2022-08-11 Ed! Board MinutesEd! Board Meeting August 11th, 2022 Meeting called to order: 8:03am Board Members/admin in Attendance: Kimberly Koenig, Jen Lawson, Olivia Brown -Latham, Robert Boehlke, Ricky Bobadilla, Matt McCulloch City of Edmonds Representative in Attendance: Susan McLaughlin, Megan Luttrell Guests: Rachel Dobbins (Art Walk Edmonds), Annika Samuelson (Sandpiper Massage), Whitney Popa (Workhorse HQ), Erika Sugg (Edmonds Chamber of Commerce) City Report: Presented by Susan McLaughlin, Development Service Director for the City of Edmonds. She is continuing the conversation about maximizing the right of ways in downtown Edmonds as well as reworking the green spaces. The 20-year vision for the city is starting with a 6-week series targeting different identifying qualities of Edmonds living. Identity: Aug. 8-14 Quality of Life: Aug. 15-21 Economic Growth: Aug. 22-28 Environment: Aug. 29-Sept 4 Culture: Sept. 5-11 Livability and Land Use: Sept. 12-18. The 6 weeks of meetings will end with an "Everyone's Edmonds" foundation for the 20-year plan. Postcards were sent out with a survey; all business owners were encouraged to participate. A "Yardfest" was proposed for Main Street between 5th and 6th at the end of the summer. Temporary sod would be laid in the street to create a park -like atmosphere. Chamber Report: Taste Edmonds is starting August 16th, all ages, lots of kids activities as well as bands and food trucks. Ryan Crowther, the new President, wants to set up occasional networking events at the Waterfront Center. Car Show is September 11th. Rachel from Art Walk Edmonds: talked about the upcoming Wine Walk and ongoing Art Walks. Approval of Previous Meetings Minutes: Olivia Brown -Latham made a motion to approve the July 14th, 2022 minutes, Jen Lawson seconded. Presidents Report: Kimberly presented. She was away for the last meeting, was catching up on the new happenings. Is excited to meet Todd Tatum, the new Economic Development Director. Looking forward to a collaborative relationship. Treasurer's Report: Matt McCulloch presented. Budget is on track, assessments are coming in mostly as expected. Committee Updates: Marketing Report: Jen Lawson presented. Summer programs are going as expected, looking ahead to Holiday promotions. Administration: No report Communication and Outreach: Ricky Bobadilla presented. No new updates, getting packets out to new businesses. Appearance and Environment: No report New Businesses Added to BID: Matt McCulloch Presented. Salish Insurance Group on Main Street. Ribbon cutting upcoming. Budget Discussion: Jen Lawson made a motion to approve a $500 budget line item for annual Website maintenance. Matt McCulloch seconded, motion approved. Meeting Adjourned: 8:29am