2021-10-27 Youth Commission MinutesEdmonds Youth Commission - Minutes of 10/27/21 Commission Members Present: Acting Chair Sydney Pearson Sam Yi Acting Secretary Brook Roberts Mara Yenter Chelsea Beck Finn Paynich Brooke Rinehimer Julie Andres Audrey Lim I. CALL TO ORDER Meeting Commissioners Absent: Chair Owen Lee Aaron Nateephaisan Staff Present: Jay Sandstrom, Youth Commission Coordinator Guest Speakers: Tabatha Shoemake, EPD Community Engagement Coordinator Acting Chair Sydney Pearson called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM. Brook read the land acknowledgment statement. II. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Acting Chair Sydney Pearson made a motion to approve the meeting's agenda; Brooke seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. III. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 13, 2021 MEETING MINUTES Acting Chair Sydney Pearson made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2021 meeting; Brooke seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS No members of the public were present to make a public comment. V. CONVERSATION WITH TABATHA SHOEMAKE, EPD COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT COORDINATOR After spending 13 years as the Senior Animal Control Officer, Tabatha took up the newly created Community Engagement Coordinator position within the Edmonds Police Department. The EPD is looking to start the Explorer's Program, which would engage youth in the department by teaching defensive tactics, working with the K-9, traffic stop academies, case law, and hosting opportunities to earn volunteer hours. Officers will be engaging more with the Boys and Girls Club, as well. The EPD is looking to collaborate with youth whenever possible; Youth Commissioners should not hesitate to offer ideas. Her email is tabatha.shoemake@edmondswa.gov. Brook: Will the Police Department be engaging with the community at city -held events, such as the Uptown Evening Market and the upcoming Holiday Market? o Yes, there are more plans to do so and plans for a storefront office on Highway 99 for folks to access the police department easier for support services. Brook: Is there an established timeline for the storefront office on the Highway 99 corridor? o There will be a space toured tomorrow and could be used temporarily until a long-term office can be found. The office will include the court system, police department, and 1-2 other departments (full service). It will lead to a higher police presence in the area. Brook: Has there been discussion on bringing back the Citizens Patrol Program? o Yes. It will be instrumental in helping the Highway 99 corridor, especially by engaging community volunteers and people taking more ownership of their communities. In addition, the Community Academy will start in March of 2022. It will allow police to take control of their narrative to enable the public to see what being an officer is actually like. After the academy, the program will begin and encompass things such as speed patrol while taking the workload off current officers (the department is down nine officers). Standards will not be lowered. VI. SETTING MEETING NORMS We will be setting norms for youth commissioners to follow. The standards will be posted on the agenda. Youth commissioners used this time to create the norms agreed upon unanimously, shown below: • Read the previous meeting's minutes/the upcoming meeting's agenda before the meeting starts. • Approve meeting minutes/agenda after the meeting. • Stay engaged in discussions. • Give others the chance to speak during meetings. • Communicate in the group chat when meeting info is unclear. • Being open to adding things to meeting agendas. • Step up, step back. • Keep up communication with city staff. • Start and end meetings on time. • Prioritize attending meetings and provide advance notice if you will not be present. • Set attainable goals in committee meetings. • Try to follow Robert's Rules of Order during meetings. • Be open to new ideas and adjustments to already made ideas. • Read meeting minutes if you are absent from a meeting. • Try to make decisions by consensus. • Demonstrate our respect for our fellow Commissioners, the City of Edmonds, and the citizens we represent by: being present, being prepared, actively listening, participating in meetings, completing our individual assignments, and holding ourselves accountable. • Utilize the "Ouch Rule" (assume positive intent; resist the temptation to be offended). • The camera is on during meetings (when able). VII. INTRODUCTION TO ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER Brook presented the Robert's Rules of Order adapted to the Youth Commission's use. The presentation is attached to the minutes. VIII. OFFICER NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS Now that we are in a new Youth Commission session, we need to elect officers. The responsibilities of the officers are below. • Chair: