10014 238TH ST SW (2)_Redacted.�..-S•:.-:�o... �.: -m. ........m:,MMr .....r.,.^T.x...+,-�: ., �_........-_•,.:-. , i/ 0 0 t -1 Z,3S '1� , S.r j tj FIRE.,PREVENTION Serving Brier, Edmonds, and 12425 Meridian Ave S INSPECTION'REPORT MiC Mountlake Terrace ' Everett, WA 98208 ❑ BR ERNDS ❑ MOUNTLAKE TERRACE Phone (425) 551-1200 ❑ UNINCORPORATED www.FireDistrictl.org Fax (425) 551-1272 FREQUENCY STATION & SHIFT LOCATION: 10014'238th Street SW 98026 2017 20-B BUSINESS NAME:Possible hair salon coming (Vacant) PHONE: SCHEDULED Jan 2017 DATE DUE � MAILING UFIR ► 0 ADDRESS: 100 14 238th Street SW, Edmonds, WA 98026 BUSINESS OWNER: HOME PHONE: EMERGENCY-1: HOME PHONE: CURRENT KEY ACCESS-2: HOME PHONE: 20 CITY YES.', NO BUSINESS EMAIL: LICENSE / PERSON CONTACTED: Nt7�.1C -- /.i�, t�u,J7fjc:-'�" INITIAL INSPECTION DATE NAME OF INSPECTOR: L 6 FIRE SYSTEMS: FE / Date Last Serviced: FIRE PREVENTION ' i"......,,,,"''"' Serving. rie and 12425 Meridian Ave S,� INSPECTION�REPORT SNOHOMISH CO. I—tdnionds, ❑ EDMONDS FIRE Mountlake Terrace Everett, WA 98208q ❑ BRIER ` Phone (425) SSl -1200 ❑ MOUNTLAKE TERRACE DISTR T www FireDistrictl. org Fax (425) SSl -1272 [I UNINCORPORATED FREQUENCY STATION & SHIFT LOCATION: I Ofl 81 238th Street SW 08026 2. Year III 2&C BUSINESS NAME: Woodiway Ucnlal Clinic: PHONE: 213WAMME SCHEDULED Jan 2014 DATE DUE MAILING UFIR / ADDRESS: 1001.4 238Lh Slrccl SW, 1_dman&-, WA. 0802E y _j BUSINESS`OWNER: HOME PHONE: EMERGENCY-1: CURRENT Yety- lci 01elll, �)f), HOME PHONE: b:��7?3J�1 KEY ACCESS-2: HOME PHONE: CITY YES NO EMAIL: BUSINESS El❑ LICENSE PERSON CONTACTED: INITIAL INSPECTION DATE NAME OF INSPECTOR: )\j FIRE SYSTEMS. FE 1 HAZARDS FOUND AND LOCATIONS / COMMUNICATIONS 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 I AGREE TO CORRECT THE ABOVE VIOLATION(S) IN THE NEXT 30 DAYS X 1st RE -INSPECTION DATE DUE: 2nd RE -INSPECTION DATE DUE: EXTENSION GRANTED TO: FINAL RE -INSPECTION DATE DUE: VIOLATIONS CITED: ' PERSON CONTACTED: PERSON CONTACTED: PERSON CONTACTED: 1 INSPECTOR: INSPECTOR: INSPECTOR: 2 DATE: DATE: DATE: 3 VIOLATIONS 1 5 VIOLATIONS 1 5 PRE -CITATION LETTER SENT CITATION ISSUED NUMBER: 4 2 6 2 6 DATE: CODE SECTION: 5 ' 3 7 3 7 RETURN RECEIPT RECEIVED 6 4 $ 4 6 DATE: DISPOSITION: 7 LETTER NEEDED ❑ YES ❑ NO LETTER NEEDED ❑ YES Cl NO 8 FIRE DEPARTMENT COPY SNOHOMISFi CO. / Serving Brier; Edinonds FIREMountlake Terrace,and i the Town of Woodway� DISTR T www.FireDistrictl.org 1. LOCATION: 10014 238th Street BUSINESS NAME: Woodwray Dentai Clinic MAILING 10014 238th St SW ADDRESS: Edmonds BUSINESS OWNER: EMERGENCY-1: KEY ACCESS-2: PERSON CONTACTED: p4-,kL -\y_ 4 NAME OF INSPECTOR:,�� FIRE SYSTEMS: FIRE PREVENTION 12425 Meridian Ave S INSPECTION REPORT Everett, WA 98208 ® ❑BEDMORIER S RIER Phone (425) 551-1200 ❑ WOODWAY ❑ MOUNTLAKE TERRACE Fax (425) 551-1272 ❑ UNINCORPORATED Sw PHONE: 2065425590 98020 FREQUENCY STATION & SHIFT 731 20 A I SCHEDULED DATE DUE ► 01/01112 UFIR ► 593 1 003 HOME PHONE: 4257762029 ACTIVE —WOME PHONE: 4-L5 - 17 3 -04I5 CURRENT HOME PHONE: CITY YES NO BUSINESS LICENSE 10 1-1 INITIAL INSPECTION DATE i5vo I� FE bl__�I ANNUAL HAZARDS FOUND AND LOCAT`IO,N,S/COMMUNICATIONS 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 1 AGREE TO CORRECT THE ABOVE VIOLATION(S) IN THE NEXT 30 DAYS X 1st RE -INSPECTION DATE DUE: 2nd RE -INSPECTION DATE DUE: ^- EXTENSION GRANTED TO: FINAL RE -INSPECTION DATE DUE: VIOLATIONS CITED: PERSON CONTACTED: PERSON CONTACTED: PERSON CONTACTED: I INSPECTOR: INSPECTOR: INSPECTOR: 2 DATE: DATE: DATE: 3 VIOLATIONS 1 5 VIOLATIONS 1 5 PRE -CITATION LETTER SENT _CITATION CITATION ISSUED NUMBER: °• .