Ordinance 0318C 1 40 ORDINANCE NO. 317. Ij AN ORDINANCE ordering the im- provement of Alder Street from 90 feet west oof Sixth Street to j Seventh Street; also from Alder jI Street to Walnut Street thru Block 94, 180 feet east of Sixth Street; Walnut Street, Sixth Street to Sev- enth Street in the following man- ner: By constructing thereon a lateral sewer system in and upon said streets and- alleys, in the City of Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washington; also by constructing thereon inlets, catch basins, man holes, lamp holes and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith, all lin accordance with and pursuant to i Resolution of Intention No. 30, pass- ed by the City Council of the City of Edmonds on the 21st day of June, 1921, creating a local improve- ment district for said improvement and providing that the payment therefor shall be by the "Payment IBy Bond" plan: BE IT ORDAINED by the City ('ouncil of the City of Edmonds, Snohomish County, State of Wash- ington, as follows: Section I. —That Alder Street from f)0 feet West of Sixth Street to Seventh Street; also from Alder Street to Walnut Street thru block 94. 180 feet east of Sixth Street; Walnut Street, Sixth Street to Sev- enth Street; in the City of Edmonds Snohomish County, Washington, be improved by constructing thereon a lateral sewer system in and upon said streets and alleys; also by construct- ing thereon inlets, catch basins, man ..... ...... .... ....................................... w.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,, holes, lamp holes, and doing such i sther work as may be necessary in I which shall include all the property connection therewith, in accordance hereinbefore described. with plans and specifications now Section 7—That there is hc.cby l on file in the office of the City Clerk created a local improvement " tend of the City of Edmonds, said plans I to be known and designated as 1,0- and specifications having been ap- 1 cal Improvement Dstrict Fund No; proved by the City Council of the 24. City of Edmonds on the 16th day Section 8.—That said improvement of August, 1921, and pursuant to res- i `hall be made under the direction of olution of Intention No. 30, passed , the City Council and the City En - by the City Council of 'the City of gineer and in accordance with the Edmonds on the 21st day of June plans and specifications now on f'lc 1921. with the City Clerk of the City of Section 2.—That said improvement Edmonds. will be made along and in front of I Section 9—The bonds to be issued the following described property as hereinbefore provided may be del - which Will be effected by said im- ivered and sold to the contractor do- provement and which will be includ- ing the work of such improvement ed within the improvement district in payment of his services or they i herein created and limited to such may be sold by the City Clerk at property for the purpose of assess- private sale, provided, however, that ment as hereinafter provided, to -wit: the returns from 'Jre sale of said Lots 1 to 40, inclusive, Block No. bonds must net the par value of 94, City of Edmonds Addition. the same plus accrued interest and ' Lrts 21 to 40, inclusive Block No. the proceeds thereof shall be ap- I95, City of Edmonds Addition. plied in payment of the, costs and Lots 21 to 23, "inclusive, Block No. expenses of said improvement. 1122, City of Edmonds Addition. Section 10.—That the special as - Lots 18 to 20, inclusive, Block No. '.essments to be levied as hereinbefore 123. City of Edmonds Addition. described shall be payable in ten All of the above property being equal annual installments with in - situated and lying within the City terest at the rate of eight per cent of Edmonds, Snohomish County, per annum, and such installments State of Washington. shall be collected in the manner pro - Section 3.—That the cost of said v'ded by the general ordinances of improvement on sad Alder Street, the City of Edmonds and the laws alley and Walnut Street shall be as- of the State of Washington. sessed against the property above I Section 11.—This ordinance shall described and against all lots, tracts, (take effect and be in full force and and parcels of property lving and be- , effect from and after its . passage by ing within the improvement district the City Council of the City of Ed - hereinafter created in proportion to monds, its approval by the mayor and i the benefits derived therefrom as its publication according to law. provided by the ordinances of the I Passed by the City Council of the C'ty of Edmonds and the laws of C'ty of Edmonds in regular session the State of Washington. this 6th day o1 September. 1921, ; Section 4—That the mode of pav- and approved by me on the same i ment shall be under the "Pavment date. By Bond" plan by which plan bonds I F. R. BEESON of said district shall be issued pay-: Mavor. able in ten (10) equal annual pay- (Seal -of the City of Edniont':s) ments or installments with interest GEO. M. LEYDA—City Clerk. at the rate of 8 per cent per an- I hereby certify that the forego- num. ing ordinance is a true and correct Section 5.—That the 'estimated cost copy of the original as passed by of said improvement is the sum of the City Council of the Citv of Ed - three thousand nine hundred and monds on the 6th day of September, s.xty-nine 75-100ths dollars. '1921. Section 6.