Ordinance 4242city of edmonds publiC works 2022-2027 Capital FaCilities plan & Capital improvement program Index TRANSPORTATION & UTILITY PROJECT MAP ..................................................... 2 FACILITIES & WWTP PROJECT MAP ....................................................................... 3 TRANSPORTATION PROJECT LIST ........................................................................4-6 TRANSPORTATION PROJECT SHEETS ............................................................. ..7-64 WATER PROJECT LIST ..........................................................................................65-66 WATER PROJECT SHEETS ....................................................................................67-69 STORMWATER PROJECT LIST ............................................................................70-71 STORMWATER PROJECT SHEETS ......................................................................72-80 SEWER PROJECT LIST ...........................................................................................81-82 SEWER PROJECT SHEETS .....................................................................................83-87 FACILITIES PROJECT LIST ...................................................................................88-89 FACILITIES PROJECT SHEETS ...........................................................................90-107 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT PROJECT LIST .................................108-109 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT PROJECT SHEETS ...........................110-113 CIP-CFP COMPARISON (2021-2027) .................................................................114-117 1 PWD-01PWD-02 PWD-05 PWD-04 PWD-06PWD-07 PWT-05 PWT-06 PWT-07 PWT-17 PWT-18 PWT-19 PWT-20 PWT-21 PWT-22 PWT-23 PWT-24 PWT-26 PWT-27PWT-28 PWT-06 PWW-09 PWW-09 PWT-43 PWT-16 PWT-15 PWT-13 PWT-12 PWT-11 PWT-04 PWT-51 PWT-10 PWT-14 PWT-02 PWT-03 PWT-08PWT-20 PWT-25 PWT-09 PWT-37 PWT-48 PWT-49 PWT-36 PWT-55 PWT-32 PWT-42 PWT-41 PWT-46 PWT-31 PWT-33 PWT-47 PWT-30 PWT-50 PWT-35 PWT-40 PWT-29 PWT-34 PWT-45 PWS-11 ¯ September 2021 Public Works & Utilities Department TRANSPORTATION & UTILITY PROJECTS * Site specific projects only. Citywide/annual citywide projects not shown. Projects Sewer Stormwater Street/Intersection Project Non-Motorized Transportation Project Water Sewer Street/Intersection Project Non-Motorized Transportation Project 2 PWF-01 PWF-02 PWF-03PWF-04 PWF-05 PWF-07PWF-09 PWF-10 PWF-11 PWF-12 PWF-13 PWF-14 PWF-16 PWF-16 PWF-17 PWF-18 PWF-06 PWF-08 PWP-03 PWP-01 PWP-02PWP-04 ¯ September 2021 Public Works & Utilities Department FACILITIES & WWTP PROJECTS * Site specific projects only. Citywide/annual citywide projects not shown. Projects Facilities WWTPRailroadSt 4th Ave S5th Ave N4th Ave N6th Ave N6th Ave S7th Ave NWalnut St2nd Ave N2nd Ave SEdmo n d s S t 7th Ave SBell S t Jame s S t 6th Ave SBell St Jame s S t Sprague St Edmonds St Bell S t Dayton St Main S t Maple St Alder St Dayton St Walnut St Dayton St Alder St Sprague St MAIN S T 5TH AVE S3RDAVESWMAIN ST MAIN ST3RD AVE NSUNSETAVESEDMONDS WAYPWF-01 PWF-03 PWF-05 PWF-07 PWF-09PWF-10 PWF-11 PWF-13 PWF-16 PWP-01 PWP-02 PWP-04 3 TRANSPORTATION 4 Transportation Projects # CFP PROJECT DP #2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL (2022-2027) TOTAL (2028-42) TOTAL Project Cost Preservation / Maintenance Projects PWT-01 Annual Street Preservation Program 76 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,386,000 $1,650,000 $1,650,000 $9,186,000 $0 $9,186,000 PWT-02 84th Ave. W Overlay from 220th St. SW to 212th St. SW 84 $5,780 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,780 $0 $5,780 PWT-03 76th Ave. W Overlay from 196th St. SW to Olympic View Dr.78 $1,663,723 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,663,723 $0 $1,663,723 PWT-04 Main St. Overlay from 6th Ave. to 9th Ave. $0 $157,000 $780,000 $0 $0 $0 $937,000 $0 $937,000 PWT-05 Puget Dr. @ OVD Signal Upgrades $0 $0 $0 $80,000 $450,000 $0 $530,000 $0 $530,000 PWT-06 Signal Upgrades - 100th Ave @ 238th St. SW $0 $0 $0 $150,000 $700,000 $0 $850,000 $0 $850,000 PWT-07 Main St. @ 3rd Signal Upgrades $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 $350,000 $450,000 $0 $450,000 Safety / Capacity Analysis PWT-08 X 228th St. SW from Hwy 99 to 95th Pl. W Corridor $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $1,700,000 $12,000,000 $14,700,000 $0 $14,700,000 PWT-09 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 2 80 $7,660,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,660,000 $0 $7,660,000 PWT-10 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 3 81 $640,000 $3,200,000 $1,930,000 $16,000,000 $10,752,000 $0 $32,522,000 $0 $32,522,000 PWT-11 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 4 82 $400,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,167,000 $16,000,000 $16,434,000 $41,001,000 $0 $41,001,000 PWT-12 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 5 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,080,000 $4,964,000 $7,044,000 $37,971,000 $45,015,000 PWT-13 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 6 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,217,000 $20,217,000 PWT-14 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 7 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $38,142,000 $38,142,000 PWT-15 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 8 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,242,000 $35,242,000 PWT-16 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 9 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,072,000 $20,072,000 PWT-17 X SR 524 (196th St. SW) / 88th Ave. W - Intersection Improvements $0 $0 $0 $238,000 $216,000 $720,000 $1,174,000 $0 $1,174,000 PWT-18 X Main St. @ 9th Ave. Intersection Improvements $0 $0 $0 $176,000 $1,000,000 $0 $1,176,000 $0 $1,176,000 PWT-19 X 76th Ave. W @ 220th St. SW - Intersection Improvements 83 $276,902 $387,439 $725,000 $6,881,000 $0 $0 $8,270,341 $0 $8,270,341 PWT-20 SR-104 Adaptive System 86 $150,000 $260,000 $0 $1,955,000 $0 $0 $2,365,000 $0 $2,365,000 PWT-21 X SR-104 @100th Ave W. Intersection & Access Mgmt mprovements $0 $0 $0 $160,000 $931,000 $0 $1,091,000 $0 $1,091,000 PWT-22 X SR-104 @ 95th Pl. W Intersection Improvements $0 $0 $0 $80,000 $450,000 $0 $530,000 $0 $530,000 PWT-23 X SR-104 @ 238th St. SW Intersection Improvements $0 $0 $0 $213,000 $1,219,000 $0 $1,432,000 $0 $1,432,000 PWT-24 X Olympic View Dr. @ 76th Ave. W Intersection Improvements $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,266,000 $1,266,000 PWT-25 X 84th Ave. W (212th St. SW to 238th St. SW)$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,622,000 $16,622,000 PWT-26 X SR-104 @ 76th Ave. W Intersection Improvements $0 $0 $0 $481,000 $2,750,000 $0 $3,231,000 $0 $3,231,000 PWT-27 X Olympic View Dr. @ 174th St. SW Intersection Improvements $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $671,000 $671,000 PWT-28 175th St Sope Repair $0 $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 PWT-57 2022 Guardrail Program 95 $20,180 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,180 $0 $20,180 PWT-58 2022 Traffic Signal Upgrades 88 $30,280 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,280 $0 $30,280 Non-motorized transportation projects PWT-29 X 232nd St. SW Walkway from 100th Ave. to SR-104 $0 $0 $0 $0 $206,000 $1,183,000 $1,389,000 $0 $1,389,000 PWT-30 X 236th St. SW Walkway from Madrona Elementary to 97th Ave. W $0 $0 $0 $0 $227,000 $1,267,000 $1,494,000 $0 $1,494,000 PWT-31 X 236th St. SW Walkway from Hwy. 99 to 76th Ave. W $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,831,000 $1,831,000 PWT-32 X 84th Ave. W Walkway from 238th St. SW to 234th St. SW $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,000 $640,000 $790,000 $0 $790,000 PWT-33 X 80th Ave. W Walkway from 212th St. SW to 206th St. SW $0 $0 $0 $209,000 $209,000 $2,476,000 $2,894,000 $0 $2,894,000 PWT-34 X 80th Ave. W Walkway from 188th St. SW to Olympic View Dr. $0 $0 $0 $597,000 $2,339,000 $0 $2,936,000 $0 $2,936,000 PWT-35 X 218th St. SW Walkway from 76th Ave. W to 84th Ave. W $0 $0 $0 $0 $240,000 $1,350,000 $1,590,000 $0 $1,590,000 PWT-36 X Walnut St. Walkway from 6th Ave. S to 7th Ave S $0 $0 $0 $265,000 $0 $0 $265,000 $0 $265,000 PWT-37 X 216th St. SW Walkway from Hwy. 99 to 72nd Ave W $0 $0 $0 $200,000 $0 $0 $200,000 $0 $200,000 PWT-38 Citywide Pedestrian Enhancements Project 85 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $0 $10,000 PWT-39 X Citywide Bicycle Improvements Project 79 $1,562,390 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,562,390 $0 $1,562,390 PWT-40 X Maplewood Dr. Walkway from Main St. to 200th St. SW $0 $0 $0 $201,000 $201,000 $2,300,000 $2,702,000 $0 $2,702,000 PWT-41 X 95th Pl. W Walkway from 224th St. SW to 220th St. SW $0 $0 $0 $120,000 $668,000 $0 $788,000 $0 $788,000 PWT-42 X Railroad St. Walkway from Dayton St. to Main St. / SR-104 $0 $0 $0 $170,000 $754,000 $0 $924,000 $0 $924,000 PWT-43 X SR-104 @ 76th Ave. W Non-Motorized Trans Improvements $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,294,000 $1,294,000 PWT-44 X Downtown Lighting Improvements $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $1,200,000 $0 $1,500,000 $0 $1,500,000 PWT-45 X SR-104 Walkway: HAWK to Pine/Pine from SR-104 to 9th $0 $0 $0 $327,000 $327,000 $2,636,000 $3,290,000 $0 $3,290,000 5 Transportation Projects # CFP PROJECT DP #2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL (2022-2027) TOTAL (2028-42) TOTAL Project Cost PWT-46 X 191st St. SW Walkway from 80th Ave. W to 76th Ave. W $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $678,000 $678,000 PWT-47 X 104th Ave. W / Robinhood Lane Walkway from 238th St. SW to 106th Ave. W $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,060,000 $1,060,000 PWT-48 X 80th Ave. W Walkway from 218th St. SW to 220th St. SW $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $324,000 $324,000 PWT-49 X 84th Ave. W Walkway from 188th St. SW to 186th St. SW $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $328,000 $328,000 PWT-50 X 238th St. SW Walkway from Hwy. 99 to 76th Ave. W $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,285,000 $1,285,000 PWT-55 X Elm Way Walkway from 8th Ave. S to 9th Ave. S 93 $901,780 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $901,780 $0 $901,780 PWT-56 X 2022 Pedestrian Safety Program 87 $20,185 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,185 $0 $20,185 Ferry Projects PWT-51 X Ferry Storage Improvements from Pine St. to Dayton St.$0 $0 $0 $357,000 $0 $0 $357,000 $0 $357,000 Traffic Calming PWT-52 Traffic Calming Program 94 $33,130 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $123,130 $0 $123,130 Traffic Planning Projects PWT-53 Citywide ADA Transition Plan $0 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 $0 $100,000 PWT-54 Transportation Plan Update 77 $185,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $185,000 $0 $185,000 Total Projects $15,059,350 $8,622,439 $7,953,000 $34,731,000 $46,537,000 $47,988,000 $160,890,789 $177,003,000 $337,893,789 Funding Source 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL (2022-2027) TOTAL (2028-42) TOTAL (2022-2027) Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal revenue $185,000 $131,000 $156,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $922,000 $0 $922,000 REET Fund 125 $835,199 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $835,199 $0 $835,199 REET Fund 126 $1,382,400 $1,596,000 $1,518,000 $1,518,000 $1,518,000 $1,518,000 $9,050,400 $0 $9,050,400 Transportation Impact Fees $60,000 $75,609 $343,750 $145,000 $500,000 $0 $1,124,359 $0 $1,124,359 General Fund $500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 $0 $500,000 Stormwater Utility Fund 422 $371,272 $25,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $401,272 $0 $401,272 Federal Grants $936,428 $1,811,830 $1,343,250 $0 $0 $0 $4,091,508 $0 $4,091,508 State Grants $8,700,000 $3,700,000 $2,607,000 $0 $0 $0 $15,007,000 $0 $15,007,000 Other $2,073,211 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,073,211 $0 $2,073,211 Unsecured Funding $0 $1,268,000 $1,975,000 $32,918,000 $44,369,000 $46,320,000 $126,850,000 $177,003,000 $303,853,000 Total Revenue $15,059,350 $8,622,439 $7,953,000 $34,731,000 $46,537,000 $47,988,000 $160,890,789 $177,003,000 $337,893,789 6 Project Description Annual pavement preservation program to maintain City streets. Project Benefit Maintains the City's pavement infrastructure and reduces the need for larger capital investment to rebuild City steets. $1,500,000/ year Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Annual Street Preservation Program PWT-01 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $225,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $200,000 $200,000 Right of Way Construction $1,275,000 $1,350,000 $1,350,000 $1,236,000 $1,450,000 $1,450,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,386,000Expense Total $1,650,000 $1,650,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 REET Fund 125 $500,000 REET Fund 126 $500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,236,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund $500,000 Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,386,000Funding Source Total $1,650,000 $1,650,000 7 Project Description Pavement overlay of 84th Ave. W from 220th St. SW to 212th St. SW, with curb ramps upgrades, RRFB’s at the existing crosswalk in front of the Chase Lake Elementary School, and bike lane addition from 215th St. SW to 212th St. SW on both sides of the street. This project is funded through a secured Federal grant and local funds. The project will be completed in fall 2021 and the funding in 2022 is necessary to close-out the project and complete the grant documents. Project Benefit Improve pavement condition and active transportation safety along the corridor. $1,130,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 84th Ave W Overlay - 220th St SW to 212th St SW PWT-02 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $5,780 $5,780Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 $780 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants $5,000 State Grants Unsecured Funding $5,780Funding Source Total 8 Project Description Pavement overlay of 76th Ave. W from 196th St. SW to Olympic View Dr. with pedestrian curb ramps upgrades, RRFB’s at the proposed crosswalk at 75th Pl. W, and possible addition of a bike lane for the northbound movement. This is a joint project funded by the Cities of Edmonds and Lynnwood, since the west half of the street is in the City of Edmonds and the east half is in the City of Lynnwood. Project Benefit Improve