BLD2021-0961_Manufacturer_Specifications_and_Installation_Instructions_7.12.2021_1.34.47_PM_2295422ELECTRICAL DATA UNIT 512E V/PH OPER VOLTS" COMPR FAN MIN WIRE MIN WIRE MAX LENGTH MAX LENGTH MAX FUSE"' MAX MIN LRA RLA FLA MCA SIZEt 60° C SIZEt 75° C ar CKT BRK AMPS 018-A 60 C$ 75m�$ 20 48.0 9.0 0.50 11.8 14 14 67 (20.4) 64 (19.5) 024-A 58.3 13.5 0.70 17.6 14 14 46 (i4.0) 43 (13..1) 25 030-A 64.0 12.8 0.70 16.7 14 14 44 (13.4) 41 (12.5) 25 036-A 208/230/1-60 253 197 77.0 14.1 0.50 18.1 12 12 57 (17.4) 54 (16.5) 30 042-A 112.0 17.9 1.20 23.6 10 _ 10 85 (25.9) 51 (24.7) 40 048-A 109.0 19.9 1.20 26.1 10 10 70 (21.3) 87 (20,4) 40 060-A • Permissible linens 0f 135.0 wit operate 21.4 1.20 28.0 8 10 91 (27.7) 56(17,1) 40 the logo range al tfuhkh the Unit sattataCOrity t If wire is applied al ambient greater than 30"C, consult table 310-16 of the NEC (NFPA 70), The arnpacity of non -metallic -sheathed cable (NM), trade name ROMEX, shall be that of 60°C condltfona, per the NEC (NFPA 70) Article 338-26. If olhor than uncoated (no -plated), 60 or 75"C Insulatlon, copper wire (solid wire for 10 AWG or smaller, stranded wire for larger than 10 AWG) is used, consult applicable tables of the NEC (NFPA $ Lengfh shown is as measured one way along wire between 70). path unit and service panel for voltage drop not to exceed 2` o. •+ Time -Delay fuse. FLA - Full Load Amps LRA - Locked Rotor Amps MCA - Minimum Circuit Amps r� RLA -Rated Load Amps NOTE: Control circuit Is 24-V on all units and requires ^>'encr' newer source. Copper wire must be used from service disconnect to unit All motors/compressors contain internal overload protectwn. Compiles with 2010 requirements of ASHRAE Standards 90.1 A -WEIGHTED SOUND POWER LEVEL (dBA) Unit Size - VOIteOe, Series Standard Ratln dBA) _ _TYPICAL OCTAVE BAND 125 36o S00 49.5 58.5 64.5 SPECTRUMSA 1b00 without tans ad uslmsnq 2000 4000 8000 016-A 024-A 73 _ _ 69.0 71.5 63.0 66.0 59.5 62.0 52.4 53.0 _ _ 74 54.5 62.0 87.0 030-A 036-A 74 56.0 62.5 61.0 66.0 64.0 68.5 6610 64.5 61.D 61.0 58.5 53.5 51.5 72 52.0 - 042-A F _048-A 74 56.5 61.5 61.0 , 62.5 _ 65.0 65.0 66.5 66.0 63.5 62.0 61.0 58.0 50.5 51.0 73 5ff, 050-A _ 74 _- _ 56.5 8e.5 68.0 63.0 59 S 51.5 .. 1eau,o u, accuraence wim ANHI standard 270-08 (not listed in AHRI). LnH1<cuJLAkY butsuUULING ("1XV-TYPE UNIT SIZE-VOLTAQE, SERIES EXPANSION DEVICE) REQUIRED SUBCOOLING °F (•C) 018-A 10(5.6) 024-A 10 @,G) - 030-A 10 .8) _ 036-A 10(5.61 042-A 9(5.0) 048-A 10(6.0)- 060-A DIMENSIONS - ENGLISH A lr_ 4 0 10, ") T)6 . -- ". 6 w C11 C�j CM11 — ch 6 (0 m a ED cli Q cli "IJMIM LNT SIZE MOUNTING PAD DIMENSIONS 26* 1 ?E* ALION3)' -^LIARACEC, -S" ' �' dWr-',' ; 0 81101B N113 FOE I El—' II�,I ) L': i'�U [: ' " Z ?, A I I l_1 I'! C-1,LPi, I 5 3 4 A '5' F . 3 -,P'E3 TPE :'Tll C; N I ER 'F 3WI 7y AL HE A': I