Ordinance 4277ORDINANCE NO. 4277 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING NEW REGULATIONS AND A NEW CHAPTER 17.120 ECDC, ENTITLED "BICYCLE PARKING FACILITIES"; AMENDING ECDC SUBSECTION 16.60.030.B ENTITLED "PARKING, ACCESS, AND BICYLE STORAGE STANDARDS" AND AMENDING ECDC 22.110.090 WESTGATE MIXED USE HEIGHT BONUS TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE NEW REGULATIONS WHEREAS, increasing the use of bicycles as an alternative form of transportation is an important step toward achieving the City's climate goals due to their not emitting greenhouse gases or using fossil fuels; and WHEREAS, a lack of bicycle parking can be a barrier to greater use of bicycles; and WHEREAS, the exercise associated with increased bicycle usage would have corresponding human health benefits; and WHEREAS, the planning board recommended adoption of the proposed bicycle parking regulations that are attached to this ordinance on July 14, 2021; and WHEREAS, the city council held a public hearing on those regulations on March 22, 2022; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A new chapter 17.120 of the Edmonds Community Development Code, entitled "Bicycle Parking Facilities," is hereby adopted to read as set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as if set forth in full. Section 2. To create consistency between the Edmonds Community Development Code and the new bicycle parking regulations adopted in Section 1, above, subsection 16.60.030.B of the ECDC entitled, "Parking, Access, and Bicycle Storage Standards," is hereby amended to read 1 as set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as if set forth in full (new text is shown in underline; deleted text is shown in strike through). Section 3. To create consistency between the Edmonds Community Development Code and the new bicycle parking regulations adopted in Section 1, above, section 22.110.090 of the ECDC entitled, "Height Bonus," is hereby amended to read as set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as if set forth in full (new text is shown in underline; deleted text is shown in strike through). Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, clause, sentence, or phrase of this ordinance should be held invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Sect ion 5. Effect ive Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum and shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY: BY~ JEFFTARADA ---= 2 FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DA TE: ORDINANCE NO. September 30, 2022 October 4, 2022 October 7, 2022 October 12, 2022 4277 3 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 4277 of the City of Edmonds, Washington On the 4th day of October, 2022, the City Council of the City of Edmonds, passed Ordinance No. 4277. A summary of the content of said ordinance, consisting of the title, provides as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING NEW REGULATIONS AND A NEW CHAPTER 17.120 ECDC, ENTITLED "BICYCLE PARKING FACILITIES"; AMENDING ECDC SUBSECTION 16.60.030.B ENTITLED "PARKING, ACCESS, AND BICYCLE STORAGE STANDARDS" AND AMENDING ECDC 22.110.090 WESTGATE MIXED USE HEIGHT BONUS TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE NEW REGULATIONS The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon request. DATED this 4th day of October, 2022. 4 17.120.000 17.120.010 17.120.020 17.120.030 17.120.040 17.120.050 17.120.060 17.120.000 EXHIBIT A Chapter 17.120 Bicycle Parking Facilities Purpose Definitions Applicability Short-Term Bicycle Parking Long-Term Bicycle Parking Calculations Design Standards Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide adequate and safe facilities for the parking and storage of bicycles, and to encourage alternative forms of transportation. 17.120.010 Definitions. A. Bicycle Parking-means the space one bicycle takes up when locked to a bicycle rack or similar device. B. Long-term bicycle parking-means bicycle parking or storage anticipated to be at a building site for four or more hours. C. Short-term bicycle parking-means bicycle parking or storage anticipated to be at a building site for less than four hours. D. Substantial damage -for the purposes of this chapter 17.120 ECDC, substantial damages means damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before damaged condition would equal or exceed SO percent of the replacement cost of the structure before the damage occurred. E. Substantial improvement-for the purposes ofthis chapter 17.120 ECDC, substantial improvement means any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of a primary structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds SO percent of the market value of the primary structure before the "start of construction" of the improvement. F. Electric bike installed or "E-bike installed" -means bicycle parking that is designed and constructed within five feet of an electrical outlet receptacle reserved for the purpose of electric-assisted bicycle charging on a fully-wired and operational circuit. 