pavement condition, install new Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFB’s) for pedestrian safety and upgrade pedestrian curb ramps to meet ADA standards. In addition to the existing southbound bike lane, the project may add a new northbound bike lane as outlined in the City's Transportation Comprehensive Plan. 1,955,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 76th Ave W Overlay - 196th St SW to Olympic View Dr PWT-03 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $1,663,723 $1,663,723Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 $274,195 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants $639,788 State Grants Other $749,740 Unsecured Funding $1,663,723Funding Source Total 9 Project Description Pavement overlay along Main St. from 6th Ave. to 9th Ave. with pedestrian curb ramps upgrades and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB’s) at the existing pedestrian crosswalk at 8th Ave. The project will be funded with a federal grant (funds available in 2023) and City funds for a local match. Project Benefit Improve pavement conditions on this segment of Main St., pedestrian safety with the addition of RRFB’s, and pedestrian accessibility with the ADA curb ramp. $937,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Main St Overlay from 6th Ave to 9th Ave PWT-04 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $157,000 Right of Way Construction $780,000 $157,000 $780,000Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re $31,000 $156,000 REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants $126,000 $624,000 State Grants Unsecured Funding $157,000 $780,000Funding Source Total 10 Project Description The project consists of a complete signal rebuilt, with the removal of all vehicle head currently on spam wire and conversion to standard traffic signal poles with mast arms. Vehicle detention will also be upgraded as part of this project. Project Benefit his upgrade will provide safer roadway conditions since the vehicle heads aren’t fixed while handing on those wires. The new vehicle detection will guarantee that all vehicles will be detected. $530,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Puget Dr @ OVD Signal Upgrades PWT-05 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $80,000 Right of Way Construction $450,000 $80,000Expense Total $450,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $80,000 $450,000 $80,000Funding Source Total $450,000 11 Project Description Install new traffic signal and vehicle detection system. Project Benefit The existing traffic signal is near the end of its anticipated service life. $850,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 100th Ave. @ 238th St. SW signal upgrades PWT-06 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $150,000 Right of Way Construction $700,000 $150,000Expense Total $700,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $150,000 $700,000 $150,000Funding Source Total $700,000 12 Project Description Install new traffic signal and vehicle detection system. Project Benefit The existing traffic signal is near the end of its anticipated service life. $450,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Main St @ 3rd Signal Upgrades PWT-07 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $100,000 Right of Way Construction $350,000 Expense Total $100,000 $350,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $100,000 $350,000 Funding Source Total $100,000 $350,000 13 Project Description Widen 228th St. SW from Hwy. 99 to 95th Pl. W to three lanes (with center two-way left turn lane), with curb and gutter, sidewalk, and bike lanes. Project Benefit This project would improve active transportation safety and traffic flows along this corridor. Community Transit will evaluate the possibility of creating a new east-west bus route along 228th St. SW, if this project moves forward (connecting Edmonds Transit Station to Mountlake Terrace Transit Station). $14,700,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 228th St SW from Hwy 99 to 95th Pl W Corridor PWT-08 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $1,000,000 $700,000 Right of Way $1,000,000 Construction $12,000,000 $1,000,000Expense Total $1,700,000 $12,000,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $1,000,000 $1,700,000 $12,000,000 $1,000,000Funding Source Total $1,700,000 $12,000,000 14 Project Description Installation of raised landscaped median along Highway 99 corridor from 244th St. SW to 212th St. SW, addition of"Gateway" signage on both ends of the corridor, and a new pedestrian HAWK signal just north of 234th St. SW. The project is funded from state funds provided by the Connecting Washington Transportation program. Project Benefit The conversion of the center two-way left turn lane to a landscaped raised median will improve corridor safety along this Highway of Regional Significance (HRS), with an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of ~ 35,000 vehicles per day. The new HAWK signal will provide a signalized pedestrian crossing between the existing traffic signals at 238th St and 228th St. 9,033,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 2 PWT-09 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $7,660,000 $7,660,000Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants $7,660,000 Unsecured Funding $7,660,000Funding Source Total 15 Project Description The Stage 3 Highway 99 project limits are from 244th St SW to 238th St. SW. The project will construct wider sidewalks with a planter strip, new street lighting, improved stormwater facilities, targeted utility replacements, potential undergrounding of overhead utilities, landscaping and other softscape treatments. The Design and right of way phases are funded through secured Connecting Washington funds. Project Benefit Improve aesthetics, safety, and user experience along this segment of the Hwy 99 corridor. $32,522,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 3 PWT-10 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $640,000 $2,000,000 $712,000 Right of Way $1,200,000 $1,218,000 Construction $16,000,000 $10,752,000 $640,000 $3,200,000 $1,930,000 $16,000,000Expense Total $10,752,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants $640,000 $3,200,000 $1,875,000 Unsecured Funding $55,000 $16,000,000 $10,752,000 $640,000 $3,200,000 $1,930,000 $16,000,000Funding Source Total $10,752,000 16 Project Description The Stage 4 Highway 99 project limits are from 220th St SW to 224th St. SW. The project will construct wider sidewalks with a planter strip, new street lighting, improved stormwater facilities, targeted utility replacements, potential undergrounding of overhead utilities, landscaping and other softscape treatments. The intersection of Highway 99 and 220th St. will be widened to add capacity and improve the level of service. The Design and right of way phases are funded through secured Connecting Washington funds, a federal grant and local transportation impact fees. Project Benefit Improve aesthetics, safety, and user experience. In addition, future economic development would be improved. $41,001,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 4 PWT-11 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $400,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $688,000 Right of Way $500,000 $1,500,000 $2,479,000 Construction $16,000,000 $16,434,000 $400,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,167,000Expense Total $16,000,000 $16,434,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants $1,232,000 $348,000 State Grants $400,000 $500,000 $732,000 Unsecured Funding $268,000 $1,920,000 $3,167,000 $16,000,000 $16,434,000 $400,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,167,000Funding Source Total $16,000,000 $16,434,000 17 Project Description Along Hwy 99 from 216th St SW to 212th St. SW, the project will include wider sidewalks with a planter strip, new street lighting, better stormwater management, targeted utility replacements, potential undergrounding of overhead utilities, landscaping and other softscape treatments to identify the area as being in Edmonds. Project Benefit Improve aesthetics, safety, and user experience. In addition, future economic development will be improved along the corridor. $45,015,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 5 PWT-12 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $1,580,000 $2,013,000 $1,000,000 Right of Way $500,000 $2,951,000 $1,000,000 Construction $35,971,000 Expense Total $2,080,000 $4,964,000 $37,971,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $2,080,000 $4,964,000 $37,971,000 Funding Source Total $2,080,000 $4,964,000 $37,971,000 18 Project Description Along Hwy 99 from 238th St. SW to 234th St. SW, the project will include wider sidewalks with a planter strip, new street lighting, better stormwater management, targeted utility replacements, potential undergrounding of overhead utilities, landscaping and other softscape treatments to identify the area as being in Edmonds. Project Benefit Improve aesthetics, safety, and user experience. In addition, future economic development would be improved along the corridor. $20,217,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 6 PWT-13 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $2,146,000 Right of Way $1,433,000 Construction $16,638,000 Expense Total $20,217,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $20,217,000 Funding Source Total $20,217,000 19 Project Description Along Hwy 99 from 234th St. SW to 228th St. SW, the project will include wider sidewalks with a planter strip, new street lighting, better stormwater management, targeted utility replacements, potential undergrounding of overhead utilities, landscaping and other softscape treatments to identify the area as being in Edmonds. Project Benefit Improve aesthetics, safety, and user experience. In addition, future economic development would be improved along the corridor. $38,142,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 7 PWT-14 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $4,013,000 Right of Way $5,354,000 Construction $28,775,000 Expense Total $38,142,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $38,142,000 Funding Source Total $38,142,000 20 Project Description Along Hwy 99 from 228th St. SW to 224th St. SW, the project will include wider sidewalks with a planter strip, new street lighting, better stormwater management, targeted utility replacements, potential undergrounding of overhead utilities, landscaping and other softscape treatments to identify the area as being in Edmonds. Project Benefit Improve aesthetics, safety, and user experience. In addition, future economic development would be improved along the corridor. $35,242,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 8 PWT-15 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $3,596,000 Right of Way $2,439,000 Construction $29,207,000 Expense Total $35,242,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $35,242,000 Funding Source Total $35,242,000 21 Project Description Along Hwy 99 from 220th St. SW to 216th St. SW, the project will include wider sidewalks with a planter strip, new street lighting, better stormwater management, targeted utility replacements, potential undergrounding of overhead utilities, landscaping and other softscape treatments to identify the area as being in Edmonds. Project Benefit Improve aesthetics, safety, and user experience. In addition, future economic development would be improved along the corridor. $20,072,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway Project - Stage 9 PWT-16 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $1,866,000 Right of Way $2,036,000 Construction $16,170,000 Expense Total $20,072,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $20,072,000 Funding Source Total $20,072,000 22 Project Description Install traffic signal at the intersection of 196th St. SW @ 88th Ave. W. The modeling in the 2009 Transportation Plan indicated that restricting northbound and southbound traffic to right-turn-only (prohibiting left-turn and through movements) would also address the deficiency identified at this location through 2025. This is same alternative as one concluded by consultant in 2007 study but not recommended by City Council. This could be implemented as an alternate solution, or as an interim solution until traffic signal warrants are met. The existing LOS is F (below City Standards: LOS D). This project was ranked #6 in the Roadway Project Priority in the 2015 Transportation Plan. Project Benefit Improve traffic flow characteristics and safety at the intersection. The improvement would modify LOS to A, but increase the delay along 196th St. SW. $1,174,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 196th St SW / 88th Ave W - Intersection Improvements PWT-17 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $238,000 Right of Way $216,000 Construction $720,000 $238,000Expense Total $216,000 $720,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees $80,000 General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $158,000 $216,000 $720,000 23 $238,000Funding Source Total $216,000 $720,000 Project Description Installation of a traffic signal or mini-roundabout. The project ranked #4 in the Roadway Project Priority of the 2015 Transportation Plan. Project Benefit The existing intersection is stop-controlled for all approaches and the projected intersection LOS in 2035 is LOS F (below the City’s concurrency standards: LOS D). The installation of a traffic signal would improve the intersection delay to LOS B. $1,176,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Main St @ 9th Ave Intersection Improvements PWT-18 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $176,000 Right of Way Construction $1,000,000 $176,000Expense Total $1,000,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees $500,000 General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $176,000 $500,000 $176,000Funding Source Total $1,000,000 24 Project Description Reconfigure eastbound lanes to a left turn lane and through / right turn lane. Add eastbound and westbound dedicated left turn lanes with a protected-permitted phase. Provide right turn overlap for westbound movement during southbound left turn phase. (Additional improvements include wider sidewalk, bike lanes, and various utility improvements (invluding potential conversion overhead utility lines to underground). ROADWAY PROJECT PRIORITY #1 in 2015 Transportation Plan). Project Benefit Reduce the intersection delay and improve the LOS. The projected LOS in 2035 would be improved from LOS F to LOS D. Improve active transportation conditions