Ordinance 1950ORDINANCE NO. 1950 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, BY DESIGNATING THE ZONING CLASSIFI- CATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY AS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE - 8,000 SQUARE FEET (RS-8), PURSUANT TO PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLU- TION NUMBER 568. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edmonds, Wash- ington, pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No. 568, called a public hearing, and during said hearing, having de- termined that the amendment to the Official Zoning Map here- inafter described would be most consistent and advantageous for the development and appropriate use of said property, and for the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, and having determined that there will be no significant ad- verse environmental impacts, and WHEREAS, said property has been newly annexed into the City of Edmonds and the proposed zoning is consistent with the former Snohomish County zoning and is in conformance with the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Official Zoning Map of Edmonds, Washington be and the same is hereby amended by designating the zoning classification of the following described property as Single Family Residence - 8,000 square feet (RS-8), all situate in the City of Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washington, and more particularly described on Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as if set forth in full. Section 2. The Director of Community Development is hereby directed to effectuate the necessary amendments to the Official Zoning Map of the City of Edmonds, Washington, pursuant to this Ordinance. APPROVED: -H. H. HARRISON �. ATTEST: jx-e"�� -&" CITY CLERK, IRENE V EY MORAN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: September 28, 1977 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: October 4, 1977 PUBLISHED: October 12, 1977 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE PROPOSED ANNEXATI,.ON OF THE AREA LYING NORTH AND SOUTH OF 180TH STRFF'T S.W., BETWEEN 76TH AVENUE ?VEST AND 72ND AVENUE WEST, LYING WITHIN SECTIONS 72, 8, 17 AND. 18, OF T27N, R4E, W.M., AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Beginning at the NE corner of Section 18; thence Southerly along the East line of said Section to its intersection with the Southerly right-of-way of 180th Street S.W.; thence Westerly along said Southerly right-of-way to its intersection with the Easterly right-of-way of 76th Avenue West and the Fdmonds City Limits, said intersection being the True Point of Beginning.; thence Northeasterly along said easterly right-of-way and Fdmonds City Limits to its intersection with the NW corner of Tract 158, Plat of Head.owdale Beach; thence Easterly along the North line of said Tract and the Edmonds City Limits to the NF corner of said Tract, said point being the NW corner of Lot 10, Plat of Hillview Addition; thence Fasterly along the North line of said Plat and the Edmonds City Limits to the NE corner of Lot 1, said point being the westerly right-of-way of 72nd. Avenue West; thence Easterly along the Edmonds City Limits to the SW corner of. Tract 155, Plat of Meadowdale Beach, said point being the Easterly right-of-way of 72nd Avenue West; -thence Southerly along the Easterly right -of. -way of 72nd-Avenue Rest to its intersection with the Northerly line of Lot 1., Plat of "loran"s Addition projected westerly; thence East.orly along said westerly projection. 10.03 feet to the NW corner of said Lot l; thence Southerly along the West.line of said Lot and the Easterly right-of-way of 72nd Avenue West to the SW corner of said Lot'l; thence Westerly along the westerly projection of the south line of said Lot 1.0.03 feet; thence Southerly along the Easterly right-of-way of. 72nd Avenue West to its intersection with the Northerly right-of-way of 180th Street S.W.; thence Southeasterly to a.point being the intersection of the Easterly right -of: -way of 72nd Avenue West with the Southerly right-of-way of 180th Street S.W.; thence Southerly along said easterly right-of-way of 72nd Avenue West to its intersection with the South line of Lot 1, Plat of I-Iomeview Addition No. 1 projected easterly; thence Westerly along said easterly projection to its intersection with the westerly right- of-way of 72nd Avenue West and the -SF corner of said Lot 1.; thence Westerly along the south line of Lots 1 and SO of said Plat to the SW corner of said Lot 50, said point being the easterly right-of-way of 73rd. Avenue West; thence Westerly to the SE corner of Lot 51 of said. Plat., said point being the westerly right-of-way of 73rd Avenue West; thence Wester.l.y along the south line of Lots 51 and 79 of.said Plat to the SW corner of_Lot 79 of. said. Plat, said point being the easterly right-of-way of 74th Avenue West; thence Southwesterly to the SE corner of Lot 8, Plat of Homeview Addition No. 2, said point being the westerly right-of-way of ENHIBIT "A" continued 74th Avenue West; thence Westerly along the south line of. Lots 8 thru 1 of said. Plat to the SW corner of, Lot 1 of said. Plat, said point being,a point on the east line of Lot 1, Block 3, Plat of. Admiralty Acres; thence South along the east line of said Lot l to the SE corner thereof.; thence westerly along the south line of said Lot 1 to its intersection with the easterly right -of. -way of 