2020-09-16 Youth Commission Agenda4j� EDMONDSPARKS, RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICES YOUTH COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Wednesday, September 16', 2020 - 6:00-7:30 PM Via Zoom Meeting Edmonds Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services: providing Edmonds Citizens with a balanced system of open land, parks, recreation, and cultural arts to ensure a healthy and active quality of life. We acknowledge the original inhabitants of this place, the Sdohobsh (Snohomish) people and their successors the Tulalip Tribes, who since time immemorial have hunted, fished, gathered, and taken care of these lands. We respect their sovereignty, their right to self-determination, and we honor their sacred spiritual connection with the land and water. AGENDA ITEM PRESENTER TIME I. CALL TO ORDER Brook 1 Min Read Land Acknowledgment Statement Brook 1 Min II. MAYOR'S CLIMATE PROTECTION COMMITTEE Brook 15 Min III. RECRUITMENT UPDATES & STRATEGIES Shannon/Brook 10 Min IV. ORDINANCE CHANGES Brook 10 Min V. SUICIDE PREVENTION MONTH & ADVOCATING Brook/Caitlin 15 Min VI. BRAINSTORMING FOR FUTURE EVENTS/PLANS Brook 15 Min VII. INCREASING STUDENT REPRESENTATION Owen 10 Min VIII. WHAT IS CITY COUNCIL COVERING? Brook 12 Min IX. ADJOURN Brook 1 Min Join Zoom Meeting: Copy and paste in web browser: https://zoom.us/j/92345088607?pwd=ckjpZzYrSIRCZFVEYVdnS2N4RW V IUTO9 Meeting ID: 923 4508 8607 Passcode: 243469 One tap mobile +12532158782„92345088607# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) City of Edmonds Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department Francis Anderson Center 1 700 Main Street I Edmonds WA 98020 1 425-771-0230