2020-11-23 Sister City Commission AgendaPage IofI Edmonds Sister City Commission Mission: It is the Mission of the Sister City Commission to promote international communication and understanding through the exchange of people, ideas and culture. November 23, 2020 6:00 pm Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://zoom.us/I/97411449400?pwd=VlptZEUzRUQ4RFRTSmtgd200W6VHdz09 Passcode: 449274 Or iPhone one -tap: US: +12S321S8782 "We acknowledge the original inhabitants of this place, the Sdohobsh (Snohomish) people and their successors the Tulalip Tribes, who since time immemorial have hunted, fished, gathered, and taken care of these lands. We respect their sovereignty, their right to self-determination, and we honor their sacred spiritual connection with the land and water." Call to Order Attendance Welcome Guests/Public Comment Administration 1. Approve/Amend Agenda 2. Approve/Amend Minutes 3. Financials New Business 1. Reappointment of the following Commissioners for 2021 a. Michele Fellows b. Greg Lange c. Gilliam lim d. Karyn Heinekin e. Gabe Longoria Continued Business 1. 2021 student exchange 2. New commissioner training 3. Scarecrow update 4. Other Announcements Next Meeting: TBD Adjourn