Ordinance 0474ORDINANCE 1:T0 , C1�( AN 0- DIN)'diCE fixing the time and place of the General,--1 lect- ion and Election Boards, for the election of 'officers for the City of Edmonds. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDI.r01,TDS DO OPDAIN AS FOLLO'''S : $action 1. That there be and hereby there is called a gener- al city election to be held on the 2nd day of December, 1930, from 111. to 8 P. M. for the purpose of electing city officers nominated pursuant to the primary election hebetofore held on the 4th day of . November, 1930. Section 2. That the offices to be filled any tite__peese � " are as follows: Mayor, =-ettia� ; Clerk, .,,- ; Treasurer, HT -- City Attorney, r, Council an at large, u v n'nar a� �y ; Council- man for First Ward - two years,,,C ; four years, -.-�. c-hatrn, Councilmen for Second Ward - four years, Rar��; Council- men for Third Ward - four years, Te � - Section 3. That the following shall be the polling places: First Ward, City Hall, Second 71ard, Rynerason's Building on Main Street; Third Ward, Congregational Church. Section 4. That the follo,ving named persons whall act as election officers: First Ward, J. M. Hathaway, Inspector; R4%4 and � 'e Roscoe, Judges; Second 1F1ard: L. C. Engle, Inspector; Bessie Swanson and Susip, Bacon, Judges: Third Ward: A. Coble, Inspect- or; Iula.ry P . Evans and mamma �.--T ��-y, Judges. Section 5. That the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give due notice.of such election and prepare the necessary pullots. cr Passed and approved this Zt�'�day of November, 1930. i Mayor. a' City Clerk.