2022-04-07 Citizens Climate Protection Committee MinCity of Edmonds - Mayors Climate Protection Committee ("CPC") Meeting Minutes April -7, 2022 Mission of the CPC is to (7) Encourage citizens to be a part of the solution, (2) Encourage City staff and citizens to conserve current resources, (3) Work with the City Council to imple- ment ideas, and (4) Effectively address the future impacts of climate change In Attendance via zoom / phone: • Committee Members: Bryn Chighizola, Dawna Lahti, Hank Landau, David Schaefer • Council Rep: Susan Paine • Staff: Kernen Lien, Sarah Brinkley • Guests: Cameron Reed, Greg Ferguson 1. Call to Order, Review of Agenda, & Introductions: 2. Check -in: a. March meeting minutes approved with two corrections: Hank Landau was present at the meeting; Under Item #3.a.i. — last sentence should start with Sarah not Sue 3. Guest Speaker: Cameron Reed — Shoreline Climate Champions a. Program paralleled development of their CAP b. WSU provided certificates for volunteer hours for city service related to climate c. Webinar was open to all with options d. WSU provided speakers for certain topics e. Climate Equity Nexus f. Waste Focus g. Two hours for two presentations with a break, somewhat lengthy for zoom. Pros of zoom: accessible to busy families / cons unable to Q&A easily h. How promoted? Postcard to every address / monthly city newsletter / email blasts / WSU advertised i. Possible participants: governor, mayor, councilmembers j. Speaker compensation? Some volunteered others compensated through WSU budg- et k. Take -away i. Speakers vetted by WSU — keep non -technical ii. Line-up volunteer opportunities 4. Meeting Recap and Next Month Agenda a. Prep for month: PowerPoint with agenda link b. Generate a few objectives c. CAP comments 5. Adjourned. Next meeting, May 5, 2022 @ 8:30 am.