- 4 2 6 2 6 DATE: CODE SECTION: 5 3 7 3 7 RETURN RECEIPT RECEIVED 6 4 8 4 8 DATE: DISPOSITION: 7 LETTER NEEDED ❑ YES ❑ NO LETTER NEEDED ❑ YES ❑ NO 8 FIRE DEPARTMENT COPY v 3 co o C a 0-o3 61 CITY OF EDMONDS tsw BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION —.COMMERCIAL ECOIVDEY, FIRE �f FEE: $125.00 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, BUSINESS LICENSE DIVISION PLAN 121 5TM AVENUE NORTH, EDMONDS, WA 98020 PHONE: 425.775.2525 POLICE Date Paid I TR# I I I Fee PaidTa Mailed INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the application in full and attach the required floor plan. Middle Initial or name required of all parties concerned. If no middle name, please indicate by writing NMN. Sign and return application with fee. Please advise of any change in status. New license required if business changes location or ownership. Notification to City of Edmonds required if'business closes. BUSINESS NAME �em —W e 1- BUSINESS ADDRESS 1 001 9 23 SI- Sw 9Dz0 Street Suite No. Zip Code MAILING ADDRESS Street or PO Box Suite No. City, State and Zip Code BUSINESS PHONE NO.( 1,06 WA STATE TAX ID NO. (UBI NO.) 60 3 - l Y 6 - 3 39 BUSINESS E-MAIL 4UJd4f CXuJ 9)CiM4A .fowl\ —BUSINESS WEBSITE Nil{'i �,,� PROPERTY OWNER EhWad Carlt4 (fib i 54Z 'SS�Lt) Name Phone Number EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION (For Premise Access in Emergency): &evn XC4 (�� 3j3-OSlo3 Last Name First Name MI Phone No. Mi NATURE OF BUSINESS RfK i I l;,,Q C1, Al �- U) 7 Phone No. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 7 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BUSINESS SPACE TYPE OF BUSINESS - PLEASE CHECK.THE. APPROPRIATE CATEGORY: O CONSTRUCTION O FINANCE, INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE O LANDSCAPE, HORTICULTURAL O MANUFACTURING O NON-PROFIT O RETAIL O SECONDHAND DEALER SERVICES O WHOLESALE. O.OTHER AMUSEMENT DEVICES-ONflREMISES?..O YES KNO . IF YES. TOTAL NUMBER UQUOR SOLD ON PREMISES?: O YES . NO. GAMBLING? O YES Ja NO CIGARETTES SOLD- ON PREMISES? OYES N> NO FILAAMMABLE OR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS USED OR STORED?: O YES )9,NO IF YES; PLEASE PROVIDE LIST OF MATERIALS AND QUANTITIES: PROPOSED OPENING DAY_OF BUSINESS064),A.i IS ?.o BUSINESS HOURS ce,�►'t SO►M DAYS OPEN O SUNDAY O MONDAY V°TUfEESDAY *VEDNESDAY _;KTHURSDAY O FRIDAY-ASATURDAY PARKING SPACES ON SITE: TOTAL CESSIBLE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES DOES THE BUSINESS CONTAIN AN ENTRANCE ACCESSIBLE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES?. ).YES O NO PREVIOUS BUSINESS USE AT THIS ADDRESS ADDRESS SheY ApLNo..UMNa Cky,SlaNaMMp Cade HOME PHONE NO. 1 ODL NO.(OHIYERB LICENSE NO.) OR OTHER ID NO DATEOFBIRTH C ANDSTATEOFBIRTH COUNTRY OF BIRTH NAME PARTNERSHIP-PARTNERT - _ — LW- Fud MI ADDRESB Api.Na,Uok Na cpy,SbUgw Lp Code HOME PHONE NO.( 1 DOL NO.ORIVE UCENSENO.)OROTHERIDNQ DATE OF SIRTF( CITY AND STATE OFBIRTH COUNTRY OF BIRTH PARTNERSHIP-PARTN Z NAME W- ADDRESS Saed ApL Np, Un6 No. Lay,Slab Nid Lp CBtle HOMEPHoNENO.LJ DOLNO.(DRNEMUCENSENO:)OROTRERIDNO: DATE OF BIRTH M AND STATE OF BIRTH COUNTRY OFGIRTH LORPOMTN)II NAMEOFCARPORATION yG Wei CA\e jDOSIMSDFQIE(.C. FEpERALOTAXIO NO.� CORP.AODRESS���Iy 2iBa'l+ SF•SW Ed~+ 3 WPA AODT-e PHONE NO(2L22&5ja "' SVeet SUNe.Apt: UmlNa City;SMm anO Dp Code. ' CORPOMTEOFFICERS: Lad Nime FM None MI We OSY dBiM- DOL No'. (pmrers LFenae No.)dOmN'b No. G6en fcn-we. WNg Me per LacaL mNrncr Q�Qf Mr �Ylaelti M4^ a�y c`h'Y�i at l5 VIJ� Lad Name�T,IM, PMne Na Od. NA. IOdVNAUa Na)oe,dMrB]No. - PLAMNBq'DEPT QAPPROVE .. GDLSAPPROVE DATE SIGNATURE - .26NII)G000E '. �. -::.. .- LddDR10NLLWEPERA9T< _ COMMENTS` BDB.OINGgEPT. O'APPROVE OOISAPPROVE GATE OOCUPANTLOAO BUBDINGKFMT OCCUPANCYGRDUP' DOMMENTS - .. 