2022-08-04 Citizens Climate Protection Committee MinutesCity of Edmonds - Mayors Climate Protection Committee ("CPC") Meeting Minutes August 4, 2022 Mission of the CPC is to (7) Encourage citizens to be a part of the solution, (2) Encourage City staff and citizens to conserve current resources, (3) Work with the City Council to imple- ment ideas, and (4) Effectively address the future impacts of climate change In Attendance On -Site: Committee Members: Bryn Chighizola, David Schaefer, Pam Tauer, Angela Winzen Staff: Kernen Lien, Sarah Brinkley, Tristan Sewell Zoom: Committee Members: Steven Cristol, Dawna Lahti Council Rep: Susan Paine 1. Call to Order, Review of Agenda, & Introductions 2. Check -In a. July meeting minutes approved with no changes. b. Tristan Sewell has joined the city staff on the committee. Tristan will become the primary city planner liaison for the CPC once he is up to speed; Kernen will continue on the CPC once the transition is complete. 3. City Report a. Kernen and Tristan shared observations from the CPC Open House. There is one more Open House planned for Thursday, 8/11 at the Edmonds Lutheran Church on 84t" Ave. b. Angela asked about community notification regarding the CAP Open Houses. A discussion ensued on how to improve outreach. Angela requested, and the committee agreed, that outreach should be a standing agenda item given its importance to the success of the Climate Champions series. Kernen or Tristan will present the city's equitable engagement framework they have been working on at the next meeting. c. Kernen provided a high-level review of the updated Climate Action Plan (CAP). d. Kernen requested that the CPC provide one document with all CAP comments e. CPC member comments are due by 8/11 for consolidation by Tristan and Pam. The final consolidated comments are due by 8/15. Pam will provide a word document for the CPC members to use on SharePoint. f. The city plans to make the updated CAP available to the public 1-2 weeks after the second CPC Open House. g. Tristan shared he is working on the details of hosting a $150K grant for low to mid income families to fund solar installations. Targeted participation includes apartment buildings where financial savings will be realized by renters. 4. City Council Report a. City Council focus is on the budget due next month. b. MCAC has selected an outreach event focused on the use of electric lawn and garden tools. They will have staff from Ace or Ryobi participating in the city's Oktoberfest \ where electric leaf blowers will be demonstrated with a game activity. 5. Edmonds Climate Champions Project a. Bryn reviewed progress on the Climate Champions Series work. The subcommittee compiled, ranked, consolidated, and prioritized topics. Will focus on Lifestyle, Building & Energy, and Transportation issues. Next steps are to determine feasibility and focus on the targeted fall event. b. David asked if there was a MCAC work plan to ensure we did not have overlapping efforts. Susan responded there are not any yet; she sits on both committees. c. There was a request to revisit having a member of the MCAC join the CPC. Susan will make the request to MCAC. d. Pam asked if we still want to include Diversity and Youth on the CPC. e. Angela brought up the idea of having a Climate Protection fair that included all topic areas. Discussion focused on support and planning required for hosting a large-scale event. Conclusion, possibly consider a spring event to provide the planning and coordination needed. Bryn stated that the money should roll over into the next calendar year. Pam recommended launching at Earth Day. Angela recommended we spend the fall working on outreach messages and channels. f. Kernen shared that WSU is not required to be a consultant on this project to use the funds. Sarah confirmed that the second WSU contact has left. 6. Meeting Recap and Next Month Agenda a. Steve has compiled feedback and some additional sub -strategies for the updated CAP. He will provide this in the CPC Comment document Pam will create later today. b. Reviewed the hybrid -meeting format. Those participating on Zoom had difficulty hearing some of the on -site CPC members. Pam took meeting minutes today because of this issue. At the next meeting, we will use the large microphone to amplify the on -site participants and Sarah will rearrange the table and chairs to seat on -site participants closer to the camera mic. 7. Meeting adjourned. Next meeting on Thursday, September 1 @ 1lam.