for pedestrians and bicycle riders. $8,270,341 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 76th Ave W @ 220th St SW - Intersection Improvements PWT-19 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $276,902 $287,439 $50,000 Right of Way $100,000 $675,000 Construction $6,881,000 $276,902 $387,439 $725,000 $6,881,000Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees $60,000 $75,609 $343,750 General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 $21,062 $25,000 $5,000 Water Utility Fund 421 $15,840 $15,000 $5,000 Federal Grants $180,000 $271,830 $371,250 State Grants Unsecured Funding $6,881,000 $276,902 $387,439 $725,000 $6,881,000Funding Source Total 25 Project Description Installation of an Adaptive System along SR-104 from 236th St. SW to 226th St. SW (total of five traffic signals along this stretch / spaced ~ ¼ mile from each other). No signal communication currently exists between any of the existing traffic signals. Project Benefit Improve traffic flows along this regional corridor with a current Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of ~ 25,000 vehicles per day. $2,365,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation SR-104 Adaptive System PWT-20 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $150,000 $260,000 Right of Way Construction $1,955,000 $150,000 $260,000 $1,955,000Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 $45,000 REET Fund 126 $78,000 $264,000 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants $105,000 $182,000 State Grants Unsecured Funding $1,691,000 $150,000 $260,000 $1,955,000Funding Source Total 26 Project Description Implement Westgate Circulation Access Plan, install mid-block pedestrian crossing along 100th Ave. W, improve safety to access the driveways within proximity to the intersection, and re-striping of 100th Ave. W with the potential addition of bike lanes. This project was identified in the SR-104 Completed Streets Corridor Analysis (completed in 2015). Project Benefit Improve access and safety at the intersection and improve active transportation safety. $1,091,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation SR-104 @100th Ave W Intersection & Access Mgmt ImprovePWT-21 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $160,000 Right of Way Construction $931,000 $160,000Expense Total $931,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $160,000 $931,000 $160,000Funding Source Total $931,000 27 Project Description Upgrade all ADA Curb Ramps; and add C-Curb for access management. This project was identified in the SR-104 Complete Streets Corridor Analysis (completed in 2015). Project Benefit Improve intersection safety for pedestrians and vehicles. $530,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation SR-104 @ 95th Pl W Intersection Improvements PWT-22 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $80,000 Right of Way Construction $450,000 $80,000Expense Total $450,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $80,000 $450,000 $80,000Funding Source Total $450,000 28 Project Description Install traffic signal. This project was identified in the SR-104 Complete Street Corridor Analysis (completed in 2015). Project Benefit Improve vehicular and pedestrian safety. $1,432,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation SR-104 @ 238th St SW Intersection Improvements PWT-23 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $213,000 Right of Way Construction $1,219,000 $213,000Expense Total $1,219,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $213,000 $1,219,000 $213,000Funding Source Total $1,219,000 29 Project Description Install traffic signal (the intersection currently stop controlled for all movements). (ROADWAY ROJECT PRIORITY in 2015 Transportation Plan: #11). Project Benefit The improvement will reduce the intersection delay. The projected Level of Service is LOS F in 2035, which is below the City’s concurrency standards (LOS D). The project will improve the Level of Service to LOS B. $1,266,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Olympic View Dr @ 76th Ave W Intersection Improvements PWT-24 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $213,000 Right of Way Construction $1,053,000 Expense Total $1,266,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $1,266,000 Funding Source Total $1,266,000 30 Project Description Widen 84th Ave. W to (3) lanes with curb, gutter, bike lanes, and sidewalk on each side of the street. (part of this project was ranked #6 in the Long Walkway list of the 2015 Transportation Plan). Project Benefit Improve traffic flow, access and active transportation uses by installing a center two way left turn lane, sidewalks, bike lanes and street lighting. $16,622,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 84th Ave W (212th St SW to 238th St SW)PWT-25 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $2,122,000 Right of Way Construction $14,500,000 Expense Total $16,622,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $16,622,000 Funding Source Total $16,622,000 31 Project Description Add a second westbound left turn lane along SR-104. This project was identified in the SR-104 Complete Street Corridor Analysis (completed in 2015). Project Benefit Improve access, safety and delay at the intersection. $3,231,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation SR-104 @ 76th Ave W Intersection Improvements PWT-26 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $481,000 Right of Way Construction $2,750,000 $481,000Expense Total $2,750,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees $65,000 General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $416,000 $2,750,000 $481,000Funding Source Total $2,750,000 32 Project Description Widen Olympic View Dr. to add a northbound left turn lane for 50’ storage length. Shift the northbound lanes to the east to provide an acceleration lane for eastbound left turns. Install traffic signal to increase the LOS and reduce intersection delay. (ROADWAY PROJECT PRIORITY in 2015 Transportation Plan: #13) Project Benefit Improve intersection efficiency and safety of drivers accessing either street. $671,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Olympic View Dr @ 174th St SW Intersection ImprovementsPWT-27 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $109,000 Right of Way Construction $562,000 Expense Total $671,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $671,000 Funding Source Total $671,000 33 Project Description The project will stabilize the roadway subgrade and embankment and rebuild the damaged pavement on 175th St. SW. Project Benefit Repair roadway and stabilize slope embankment. $1,000,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 175th St SW Sope Repair PWT-28 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $1,000,000 $1,000,000Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $1,000,000 $1,000,000Funding Source Total 34 Project Description Install sidewalk along 232nd St. SW from 100th Ave. W to SR-104. This project ranked #3 in the Long Walkway List of 2015 Transportation Plan. Project Benefit This project would improve pedestrian safety. $1,389,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 232nd St SW Walkway from 100th Ave to SR-104 PWT-29 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $206,000 Right of Way Construction $1,183,000 Expense Total $206,000 $1,183,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $206,000 $1,183,000 Funding Source Total $206,000 $1,183,000 35 Project Description Install sidewalk with curb and gutter along 236nd St. SW from Madrona Elementary to 97th Ave. W. This project ranked #4 in Long Walkway list of the 2015 Transportation Plan. Project Benefit This project would improve pedestrian safety. $1,494,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 236th St SW Walkway from Madrona Elem to 97th Ave W PWT-30 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $227,000 Right of Way Construction $1,267,000 Expense Total $227,000 $1,267,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $227,000 $1,267,000 Funding Source Total $227,000 $1,267,000 36 Project Description Install sidewalk along 236th St. SW from Hwy 99 to 76th Ave. W. This project ranked #10 in Long Walkway List of the 2015 Transportation Plan. Project Benefit This project would improve pedestrian safety. $1,831,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 236th St SW Walkway from Hwy 99 to 76th Ave W PWT-31 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $264,000 Right of Way Construction $1,567,000 Expense Total $1,831,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $1,831,000 Funding Source Total $1,831,000 37 Project Description Install sidewalk along 84th Ave. W from 238th St .SW to 234th St. SW, with curb and gutter. This project ranked #5 in the Long Walkway List of the 2015 Transportation Plan. Project Benefit This project would improve pedestrian safety. $790,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 84th Ave W Walkway from 238th St SW to 234th St SW PWT-32 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $150,000 Right of Way Construction $640,000 Expense Total $150,000 $640,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $150,000 $640,000 Funding Source Total $150,000 $640,000 38 Project Description Install sidewalk along 80th Ave. W from 206th St. SW to 212th St. SW with curb and gutter. This project ranked #1 in Long Walkway List of the 2015 Transportation Plan. Project Benefit The improvements will improve active transportation safety (including for school kids due to proximity of several schools). $2,894,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 80th Ave W Walkway from 212th St SW to 206th St SW PWT-33 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $209,000 $209,000 Right of Way Construction $2,476,000 $209,000Expense Total $209,000 $2,476,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $209,000 $209,000 $2,476,000 $209,000Funding Source Total $209,000 $2,476,000 39 Project Description Install sidewalk along 80th Ave. W from 188th St. SW to OVD. This project ranked #13 in Long Walkway List of the 2015 Transportation Plan. Project Benefit This project would improve pedestrian safety. $2,936,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 80th Ave W Walkway from 188th St SW to Olympic View DrPWT-34 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $597,000 Right of Way Construction $2,339,000 $597,000Expense Total $2,339,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $597,000 $2,339,000 $597,000Funding Source Total $2,339,000 40 Project Description Install sidewalk along 218th St. SW from 76th Ave. W to 84th Ave. W with curb and gutter. This project ranked #2 in Long Walkway List of the 2015 Transportation Plan. Project Benefit The improvements will improve pedestrian safety. $1,590,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 218th St SW Walkway from 76th Ave W to 84th Ave W PWT-35 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $240,000 Right of Way Construction $1,350,000 Expense Total $240,000 $1,350,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $240,000 $1,350,000 Funding Source Total $240,000 $1,350,000 41 Project Description Install sidewalk on the south side of Walnut St. from 6th Ave. S to 7th Ave. S. Project Benefit This project will improve pedestrian safety along this stretch. $265,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Walnut St Walkway from 6th Ave S to 7th Ave S PWT-36 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $40,000 Right of Way Construction $225,000 $265,000Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $265,000 $265,000Funding Source Total 42 Project Description Install 150’ sidewalk on north side of 216th St. SW from Hwy. 99 to 72nd Ave. W (completing a missing link on north side of 216th St. SW). This project ranked #3 in the Short Walkway List (from 2015 Transportation Plan). Project Benefit To provide a safe and desirable walking route. $200,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 216th St SW Walkway from Hwy 99 to 72nd Ave W PWT-37 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $20,000 Right of Way Construction $180,000 $200,000Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $200,000 $200,000Funding Source Total 43 Project Description Complete pedestrian crossing enhancements with the installation of RRFB’s at (7) intersections (Walnut St. @ 8th Ave. S, SR-524 @ Brookmere, 106th Ave. W @ 229th Pl. SW, Main St. @ Olympic Ave., 76th Ave W @ 206th St. SW, Dayton @ 2nd Ave. S, and Dayton St. @ Private Drive ), a new traffic signal at SR-104 @ 232nd St. SW, and a HAWK signal at SR-524 @ 84th Ave. W. Design, right of way and construction phases are funded through a federal grant, TIB state grant and local funds. Project Benefit Improve pedestrian safety by increasing driver yielding compliance for pedestrians waiting to cross at a marked crosswalk and safer crossing along SR-104 and SR-524 with higher speeds and longer crossing distances through signal and HAWK signal. $2,145,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Citywide Pedestrian Enhancements Project PWT-38 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $10,000 $10,000Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 $820 REET Fund 126 $2,230 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 $310 Federal Grants $6,640 Other Unsecured Funding $10,000Funding Source Total 44 Project Description Installation of bike lanes or sharrows along various street segments as identified on the Proposed Bike Facilities map of 2015 Transportation Plan. Bike lanes or sharrows will be added along 100th St. SW / 9th Ave. from 244th St. SW to Walnut St, Bowdoin Way from 9th Ave. to 84th Av., 228th St. SW from 80th Ave. to 78th Ave., and 80th Ave. from 228th St. SW to 220th St. SW. Project Benefit This project will create new bike connections to various destination points throughout the City (such as schools, parks, Downtown, Sound Transit Station…). Sound Transit awarded the grant to fund improvements that will provide more convenient access so that more people can use Sound Transit services. 