17.120.020 Applicability. Development for each of the land uses identified in this Chapter 17.120 ECDC is required to provide bicycle parking facilities when one of the following occurs: A. A new development; 10/4/2022 (Addressing Council Comments) Page 1 of 7 EXHIBIT A B. Substantial damage or substantial improvement is made to an existing development within a one- year period, as determined by the Building Official; or C. Increased parking capacity. Increased parking capacity to an existing development that do not meet the other applicability standards in this subsection must meet the following standard: 1. Parking space increased between 1% and 49% of existing capacity must meet the short-term bicycle parking standards in section 17.120.030. 2. Parking space increases above 49% of existing capacity must meet both the short-term and long- term bicycle parking standards in subsections 17.120.030 and 17.120.040. 17.120.030 Short-Term Bicycle Parking. A. Requirements. Short-term bicycle parking must be provided as specified in Table 17.120-1. Table 17.120-1: Short-Term Bicycle Parking Requirements Type of Use Minimum Number of Spaces Required Multiple dwelling units 1 per 10 dwelling units; not less than 2 spaces Non-residential uses 1 per 12 vehicle parking spaces; not less than 2 spaces B. Installation of Short-Term Bicycle Parking. Short-term bicycle parking must comply with all of the following: 1. Required to be visible from and within 30 feet of a building's public entrance; 2. Must be located within the landscape/furnishing zone (defined as that area between the roadway curb face and the front edge of the sidewalk), except if the furnishing zone is more than 30 feet from the public entrance the short-term bicycle parking may be provided at the building frontage; 3. Required to be located at the same grade as the sidewalk or at a location reachable by ramp or accessible route; 4. Adequate illumination of the bicycle parking surface must be provided; 5. Required to have an area of not less than 18 inches wide, 60 inches long, and 48 inches high for each bicycle; 6. Required to be provided with a rack or other facility for locking or securing each bicycle; 7. The rack or other locking feature must be permanently attached to concrete or other comparable material; and 8. The rack or other locking feature must be designed to accommodate the use of U-locks or similar devices approved for bicycle security. 9. Bicycle parking facilities must not impede pedestrian or vehicle circulation. 17.120.040 Long-Term Bicycle Parking. A. Requirements . Long-term bicycle parking shall be provided as specified in Table 17.120-2. 10/4/2022 (Addressing Council Comments) Page 2 of 7 EXHIBIT A Table 17.120-2: Long-Term Bicycle Parking Requirements Type of Use Minimum Number of Spaces Required Number of E-bike Installed Spaces Multiple dwelling 0 .75 per unit 40% of spaces units 1 Non-residential uses 2 per 25,000 square feet of floor area; 10% of spaces not less than 3 spaces Footnote 1: Multiple dwelling units with 1nd1v1dual garages are exempt from this requiremen l B. Installation of Long-Term Bicycle Parking. Long-term bicycle parking must comply with all of the following: 1. Required to be located on the same site as the building; 2. Required to be located inside the building, such as a vehicle parking garage or other secure common area, except it can be located outside the building if located within a secure area up to 150 feet ofthe building's main or employee entrance and provides bicycle storage lockers; 3. Adequate illumination of the bicycle parking surface must be provided; 4. Required to have an area of not less than 18 inches wide, 60 inches long, and 48 inches high for each bicycle; 5. Required to be provided with a permanent rack, locker, or other facility for locking or securing each bicycle that is attached to concrete or other comparable material. Up to 50 percent of the racks may be located on walls. 6. Alternative bicycle parking configurations and designs such as double decker lift assisted racks or bicycle parking in dedicated storage areas may be approved by the Development Services Director if it is determined that these alternative configurations provide adequate access, are easy to use, and allow a bike to be securely locked. 