2022-06-16 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Packet4XSPECIAL MEETING NOTICE EDMONDS LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Edmonds Lodging Tax Advisory Committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, June 16, 2022 at 3:30 p.m. The agenda is attached, miscellaneous items may be discussed and there will be an opportunity for audience comments. REMOTE MEETING/ZOOM INFORMATION: Join Zoom Meeting gov.zoom. us/j/83379526364? Meeting ID: 833 7952 6364 Passcode:877562 YUtmd2dJY2dJTzd4L1 hFNy9HRDBJUT09 PHYSICAL LOCATION The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee members will be meeting remotely for this meeting and the public may as well at the zoom information above. However, given the expiration of Gov. Inslee's proclamation on open public meetings, a physical location to participate in the meeting must be provided. For this meeting the physical location provide is Edmonds City Hall, Brackett Room located at 121 511 Ave N. Comments may be emailed to megan.luttrell(aD-edmondswa.gov prior to the meeting. The public is welcome to attend the meeting via Zoom or at the physical location. Posted/Emailed: June 15, 2022 POSTED: City Hall Edmonds Library Edmonds Post Office Public Safety EMAILED: Newspapers The Herald The Edmonds Beacon Myedmondsnews.com City Council `17C. 1 g9V AGENDA Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Remote & Edmonds City Hall Thursday, June 16, 2022 3:30PM — 4:30PM REMOTE MEETING/ZOOM INFORMATION: https://edmondswa-gov.zoom.us/I/83379526364?pwd=YUtmd2dJY2dJTzd4LlhFNy9HRDBJ UT09 Meeting ID: 833 7952 6364 Passcode: 877562 PHYSICAL LOCATION The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee members will be meeting remotely for this meeting and the public may as well at the zoom information above. However, given the expiration of Gov. Inslee's proclamation on open public meetings, a physical location to participate in the meeting must be provided. For this meeting the physical location provide is Edmonds City Hall, Brackett Room located at 121 5" Ave N. Comments may be emailed to megan.luttrellkedmondswa.gov prior to the meeting. 1. Approval of May 23, 2022, Meeting Summary 2. Public Comment 3. Budget and Funding Requests for 2023 4. Miscellaneous 5. Set next meeting date. 6. Adjourn Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Via Zoom Draft Summary Notes from 5/23/22 Meeting Committee members present: Laura Johnson, City Council Frances Chapin, Edmonds Parks, Recreation, & Cultural Services, Mgr. Joe Mclalwain, Edmonds Center for the Arts Executive Director Committee members absent: Pat Moriarty, The Studio Guest: Ellen Hiatt, Hiatt Studios Brent Garner, Hiatt Studios Gillian Young, Best Western Edmonds Harbor Inn Staff present: Megan Luttrell, Economic Development Meeting began at 4:01 p.m. 1. Approval of March 22, 2022, meeting minutes: Frances moved, and Joe seconded to approve the 3/22/22 meeting minutes. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Public Comment: None. 3. Update from Ellen Hiatt, Hiatt Studios: accomplishments to date and plans through 2022: Ellen shared that a written report was sent prior to the meeting (attached). The biggest 2022 change to their program was adding a contract with a data firm, Datafy for data collection and analysis. The 2022 ad campaign has had a slow roll out due to staff turnover. We've contracted with Seattle Times as the main ad agency this year. They will be managing a branded ad campaign; they will write an article and push it out as a sponsored ad through social media; the goal to this campaign is to create a brand for Edmonds. The first article this year is focused on staycations. There is also a Google search engine optimization (SEO) google ad word campaign focus to their contract to improve the SEO. We also have an ad campaign with 425 Magazines e-newsletter. This contract will highlight calendar events in ads. Our Datafy contract is allowing for a deep dive into ad targeting. We've learned that our biggest out of state target is LA, we're pushing ads out to that region. Ellen's team is also focusing on keeping the calendar updated and working out some bugs from the submission process. Brent gave an overview of the work he's been doing with Datafy. They are focusing on the waterfront area to determine where people who visit or pass -through Edmonds are headed as Datafy can track this. Are they traveling to Edmonds strictly to whale watching or do they do other things? They can now capture data from the ferry system. They can differentiate between locals who are commuting versus tourists. We can learn more about how to focus ad money based on the data that is collected. The goal is to gather data to determine where folks are coming from and where they go. Brent explained there is discussions to towards getting access to the Lynnwood Hotel data as Datafy is eager to connect Edmonds with local counterparts, ie: Lynnwood, Snohomish County. Ellen shared they meet regularly with Ed! and they've showed interest in diving into the information that Datafy is providing. However, Datafy has explained that this dashboard is targeted for tourism not economic development and wouldn't benefit Ed!. Ed!'s focus is Kingston data and local traffic. Joe is wondering the patterns of snowbirds, in his experience, he's noticed they seem to leave for winter but return for the holidays. How do we grab their attention and engage them when 22 05 23 LTAC minutes they are back in the region? He also asked if there is any insight on why there's an uptick on Visit Edmonds site during the spring April/May. Ellen thought the ad campaign might be the reason for the uptick on traffic. Brent feels that having Datafy onboard now, two years into the pandemic is good timing as habits have potentially shifted from pre -pandemic. Laura asked about California being our biggest tourist demographic. Brent explained the data shows that there's a lot of traffic coming from LA; Oregon is second. Frances shared that the Writer's Conference has also seen the largest numbers of out of state participants come from Southern California. This has been a trend for the past 10 years. Ellen suggests doing data research for Bird Fest and Writer's Conference advertising. Gillian added that they have been sold out the last 3 weekends and they're close to sold out for most of the summer weekends; weekdays they're close to 60%. 4. Budget Process: Frances gave a quick update on budget process. Grant applications are due on May 26th. The Arts Commission will review and set their recommendations. At our next meeting we will review the Arts Commission and general LTAC applications. We will also review and set our preliminary budget. We could also meet one more time in the Fall if they Committee would like to. 5. Miscellaneous: None. 6. Set next meeting date: Preference is June 13 at 3:30pm and a back-up date is June 16t" at 3:30pm 7. Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 4:46 p.m. 22 05 23 LTAC minutes