2022-03-10 Ed! Board MinutesEd! Board Meeting Date Meeting called to order: 8:02am Board Members/Administration in Attendance: Matt McCulloch, Cheryl Farrish, Kimberly Koenig, Jen Lawson, Olivia Brown -Latham, Robert Boehlke, Beth Sanger, and Carrie Hulbert. City of Edmonds Representative in Attendance: Megan Luttrell. Guests: Liz Morgan (FIELD), Rachel Dobbins (Art Walk Edmonds), David Preston (Port of Edmonds), Christine Poirier (Pear Tree Consignment), Jill Hall (Bench and Board), Pam Stuller (Walnut Street Coffee), Nathaniel, Richardo Bobadilla (Santa Fe), Rachel Dobbins (Art Walk Edmonds.) Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes: Cheryl moved to approve the minutes. Jen seconded. All approved, none opposed. President's Report: Cheryl presented. Month of conversations and education. Pam (former president) and Carrie met with the city and council members on the task force studying the BID delinquencies. The rate of delinquencies rose during COVID. Eleven businesses represent most of the shortfall. One of the issues raised at the meeting is when businesses go to collections, it is not as effective as a person in the same situation. The city does not currently have a collection agency. A couple of city council members don't understand the differences of the groups: Ed, DEMA, restaurant group, Chamber of Commerce. The BID has become a very visible on the downtown landscape. Cheryl asked BID members to write a letter to city council explaining the value of this organization. City is looking at the cost of administration. However, to replicate the organization, volunteer hours would also need to be included. Kimberly said that during the admin meeting yesterday 5% or less (of the BID members) are not paying assessments. Eleven businesses out of 350 or so. Carrie added that there were no delinquency measures during COVID. Of the delinquency total, $37,000 is from closed businesses and accounts for half of the total. The delinquent balance from closed businesses will not be collected. Cheryl said that Dave Turley would like to charge BID for the admin costs. Most cities do not charge for admin costs. Charging the BID would greatly wipe out the budget. Kirkland BID is charged an admin cost but it is small and their budget is over $1 million. Pam suggested that the C and O committee may want to get involved with the delinquency list. People may be confused about what the BID is and the committee could help with that. Cheryl suggested that a visual outline would be helpful to describe the functions of the Edmonds groups that support business. May want to include the visual in our annual review. Treasurer's Report: Carrie said the BID received $25,000 for the projected $29,000 January assessments. On track for January. New Businesses Added to BID: Matt said none were added this month. City Report: Megan reported the city is accepting applications to fill Patrick's vacant position. Highway 99 city hall will be opening in the next couple of weeks Committee Updates Communication & Outreach: Carrie announced the date of annual meeting: April 27. It will be fully remote. Postcards will go out in a couple of weeks. Marketing: Carrie presented. Ed! is partnering with the City of Edmonds, the Parks Department and the Chamber of Commerce to introduce the Green Edmonds campaign - taking steps to tackle climate change. Participating businesses with receive a window cling and a chalkboard to describe how their business is helping the environment. Having a logo designed that the city is paying for. Parks Department will be doing clean- ups in the park. "Tax tips" article is online and "getting your house ready to sell" is the next article to be published. Appearance & Environment: Cheryl presented. 350 umbrellas are in storage at Rogue. Have three magnetic buckets that need clings. Have half of the umbrellas still in stock and will be distributed. Will need to order new umbrellas and is looking at aluminum versus fiber glass because the price has gone up with the fiberglass. MOTION: Cheryl moved for a $10,500 budget for new umbrellas. This would purchase 600 units. Kimberly seconded. All approved, none opposed. New Business: Olivia asked what members thought of the new mask mandate. All responded that they were allowing for personal choice. Meeting Adjourned: 8:55am