2021-11-04 Tree Board MinutespF E D4, Edmonds Citizens' Tree Board ne,np P APPROVED MEETING NOTES 4,gqo November 4, 2021— 6:00 p.m. The Edmonds Citizens' Tree Board Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Barbara Chase via Zoom. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT Bill Phipps Debra Dill, Parks and Rec Barbara Chase Kernen Lien, Environmental Program Manager Frank Caruso Deb Powers, Urban Forest Planner Doug Petersen BOARD MEMBER(S) ABSENT: ELECTED OFFICIAL PRESENT Suzanne Juer ensen Diane Buckshnis Ross Dimmick ELECTED OFFICAL ABSENT Donna Murphy CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Barbara Chase at 6:00pm. Land Acknowledgment was read by Barbara Chase. ROLL CALL: Roll Call was performed and it was decided that we did indeed have a quorum and that the meeting could proceed. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: .The agenda was approved. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The October 7, 2021 meeting notes were approved with no corrections or omissions noted. AUDIENCE COMMENTS: No audience members were present. OLD BUSINESS: a. Tree Tags: The work done on the tree tags will be held over for the winter and we will get back to it next spring. b. The Edmonds Tree Canopy Assessment Report that was done this past summer has been delayed, but will be out soon. NEW BUSINESS: a. The Arbor Day planting event at the Marsh was a huge success! Over 50 people came out to plant over 200 native trees and to pull mountains of invasive blackberries. Of special note was the huge turnout by Sound Salmon Solutions and the Students Saving Salmon groups. Edmonds resident, Joe Scordino, was praised for his tireless work on restoring the Edmonds Marsh. b. The Sound Salmon Solutions group is undertaking Perrinville Creek storm water testing; and our own Diane B. is helping with this project! c. The Edmonds Elementary School further landscaping project has been put on hold for now. We would like to reach out to the School District in the future to see what other tree plantings could be done on Edmonds School District properties. TREE BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Ideas for 2022 Tree Board activities were discussed. Suzanne thought a guided "walk around" for citizens that showed off some of our best public tree groves would be beneficial. All agreed and Diane agreed to leading the guided field trip! Tree Board membership changes: There will be big changes on the Tree Board come the end of the year. Sadly, Frank is leaving us. Barbara is leaving us. And Doug is leaving us. All will be missed. All have contributed much to the Tree Board. All three are due thanks and praise for their community service and their work on behalf of Edmonds' trees! The Tree Board vacancies have been posted by the city and advertised in local media. There was Barbara's' idea of holding a public talk on the importance played by forest canopies in carbon sequestering. Maybe we should have an "expert" invited to join one of our meetings and educate us on the complicated world of carbon sequestration. Our friend, Rich Lindsay, is being celebrated for his 50 !!! year's employment with the Edmonds Parks Department! Thank you Rich for your hard work and service. You are an inspiration for us all! The City's new Urban Forest Planner, Deb Powers, is taking over the paperwork for the City's Tree City certification. Thus we, the members of the Tree Board, have to submit our volunteer hours worked in the past year, for the Tree Board, to her. Pronto! Thank you. ADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm. Next Meetings: December 2, 2021. January 6, 2022. The meeting notes were taken by Bill Phipps.