'FIRE DEPT. "G APPRQVE GDISAPPROVE DATE " SIGNATURE MR.LR..J . .. .COMMENTS POUCEQEPT. COMM11FRfu^ GwFmE; 0p5APPROJE GATE - SIGNATURE ' 2011-12-1415:33 CARDIFF 2065425977>> 4257710266 P212 r 9 I V13- r'b E John J. Westfall From: Kevin Zweber Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2014 3:36 PM To: Startzman, Jeanne Cc: John J. Westfall Subject: FW: Property at 10014 238th St SW, Edmonds, WA 98020 (Woodway Dental Clinic) Attachments: Woodway Dental 2012.pdf From: Kevin Zweber Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 7:16 AM To: 'Mark Smithsund' Subject: RE: Property at 10014 238th St SW, Edmonds, WA 98020 (Woodway Dental Clinic) Mr. Smithsund, Attached is the 2012 inspection report showing no violations found. This occupancy is inspected every 2 years. It was assigned in Jan 2014 to the closest fire station so it may not have been conducted or returned to me yet. If I receive a completed inspection report within the next week or so I will forward it to you. Please contact me if you have further questions. Kevin Zweber, CFI Captain/Deputy Fire Marshal Fire Prevention Services Snohomish County Fire District #1/ City of Edmonds 425-775-7720 From: Mark Smithsund [mailto:mark.smithsund@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 1:04 PM To: Kevin Zweber Subject: Property at 10014 238th St SW, Edmonds, WA 98020 (Woodway Dental Clinic) I will be informing a property condition assessment at the referenced property. I am inquiring if there are any outstanding fire code violations and if you can email any current fire inspection reports. Thank you, Mark Smithsund 206-841-8833 Tracking No. CITY OF EDMONDS 121 Sth Avenue North ` - = Edmonds, WA 98020 425.775.2525 (phone) 425.771.0266 (fax) Email: prr@edmondswa.gov (Save completed form to your computer before attaching to email) REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS Date of Request: April 11, 2014 Requester Name: Mark Smithsund Requester Address: 10051 11th Ave NW Street Suite/Apt. Seattle WA 98177 City State zip Email Address: mark.smithsund(a�gmail.com Phone Number: 206-841-8833 Request Made: ❑ In Person ❑ In Writing ❑ Telephone ❑ Fax ✓❑ Email How would you prefer to be notified when the records are available? ❑ In Writing ❑ Telephone ❑ Fax ❑✓ Email DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: Be specific and provide as much detail as possible; include address and owner of property, file name or number, time period; incident location and date; case number; any other names associated with your request, etc.): (Property Condition Assessment for: (Property: 10014 238th St SW, Edmonds, WA 98020 (Woodway Dental Clinic) Requested documents: Permit history; zoning certificate(s); certificate(s) of occupancy; Ifrequency and last inspections; any current building, zoning or other code violations I agree to pay for any requested copies per the City's adopted fee schedule. Yes ❑✓ Is the information requested a list of individuals to be used for a mailing list for commercial purposes? Yes ❑ No ❑✓ If yes, please complete the additional form found on page 3. "Responses to requests for public records shall be made promptly by agencies, the office of the secretary of the senate, and the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives. Within five business days of receiving a public record request, an agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives must respond by either (1) providing the record; (2) providing an intemet address and link on the agency's web site to the specific records requested, except that if the requester notifies the agency that he or she cannot access the records through the intemet, then the agency must provide copies of the record or allow the requester to view copies using an agency computer, • (3) acknowledging that the agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives has received the request and providing a reasonable estimate of the time the agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives will require to respond to