—That there is hereby GEO. M. LEYDA created a local improvement district City Clerk to be designated and known as "Lo- (Seal of the City of Edmonds) cal Improvement District No. 24," iFirst publication September 16, 1921 Y ORDINANCE NO. 318 AN ORDINANCE ordering the inr- provement of Maple Street from 180 feet east -if Sixth Street t Seventh Street, in the following manner: By constructing thereon a lateral sewer system in and upon said street and alleys, in the City :>f Edmonds Snohomish County, Washington; also by constructing thereon inlet, cat( basins, man holes, lamp holes, an I doing such other work as may b necessary in connection therewith, al III in accordance with and pursuant t F ; Resolution of Intention No. 31, pass ed by the City Council of the Cit} of Edmonds, on the 21st day o !!June, 1921; creating a local improve ; 'ment district for said improdvemen U and prow°ding that the paymen 'therefor shall be by the "Paymen IBy Bond" plan: BE IT ORDAINED by the Cit j Council of the City of Edmond Snohomish County, Washington, a follows: f 1 Section 1.—That Maple Street fro 180 feet east of Sixth Street t Seventh Street, in the City of E monds, Snohomish County, Washing ton, be improved by constructin thereon a lateral sewer system i and up;n said streets and alley. also by constructing thereon inlet catch basins, manholes, lamp hole and -doing such other work as m be necessary in connection therewit in accordance with plans and spe ificatons now on file in the office the city clerk of the city of E monds, sa;d plans and specificatio having been approved by_the ci council of the City of Edmonds the 16th day, of August, 1921, ai pursuant to Resolution of Intentii No. 31, passed by the city coup of the City of Edmonds on the 21 day of June, 1921. Section 2—That said improveme will be made along and in front the following described proper which will be effected by the 9, j improvement and which will be eluded within the improvement u trict herein created and limited such property for the purpose assessment as hereinafter provid to -writ: Lots 7 to 20 inclusive, Block City of Edmonds Addition. Lots 21 to 34 inclusive, Block City of Edmonds Addition. All of the above property be isituated and lying IxTithin the C of Edmonds, Snohomish County, st of Washington. Section 3—That the cost of s improvement on said Maple Str Ishall be assessed against the prol ts* above described and against lots, tracts. and parcels of prope lyingrc nt district nhereinafterwithin h the 1u_ 4b0 mleees! Edmonds �m 1proport;on to the benefits derived I therefrom as provided by the ordin- ances of the City of Edmonds and the laws of the State of Washing- ton. Section 4.=That the mode of pay- iment shall be under the "Payment !by Bond" plan, by which Man bonds. (of aaid district slrall be i;�suetl pa) able in ten (10) equal annual pas - I ments or installments with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. Section 5-That the estimated cost of said improvement is the sum of nine hundred and -twenty-eight 50-100 ($928.50) dollars. Section 6—That there is hereby i created a local improvement district ,to be designated and known as "Lo- cal Improvement District No. 25," i which shall include all the property 'hereinbefore described. i Section 7—That there is hereby ;created a local improvement fund to I be known and designated as "Loc. l Improvement District Fund No. 25." I Section 8.—That said improvement ishall be made under the direction of the City Council and the City En- gineer and in accordance with the ,plans and specifications now on file with the City Clerk of the City of Edmonds. Section 9.—The bonds to be issued as hereinbefore provided may be del- ivered and sold to the contractor do- ing the work of such improvement in payment of his services or they may be sold by the City Clerk at private sale, provided, however, that the returns from the sale of said o bonds must net the par value of the same plus accrued interest and the proceeds thereof shall be applied in payment of the costs and expense' s of said. improvement. Section 10.—That the special as- sessments to be levied as hereinbefore h described shall be payable in ten (10) d equal annual installments with ing e terest at the rate of eight per cent 1 per annum, and such installments o shall be collected in the manner pro- vided by the general ordinances of the City of Edmonds and the laws f of the State of Washington. Section 11.—This ordinance shall , t take effect and be in full force andj t effect from and after its passage by t the City Council of the City of Ed- monds, its approval by the mayor y and its publication according to law. Passed by the City Council of the s City of Edmonds in regular session this 6th day of September, 1921, and m l approved by me on the same (late. o F. R. BEESON, d- Mayor. - Attest: GEO. M. LEYDA g City Clerk. n (Seal of the City of Edmonds) S; I HEREBY CERTIFY that the s, foregoing ordinance is a true and s, correct copv of the original as pass- av ed by the Citv Council of the Citv h, of Edmonds on the 6th day of Sept- c- ember, 1921. of —GEO. M. LEYDA d- City Clerk. ns (Seal of the City of Edmonds) tY First publication Sept. 16, 1921. oni - AN prc of to Sec fro fee foll By sewer in th Couni struci man other tonne ante of In City on th ing a said the p "Pays BE Count omis as fo Sec south Streel betwe Streel 1 120 f, City , Wash struct tem lalleys ,inlets, � with specif fice c of Ec cation City monds �.. � 1921,