76th Avenue 'Nest and the Edmonds City Limits; thence Northeasterly along said right-of-way and Edmonds City Limits -to the True Point of Beginning,. GJ:rf 1/17/77 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON ss COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH THOMAS J. COAD, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says that he is the Publisher of the EDMONDS TRIBUNE -REVIEW, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and has been designated as such by Court Order No. 38282, and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publications herein - after referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly •a Ao lno9e buiweal N0SA0Vr laN'J ORDINANCE NO.1950 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ED- MONDS, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE OFFI- CIAL ZONING MAP OF EDMONDS, WASHING - TON, BY DESIGNATING THE ZONING CLASSIFI- CATION OF. CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY AS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE - 8,000 SQUARE FEET (RS-8), PURSUANT TO PLANNING COMMIS- SION RESOLUTION NUMBER 568. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Ed- monds, Washington, pur- suant to Planning Com- mission Resolution No. 568, called a public hear- ing, and during said hear- ing, having determined that the amendment to the Official Zoning Map hereinafter described would be most consistent and advantageous for the development and ap- propriate use of said prop- erty, and for the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, and hav- ing determined that there will be no significant adverse environmental impacts, and WHEREAS, said prop- erty has been newly an- nexed into the City of Ed- monds and the proposed zoning is consistent with nty, Washington, and it is now and during all of ,Ice maintained at the aforesaid place of publication .L, was of general circulation in said Snohomish a Ordinance No. 1050 ues (and not in supplement form) of said news - A 4 r O_'YE Qoj=evAjKe weel/, v 'AON u0 e 19yt, 1 l 91 •saaaJea i r e sanll Jtagl ul ssauaAll I , 19—, );;a aseaaaul 01 Japao ul 'rlY distributed to its uzotA jo su011entlo aaoui ug I iolovAsd aql AIN it of the fee charged npuelsJapun no ssaau ` which amount has nn Jeuluias slgs „ s° nXVm30N0f AH10M0a P)r the first insertion 0?er 47 s I yw4�_ 9oZj&Y,0SAs, Wash. Jpw r r) (? •0. aq 10 pit --0%eft I ------------------------- the former Snohomish Moran's Addition pro- right-of-way of 73rd County zoning and is in jetted westerly; thence Avenue West; thence conformance with the Ed- Easterly along said Westerly along the south monds Comprehensive westerly projection 10.03 line of Lots 51 and 79 of Plan, now, therefore, feet to the NW corner of said Plat to the SW corner THE CITY COUNCIL said Lot 1; thence of Lot 79 of said Plat, said OF THE CITY OF ED- Southerly along the West point being the easterly MONDS, WASHINGTON, line of said Lot and the right-of-way of 74th DO ORDAIN AS FOL- Easterly right-of-way of Avenue West; thence LOWS: P 72nd Avenue West to the Southwesterly to the SE Section 1. The Official SW corner of said Lot 1; corner of Lot 8, Plat of Zoning Map of Edmonds, thence Westerly along the Homeview Addition No. 2, Washington be and the westerly projection of the said point being the same is hereby amended south line of said Lot 10.03 westerly right-of-way of by designating the zoning feet; thence Southerly 74th Avenue West; thence ,,.classification of the along the Easterly right- Westerly along the south following described prop- of -way of 72nd Avenue line of Lots 8 thru 1 of said erty as Single Family West to its intersection Plat to the SW corner of Residence - 8,000 square with the Northerly right- Lot 1 of said Plat, said feet (RS-8), all situate in of -way of 180th Street point being a point on the the City of Edmonds, S.W.; thence Southeaster- east line of Lot 1, Block 3, Snohomish County, Wash- ly to a point being the in- Plat of Admiralty Acres; ingtop, and more par- tersection of the Easterly thence South along the titularly described on Ex- right-of-way of 72nd east line of said Lot 1 to hibit A, which is attached Avenue West with the the SE corner thereof; hereto and incorporated Southerly right-of-way of thence westerly along the herein by this reference as 180th Street S.W.; thence south line of said Lot 1 to if set f orth in full. Southerly along said its intersection with the Section 2. The Director easterly right-of-way of easterly right-of-way of of Community Develop- 72nd Avenue West to its in- 76th Avenue West and the ment is hereby directed to tersection with the South Edmonds City Limits; effectuate the necessary line of Lot 1, Plat of thence Northeasterly amendments to the Of- Homeview Addition No. i along said right-of-way ficial Zoning Map of the projected easterly; thence and Edmonds City Limits . City of Edmonds, Wash- Westerly along said to the True Point of Begin- ington, pursuant to this easterly projection to its ning. Ordinance. intersection with the Published: October 12, Approved: westerly right-of-way of 1977-335 /s/H. H. Harrison 72nd Avenue West and the L.iut� 11V Mayor SE corner of said Lot 1; Attest: thence Westerly along the /s/ Irene Varney Moran south line of Lots 1 and 50 h W STATE OF WA City Clerk of said at to t e S cor- COUNTY OF 8 Filed with the City ner of said Lot 50, said THOMAS TRIBUNE -RE by Court Order ORDINANCE NO.1950 AN ORDINANCE OF