #th c6y,,or.Xay- I k 11roved this f th day cf May I 9C Attectee Nxo�,4 C , lerk. Pi.iblisbEe this 6-th daY Of YktY 1904 b3, pocting. pia Y or