Ordinance 1727ORDINANCE NO. 1727 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY BY DESIGNATING THE ZONING TO BE APPLIED TO CERTAIN PROPERTIES PROPOSED FOR ANNEXATION TO SAID CITY TO CITY OF EDMONDS CLASSIFICATION OF GENERAL COMMERCIAL (CG) PURSUANT TO PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 445. WHEREAS, pursuant to public hearing having been called by the City Council in accordance with Planning Commission Resolution No. 445, and the said City Council having determined that the recommended zoning in advance of annexation of certain real property presently located in Snohomish County, but con- tiguous to the city limits of said city and proposed for annexation to said city, would be the most consistent and advantageous for the development and appropriate use of said property, and for the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the public, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Official Zoning Map, Edmonds, Washington, be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the zoning classification for the real property proposed for annexation to said city as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated as if set forth in full the classification of the City of Edmonds of General Commercial (CG) . Section 2. The City Planner is hereby directed to effec- tuate the necessary amendments to the Official Zoning Map of the City of Edmonds, Washington, pursuant to this ordinance. APPROVED: j ATTEST: MAYOR CITY CLERK Passed by the City Council: August 27, 1974 Filed with the City Clerk: August 23, 1974 Published: September 4, 1974 EXHIBIT "A" qk That portion of the a: 1/4 of Section LJ, Townsnhp 27 7 orth, ?ange 4 East, situate in Snob:oFliish County, iYashino4on, and �:escri��ed as FotloLris: Beginning at a point on the south line of Section 20, Tmmship 27 north, Range 4 Last, said point heinq the intersection of tti^ cesterlim! of 212th Street S.W. with the east^rly ri^ht-of-way of 72d AvTnum -?est pro ectad southerly; thence northerly along said right-of-way prnlecyel southerly to the southwest corner of Block 5, Seattle Heights Division :lo. 4, said souVwtest corner being the intersection of the northerly rinh-t-of-�-r y of 212th Street S.W. wnd the eesterly right-of-way of 7'd Avanue 1:est; thence westerly along the northerly right -as -way of 212ts`h Street S.W. to the soutthwast corner of Lot 5, Mock 5, Seattle Heights Division 'io. 4; thence northerly along who west line of said Lot 5 to the north crest corner; thence easterly along the northerly lire of Logs 5, -4 and 3 of Block 5 to the north east corner of Lot 3; thence continue easterly to the north west corner of Lot 3, Monk 6' tthance easterly alonn the northerly line of lots 3 through B of 3lock 5 to the northeast corner of Lot 3, € lock 6, said n rt`heast corner heinq a nolit on t:ie westerly right-cf-way of 73th Avenue 'Vest; thence northerly alon-i said westerly rie`:ht-of-};ay to its intersection with the northerly line of Lot 1. Hoyt Acres ;projected winstarly, th?rce oasterly along said westerly projection to Ca nort4west corner of Let 1, Hoyt Acres, said northwest, corner being a, point on the easterly right -of -wry of 70th -venue West; thence easterly alonj the northerly line t)f Lots 1 and 5, Soyt :acres to the northwesterly rir;ht- of-wa_', of Primary State HielhVlay lio. 1; thence continue easterly along tr11A easterly projection of the north line of Lot £, Hoyt Acres to the center line of Primary State Hinhwav No. 1; thence southwesterly alnne said centerline to its intersection with the south line of Section 20. Township 27 larth, Ran;* 4 East; thence westerly along the wouth line of said section to the Point of Beginning. ALSO,thnt prt#on of 212t'h Street S.A right-ofE, ay lyine, within Section 29, Township 27 :y.rth, ^an e 4 East, fro h tie easterly right-of-way of 72J Avenue West to the centerline of Prirary State Highway No. 1. EXHIBIT "A"