Presides at all meetings doing their best to use Roberts Rules of Order. The chair runs the meeting; all remarks are addressed through the chair. When a discussion is underway, it is the chairperson's duty to ensure that it flows smoothly by involving all members present and by not permitting one or two people to dominate the meeting. The chair will work with the co-chair and coordinator to create the next meeting's agenda. The agenda must be emailed to the Youth Commission Coordinator one week prior to the meeting. Estimated time spent a week: 1-4 hours. • Co -Chair: Performs duties of chairperson when absent. If agreed upon, can alternate duties of chair for every other meeting. Works with the Chair and the coordinator to complete the agenda and have it submitted one week prior to the meeting. Estimated time spent a week: 1-2 hours • Secretary: The guardian of the process of meetings keeping formal records of the commission's process and decisions. Responsible for recording meeting minutes and submitting them by the Friday (2 days) following the meeting. Estimated time spent a week: 1-3 hours. • Communications Manager: Manage the Youth Commission Instagram account. Create a weekly post with content relevant to Youth Commission's mission and current work posting to Instagram. Once approved, send it to the coordinator to post to the Parks and Recreation Department's Facebook page. In addition, draft or edit all statements and help draft press releases. Estimated time spent a week: 1-3 hours. Last year, the Youth Commission held officer elections through email. Brook mentioned that to keep the process fair for those absent, it would be best to continue doing so. The commission agreed unanimously. Youth Commissioners are to email Jay to run for a position or nominate another commissioner for a role. Sydney noted that no motion is needed. IX. INTRODUCTION TO THE CITY BUDGET Brook showed commissioners the city's proposed 2022 budget, proposed by Mayor Nelson at the beginning of October. The incumbent mayor proposes the budget of each year at the beginning of October with decision packages. Decision packages are proposals from each department for additional funding for a new position or new/ongoing project. He recommended that commissioners start by reading the mayor's budget message and read into the departments and categories they are interested in. If commissioners have any questions, they can reach out to Shannon Burley, Deputy Director of Parks, Recreation, Cultural, and Human Services, at shannon.burley@edmondswa.gov. X. INTRODUCTION AND SELECTION OF COMMITTEES New members received an introduction to committees and selected the one they would like to serve on for the rest of the year. Sydney noted that she is on the Mental Health Committee; Finn and Owen are on the Diversity and Equity; Audrey, Brook, and Aaron are on the Youth & Government; and Brooke is on the Environmental. • Diversity and Equity —Finn stated that the committee wants to highlight different groups and themed months to support different folks. Recently, they've been focusing on the houseless community of Edmonds. • Youth & Government —Brook noted that the committee spent the summer laying the groundwork for the Intro to Municipal Government guide and is wrapping up the outline process. The next step is to distill the information into multiple digestible mediums for citizens to read. The committee also is curious about the city's community court that may be resuming soon and potential opportunities for collaboration. Audrey added that she would like to see the youth commission's student forums resume. • Environmental —Brooke outlined that the committee was involved in the beach cleanup last April, developed Instagram posts, wanted to promote recycling practices to the community this upcoming year. Much research was done to prevent misinformation when creating Instagram posts. • Mental Health Committee —Sydney mentioned that last year, the committee developed a list of resources posted on the Youth Commission's website. She plans on having the committee emphasize mental health education, especially within the Edmonds School District. Sydney advised that new commissioners select a committee while explaining that the Youth & Government committee was full. Mara and Julie joined the Environmental; Chelsea and Sam joined the Mental Health. Brook suggested that the commission explore the opportunity of members joining multiple committees as the majority of committee meetings are outside of regularly scheduled commission meetings. As long as there aren't five members in a committee (which would establish a quorum), we can accommodate that. Youth commissioners met in their committees after discussion. XI. FINAL COMMENTS ➢ Jay: He sent an email to commissioners regarding the officer elections. Also, with our last meeting in November taking place near Thanksgiving, it is worthwhile looking into moving that meeting. Lastly, the