Ordinance 0130n orriinall-!e der'lairITI"! the iTiteTMICT, Of Lhe Counioll 01' the V-(_-) -N n c.1' to hlilld .4!d"- or Gc-orle 3tr----f3T bel%,Vesr Thntrrl str-pt nmd th-P.lqht. or vKv 0I t w.' G . N - Ral11'OH-0. an'l to K,- C; 00s'r, trvzh('z-�of to v)47. abIll ti7lcll T)-1?(',TxA­F i,-) T.-r0porrj 11 tc) trk -le t h Tu!'44 "'Yo, 14 t t d n1jild a SidO'ft ll' On th, 3`0 11 t h, (4,90r(l e streqz, 0Hqp-nisiR Rtth,Vrri t tO t b W. ti";�l G*N*Aetllr(,bA All,'25�SS t4l;� cost t?lE:,­eeC)f to the, abutti.-no" T'roperty oy St-mintion oT cost 0-I a& IS 'ktj', T,(" bFi t,�txod ftn,-.t assesa,tj t abi!ttin'P'r0,T.-qM'v in Tx)rT)0TT*TALo-r) to the b9noli'Gri aerivad ttl.,41'errora. Wqc*tir,n 3. Ttwvr, tnf.'. cost 8.Pd G-xw:tT,,CC st'iRll be tax��d tn4ic1 8•d;4.ip9t the 1-rontlno, and. abutt4t.nq, orl :-"RI(l il;a)rov;:nrignt fir-(yl 1�d n T%rrmortl Or, to the 019T)er3.t!lA (_-l-�:VJV- ed il'iP-rove,;�ent, and in i�roi)ortion To the nu.mb-?v or jaet larLcls iFi._(j(V-POWA-Ml ttv�!'eon. Arid the tax.jjj�.* ti.jj(j Pl`� 'rac,-, all thq Pi9ces, 'Dfucc�,19 and lots, of 18-nd bsnf4f-;.t,:.)d by the Fvn'-, L'00"tin£j and abllttinO, (-),"I SC_ Sj.,-8t_!t jr)pr Veq t, o of thic., bkock. �O-cj.,rn, 4. P: hat J,)T'Crrests f4,�!Rj'1E7t t r)ci T)ro ray be ith th," T on or 0 C)J: fopr_�, tj)(�, z �. .4. 7 , , Ai. 0. fW`,iTl.St the Pr()P0.s-,d Jrii;ro t be fA (t P, �f 1 (77) r tr 1904, by t �)':' 011"ners of rore thRn tl'10-triii:ds tb- front _lands, nbuttirifs On sf.vi.d p1'opoti3cj 'UlprOvevartt the Pmjn Council- VILV the unless r s r b e r -s V i(:' T-P o T, j) F_ vOte to "IT-h Lhe work and Irnproveremt. In F.=.Cvqnt, trees: ("Cluplc: il s at 6, lubs nan T, tj, np eTiact Zln ordi - ri to be, 'a cordinj to tqq - �.A p -n q aTr s T'l-qo-" ;-"nation,) lAlEarl wit") tnt-,, IM;vrn `b03tiM 6. Th?'I-, the :,ndci of -,;avT-*4Tjt c J TjG� arlrl fOr WtYYP-tT, RA Drovid-id by 1. Evr. 'P hal� t ll'� 44 L crdinrz rlc'4 s r10,11 take ef -leo T, i nd i i bo n forc fl- 110t Rl$T,L'('Vt7(l DY thi� Vrf�-Clt ai prnvifi�--d rAllOnds and 0 ve b Y T,.,e A . cir44 , C I P_ �k