2020-06-05 Disability Board MinutesEDMONDS' DISABILITY BOARD Meeting Minutes Specially Called Meeting 06/05/2020 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ken Jones, Board Chair Gary McComas, Board Member Susan Paine, Council Member Vivian Olson, Council Member Jim Distelhorst, Citizen -at -Large STAFF PRESENT: Carly Derrick, Human Resources Assistant Emily Wagener, Human Resources Analyst Sharon Cates, City Attorney MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC PRESENT: None CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ken Jones called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chair Jones moved to approve the minutes from the specially called 6/5/2020 meeting. Board member McComas seconded the motion. The motion carried. CONTINUED REVIEW/DISCUSSION OF A LEOFF 1 MEMBER'S PRIOR LTC CLAIMS OVER ALLOWED AMOUNTS & OTHER PENDING APPROVAL ITEMS. Ms. Derrick gave a brief summary of the updated documents that were received from the LEOFF 1 member's spouse indicating that the one-on-one care was required due to member's combative and wandering behavior. Ms. Wagener added that it would explain why the one -on -care was not needed at the new facility because they were more equipped to handle the behavior. The explanation for ambulance charges were also discussed. Chair Jones moved for the approval of reimbursement for LEOFF 1 member's one-on-one care charges. Councilmember Paine seconded the motion. Motion carried. Board Member McComas moved for the approval of reimbursement for LEOFF 1 member's ambulance charges. Chair Jones seconded the motion. Motion carried. OTHER Board Member McComas inquired about the results of the election. Ms. Derrick confirmed that all ballots received listed Board Member McComas for re-election. Chair Jones discussed dates for the next meeting. Chair Jones adjourned the meeting at 10:15 AM.