Diversity Commission would like a representative to give them updates on what we've been doing at their next meeting on December 1st. o Brook suggested that we meet on the 17th instead of canceling because our commission time is limited, and we cannot achieve what we want to be completed in a limited amount of time. Sydney agreed. o Audrey and Chelsea will represent the commission at the December 1st Diversity Commission meeting. Acting Chair Sydney Pearson made a motion to move the Youth Commission meeting from November 23rd to November 17th; Brook seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. ➢ Audrey asked Brooke for a PROS Plan update. Brooke mentioned that she hadn't received updates in a while and will reach out for more information. For clarification, the PROS Plan refocuses the short and long term goals of the Parks and Recreation Department every six years; this year, there is a more significant focus on to equitably provide enough of the "right" parks and recreation in the "right" places for the growing city of Edmonds. Brook mentioned that one of the applicants for the commission would become the Student Representative on the Planning Board. He also encouraged everyone to vote if 18+ and extensively research candidates. XII. ADJOURNMENT Acting Chair Sydney Pearson adjourned the meeting at 7:28 PM. INTRO & REVIEW OF THE ROBIERTFS RULES OF ORDER For the Edmonds Youth Commission Wednesday, October 27, 2021 ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER ENE WLY REVISED 12TH EDITION Henry M. Robert III, Daniel H. Honemann, Thomas J. Balch, Daniel E. Seabold, and Shmuel Gerber WHAT IS THE ROBERT"S RULES OF ORDER? • Form of parliamentary procedure; it is a guide to conducting smooth, orderly, and fair meetings that accomplish goals of a body • Ensures majority rule and protects the rights of the minority, the absentees and individual members THE CHAIR, CO-CHAIR, SECRETARY • Chair: Presiding officer of the meeting, recognizes members for debate & discussion, remains fair and impartial, sets the meeting agendas, calls the meeting to order and adjourns, provides overall leadership for the Youth Commission • Co -Chair: Acting Chair is official Chairperson is absent, collaborates with Chair to set agenda, can alternate duties with Chair if agreed upon • Secretary: Keeps formal records of the commission's process and decisions, responsible for recording meeting minutes *Communications Manager excluded not relevant to Robert's Rules of Order THE MEETING AGENDA • The meeting agenda outlines the old and new business, call to order and adjournment, time allotted for each item, and the lead presenter; members can make motions to add/remove agenda items • Motions covered in the next slides • If you would like something to be added to the agenda, reach out to the Chair and Co -Chair (CC Youth Commission Coordinator, Jay) • Determined by the Chair/Co-Chair QUORUM • A quorum is half + 1 (simple majority) of the nine voting members on the Youth Commission, so five voting members establishes a quorum on the commission • Meeting can begin without a quorum present, but no motions or votes may be taken (ie: approval of the previous meeting minutes, etc.) MOTIONS • Motions are made after there has been discussion on an agenda item and if there is a need for action • A motion is a question to the body, and we may only consider one primary question at a time • "I move to approve the meeting minutes of the Wednesday, October 131h Youth Commission meeting" • Motions require a second • "I second the motion " • After the second, the Chair restates the motion and asks for discussion if you have any thoughts on the item being considered that you would like everyone to know, now is the time to mention • If there are no amendments or withdrawals, the Chair will take a vote on the pending motion • After any discussion, withdrawals, and amendments, the group will take a vote on the motion MOTIONS (PT. 2) • Alternatively, one can make a motion to amend (change) the outcome of the motion or withdraw the motion entirely, both require a second • Amend: "I move to change the date of the event to December I01h, 2021 " requires second and majority vote • Withdraw: "I'd like to withdraw my motion "—only the maker of the motion can do so and only requires second (no vote) • After any discussion, withdrawals, and amendments, the group will take a vote on the motion • For a motion to pass, a simple majority is required (half of voting members + 1), so five • Motions do not pass if we don't achieve the simple majority WHAT DO WE USE MOTIONS FOR? Motions are used if we are taking any action (approving previous meeting's minutes, extending our meeting beyond 7:30, etc.) Chair will clarify if needed FINAL COMMENTS & QUESTIONS? • The use of the Robert's Rules of Order is meant to facilitate efficient and orderly meetings • However, we should not let it hold us back we don't always have to do things "by the book"