2,100,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Citywide Bicycle Improvements Project PWT-39 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $1,562,390 $1,562,390Expense Total Other $1,323,471 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 $238,919 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $1,562,390 $0 $0 $0Funding Source Total $0 $0 $0 45 Project Description Construct sidewalk on Maplewood Dr. from Main St. to 200th St. SW (~ 2,700’). A sidewalk currently exists on 200th St. SW from Main St. to 76th Ave. W, adjacent to Maplewood Elementary School (rated #18 in the Long Walkway list of the 2015 Transportation Plan). Project Benefit Create pedestrian connection between Maplewood Elementary School on 200th St. SW and Main St., by encouraging kids to use non-motorized transportation to walk to / from school. $2,702,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Maplewood Dr Walkway from Main St to 200th St SW PWT-40 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $201,000 $201,000 Right of Way Construction $2,300,000 $201,000Expense Total $201,000 $2,300,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $201,000 $201,000 $2,300,000 $201,000Funding Source Total $201,000 $2,300,000 46 Project Description Install sidewalk along 95th Pl. W from 224th St. SW to 220th St. SW with curb and gutter. This project ranked #8 in the Long Walkway List of the 2015 Transportation Plan. Project Benefit This project would improve pedestrian safety. $788,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 95th Pl W Walkway from 224th St SW to 220th St SW PWT-41 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $120,000 Right of Way Construction $668,000 $120,000Expense Total $668,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $120,000 $668,000 $120,000Funding Source Total $668,000 47 Project Description Install new and wider sidewalk along Railroad Ave from Dayton St. to SR-104. Project Benefit Improve active transportation safety along Railroad Ave from Dayton St. to SR-104, key stretch since connects to various destination points (such as Waterfront Center, Port of Edmonds, Downtown Edmonds, WSDOT Ferry Terminal…). $924,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Railroad St Walkway from Dayton St to Main St/SR-104 PWT-42 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $170,000 Right of Way Construction $754,000 $170,000Expense Total $754,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $170,000 $754,000 $170,000Funding Source Total $754,000 48 Project Description Extend bike lanes within proximity of the intersection in northbound and southbound directions. Install APS on all corners and new ADA curb ramps. Project Benefit Improve active transportation safety along this section of the Interurban Trail and across SR-104. $1,294,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation SR-104 & 76th Non-Motorized Transportation ImprovementsPWT-43 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $238,000 Right of Way Construction $1,056,000 Expense Total $1,294,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $1,294,000 Funding Source Total $1,294,000 49 Project Description Installation of street lights along various streets within Downtown Edmonds. Project Benefit This project will add new street lighting in Downtown to improve pedestrian safety at night. $1,500,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Downtown Lighting Improvements PWT-44 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $300,000 Right of Way Construction $1,200,000 $300,000Expense Total $1,200,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $300,000 $1,200,000 $300,000Funding Source Total $1,200,000 50 Project Description Installation of sidewalk with ADA curb ramps along SR-104 from the HAWK signal to Pine St and along Pine St from SR-104 to 9th Ave S Project Benefit This project will improve pedestrian connectivity between the residential areas along 3rd Ave. S to Downtown Edmonds and City Park. $3,290,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation SR-104 Walkway: HAWK to Pine/Pine from SR-104 to 9th PWT-45 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $327,000 $327,000 Right of Way Construction $2,636,000 $327,000Expense Total $327,000 $2,636,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $327,000 $327,000 $2,636,000 $327,000Funding Source Total $327,000 $2,636,000 51 Project Description Install sidewalk along 191th St. SW from 80th Ave. W to 76th Ave., with curb and gutter. This project ranked #8 in Long Walkway List of the 2015 Transportation Plan. Project Benefit This project would improve pedestrian safety. $678,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 191st St SW from 80th Ave W to 76th Ave W PWT-46 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $100,000 Right of Way Construction $578,000 Expense Total $678,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $678,000 Funding Source Total $678,000 52 Project Description Install sidewalk along 104th Ave. W from 238th ST. SW to 106th Ave. W, with curb and gutter. This project ranked #10 in the Long Walkway List of the 2015 Transportation Plan. Project Benefit This project would improve pedestrian safety. $1,060,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 104th Ave W / Robinhood Ln from 238th St to 106th Ave W PWT-47 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $160,000 Right of Way Construction $900,000 Expense Total $1,060,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $1,060,000 Funding Source Total $1,060,000 53 Project Description Install sidewalk along 80th Ave. W from 218th ST. SW to 220th ST. SW, with curb and gutter. This project ranked #7 in the Short Walkway List of the 2015 Transportation Plan. Project Benefit This project would improve pedestrian safety. $324,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 80th Ave W from 218th St SW to 220th St SW PWT-48 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $59,000 Right of Way Construction $265,000 Expense Total $324,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $324,000 Funding Source Total $324,000 54 Project Description Install sidewalk along 84th Ave. W from 188th St. SW to 186th St. SW., with curb and gutter. This project ranked #5 in Short Walkway List of the 2015 Transportation Plan. Project Benefit This project would improve pedestrian safety. $328,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 84th Ave W from 188th St SW to 186th St SW PWT-49 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $50,000 Right of Way Construction $278,000 Expense Total $328,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $328,000 Funding Source Total $328,000 55 Project Description Install sidewalk along 236th St. SW from Hwy 99 to 76th Ave. W. This project ranked #10 in Long Walkway List of the 2015 Transportation Plan. Project Benefit This project would improve pedestrian safety. $1,285,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation 238th St SW from Hwy 99 to 76th Ave W PWT-50 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $187,000 Right of Way Construction $1,098,000 Expense Total $1,285,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $1,285,000 Funding Source Total $1,285,000 56 Project Description Modify existing lane channelization on SR104 to add vehicle storage for ferry users. Project Benefit Reduce conflicts between ferry storage and access to local driveways. $357,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Ferry Storage Improvements from Pine St to Dayton St PWT-51 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $357,000 $357,000Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $357,000 $357,000Funding Source Total 57 Project Description Install traffic calming devices (such as Radar Feedback signs, speed cushions, or other elements). Project Benefit Reduce vehicle speeds on City streets that qualify under the City's Traffic Calming Policy. $33,130 for 2022 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Traffic Calming Program PWT-52 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $33,130 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $33,130 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000Expense Total $18,000 $18,000 Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 $33,130 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $33,130 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000Funding Source Total $18,000 $18,000 58 Project Description The Plan identifies all existing ADA deficiencies within the City Right of Way (such as non-compliant ADA curb ramps, tripping hazards within sidewalk, non-compliant ADA driveways, and signalized intersection without Audible Pedestrian Signals (APS). Project Benefit Inventories and prioritizes ADA issues in the City right of way. $100,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Citywide ADA Transition Plan PWT-53 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $100,000 Right of Way Construction $100,000Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re $100,000 REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $100,000Funding Source Total 59 Project Description Update the City's long range transportation plan. Project Benefit $185,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Transportation Transportation Plan Update PWT-54 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $185,000 Right of Way Construction $185,000Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re $185,000 REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $185,000Funding Source Total 60 Project Description The walkway project is ranked #6 on the short walkway list from the 2015 Transportation Plan. The project will install approximately 700 feet of new sidewalk, six pedestrian curb ramps and modify the existing stormwater system on Elm Way between 8th Ave. S and 9th Ave. S. Project Benefit The project will improve pedestrian safety and provide a missing link of sidewalk on Elm Way between 8th Ave and 9th Ave. $998,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Tranportation Elm Way Walkway from 8th Ave. S to 9th Ave. S PWT-55 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $901,780 $901,780Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 $551,880 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 $349,900 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $901,780Funding Source Total 61 Project Description Addition of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) and/or flashing LED lights around regulatory signs at selected locations throughout the City. Project Benefit Improve safety at pedestrian crossings. $20,000/year Estimated Project Cost 2022 Pedestrian Safety Program PWT-56 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $20,185 $20,185Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 REET Fund 126 $20,185 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $20,185Funding Source Total 62 Project Description Install guardrails along selected stretches throughout the City with steep drop-off and other safety issues. Project Benefit Improve safety of City transportation system. $20,000/year Estimated Project Cost 2022 Guardrail Program PWT-57 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $20,180 $20,180Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 $20,180 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $20,180Funding Source Total 63 Project Description Upgrade traffic signal equipment at selected signalized intersections with new equipment within signal cabinet, new vehicular detection, new vehicle heads, and/or new pedestrian heads. Project Benefit Improve reliability of traffic signal operation. $30,000/year Estimated Project Cost Traffic Signal Upgrades PWT-58 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $30,280 $30,280Expense Total Street Fund 112 - Gas Tax & Multi-modal re REET Fund 125 $30,280 REET Fund 126 Transportation Impact Fees General Fund Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Funding $30,280Funding Source Total 64 WATER 65 Water Projects #CFP PROJECT DP #2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL (2022-2027) TOTAL (2028-42) TOTAL Project Cost PWW-01 Phase 12 Annual Replacement Program (2022)50 $2,159,412 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,159,412 $2,159,412 PWW-02 Phase 13 Annual Replacement Program (2023)46 $486,661 $3,389,788 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,876,449 $3,876,449 PWW-03 Phase 14 Annual Replacement Program (2024)$0 $506,128 $3,525,379 $0 $0 $0 $4,031,507 $4,031,507 PWW-04 Phase 15 Annual Replacement Program (2025)$0 $0 $526,373 $3,666,379 $0 $0 $4,192,752 $4,192,752 PWW-05 Phase 16 Annual Replacement Program (2026)$0 $0 $0 $547,428 $3,813,034 $0 $4,360,462 $4,360,462 PWW-06 Phase 17 Annual Replacement Program (2027)$0 $0 $0 $0 $569,325 $3,965,555 $4,534,880 $4,534,880 PWW-07 Phase 18 Annual Replacement Program (2028)$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $592,098 $592,098 $592,098 PWW-08 2022 Waterline Overlays 49 $175,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $175,000 $175,000 PWW-09 Yost & Seaview Reservoir Assessment 47 $505,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $505,000 $505,000 Total Projects $3,326,073 $3,895,916 $4,051,752 $4,213,807 $4,382,359 $4,557,653 $24,427,560 $0 $24,427,560 Funding Source 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL (2022-2027) TOTAL (2028-42) TOTAL Water Fund - 421 $3,326,073 $3,895,916 $4,051,752 $4,213,807 $4,382,359 $4,557,653 $24,427,560 $24,427,560 Total Revenue $3,326,073 $3,895,916 $4,051,752 $4,213,807 $4,382,359 $4,557,653 $24,427,560 $0 $24,427,560 66 Project Description Per the approved 2017 Water Comprehensive Plan, the projects will replace/maintain pipe and related appurtenances at various locations throughout the City due to old age, being undersized, need to increase flow or pressure, or more prone to breakage due to its material properties. Project Benefit Maintain a high level of drinking water quality, improve overall system reliability, decrease probability of breakages and leakage, improve fire flows, and decrease overall day to day maintenance costs. $2.9 to $4.5 million/year Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Water Phase 12-18 WL Replacement (2022-28)PWW-01-07 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $486,661 $506,128 $526,373 $547,428 $569,325 $592,098 Right of Way Construction $2,159,412 $3,389,788 $3,525,379 $3,666,379 $3,813,034 $3,965,555 $2,646,073 $3,895,916 $4,051,752 $4,213,807Expense Total $4,382,359 $4,557,653 Water Fund 421 $2,646,073 $3,895,916 $4,051,752 $4,213,807 $4,382,359 $4,557,653 $2,646,073 $3,895,916 $4,051,752 $4,213,807Funding Source Total $4,382,359 $4,557,653 67 Project Description Road pavement overlays to cover areas of roadways that were excavated and patched in previous years as part of the Waterline Replacement Projects. Project Benefit Improve overall pavement condition in locations that were excavated and patched due to Waterline Replacement Projects. $175,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Water 2022 Waterline Replacement Overlays PWW-08 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $30,000 Right of Way Construction $145,000 $175,000Expense