the request; or (4) denying the public record request. In acknowledging receipt of a public record request that is unclear, an agency may ask the requestor to clarify what information the requestor is seeking. If the requestor fails to clarify the request, the agency need not respond to it. " RCW 42.56.520 (in part) Page -1- e�. May 23, 1996 Mr. Ted Neff 5017 196th Street S.W. Lynnwood, WA 98036 Subject: Storage at Woodway Dental Clinic, Edmonds Dear Mr. Neff: The Edmonds .Fire Department recently inspected the Woodway Dental Clinic at 10014 238thtStreet S:W. The Clinic space itself proved satisfactory upon reinspection. A Fire Department concern regarding the accumulated combustible storage in the back room was deferred as your responsibility. The Fire Department's view is that proper housekeeping practices reduce the danger of fire. This is a time -proven method of controlling the presence of unwanted fuels, obstructions, and sources of ignition. Our concern is that the storage situation in the converted garage area may lead to a hazardous exposure to both life and to your property. Movement for firefighting purposes and access throughout your building is impaired by the accumulation of storage here. I would appreciate your aid in assembling and organizing the existing storage in order to provide adequate movement throughout your building, and to reduce the danger of fire by separating the fuels from the heat, ignition and electrical sources present. I hope you understand our concerns, they are intended to be in the interest of your property and our community. I would be happy to discuss any concerns which you may have. Please call #771-0215 ext. 301. Stay fire -safe! Sincerely, John J. Westfall Senior Inspector 50 17 y FeF63 C book ojl4 1967, PP: t� rc Belts," RI .C.. Is. iflammabd USDI Burs "Explosibp dines, Pittst Practices (si lability of 11 fl MS. tems for Hai Areas of Trucks. f Aluminun ing, Oct. 13; .1 ! Engineerin! )rage," Ch 'owered Ind e Journal, V on 11 / Chapter 8 i;. HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES Revised by Gordon P. McKinnon s; (eeping, or the maintenance of orderly cleanliness less, is basic to good firesafety. Good housekeeping both indoors and outdoors, reduce the danger of fire ;cause they are time -proven methods of controlling nce of unwanted fuels, obstructions, and sources of Otherwise, through indifference and neglect, such ds can lead to extremely hazardous exposures both to nportance of housekeeping in relation to firesafety ex - ,every occupancy — from the simplest dwelling to the )phisticated industrial complex. Certain aspects of eping are a common denominator to practically all es whatever their use; others are peculiar to a par- iccupancy and must be dealt with by means of special res. It is neither practical nor possible to describe every of housekeeping for all conceivable occupancies and is. In dealing. with the subject, one must exercise im- n in visualizing possible hazardous situations, and in ting the fire dangers and danger io life, take ap- e steps to minimize them. The axiom, "a place for ng and everything in its place," while lacking in im- n, summarizes succinctly the proper attitude to take in hing the task of assuring good order and tidiness on lough this chapter discusses in broad terms the elements id housekeeping, other chapters in this HANDBOOK ad- hemselves to specific practices and equipments that are ited with housekeeping practices for specific situations. chapters : are referenced at appropriate locations flout this chapter. A. Principles of Good Housekeeping y� i . `discussed here, housekeeping comprises the simpler is of building care and maintenance, operational tidiness Filer, proper control of waste, and regulation of personal ces,(i.e., smoking) that without