2022-05-05 Citizens Climate Protection Committee MinCity of Edmonds - Mayors Climate Protection Committee ("CPC") Meeting Minutes May 5, 2022 Mission of the CPC is to (7) Encourage citizens to be a part of the solution, (2) Encourage City staff and citizens to conserve current resources, (3) Work with the City Council to imple- ment ideas, and (4) Effectively address the future impacts of climate change In Attendance via zoom / phone: • Committee Members: Dawna Lahti, Hank Landau, Cynthia Priutt, and David Schaefer • Council Rep: Susan Paine • Staff: Kernen Lien, Sarah Brinkley, Susan McLaughlin • Guests: MCAC members Alan Mearns and Marjie Fields, Greg Ferguson 1. Call to Order, Review of Agenda, & Introductions: 2. Check -in: a. April meeting minutes approved with no corrections b. Student Brooke Roberts is considering joining 3. City Report: a. Mayor has received two applications from interested candidates b. CAP draft — making some final tweaks before making it public c. Jennifer Leach to take over recycling coordinator position 4. City Council Report a. Unauthorized use of public spaces update b. CT expanding connections to light rail 5. Edmonds Climate Champions Project a. Kernen gave a broad overview of the climate champions' series b. $25k budgeted — objectives coordinated with those of Mayor's Conservation Advisory Committee c. CAC mission, advise the mayor on community action for healthy air/water d. Cynthia suggested setting up a subcommittee to drill down on topics i. Kernen, Bryn, Cynthia, Jen Leach, Dawna; Youth Commission member and Di- versity Commission member 6. Meeting Recap and Next Month Agenda 7. Adjourned. Next meeting, July 7, 2022 @ 8:30 am