Total Water Fund 421 $175,000 $175,000Funding Source Total 68 Project Description Per the approved 2017 Water Comprehensive Plan, the project will replace/maintain pipe and related appurtenances at various locations throughout the City due to old age, being undersized, need to increase flow or pressure, or more prone to breakage due to its material properties. This work is being done to provide an in detail evaluation of the condition of our two underground potable water storage reservoirs. Findings will be used to determine costs and next steps for any future needed maintenance or repairs. Project Benefit Maintain a high level of drinking water quality, improve overall system reliability, decrease probability of breakages and leakage, improve fire flows, and decrease overall day to day maintenance costs. TBD Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Water Yost and Seaview Reservoir Assessment PWW-09 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $505,000 $505,000Expense Total Water Fund 421 $505,000 $505,000Funding Source Total 69 STORMWATER 70 Stormwater Projects #CFP PROJECT DP #2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL (2022-2027) TOTAL (2028-42) Edmonds Marsh Estuary Restoration Related Projects PWD-01 X Edmonds Marsh Water Quality Improvements 55 $190,000 $1,230,840 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,420,840 $0 Perrinville Creek Basin Projects PWD-03 Perrinville Creek Flow Management Projects 60 $121,542 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $621,542 $0 PWD-04 X Lower Perrinville Creek Restoration (Phase 1)53 $550,000 $150,000 $2,800,000 $0 $0 $0 $3,500,000 $0 PWD-05 X Seaview Park Infiltration Facility Phase 2 59 $555,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $555,000 $0 PWD-06 Lake Ballinger Regional Facility Design Phase 54 $300,000 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $550,000 $0 PWD-07 X Ballinger Regional Facility Construction Phase $0 $0 $6,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $6,000,000 $0 PWD-08 Green Street & Rain Gardens 61 $400,000 $600,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $0 PWD-09 2022 SD Overlays 57 $60,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,000 $0 PWD-10 Phase 3 Annual Storm Replacement Project (2022)58 $1,450,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,450,000 $0 PWD-11 Phase 4 Annual Storm Replacement Project (2023)52 $312,000 $1,622,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,934,400 $0 PWD-12 Phase 5 Annual Storm Replacement Project (2024)$0 $324,480 $1,687,296 $0 $0 $0 $2,011,776 $0 PWD-13 Phase 6 Annual Storm Replacement Project (2025)$0 $0 $337,460 $1,754,786 $0 $0 $2,092,246 $0 PWD-14 Phase 7 Annual Storm Replacement Project (2026)$0 $0 $0 $350,958 $1,824,977 $0 $2,175,935 $0 PWD-15 Phase 8 Annual Storm Replacement Project (2027)$0 $0 $0 $0 $364,996 $1,897,976 $2,262,972 $0 PWD-16 Phase 9 Annual Storm Replacement Project (2028)$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $379,596 $379,596 $0 Compliance Related Projects PWD-17 Storm and Surface Water Comprehensive Plan 56 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $0 Total Projects $4,238,542 $4,277,720 $10,924,756 $2,205,744 $2,289,973 $2,377,572 $26,314,307 $0 Funding Source 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL (2022-2027) TOTAL (2028-42) Stormwater Utility Fund 422 2,457,292$ 2,363,880$ 3,774,756$ 4,205,744$ 4,289,973$ 2,377,572$ 19,469,217$ -$ Federal Grants -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ State Grants 671,250$ 723,840$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,395,090$ -$ Unsecured Grants 1,110,000$ 1,790,000$ 7,750,000$ 6,000,000$ 6,000,000$ -$ 22,650,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Revenue 4,238,542$ 4,877,720$ 11,524,756$ 10,205,744$ 10,289,973$ 2,377,572$ 43,514,307$ -$ Storm Drainage Improvement Projects Annually Funded Projects 71 Project Description Feasibility documents for the Willow Creek Daylighting project identified some areas of concern for water quality of stormwater entering the Marsh. Additionally, new research has identified a chemical in tire production causing pre-spawn mortality in salmon, further cementing the linkage between vehicle traffic and poor water quality for fish habitat. By improving the water quality inputs of stormwater, the future marsh can provide better habitat for the return of salmon to the marsh. This project was previously included in the 2021 budget as only a “Phase 1” project specific to the west side of SR-104. However, with additional funding identified, staff propose to expand this effort to provide water quality mitigation for all discharges directly into the marsh form SR-104 and Harbor Square. Project Benefit Improve water quality of stormwater discharging into the Edmonds Marsh from the west portions of SR-104 located near the marsh. The improvements will provide better habitat for the return of salmon to the marsh. $1,500,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Stormwater Edmonds Marsh Water Quality Improvements PWD-01 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $190,000 $10,000 Right of Way Construction $1,220,840 $190,000 $1,230,840Expense Total Stormwater Utility Fund 422 $104,500 Federal Grants State Grants $30,000 $536,340 Unsecured Grants $160,000 $590,000 $190,000 $1,230,840Funding Source Total 72 Project Description Reducing scouring flows in order to reduce sediments load in Perrinville Creek was identified in a previous basin report completed in 2015 as a critical element of restoring this creek which has been significantly impacted by urban development. The projects funded by this program are incremental steps toward recovering this stream run as adequate fish habitat. These effort have become even more critical given recent challenges around the Perrinville Creek outfall area. This program is a fund for implementing projects within the Perrinville Creek basin to reduce scour flows in the creek. It allows staff flexibility to respond to ad-hoc opportunities such as rain garden cluster projects, or ensure matching funds are available for chasing grant applications for flow reductions projects. Project Benefit The project will reduce peak flows in Perrinville creek, improve fish passage and decrease creek bed scour during peak flow events. $100,000/year Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Stormwater Perrinville Creek Flow Management Projects PWD-03 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Right of Way Construction $111,542 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $121,542 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000Expense Total $100,000 $100,000 Stormwater Utility Fund 422 $121,542 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Grants $121,542 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000Funding Source Total $100,000 $100,000 73 Project Description The City has struggled to manage the undersized outfall system at Perrinville Creek; the current combination of creek alignment, sedimentation, and undersized culverts creates several issues which make the creek unsustainable as a natural system. The concern must be addressed from the bottom of the creek up in order to sequence the relief of the numerous concerns correctly. A future phase would replace the culvert under Talbot Road as well. The improvements are needed to relieve current flooding, ease City maintenance needs, and provide better and more sustainable fish habitat. This project will build on any interim improvements which staff are able to complete in 2021. The project would include a new culvert under BNSF right-of-way which is fully compliant with current flood management and fish passage regulations. The project will include many stakeholders and likely include a minimum 2-year design and development phase before being ready for construction. Project Benefit The project will reduce City maintenance needs in the future and improve fish passage. $5,500,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Stormwater Perrinville Creek Lower Restoration Project PWD-04 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $550,000 $100,000 Right of Way $50,000 Construction $2,800,000 $550,000 $150,000 $2,800,000Expense Total Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Grants $550,000 $150,000 $2,800,000 $550,000 $150,000 $2,800,000Funding Source Total 74 Project Description Reducing scouring flows in order to reduce sediments load in Perrinville Creek was identified in a previous basin report completed in 2015 as a critical element of restoring this creek which has been significantly impacted by urban development. The project is an incremental step toward recovering this stream run as an adequate fish habitat. The grant for this project has already been secured. This project proposes construction of an infiltration system in Seaview Park, almost identical to the successful Phase 1 project which was completed in 2019, in order to infiltrate more runoff in the Perrinville Creek basin. Project Benefit Decrease peak storm flows in the Perrinville Creek basin to help normalize flows within Perrinville Creek and decrease potential of scour within the Creek. $742,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Stormwater Seaview Infiltration Facility Phase 2 PWD-05 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $60,000 Right of Way Construction $495,000 $555,000Expense Total Stormwater Utility Fund 422 $138,750 Federal Grants State Grants $416,250 Unsecured Grants $555,000Funding Source Total 75 Project Description Lake Ballinger suffers from urban flooding & seasonal algae blooms along with other water quality impairments. The Highway 99 corridor is an area of high development, including a future City project which will require stormwater mitigation. By creating a regional facility, the City can improve the stormwater mitigation achieved by development, addressed stormwater mitigation needs for the future Highway project, and treat runoff from one of the City bigger pollution generating areas. The City can drastically improve Lake Ballinger water quality. The project proposes to implement water quality and flow control improvements at City-owned Mathay-Ballinger Park as green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) which would significantly benefit the Lake ecology and habitat conditions and enhance a valued neighborhood, but underutilized, park. This phase is limited to design and production of plans and specifications; construction phase will be tracked as separate project (to ease and simplify grant management/reporting). Project Benefit The project proposes to implement water quality and flow control improvements at City-owned Mathay-Ballinger Park as green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) which would significantly benefit the Lake ecology and habitat conditions and enhance a valued neighborhood, but underutilized, park. $550,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Stormwater Ballinger Regional Facility Design Phase PWD-06 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $300,000 $250,000 Right of Way Construction $300,000 $250,000Expense Total Stormwater Utility Fund 422 $75,000 $62,500 Federal Grants State Grants $225,000 $187,500 Unsecured Grants $300,000 $250,000Funding Source Total 76 Project Description Lake Ballinger suffers from urban flooding & seasonal algae blooms along with other water quality impairments. The Highway 99 corridor is an area of high development, including a future City project which will require stormwater mitigation. By creating a regional facility, the City can improve the stormwater mitigation achieved by development, addressed stormwater mitigation needs for the future Highway project, and treat runoff from one of the City bigger pollution generating areas. The City can drastically improve Lake Ballinger water quality. This phase is limited to the construction phase and will be tracked as separate project (to ease and simplify grant management/reporting) Project Benefit The project proposes to implement water quality and flow control improvements at City-owned Mathay-Ballinger Park as green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) which would significantly benefit the Lake ecology and habitat conditions and enhance a valued neighborhood, but underutilized, park. $6,000,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Stormwater Lake Ballinger Regional Facility Construction Phase PWD-07 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $6,000,000 $6,000,000Expense Total Stormwater Utility Fund 422 $1,500,000 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Grants $4,500,000 $6,000,000Funding Source Total 77 Project Description City forays into green stormwater infrastructure elements have been limited, but with good success. Continuing to implement such projects will allow us to proactively make improvements to the conditions of the City drainage system and will help reduce flooding. This project proposes to implement green stormwater elements, such as rain garden and bioretention, throughout the City. Staff will leverage opportunities with other projects, communication with property owners, and historical knowledge/experience to identify and selected locations where green infrastructure can be implemented with relative ease or efficiency. Staff proposes to implement this effort as a series of small work projects over the next several years. Project Benefit Improvements to the City drainage systems using raingardens and green infrastructure resulting in reduced flooding and a reduction to peak stormwater flows. $1,000,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Stormwater Green Street & Rain Gardens PWD-08 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $75,000 $100,000 Right of Way Construction $325,000 $500,000 $400,000 $600,000Expense Total Stormwater Utility Fund 422 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Grants $400,000 $600,000 $400,000 $600,000Funding Source Total 78 Project Description Road pavement overlays to cover areas of roadways that were excavated and patched in previous years as part of the Annual Storm Maintenance Projects. Project Benefit Improve overall pavement condition in locations that were excavated and patched due to the Annual Storm Replacement Projects. $60,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Stormwater 2022 SD Overlays PWD-09 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $9,000 Right of Way Construction $51,000 $60,000Expense Total Stormwater Utility Fund 422 $60,000 Federal Grants State Grants Unsecured Grants $60,000Funding Source Total 79 Project Description Annual storm drain replacement/maintenance