sensible controls can lead zaidous conditions. The effort must be organized and ng to be effective. insibility for Housekeeping ;matter what the occupancy, there must be recognition ,waste materials and obstructions to orderly movement ghout the premises will accumulate and that it is im- ve that they are removed systematically. Simply being ;;that they accumulate and obstruct and then removing When the bulk of the material becomes unwieldy and its ice a nuisance is not enough. Discipline is required to :that prescribed housekeeping practices are followed in a gatic manner, that debris and trash are removed, and taterials and equipment are stored in an orderly manner. ame .is true for routine building maintenance chores; p 1: them and the property suffers, reflecting too that : , ky,innon is Editor -in -Chief on the staff of NFPA perhaps the routines of maintaining fire defenses are also neglected. In a large industrial or commercial organization, housekeep- ing is usually an assignment of a maintenance staff charged with the routines involved in housekeeping and maintenance. But direction for the overall effort rests with management who must give the effort the positive sense of urgency that good housekeeping routines require to be effective. Without direct and vigorous support from the top, housekeeping goals and objectives can fall to a low priority. In smaller properties without maintenance staff, good housekeeping is more an individual effort, yet the principles are the same. Vigorous and systematic attention to the tenets of orderliness and cleanliness, led by a concerned manage- ment, are required. The Tenets of Good Housekeeping Basically there are not many requirements for good housekeeping aside from the somewhat specialized activities of basic building maintenance. Essentially they are: 1. Proper layout and equipment. 2. Correct materials handling and storage. 3. Cleanliness and orderliness. When proper attention is given to establishing the routines for the preceding three factors, good housekeeping is certain to result. Layout and Equipment. Ample working space, adequate and proper storage facilities, and the right facilities for moving material are the components of an adequately designed work area. Otherwise, good housekeeping is frustrated as the work area becomes clogged, materials waiting for processing back up, and overall cleanliness falls below par by the very nature of the messy surroundings. A careful review of space re- quirements for the actual operations being carried on may sug- gest potentials for rearrangement that can improve the levels of housekeeping considerably. Materials Handling and Storage: Materials stored in a haphazard manner through lack of adequate facilities to move them about properly and to arrange them in neat convenient storage areas compound the housekeeping problem. Exitways can become blocked too easily; access to fire extinguishers, small hose stations, and automatic extinguishing system con- trol valves can become obstructed; and other fire protection equipment, such as fire doors, made inoperative. Disordered storage lends itself to collection of debris and trash in neglected corners and cul de sacs. Good storage practices are discussed in Section 10, Chapter 1, and materials handling equipment in Section 11, Chapter 7. Cleanliness and Orderliness: No matter what the occupancy, the level of firesafety is immeasurably improved where atten- tion is paid to the very basic need to keep all areas as clean and neat as possible. Each individual's personal sense of respon- sibility and desire to keep his surroundings neat and clean, backed up by efficient and timely waste removal programs are the principal defenses against unsightly and dangerous ac- cumulations of unwanted materials and trash. 11-49