01-10-12 Public Safety and Human Resources CommitteePUBLIC SAFETY/HR COMMITTEE HR COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES January 4-10, 2012 Committee members present: Council Member K. Michael Plunkett Council Member Joan Bloom Others present: Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Director & Acting HR Administrator Carrie Hite Acting HR Manager/HR Analyst Mary Ann Hardie Council Member Plunkett called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. RECLASSIFICATION of SEW union positions Acting HR Manager/HR Analyst Mary Ann Hardie explained that per the agenda memo, as part of the compensation and classification of study (job description stage) with consultant Personnel Public Sector Personnel Consultants (PSPC) and through the budget process, there are six positions that have been approved through the budget process for either reclassifications (4 positions) or possible classification (2 positions) in the SEIU union. As part of this process, this information is being brought to the Committee's attention [but does not require action]. Council Member K. Michael Plunkett inquired as to whether or not these reclassifications needed to be brought forth to council. Ms. Hite deferred this question to the Committee and Council. Council Member K. Michael Plunkett deferred this matter to Council President Strom Peterson. There was some discussion about whether or not this item should be e-mailed to full Council (all members) or included in a future council meeting agenda. Ms. Hite suggested that it may be more appropriate to bring the updated job descriptions and title changes along with any additional information on these six reclassifications [for informational purposes] at a future council meeting. Council Member Bloom agreed that this may be more understandable. Council Member Plunkett inquired as to how many positions are being looked at for the job description review [by PSPC] and how many total job titles for positions there are in the City. Ms. Hite responded that there are approximately 200 employees with about 150 job descriptions but that one of the goals of the job descriptions update being performed through PSPC is to consolidate titles [when possible for similar positions] and to have more consistency with job families. Ms. Hite further explained that she and Ms. Hardie will be closely reviewing the recommended job title changes and that it is not anticipated that there will be many financial changes or impacts from this job description update process. There was some discussion that followed about which of the six positions listed in the agenda memo are being reclassified and/or classified into the SEIU union. Ms. Hite explained that there are: 1) two positions on the list that are currently not SEIU union positions and that; 2) the body and scope of work in these positions contains union work and we are obligated as a City to review these positions to determine if these positions will need to be classified in the union. Additionally, of the two positions being reviewed for classification into the SEIU union, one is a position that has been combined with another position [the Gymnastics Supervisor]. Previously, this was a less than half time position [or less than 20 hours a week]. It is now a 24 hour a week position with additional job duties and eligibility for benefits. Ms. Hite stated that by combining this position with the duties of another position, it provides a cost savings since the other position it is being combined with will not need to be filled. If it is determined that these two positions will be subject to union membership, this will be a topic for an executive meeting with Council as part of labor negotiations. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD There were no members of the public present for public comments. The meeting adjourned at 7:21 pm