projects. Projects propose to replace or rehab storm drain infrastructure in several locations throughout the City. Locations of work identified by City crews and staff via first had knowledge or video inspection results. Much of Edmonds stormwater infrastructure is past its lifespan and requires routine replacement or repair in order to preserve the function of the storm drain system. Failure to conduct annual maintenance projects will increase chances of a storm drain system failure. Project Benefit Improve system reliability and capacity, decrease breakages, and decrease overall day to day maintenance costs. $1.8 to $2.3 million/year Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Stormwater Phase 3-9 Storm Maintenance Projects (2022-2028)PWD-10-16 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $312,000 $324,480 $337,460 $350,958 $364,996 $379,596 Right of Way Construction $1,450,000 $1,622,400 $1,687,296 $1,754,786 $1,824,977 $1,897,976 $1,762,000 $1,946,880 $2,024,756 $2,105,744Expense Total $2,189,973 $2,277,572 Stormwater Utility Fund 422 $1,762,000 $1,946,880 $2,024,756 $2,105,744 $2,189,973 $2,277,572 $1,762,000 $1,946,880 $2,024,756 $2,105,744Funding Source Total $2,189,973 $2,277,572 80 SEWER 81 Sewer Projects #CFP PROJECT DP #2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL (2022-2027) TOTAL (2028-42) TOTAL Project Cost PWS-01 Phase 9 Annual Sewer Repl/Rehab/Improvements, (2022) 65 $1,606,550 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,606,550 $1,606,550 PWS-02 Phase 10 Annual Sewer Repl/Rehab/Improvements (2023) 62 $336,074 $1,889,212 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,225,286 $2,225,286 PWS-03 Phase 11 Annual Sewer Repl/Rehab/Improvements (2024) $0 $349,517 $1,964,780 $0 $0 $0 $2,314,297 $2,314,297 PWS-04 Phase 12 Annual Sewer Repl/Rehab/Improvements (2025) $0 $0 $363,498 $2,043,372 $0 $0 $2,406,870 $2,406,870 PWS-05 Phase 13 Annual Sewer Repl/Rehab/Improvements (2026) $0 $0 $0 $378,038 $2,125,107 $0 $2,503,145 $2,503,145 PWS-06 Phase 14 Annual Sewer Repl/Rehab/Improvements (2027) $0 $0 $0 $0 $393,160 $2,210,111 $2,603,271 $2,603,271 PWS-07 Phase 15 Annual Sewer Repl/Rehab/Improvements (2028) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $408,886 $408,886 $408,886 PWS-08 2021 SS Overlays 64 $60,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,000 $60,000 PWS-09 Citywide CIPP Sewer Rehabilitation Phase 4 63 $482,258 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $482,258 $482,258 PWS-10 Annual Citywide CIPP Sewer Rehabilitation $0 $501,549 $521,611 $542,475 $564,174 $586,741 $2,716,550 $2,716,550 PWS-11 Lake Ballinger Sewer $0 $1,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $6,000,000 $6,000,000 Total Projects $2,484,882 $3,740,278 $7,849,889 $2,963,885 $3,082,441 $3,205,738 $23,327,113 $0 $23,327,113 Funding Source 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL (2022-2027) TOTAL (2028-42) TOTAL Sewer Fund - 423 $2,484,882 $3,740,278 $7,849,889 $2,963,885 $3,082,441 $3,205,738 $23,327,113 $23,327,113 Total Revenue $2,484,882 $3,740,278 $7,849,889 $2,963,885 $3,082,441 $3,205,738 $23,327,113 $0 $23,327,113 82 Project Description Per the approved 2013 Sewer Comprehensive Plan, the projects will replace pipe and related appurtenances at various locations throughout the City due to old age, being undersized, need to increase capacity, or more prone to breakage due to its material properties. Project Benefit Improve system reliability and capacity, decrease infiltration and inflow, decrease breakages, and decrease overall day to day maintenance costs. $2.0 to $2.6 million/year Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Sewer Phase 9-15 Sewer Replacement (2022-28)PWS-01-07 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $336,074 $349,517 $363,498 $378,038 $393,160 $408,886 Right of Way Construction $1,606,550 $1,889,212 $1,964,780 $2,043,372 $2,125,107 $2,210,111 $1,942,624 $2,238,729 $2,328,278 $2,421,410Expense Total $2,518,267 $2,618,997 Water Fund 423 $1,942,624 $2,238,729 $2,328,278 $2,421,410 $2,518,267 $2,618,997 $1,942,624 $2,238,729 $2,328,278 $2,421,410Funding Source Total $2,518,267 $2,618,997 83 Project Description Road pavement overlays to cover areas of roadways that were excavated and patched in previous years as part of the Sanitary Sewer Replacement Projects. Project Benefit Improve overall pavement condition in locations that were excavated and patched due to Sanitary Sewer Replacement Projects. $60,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Sewer 2022 Sanitary Sewer Replacement Overlays PWS-08 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $12,000 Right of Way Construction $48,000 $60,000Expense Total Water Fund 423 $60,000 $60,000Funding Source Total 84 Project Description Per the approved 2013 Sewer Comprehensive plan and current video inspections of sewer mains, the project will line existing sewer mains that are subject root intrusion, infiltration and inflow, and damage that can be repaired by this trenchless method. Project Benefit Improve system reliability and capacity, decrease infiltration and inflow, decrease breakages, and decrease overall day to day maintenance costs. $482,258 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Sewer Cured in Place Pipe Sewer Rehab Phase 4 (2023)PWS-09 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $72,338 Right of Way Construction $409,920 $482,258Expense Total Water Fund 423 $482,258 $482,258Funding Source Total 85 Project Description Per the approved 2013 Sewer Comprehensive plan and current video inspections of sewer mains, the project will line existing sewer mains that are subject root intrusion, infiltration and inflow, and damage that can be repaired by this trenchless method. Project Benefit Improve system reliability and capacity, decrease infiltration and inflow, decrease breakages, and decrease overall day to day maintenance costs. $500,000 to $590,000/year Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Sewer Annual Citywide CIPP Sewer Rehab (2024-ongoing)PWS-10 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $75,232 $78,241 $81,371 $84,626 $88,011 Right of Way Construction $426,317 $443,370 $461,104 $479,548 $498,730 $501,549 $521,611 $542,475Expense Total $564,174 $586,741 Water Fund 423 $501,549 $521,611 $542,475 $564,174 $586,741 $501,549 $521,611 $542,475Funding Source Total $564,174 $586,741 86 Project Description Per the approved 2013 Sewer Comprehensive plan and current video inspections of sewer mains, the sewer pipe along Lake Ballinger will require additional flow capacity in the near future. These improvements are needed to account for population growth, reduce Infiltration and Inflow from the pipe and improve maintenance and emergency access for this major trunk system. Project Benefit Improve system reliability and capacity, decrease infiltration and inflow, and decrease overall day to day maintenance costs. Improved access will help ease maintenance and access for emergencies, which will further decease any chance of potential sewer spills into Lake Ballinger. $6,000,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Sewer Lake Ballinger Sewer PWS-11 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $1,000,000 Right of Way Construction $5,000,000 $1,000,000 $5,000,000Expense Total Water Fund 423 $1,000,000 $5,000,000 $1,000,000 $5,000,000Funding Source Total 87 FACILITIES 88 Facilities Projects #CFP PROJECT DP #2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL (2022-2027) TOTAL (2028-42) TOTAL Project Cost PWF-01 Boys and Girls Club $36,151 $38,034 $27,733 $37,453 $32,077 $15,101 $186,549 $0 $186,549 PWF-02 Cemetery Building $455 $1,954 $2,094 $8,414 $3,377 $818 $17,112 $0 $17,112 PWF-03 City Hall $171,463 $279,064 $323,246 $150,000 $70,949 $108,628 $1,103,350 $0 $1,103,350 PWF-04 Fishing Pier $10,320 $9,991 $2,971 $2,918 $5,628 $1,043 $32,870 $0 $32,870 PWF-05 Frances Anderson Center $143,925 $130,593 $298,378 $98,892 $20,934 $113,029 $805,751 $0 $805,751 PWF-06 FS 16 $24,970 $47,689 $1,591 $69,388 $30,107 $31,631 $205,377 $0 $205,377 PWF-07 FS 17 $39,935 $81,545 $225,547 $144,830 $27,575 $122,245 $641,678 $0 $641,678 PWF-08 FS 20 $16,960 $20,000 $16,274 $94,248 $69,782 $23,765 $241,029 $0 $241,029 PWF-09 Historic Log Cabin $7,903 $80,000 $888 $546 $1,361 $6,469 $97,167 $0 $97,167 PWF-10 Historical Museum $12,121 $13,089 $15,000 $10,000 $4,621 $10,199 $65,029 $0 $65,029 PWF-11 Library $45,000 $105,175 $150,902 $53,325 $45,038 $35,000 $434,441 $0 $434,441 PWF-12 Meadowdale Club House $26,083 $13,426 $6,365 $7,985 $4,446 $1,159 $59,464 $0 $59,464 PWF-13 Old Public Works $55,635 $107,743 $24,308 $25,000 $25,000 $24,519 $262,205 $0 $262,205 PWF-14 Parks Maint. Building $130,631 $15,789 $40,320 $9,349 $5,177 $69,228 $270,495 $0 $270,495 PWF-15 Public Safety $340,180 $50,967 $445,276 $55,169 $151,481 $515,071 $1,558,144 $0 $1,558,144 PWF-16 Public Works O&M $80,000 $126,570 $218,643 $80,315 $79,348 $43,821 $628,697 $0 $628,697 PWF-17 Wade James Theater $21,697 $18,600 $99,077 $43,880 $115,734 $21,872 $320,860 $0 $320,860 PWF-18 Yost Pool House $25,000 $65,570 $26,128 $8,409 $19,127 $30,389 $174,623 $0 $174,623 Total Projects $1,188,429 $1,205,800 $1,924,741 $900,120 $711,762 $1,173,988 $7,104,840 $0 $7,104,840 Funding Source 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL (2022-2027) TOTAL (2028-42) TOTAL Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$388,076 $111,454 $126,656 $117,964 $106,361 $122,520 $973,031 $0 $973,031 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$800,353 $1,094,345 $1,798,085 $48,325 $0 $0 $3,741,108 $0 $3,741,108 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds)$0 $0 $0 $30,453 $0 $0 $30,453 $0 $30,453 Unsecured Funding $0 $0 $0 $703,379 $605,401 $1,051,467 $2,360,247 $0 $2,360,247 Total Revenue $1,188,429 $1,205,799 $1,924,741 $900,121 $711,762 $1,173,987 $7,104,839 $0 $7,104,839 89 Project Description This building built in 1900 was the original field house for Edmonds High School. The property located at Civic Field and is not part of the large Civic Field Park restoration project. The building is solely operated by the Snohomish County Boys and Girls Club in partnership with the City’s Parks and Recreation department. The building has significant need for major renovations if it is expected to be in operation for another 10 years. Renovation and deferred maintenance may eclipse the building value in its current location. Projects: Exterior plumbing access, Window replacement, Roof replacement, Siding replacement, ADA Access, Plumbing replacement, Front entry door replacement, Fire Alarm System new installation, Fire Sprinkler updates, Baseboard heating replacement Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $186,549 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities Boys and Girls Club PWF-01 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $36,151 $38,034 $27,733 $37,453 $32,077 $15,101 $36,151 $38,034 $27,733 $37,453Expense Total $32,077 $15,101 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$6,000 $6,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$30,151 $32,034 $20,733 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds)$30,453 Unsecured Funding $25,077 $8,101 $36,151 $38,034 $27,733 $37,453Funding Source Total $32,077 $15,101 90 Project Description This small structure houses the Edmonds Cemetery funerary services and the cemetery Sextant office. The building is in relatively good condition and has little deferred maintenance backlog. Minor security and communications updates will be needed as technology dictates. Projects: Minor repair and maintenance Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $17,112 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities Cemetery Building PWF-02 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $455 $1,954 $2,094 $8,414 $3,377 $818 $455 $1,954 $2,094 $8,414Expense Total $3,377 $818 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$455 $1,954 $2,094 $2,000 $2,000 $818 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond) Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $6,414 $1,377 $455 $1,954 $2,094 $8,414Funding Source Total $3,377 $818 91 Project Description City Hall was built in 1979 and was operated as a private business office center until the City purchased and renovated the building in the 1990s. The City has operated Edmonds City Hall from this location since the renovations were completed. The building is in near original condition and is in need of substantial repair and maintenance. Projects: Solar utilization and cool roof engineering scope, HVAC upgrades and equipment replacements, Electrical Service replacement, Plumbing and drain pipe replacement, Restroom remodels w/gender neutral consideration, Center Stairway Code updates and replacement, Lobby remodel, Main Entry Awning re-glazing, Interior Painting, ADA accessibility improvements, Whole building generator installation Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $1,103,350 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities City Hall PWF-03 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $171,463 $279,064 $323,246 $150,000 $70,949 $108,628 $171,463 $279,064 $323,246 $150,000Expense Total $70,949 $108,628 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$15,000 $15,000 $18,000 $18,000 $20,000 $20,000 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$156,463 $264,064 $305,246 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $132,000 $50,949 $88,628 $171,463 $279,064 $323,246 $150,000Funding Source Total $70,949 $108,628 92 Project Description The Pier was recently renovated and is generally in good condition. The Beach Ranger Office is a 1200 square foot office and restroom facility located near the east end of the pier. There are season programs and visitor support functions that operate out of this facility. Projects:, Electrical panel and pier electrical feed replacement, Minor repairs and maintenance Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $32,870 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities Fishing Pier PWF-04 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $10,320 $9,991 $2,971 $2,918 $5,628 $1,043 $10,320 $9,991 $2,971 $2,918Expense Total $5,628 $1,043 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$5,000 $5,000 $2,971 $2,918 $2,500 $1,043 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$5,320 $4,991 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $3,128 $10,320 $9,991 $2,971 $2,918Funding Source Total $5,628 $1,043 93 Project Description The Frances Anderson Center is housed in the 1928 Edmonds elementary school building. This building serves as the Parks, Recreation, Cultural and Human