2022-06-09 Ed! Board MinutesEd! Board Meeting 6-9-2022 Meeting called to order: 8:01am Board Members/Administration in Attendance: Kimberly Koenig, Jen Lawson, Devyn Cox, Beth Sanger, Ricky Bobadilla, Olivia Brown -Latham, and Carrie Hulbert. City of Edmonds Representative in Attendance: Susan McLaughlin, Rachel Adams, Megan Lutrell Guests: Nathaniel Saez(Coastal Community Bank,) Jill Hall (Bench and Board,) David Preston (Port of Edmonds.) Darol Haug Public Comment: Darol Hoag commented. Has been involved in city issues since 1974. Not an easy way for the public to easily contact the BID. Enjoys umbrellas. He said the BID is an important part of our community. Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes: Jen moved to approve the minutes from 5-12. Second from Olivia. All approved without any discussion. President's Report: Kimberly thanked members for the professional marketing of downtown Edmonds. She introduced the guest, Darol Haug. Parking Presentation: By Darol Haug. He has worked with the city on the parking issue since 2000. He has a compilation of 15 years of data. In 2000, he said you could park within five parking stalls from destination. There are 1000 downtown stalls currently. Edmonds has not increased supply, but demand has increased. Tick marks used to define parking stalls added 20% more parking utilization. Employee parking was moved further away. There are 750 employee and 800 residential permits all competing for 1000 stalls. In a parking survey conducted a few years ago, 705 residents responded. Overall they like tick marks, adding a garage was a toss-up. A more in-depth parking study in 2019 was not funded by council. He predicts the next survey will be 2024. Wine walk, creative district, Saturday market, Walkable Edmonds all add to the parking demand. Body count is also increasing in Lynnwood and Mountlake Terrace. He came to the BID meeting as we are the biggest users of downtown parking. He is urging the BID to keep up the momentum of discussion. Because no one wants to pay for a parking garage, he suggested investigating a design concept of a parking structure that is not a parking lot forever. Kimberly stated the city is not enforcing parking, license plate scanner is not being used. Megan will investigate parking enforcement. Jen added it is a year plus of no enforcement. Important that employees purchase passes and use the spots. Posters outlining employee parking are available online. Olivia suggested adding it to the welcome packet for the C&O committee. City Report: Presented by Susan McLaughlin, Development Service Director for the City of Edmonds. She is leading the public space and right of way discussion which is maximizing utilization of rights of way. This supports the vibrancy of downtown. Streeteries are an example of using right of way for public dining. She reported good attendance and feedback from the first town hall meeting. She is developing a street activation toolkit and public space management programs. Residents will be able to apply to close the street for a day for a "play day." This supports recreation and play in our communities. She is working on a permit structure. It is public space and how is it used should be a democratic process. This process is developing new street types across the city and is mapping the streets to ensure that the streets can have sidewalks and planted trees in the future. Neighborhood meetings are scheduled. Five Corners is first on June 22 at Cafe Lladro at 6pm. Downtown is June 23 at the Waterfront Center at 6pm. Hope to offer pilot projects in each of the neighborhoods. City can sponsor or fund events. Kimberly asked if she had a timeline of an activation? Community led and can activate fast and hit an August timeline. Treasurer's Report: not available New Businesses Added to BID: Rachel inherited the project of tracking businesses to the BID. She has started a new process from scratch. Wants to know not every business gets a BID invoice. Individuals like beauticians don't get an invoice but the larger corporation (that rents them space) gets it. A new list will be available next month. Committee Updates Admin: Kimberly presented. Two open board positions. Musa will continue in a committee but will not be a board member. Looking for open door and by appointment board members. By appointment is one year and open door is a two-year position. The BID task force meeting was attended by Carrie. They discussed using a collections company to collect overdue payments and potentially tie lack of payment to business license renewal. Dave said the city cannot write off closed business debt. Half of delinquent payments are from closed businesses. Most of the money is from 10 businesses that won't pay. Finance director has requested the BID budget in July. Detailed budget will not be available so will be generalized. Marketing: Carrie presented. Loving Summer stickers and window clings have been ordered. Will distribute June 20 and would love help. Featured skin care and Sugarology was highlighted. Carrie also discussed the request for sponsorship of the Dancing Horses in the Fourth of July parade. Olivia, also a Chamber board member, said the funds would be used for the accompanying musicians. $500 is earmarked in the budget for city events like the parade and the Tree Lighting ceremony. Beth moved for $500 to be given to the Chamber for the musicians. Jen seconded. Discussion: Carrie wants BID branding to be included and will discuss with the chamber. Amendment to the motion: Sponsorship will include branding. Motion passes. Appearance & Environment: summer flags will be added after the 4t" of July flags are removed. Way finding signage budget needs to be back in the council budget. Shelia will talk to Vivian to get it back on the agenda. New Business: Megan presented. Movement on hiring a new Economic and Community Services Director. The mayor and council are conducting interviews. Also interviewed for a Highway 99 position for City of Edmonds information. Meeting Adjourned: 9:07am