2021-11-04 City Council - Full S Agenda-29951 2 3 4 5 o Agenda Edmonds City Council SPECIAL MEETING - VIRTUAL/ONLINE VIRTUAL ONLINE MEETING EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS WEB PAGE, HTTP://EDMONDSWA.IQM2.COM/CITIZENS/DEFAULT.ASPX, EDMONDS, WA 98020 NOVEMBER 4, 2021, 7:00 PM THIS MEETING IS HELD VIRTUALLY USING THE ZOOM MEETING PLATFORM. TO VIEW OR LISTEN TO THIS EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MEETING, PASTE THE FOLLOWING INTO A WEB BROWSER USING A COMPUTER OR SMART PHONE: HTTPS://ZOOM. US/J/95798484261 OR JOIN BY PHONE: US: +1 253 215 8782 WEBINAR ID: 957 9848 4261 PERSONS WISHING TO PROVIDE AUDIENCE COMMENTS USING A COMPUTER OR SMART PHONE ARE INSTRUCTED TO RAISE A VIRTUAL HAND TO BE RECOGNIZED. PERSONS WISHING TO PROVIDE AUDIENCE COMMENTS BY DIAL -UP PHONE ARE INSTRUCTED TO PRESS *9 TO RAISE A HAND. WHEN PROMPTED, PRESS *6 TO UNMUTE. CLOSED CAPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE USING THE ZOOM PLATFORM. CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA AUDIENCE COMMENTS COUNCIL BUSINESS 1. Budget Deliberations (120 min) ADJOURN Edmonds City Council Agenda November 4, 2021 Page 1 5.1 City Council Agenda Item Meeting Date: 11/4/2021 Budget Deliberations Staff Lead: Dave Turley Department: Administrative Services Preparer: Dave Turley Background/History Mayor Nelson presented his 2022 Proposed Budget to the Council on October 4. Budget books were provided to Council members, and the budget has been made available to the public online since that date. Questions and answers that have been discussed can also be found on the Administrative Services page on the city's website. Staff Recommendation Discussion only. Narrative: Tonight's meeting is an opportunity for Council members to discuss and ask questions of each other and of City Department representatives on the 2022 proposed budget. Changes to the budget may be proposed and discussed, but this early in the process amendments are not generally voted on yet. Packet Pg. 2