Services offices and is on the City’s Historic Register. The Building is nearly 55,000 square feet and is home to several permanent tenants including, Main Street Kids daycare, Edmonds Montessori, Sno-King Youth Organization and the Olympic Ballet practice space and offices. The building serves as the City’s main recreation center offering arts, athletic and cultural programing year round. Due to the age and high usage of the building there are many building systems that are in need of replacement or restoration. Projects: Replacement of Heating Boilers with Electric alternatives that will add ventilation, cooling and heating, Replacement of all exterior doors (24 ea), New, ADA accessible door closures, New Windows (historically appropriate), Interior painting Classrooms , Plumbing drainage collector, Gym Floor, Drinking fountains ADA compliant, Restroom remodels (w/ gender neutral consideration), Replacement of all plumbing fixtures, Replacement of several common area and classroom flooring, Addition of building security card readers , Building HVAC controls to maximize efficiency, Fire Alarm replacement, Fire Sprinkler replacement, Elevator refresh and code updates Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $805,751 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities Frances Anderson Center PWF-05 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $143,925 $130,593 $298,378 $98,892 $20,934 $113,029 $143,925 $130,593 $298,378 $98,892Expense Total $20,934 $113,029 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$20,000 $20,000 $25,000 $25,000 $15,000 $30,000 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$123,925 $110,593 $273,378 94 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $73,892 $5,934 $83,029 $143,925 $130,593 $298,378 $98,892Funding Source Total $20,934 $113,029 Project Description This facility is operated by South Snohomish County Fire and Rescue and was built in 2003 and has a building area of 10,700 square feet. The building is in fair condition and will require some infrastructure updates or replacements to remain operationally ready for the needs of the City. Projects: Roll-up bay door replacements, HVAC unit replacements, Gutter and drainage repair or replacements, Building Controls updates , Interior painting and flooring Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $205,377 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities FS 16 PWF-06 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $24,970 $47,689 $1,591 $69,388 $30,107 $31,631 $24,970 $47,689 $1,591 $69,388Expense Total $30,107 $31,631 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$5,000 $5,000 $1,591 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$19,970 $42,689 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $61,388 $22,107 $23,631 $24,970 $47,689 $1,591 $69,388Funding Source Total $30,107 $31,631 95 Project Description This building is operated by South Snohomish County Fire and Rescue, was built in 1999 and has a building area of 9,800 square feet. This building has had some updates but will need some infrastructure upgrades to remain operationally ready. Projects: Bay Door replacements, Drainage updates, Electrical infrastructure updates, HVAC Chiller plant replacement, Interior Painting and flooring Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $641,678 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities FS 17 PWF-07 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $39,935 $81,545 $225,547 $144,830 $27,575 $122,245 $39,935 $81,545 $225,547 $144,830Expense Total $27,575 $122,245 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$5,000 $5,000 $8,000 $8,000 $5,000 $5,000 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$34,935 $76,545 $217,547 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $136,830 $22,575 $117,245 $39,935 $81,545 $225,547 $144,830Funding Source Total $27,575 $122,245 96 Project Description This building is the eldest of the City's three fire stations and is operated by South County Fire and Rescue. This station serves Esperance and supports the other two fire stations in Edmonds. The building is 6400 square feet and was built in 1990. The building has had significant updates to the exterior envelope and is in need of interior and HVAC system updates. Projects: New engine bay doors, Fire alarm system replacement, New property perimeter fencing, Storm water drainage system, Interior painting and flooring Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $241,029 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities FS 20 PWF-08 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $16,960 $20,000 $16,274 $94,248 $69,782 $23,765 $16,960 $20,000 $16,274 $94,248Expense Total $69,782 $23,765 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$13,460 $16,500 $12,774 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $89,248 $64,782 $18,765 $16,960 $20,000 $16,274 $94,248Funding Source Total $69,782 $23,765 97 Project Description This Historic log cabin is home to the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce visitor center, the structure was a purpose built cabin from the turn of the century. The structure is professionally maintained on a three year cycle by a log cabin specialist and requires only minor maintenance and upkeep annually. Projects: Front entry steps and railing, New thick cut shat roof Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $97,167 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities Historic Log Cabin PWF-09 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $7,903 $80,000 $888 $546 $1,361 $6,469 $7,903 $80,000 $888 $546Expense Total $1,361 $6,469 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$4,000 $1,000 $500 $546 $1,361 $500 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$3,903 $79,000 $388 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $5,969 $7,903 $80,000 $888 $546Funding Source Total $1,361 $6,469 98 Project Description The 110 year old original Carnegie Library building is home to the Edmonds Museum. The building is on the State of Washington Historic registry and has been well maintained over the last several years. Buildings of this age require specialized maintenance and coordination with the state historic architect to maintain the historic status. Structural stabilization and weatherproofing are the most significant priorities to maintain this facility. Projects: Minor structural reinforcement , Entry façade masonry repair, Lower entry restoration, Heating boiler replacement Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $65,029 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities Historical Museum PWF-10 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $12,121 $13,089 $15,000 $10,000 $4,621 $10,199 $12,121 $13,089 $15,000 $10,000Expense Total $4,621 $10,199 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$12,121 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,000 $2,500 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$10,589 $12,500 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $7,500 $2,621 $7,699 $12,121 $13,089 $15,000 $10,000Funding Source Total $4,621 $10,199 99 Project Description The Edmonds Library is operated by the Sno-Isle Library system with exception of the Second floor Plaza room rental space. The library is a 19,000 square foot building built in 1982. The building hosts special event rentals and daily Library programming and community services. This is one of the City’s most heavily used buildings by the public and has significant deferred maintenance needs, including the building façade and plaza deck waterproofing. Projects: Window replacement, ADA access device upgrades or replacement, Gender inclusive public restroom creation, Plaza room restroom/changing facilities, Plaza room A/V installation, Building masonry restoration or building cladding, Exterior stairway restoration, HVAC ventilation fan replacement, Building breezeway remodel, Building flooring replacement, Garage level drainage and stucco repairs, Exterior planter box replacement and waterproofing, Staff restroom remodel Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $399,441 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities Library PWF-11 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $45,000 $105,175 $150,902 $53,325 $45,038 $35,000 $45,000 $105,175 $150,902 $53,325Expense Total $45,038 $35,000 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$5,000 $5,000 $7,500 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$40,000 $100,175 $143,402 $48,325 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $40,038 $30,000 $45,000 $105,175 $150,902 $53,325Funding Source Total $45,038 $35,000 100 Project Description This 4000 square foot facility was built in 1965 as a community theater facility and later was transformed into the Meadowdale community club house. The building is currently owned and maintained by the City of Edmonds and houses the City operated Meadowdale pre-school and the 1500 square foot Meadowdale club house rental facility. This facility while dated has been well maintained and only requires minor maintenance and repairs. Projects: Minor maintenance and repairs, Furnace replacement, Increased mechanical ventilation Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $59,464 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities Meadowdale Club House PWF-12 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $26,083 $13,426 $6,365 $7,985 $4,446 $1,159 $26,083 $13,426 $6,365 $7,985Expense Total $4,446 $1,159 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$5,000 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $2,500 $1,159 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$21,083 $9,926 $2,865 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $4,485 $1,946 $26,083 $13,426 $6,365 $7,985Funding Source Total $4,446 $1,159 101 Project Description This facility was built in 1965 to house the City’s Public Works Department, the building was converted in 1995 to tenant space and City storage, as well as Edmonds Police large evidence storage. This is a vital piece of property adjacent to the Waste Water Treatment Plant, and could be converted for utility use if regulatory requirements dictate. Building is primarily used as storage and will need some updates to maintain current operational readiness. Projects: HVAC updates, Role-up door replacement, Parking lot resurfacing Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $262,205 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities Old Public Works PWF-13 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $55,635 $107,743 $24,308 $25,000 $25,000 $24,519 $55,635 $107,743 $24,308 $25,000Expense Total $25,000 $24,519 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$2,500 $5,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$53,135 $102,743 $22,308 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $23,000 $23,000 $22,519 $55,635 $107,743 $24,308 $25,000Funding Source Total $25,000 $24,519 102 Project Description This facility was built in 1967 by Ed Huntley who at the time was the City Facilities supervisor. The 4800 square foot facility now houses all City Facility Operations staff(11) and all of Park and Rec Parks Maintenance Staff(12+ seasonal help) This Facility is home to the City Carpentry Shop, Key Shop, City Flower program, Parks engine repair shop and Parks and Facilities maintenance supply storage as well as Parks and Facilities Manager offices. This Facility is near end of life and is undersized to support the departmental staffing that are assigned to this facility. Projects: Maintenance and Repair to maintain operational capacity Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $270,495 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities Parks Maintenance Building PWF-14 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $130,631 $15,789 $40,320 $9,349 $5,177 $69,228 $130,631 $15,789 $40,320 $9,349Expense Total $5,177 $69,228 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$5,000 $2,500 $5,000 $1,500 $1,500 $5,000 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$125,631 $13,289 $35,320 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $7,849 $3,677 $64,228 $130,631 $15,789 $40,320 $9,349Funding Source Total $5,177 $69,228 103 Project Description The Public Safety building houses Edmonds Police Department, Edmonds Municipal Court and the City Council Chambers. The building was built in 1999 encompassing 30,000 square feet of office, court and municipal government uses. The building houses one of the City emergency operations centers, large police training, simulator facilities and evidence processing and storage. The building has had minimal system updates over it’s life and has a significant amount of deferred maintenance and should be retrofitted with new fire sprinklers. Projects: Boiler replacement, Air Handler and Outdoor ventilation unit replacements, Chiller plant replacement study/scope, Auxiliary heating coil replacement, New solar plant installation, Parking lot reconfiguration to meet current usage, Fire Sprinkler Installation, Interior hallway renovation and painting, Sleeping room remodel and gender specific/neutral accommodations, Gender inclusive public restrooms, Operable windows is specific locations, Roof replacement, Courts flat roof, Sally Port garage/processing remodel Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $1,558,144 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities Public Safety PWF-15 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $340,180 $50,967 $445,276 $55,169 $151,481 $515,071 $340,180 $50,967 $445,276 $55,169Expense Total $151,481 $515,071 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$285,000 $15,000 $20,000 $15,000 $15,000 $20,000 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$55,180 $35,967 $425,276 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $40,169 $136,481 $495,071 $340,180 $50,967 $445,276 $55,169Funding Source Total $151,481 $515,071 104 Project Description This building built in 1995 houses four Public Works divisions and the auxiliary City Emergency Operations Center. This building is 28,000 square feed and is capable of operations 24/7 during weather emergencies and natural disasters. The building has significant deferred maintenance needs and infrastructure updates. Projects: Vehicle yard leveling, HVAC unit replacements, Ventilation fan replacements, Fire Alarm system replacement, Lobby remodel, Restroom remodel with gender inclusivity considerations, Electric Vehicle Charging and maintenance infrastructure, Emergency Communications updates, Wireless network expansion, Interior hallway flooring, Utility