2021-05-26 Youth Commission MinutesPage 1.1.1 Youth Commission Meeting Minutes 5/26/2021 Commission Members Present: Chair Owen Lee Co -Chair Jacob Sawyer Treasurer Sydney Pearson Finn Paynich Brooke Rinehimer Audrey Lim Aaron Nateephaisan Grace Kamila Commission Members Absent: Secretary Brook Roberts Hunter DeLeon Staff Present: Casey Colley Councilmembers Present: Laura Johnson I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Owen Lee moved to call the meeting to order at 6:03 pm over Zoom Owen Lee read the land acknowledgement statement Co -Chair Jacob Sawyer appointed interim secretary ➢ Chair Owen Lee made a motion to amend the agenda to take 10 minutes from Committee Meeting time to discuss the AAPI resolution II. CONSENT AGENDA ➢ May 12 consent agenda approved with no revisions III. CLIMATE ACTION PLAN WITH KERNEN LIEN ➢ The Climate Action plan has been covered through multiple workshops and committee meeting ➢ Plans to increase electric vehicle infrastructure in the action plan o More available chargers ➢ What is our 2050 vision for the climate? ➢ The 2010 mission statement intended to put forward a positive vision for the community ➢ How do we react to the 2010 mission statement? o Owen: Looking at equity is important Page 1.1.2 o We need to avoid imposing things on people that would burden them further, especially marginalized communities o It is hard to force people to change certain things with their lifestyle so changes also have be systemic rather than individual o Casey: There should be goals set for before 2050 o There are many measures that can be tracked along the way ■ Adoption of electric vehicles by 2035 o State legislature has been pushing for only electric vehicle sales by 2030 o The website for climate action plans: www.edmondsclimate.com o Finn: Social equity needs to be specifically addressed in the vision o Owen: More focus on public transportation and accessibility o Jobs need to be reachable/more working from home o Infrastructure needs to change to make cycling and walking better options for commuting o Brooke: The action plan is not clearly listed on the website o Brooke: Covid has changed how people view public transportation and we need to make it appealing again o Finn: Public transportation also needs to be expanded ➢ What do we want for outcomes that people can agree with? ➢ Submit ideas as statement sentences ➢ Focusing more on the vision rather than the justification IV. PRESENTATION TO COUNCIL UPDATE ➢ Some minor edits based on feedback from our last meeting ➢ The instagram follower count will be up to date when we make the presentation ➢ Casey: Add climate action plan to "Networking" ➢ Councilmember Johnson: Elaborating on summer meetings ➢ Brooke: Slide could show the diversity in our commission like different schools ➢ We need to show that we are representative of the population ➢ People who will present: Audrey, Brooke, and Owen ➢ Mock presentation next meeting V. ADDRESSING AAPI RESOLUTION ➢ Commission takes a couple minutes first to read over the council resolution ➢ Jacob: Good that the Washington State Human Rights Commission is mentioned ➢ Finn: Always room for improvement ➢ Brooke: Pinning Covid-19 as the cause for these hate crimes doesn't accurately represent the racism that results in these crimes Page 1.1.3 ➢ Councilmember Johnson: There is no clear action in this resolution o Representatives have the obligation to speak out against hate in the community o There is even borderline discrimination in City Council ➢ Owen: Council should reach out to people who are organizing in the community to actually follow through with action ➢ Casey: Good to acknowledge what is happening but why is the statement rushed? ➢ Sydney: There has to be real action required by a resolution ➢ Brooke: Are we allowed to clarify if we don't support the statement? ➢ Casey: We are allowed to give feedback on the resolution ➢ Owen: What actions can council actually take in regards to preventing hate crimes? ➢ Councilmember Johnson: We need to focus on what an equitable community would look like ➢ Councilmember Johnson: Council needs a better understanding regarding racial issues o Council should not be bringing forward resolutions like this on their own ➢ Casey: There is a large bystander effect in crimes and hate crimes ➢ Casey: We should draft feedback by Friday that can eventually make its way to Council ➢ Brooke will draft a response and send it Owen VI. COMMITTEE MEETING TIME ➢ Environmental Committee will work on drafting climate action sentences VII. FINAL COMMENTS ➢ There are some tech issues with the commission intro videos ➢ Diversity Commission would like and EYC member to attend one of their meetings on June 2nd ➢ Talk about recruitment next meeting ➢ More senior responses ➢ Respond to emails and GroupMe messages from Casey ➢ Casey will be out on extended leave next October VIII. ADJOURNMENT Chair Owen Lee motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 pm Brooke Rinehimer seconded that motion Meeting adjourned