2021-10-07 Citizens Climate Protection Committee AgeCity of Edmonds — Mayors' Climate Protection Committee (CPC) MEETING AGENDA October 7, 2021 @ 8:30 am Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom. us/j/98368113488?pwd=UjV5RW IkLOhjMI NORW k2ZGRIT2FI UT09 Meeting ID: 983 6811 3488 Passcode:860327 Dial by your location: +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Committee members: Bryn Chighizola, Lisa Herb, Dawna Lahti, Hank Landau, Cynthia Pruitt, T. C. Richmond, and David Schaefer City Council Rep: Laura Johnson City Staff: Mayor Mike Nelson, Kernen Lien The mission of the CPC is to: (1) Encourage citizens to be a part of the solution, (2) Encourage City staff and citizens to conserve current resources, (3) Work with the City Council to implement ideas, and (4) Effectively address the future impacts of climate change. 8:30 am 1. Call to Order, Review and Approve Agenda, & Introductions 2. Check -In • September meeting minutes 8:35 am Email response time expectations- check and respond to email 1/week? • Op-ed Vote (included at end of agenda)- Notes from a climate change skeptic o Be ready to vote for Op-ed to move forward from CPC (with a round of editing) or as a personal letter from Hank 1. Mayor Nelson Project Requests (included at end of agenda) • Natural gas/methane research paper + electrification estimates for Edmonds (using CAP tracking tool) 8:45 am • Edmonds Solar Scoping o Review the project request email and determine which project (if any) you would like to be part of. 9:00 am 3. City Report (Kernen) • Updates- shared folder, CAP progress 4. City Council Report (Laura) 9:10 am Updates 9:20 am 5. Guest Speaker — Suzy Oversee (PUD) 9:40 am 6. Meeting Recap and Next Month Agenda 9:45 am 7. Public Comment 9:45 am Adjournment (Next Meeting: November 4, 2021 @ 8:30 am) Op-ed Letter for Review (Letter for Committee Review from Hank Landau) Notes from a climate change skeptic. We all know that----. Almost every statement that begins with those words puts me on edge and makes me skeptical of what follows, especially those statements related to politics and the environment. We can almost always find an exception to things that we "all know." I am a committed environmentalist but even I object to statements like: We all know we should replace incandescent light bulbs with low -energy bulbs. Not so in all cases. From late September to early May, an incandescent bulb in the lamp on your desk can help heat you and the area near your desk. By doing so, you can turn down the room thermostat and save energy. We should all replace our gas -guzzling vehicles with hybrid or electric vehicles. Not necessarily, considering the emissions released in building a new vehicle, and especially if you put few miles on your existing vehicle. Wind and solar can replace other forms of energy generation. Yes, but only when the wind is blowing or the sky is not heavily overcast. We still need other forms of energy, or much more energy storage, for base loads. We need to generate more energy if we are to avoid energy blackouts. Possibly, unless we cut back on consumption. Limits on energy transmission could also lead to blackouts. Melting polar ice causes sea levels to rise. Melting ice caps in Antarctica cause sea levels to rise, melting floating ice in the Arctic does not. Cutting down trees opens solar corridors. Yes, but at the expense of shade -induced cooling and the transpiration of moisture provided by trees and other vegetation. Humans cause climate change. Given the many skeptics, it is difficult to conclude that we all know this to be true. I admit that natural events contribute to climate change but I find it difficult to refute the scientific facts: carbon dioxide, methane, and other gases that prevent heat from escaping the earth have been known since the nineteenth century, humans are a major source of these gases either directly (combustion engines) or indirectly (methane released from melting permafrost), the increases in these gases in the atmosphere have been measured and the increases are closely correlated with rising temperatures and climate change. Population increases lead to greater climate change. Yes, unless offset by per -capita reductions. There is nothing we can do to offset or mitigate climate change. Stay tuned. Mayor Mike Nelson, City staff led by City Planner Kernen Lien, Consultants to the City, and the Mayors Climate Protection Committee (of which I am a member) are working on a Climate Action Plan. All interested citizens are encouraged to participate. Skeptics like me have a voice. You do too. Just remember, climate change is someone else's responsibility. We all know that! Signed by? Mayor Nelson Project Requests (9/16/2021 email from Bryn Chighizola) Hello Committee, We heard back from Mayor Nelson who would like us to work on the following 2 projects (see below). To complete this work, we are going to create self -directed teams. Please respond back at your earliest convenience to what team (if any) is your first choice and whether you would be willing to be part of either team. This will help clarify teams if we are very lopsided. My response - Bryn: first choice (solar); second choice (natural gas/methane research/electrification) After we hear back regarding everyone's interest and if they want to be on a team we will be off and running. Project Options: 1) Natural gas/methane research paper + electrification estimates for Edmonds (using CAP tracking tool). o Synthesize research on GHG emission nature gas reduction strategies associated with natural gas/methane reduction and impact that are applicable to the Edmonds community. o Run a series of projections for the Edmonds electrification transition, using the CAP tracking tool. 0 2) Edmonds Solar Scoping o Research viable options for bringing solar to Edmonds. o Scope each option for utility including estimates of cost, maintenance, barriers, and impact.