2020-03-04 Youth Commission MinutesPage 1.1.1 Youth Commission Meeting Minutes 3/4/2020 Commission members present: Brook Roberts Treasurer Caitlin Chung Caroline Wills Cole Albaugh Emily Sanger Co -Chairman Kaleb Nichols Secretary Owen Lee Commission members absent: Alissa Berman Jacob Sawyer Chairman Stephany Janssen Sydney Pearson Staff Present: Casey Colley Council/Community Members Present: Councilwoman Laura Johnson I. CALL TO ORDER Co -Chairman Kaleb Nichols motioned to call the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Room 123 in the Frances Anderson Center, 700 Main St., Edmonds Secretary Owen Lee seconded that motion Motion passed unanimously Secretary read the Native American Land Statement II. MINUTES - Approval of 2/5/20 Co -Chairman Kaleb Nichols moved to approve 2/5/20 meeting's minutes with no revisions Emily Sanger seconded that motion Motion passed unanimously Co -Chairman Koleb Nichols motioned to remove "Item X: Sexual Harassment Action Plan" from the agenda Emily Sanger seconded that motion Motion passed unanimously III. PUBLIC COMMENT - Sam and Emelia are proposing a scavenger hunt titled "The Hunt" - Team game using an app to explore Edmonds and solve puzzles Page 1.1.2 This will fund "Cocoon House," a non-profit organization working to fight homelessness in Snohomish County - Sam outlined the issues surrounding homelessness - Homelessness in Edmonds is an huge issue, not well-known or addressed Offers opportunity to inform, entertain, and make a difference in important issues Looking for partnership, help with outreach, help get donated prizes from local businesses - Also want access to the gazebo on May 31st so money doesn't have to go into renting space - Debrief: Good way to get involved with community - As the commission, we don't need a permit Important to get businesses involved Co -Chairman Kaleb Nichols moved to partner with "The Hunt" and Cocoon House Emily Sanger seconded that motion Motion passed unanimously IV. TASKFORCE UPDATE - First full meeting with Everett Youth Commission soon - Discussion with Mill Creek Youth Commission is progressing - Soon we'll be able to meet as three full commissions - Members of commission will attend these meetings along with Kaleb V. ADVERTISING UPDATES - Owen now has access to school contacts list - Caitlin talked to Edmonds United Methodist Church, will include it in their announcements - Kaleb is taking paper flyers to YoungLife - All flyers complete - Caitlin will try to get in contact with Girl Scouts, got in contact with Boy Scouts - Owen will send morning announcement to schools - Caroline will distribute flyers at Meadowdale and EcICC - Councilwoman Johnson will distribute flyers at Edmonds Heights and Scriber Lake - Begin conversation with friends about forum - All social media involving this forum will have to include "#greenedmonds" - We will be included in a press release about all Edmonds Earth Day events - We will make a press release about our event as advertising, as well as a press release afterwards about our event working on name recognition Page 1.1.3 We will reach out to environmental clubs and organizations Co -Chairman Kaleb Nichols moved to extend our meeting until 8:00 pm Secretary Owen Lee seconded that motion Motion passed unanimously VI. CLIMATE FORUM RESEARCH PLAN - Our topics: - Local Industry: Brook Roberts & Sydney Pearson - Education in School: Cole Albaugh & Alissa Berman - Individual Action: Caitlin Chung & Emily Sanger - What Can City Do: Caroline Wills & Jacob Sawyer - We would also like to talk to Shane Hope; we will draft questions to make the best use of her time - Possible questions: - How can we find more information more easily? - Does she have recommendations for how we can approach council about environmental issues? - What ideas does she have for making Edmonds housing and transportation greener? - What can the Youth Commission do to help you? VII. OTHER EVENTS TO SCHEDULE - We want more community outreach - Begin having at least two commission members volunteering in the community per month - Options for volunteering in our area: Annie's Soup Kitchen (9 am on Wednesdays), Edmonds Food Bank (3 pm on Mondays), investigate Bloodworks? Plantings and restoration work happening in our community? VIII. DEBRIEF STATEMENT TO COUNCIL - Kaleb read statement - Access agreement is currently stalled for definition of "tactical emergency" - It has now been defined by city and sent to district - Hopefully passed soon - Interim Police Chief Jim Lawless sent gratitude IX. CLIMATE EMERGENCY STATEMENT - Kaleb wants to draft a statement to send to council Page 1.1.4 We want a draft before the forum, send it after forum so we can garner extra support Get people from our forum to show up at the city council meeting when statement is read Get everyone to wear a color (green for environment? blue to match our vests?) to show their support Go to council meeting immediately after forum There may be more talk about climate action in council meetings in the near future - Would be cool to collect quotes about climate from survey We want statement to also talk about losing trees - Construction - Alders are dying naturally - Trees are coming down on residential property when developers come along - We should preserve some of those trees - Investigate Tree Board Kaleb will send out a draft of a statement, leave space to add things like organizations supporting us X. WHAT IS CITY COUNCIL COVERING? Senior Center rebuild is now a very large project that is out of funding - It will be community center, so they want city funding (2 million) - The new building is going for Silver LEED certification Updates from various law enforcement Should hotels be allowed at the waterfront? - Complicated question Lot line adjustment XI. ADJOURNMENT Co -Chairman Kaleb Nichols motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:31 pm Owen Lee seconded that motion Meeting adjourned