Bay HVAC replacement, Water main replacement (building connection), Window replacement Offices and Conference rooms, Achieve storage room remodel Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $628,697 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities Public Works O&M PWF-16 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $80,000 $126,570 $218,643 $80,315 $79,348 $43,821 $80,000 $126,570 $218,643 $80,315Expense Total $79,348 $43,821 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$5,000 $8,500 $10,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$75,000 $118,070 $208,643 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $75,315 $74,348 $38,821 $80,000 $126,570 $218,643 $80,315Funding Source Total $79,348 $43,821 105 Project Description This community theater was built by the Driftwood Players theater group in 1967 and was deeded to City ownership at a later date. The facility is 6,300 quare feet in size and houses the Driftwood Players theatrical performances and City meetings. The City’s maintenance responsibilities are limited to large infrastructure, parking lot, roofing and grounds. Projects: Parking lot repair and recoating, Gutter/down spout replacement, Minor repair and maintenance Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $320,860 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities Wade James Theater PWF-17 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $21,697 $18,600 $99,077 $43,880 $115,734 $21,872 $21,697 $18,600 $99,077 $43,880Expense Total $115,734 $21,872 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$2,000 $2,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $2,000 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$19,697 $16,600 $94,077 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $38,880 $110,734 $19,872 $21,697 $18,600 $99,077 $43,880Funding Source Total $115,734 $21,872 106 Project Description This recreational facility houses the City’s aquatic programing and some Parks and Recreation programs. Built in 1971 the pool house historically was only operated seasonally. The tenant run aquatic programing is currently expanding to year round lap and team aquatic activities and will continue to support summer open swim programing. The facility requires minimal maintenance to remain operational and is subject to tenant lease terms of use. Projects: Security updates, Roof replacement, Gutter replacement, Plumbing fixture updates, Operational repair and maintenance Project Benefit Public owned facilities and properties are maintained to assure safe and property operating conditions and to assure the protection of the physical asset throughout an expected lifespan. A well maintained facility creates a safe work environment that is clean and sanitary which promotes workplace efficiency and confidence. Routine and preventative maintenance reduces energy consumption and provides for building systems to operate as designed during manufacturer expected lifespan. $174,623 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Facilities Yost Pool House PWF-18 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Construction\Professional Services $25,000 $65,570 $26,128 $8,409 $19,127 $30,389 $25,000 $65,570 $26,128 $8,409Expense Total $19,127 $30,389 Fund 001 (Repair & Maint, Prof Services)$2,500 $5,000 $2,500 $2,000 $2,500 $2,500 Fund 016 (2021 Facilities Bond)$22,500 $60,570 $23,628 Fund 016 (non-bond proceeds) Unsecured Funding $6,409 $16,627 $27,889 $25,000 $65,570 $26,128 $8,409Funding Source Total $19,127 $30,389 107 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 108 WWTP Projects #CFP PROJECT DP #2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL (2022-2027) TOTAL (2028-42) TOTAL Project Cost PWP-01 WWTP Annual Capital Replacement In-house Projects $0 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $5,000,000 $14,000,000 $19,000,000 PWP-02 Carbon Recovery Project 67 $1,162,671 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,162,671 $0 $1,162,671 PWP-03 City Park Odor Scrubber 68 $297,121 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $297,121 $0 $297,121 PWP-04 Nutrient Removal Project $0 $1,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $6,000,000 $0 $6,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Projects $1,459,792 $2,000,000 $6,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $12,459,792 $14,000,000 $26,459,792 Funding Source 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 TOTAL (2022-2027) TOTAL (2028-42) TOTAL Edmonds (Sewer Fund 423) (50.79%)$741,428 $1,015,800 $3,047,400 $507,900 $507,900 $507,900 $6,328,328 $7,110,600 $13,438,928 Mountlake Terrace (23.17%)$338,234 $463,400 $1,390,200 $231,700 $231,700 $231,700 $2,886,934 $3,243,800 $6,130,734 Olympic View Water Sewer District (16.55%)$241,596 $331,000 $993,000 $165,500 $165,500 $165,500 $2,062,096 $2,317,000 $4,379,096 Ronald Sewer District (9.49%)$138,534 $189,800 $569,400 $94,900 $94,900 $94,900 $1,182,434 $1,328,600 $2,511,034 Total Revenue $1,459,792 $2,000,000 $6,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $12,459,792 $14,000,000 $26,459,792 109 Project Description This ongoing project is to ensure that critical infrastructure is maintained and replaced as needed. Project expenditures may include, but are not limited to, variable frequency drives, pumps, motors, gear boxes, conveyors or any WWTP equipment that needs replacement versus repair. Project Benefit This project ensure that the critical infrastructure is maintained and equipment is replaced in order to reduce risk to the City. $19,000,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Treatment Plant WWTP Annual Capital Replacement In-house Projects PWP-01 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $2,800,000 Right of Way Construction $800,000 $800,000 $800,000 $800,000 $800,000 $11,200,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000Expense Total $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $14,000,000 Sewer Fund 423 $507,900 $507,900 $507,900 $507,900 $507,900 $7,110,600 Mountlake Terrace $231,700 $231,700 $231,700 $231,700 $231,700 $3,243,800 Olympic View Water Sewer District $165,500 $165,500 $165,500 $165,500 $165,500 $2,317,000 Ronald Sewer District $94,900 $94,900 $94,900 $94,900 $94,900 $1,328,600 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000Funding Source Total $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $14,000,000 110 Project Description The Carbon Recovery Project replaces the aging Sanitary Sewage Sludge Incinerator with the Ecoremedy Gasification Process. The multi-year project which was approved by City Council on July 7, 2020 is being delivered through the State of Washington Energy Savings Performance Contracting program. Project Benefit Project benefits include a more sustainable approach to treating and disposing of biosolids by creating a marketable biochar. The project will reduce overall energy requirements while producing a PFAS free (or greatly reduced) end product. The project also includes a more robust odor scrubber and screenings management enhancements which are designed to reduce operation and maintenance cost for our ratepayers while improving odor in our surrounding community. The Carbon Recovery Project is the final project that was envisioned within the Pathway to Sustainability. $26,121,039 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Treatment Plant Carbon Recovery Project PWP-02 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $1,162,671 $1,162,671Expense Total Sewer Fund 423 $590,521 Mountlake Terrace $269,391 Olympic View Water Sewer District $192,422 Ronald Sewer District $110,337 $1,162,671Funding Source Total 111 Project Description This project will remove and treat the hydrogen sulfide gas that is being released into the atmosphere from a City owned sewer mainline and private roof vents in the area of Pine St and 2nd/3rd Ave S. The gas has a rotten egg smell which results in numerous complaints from residents in the area. An activated carbon odor scrubber was identified as the most efficient and effective method of capturing and destroying the nuisance odor. Project Benefit This project would formally address the ongoing problem and reduce odors in the area for residents and park patrons. $297,121 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Treatment Plant City Park Odor Scrubber PWP-03 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design Right of Way Construction $297,121 $297,121Expense Total Sewer Fund 423 $150,908 Mountlake Terrace $68,843 Olympic View Water Sewer District $49,174 Ronald Sewer District $28,197 $297,122Funding Source Total 112 Project Description The State of Washington Department of Ecology will soon issue the General Permit for Nutrient Reduction. This General Permit will be issued to all WWTP’s who discharge into the Puget Sound and currently caps the WWTP nutrient load. With the anticipation of the General Permit, the City has participated in a full scale pilot program that began in August 2020. The pilot program has shown promise to meet the requirements of the General Permit. This project is a place holder to fully develop a design and ultimately determine the cost of construction and ongoing O&M expenses. Project Benefit This project will ensure a reduction in nutrients discharged by the WWTP into the Puget Sound while increasing settleability and reducing effluent solids. Completion of the project will allow the City to meet the requirements within the General Permit, accompanying NPDES Permit and to increase flows in order to maximum the rated capacity of the WWTP. $6,000,000 Estimated Project Cost Public Works - Treatment Plant Nutrient Removal Project PWP-04 Project Cost 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028-42 Design $1,000,000 Right of Way Construction $5,000,000 $1,000,000 $5,000,000Expense Total Sewer Fund 423 $507,900 $2,539,500 Mountlake Terrace $231,700 $1,158,500 Olympic View Water Sewer District $165,500 $827,500 Ronald Sewer District $94,900 $474,500 $1,000,000 $5,000,000Funding Source Total 113 CIP- CFP COMPARISON (2021-2022) 114 Type PROJECT NAME CFP DESCRIPTION Transp Hwy 99 Revitalization and Gateway - Stage 2 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway project divided in different Stages Transp Hwy 99 Revitalization and Gateway - Stage 3 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway project divided in different Stages Transp Hwy 99 Revitalization and Gateway - Stage 4 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway project divided in different Stages Transp Hwy 99 Revitalization and Gateway - Stage 5 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway project divided in different Stages Transp Hwy 99 Revitalization and Gateway - Stage 6 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway project divided in different Stages Transp Hwy 99 Revitalization and Gateway - Stage 7 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway project divided in different Stages Transp Hwy 99 Revitalization and Gateway - Stage 8 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway project divided in different Stages Transp Hwy 99 Revitalization and Gateway - Stage 9 X Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway project divided in different Stages Parks ADA Playground Upgrade Program Annual Program to upgrade / replace plagrounds Parks Yost Pool Repair Replacement of failing plaster at the pool Water Phase 18 Annual Replacement Program (2028)Estimated future costs for waterline replacements. Water Yost & Seaview Reservoir Assessment Reservoir assessment to determine upgrade needs and preliminary design Water 2022 Waterline Overlays Estimated future costs for road repairs due to waterline replacements. Storm Phase 9 Annual Storm Replacement Project (2028)Estimated future costs for storm pipe replacements. Storm Lower Perrinville Creek Restoration Phase 1 Estimated future costs for 1st phase of Creek Restoration Storm 2022 SD Overlays Estimated future costs for road repairs due to storm replacements Storm Green Street & Rain Gardens Estimated future costs for Citywide green infrastructure projects Sewer Phase 15 Sewer Replacement/Rehab/Improvements (2028)Estimated future costs for sewer line replacements/rehab/impr. Sewer 2022 SS Overlays Estimated future costs for road repairs due to sewer line replacements. Sewer Citywide CIPP Sewer Rehab Phase 4 Estimated future costs for sewer project. CFP / CIP COMPARISON (2021 TO 2022) ADDED PROJECTS Page 1 of 3 10/21/2021 115 Type PROJECT NAME CFP DESCRIPTION Transp Hwy 99 @ 220th St. SW Intersection Improvements X Removed / Included in Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway project - Stage 4 Transp Hwy 99 @ 216th St. SW Intersection Improvements X Removed/ included in Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway project - Stage 9 Transp Hwy 99 @ 212th St. SW Intersection Improvements X Removed / included in Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway project - Stage 5 Transp Hwy 99 Pedestrian Improvements (SR-104 Off-Ramps)X Removed / included in Hwy 99 Revitalization & Gateway project - Stage 2 & 3 Transp Hwy 99 @ 234th St. SW Traffic Signal X Removed Transp Sunset Ave. Sidewalk X Removed Transp Walnut St. Walkway from 3rd Ave. S to 4th Ave. S X Completed Transp Dayton St. Walkway from 7th Ave.S to 8th Ave. S X Completed Parks Greenhouse Replacement 2021 Project Water 2021 Waterline Overlays Completed Water Dayton 3rd to 9th Completed Water 5 Corners Reservoir Recoating Completed Water Phase 11 Annual Replacement Program (2021)Completed Storm Dayton 3rd to 9th Completed Storm Dayton St and Hwy 104 Drainage Improvements-Dayton Pump Station Completed Storm 2021 SD Overlays Completed Storm Phase 1 Annual Storm Replacement Project (2020)Completed Sewer Citywide CIPP Sewer Rehab Phase 2 Completed Sewer Phase 7 SS Replacement Project (2020)Completed Sewer Phase 8 SS Replacement Project (2021)Completed Sewer Dayton 3rd to 9th Completed Sewer 2021 SS Overlays Completed Sewer LS#1 Metering and Flow Study Completed CFP / CIP COMPARISON (2021 TO 2022) REMOVED PROJECTS Page 2 of 3 10/21/2021 116 Type PROJECT NAME CFP CHANGE Transp SR-104 Adaptive System X Moved up from 2023 to 2022 Transp 175th Slope Repair Moved from Fund 126 to Fund 112 Transp Elm Way Walkway from 8th Ave.S to 9th Ave. S X Construction funding added in 2022 Parks 4th Avenue Cultural Corridor Postponed until 2025 Parks Waterfront Walkway Completion Moved to fund 125 Parks Civic Park X Utilizing $2M from REET and not General Fund Parks Citywide Park Improvements / Capital Replacement Program Increase in funding 2023-2027 CHANGED PROJECTS CFP / CIP COMPARISON (2021 TO 2022) Page 3 of 3 10/21/2021 117