7. Bicycle parking locations within auto parking areas must be separated by a physical barrier such as curbs, wheel stops, stanchions, fences, or similar device. 17.120.050 Calculations. A. Fractions. For the purposes of this chapter 17.120 ECDC, calculations will be rounded up to the nearest whole number. B. Different Uses on Same Site. The requirement for different uses on the same site is calculated as the sum of all requirements for the individual uses. 17.120.060 Design Standards for Short Term Bicycle Parking. A. Based on guidance from the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP), the following designs are acceptable in the City of Edmonds: 10/4/2022 (Addressing Council Comments) Page 3 of 7 RACKS FOR ALL APPLICATIONS INVERTEDU also ca ll ed stapl e. loo p nn POST&RING WHEELWELL- SECURE ¢ EXHIBIT A When properly designed and installed, these rack styles typically meet all performance criteria and are appropriate for use in nearly any application. Common style appropriat e for many uses: two poin t s of ground contact . Can be installed in series on ra ils to crea t e a free-stand ing parking area in variable quan t ities. Availab le in many variations . Common style appropriate for many uses: one point of ground contact. Compared to inver-ted-U racks. these are less prone to unintended perpendicular parking. Products exist for converting unused parking meter posts. Includes an element that cradles one wheel . Design and perf ormance vary by manufacturer: typically contains bikes well. which is desirable for long-term par k ing and in large-scale instal lations (e.g. campus): accommodates fewer bicycl e types and attachments than the two styles above. B. The APBP discourages the use of the following designs and so they are not acceptable in the City of Edmonds: 10/4/2022 (Addressing Council Comments) Page 4 of 7 RACKS TO AVOID WAV E also called undu lating or serpent ine SCHOOLYARD also ca ll ed cornb . gr id COATHANGER WHEELWELL BOLLARD SPIRAL SWI NG ARM SECURED NVl I 111111 111 11111 1 ct \\\\ EXHIBIT A Because of performance concerns, APBP recommends selecting other racks instead of these. Not intuitive o r use r -friendly: rea l-world use of this style often falls short of expectations: supports bi ke f r ame at only one location when used as intended. Does not allow locking of frame and can lead to wheel damage. Inappropriate for mos t public uses. but useful for tempo r ary attended bike storage at events and in loca t ions w ith no theft concerns. Sometimes preferred by rec reational riders. who may travel without locks and tend to monitor their bikes while parked. T his style has a top bar that limits the types of bikes it GIil accommodate. Racks that er adle bicycles with only a wheelwell do not provide suitable security. pose a tripping hazard. and can lead to wheel damage. This style typical ly does not appropriately support a bike's frame at two separate locati ons. Despite possible aesthetic appeal. sp ira l racks have functiona l downsides related to access. rea l-world use , and the need to lift a wheel to park . These racks are intended to capture a bike's frame and both wheels with a pivot ing arm. In practice. they accommodate only limited bike types and have moving parts that create unneeded complications. C. Alternative designs may be acceptable as approved by the Development Services Director . 10/4/2022 (Addressing Council Comments) Page 5 of 7 EXHIBIT A 16.60.030 Site development standards -Design. (CG Zoning District) *** B.6. Bicycle Storage Spaces. See Chapter 17.120 ECDC for parking standards relating to bicycle parking facilities. 8ie'fcle storage spaees for m1;1ltiftm1il•1 ho1;1sing, e1<cl1;1ding housing for assisted li,.'ing or other speeialized facilities 'Nhere the dm,,elop111ent services director finds that the targeted population is not likely to 1:1se bieycles, shall be pro¥ided for residents at a ratio of one bieycle storage space for each residential unit 1;1nder 700 square feet and two bie'fcle storage spaces for each residential 1;1nit greater than 700 sq1;1are feet . Bic·;cle storage spaces shall consist of storage raclEs, lockers, or other sec1;1re space to acco111modate sheltered, safe, and coR'+'enient bie,•cle storage for building residents. S1;1eh space 1113',' be in a ¥Chicle parlEing garage or another appropriate location e1:1t shall not be pro,.•ided as open storage on a declc or balcony. \6/here sheltered bie,•cle storage is being pro¥ided within a dedicated com111on space of the building, the total n1;1mber of required bie•;cle storage spaces ma.,, be reduced by up to 50 percent fro111 that which is other.vise req1;1ired; provided, that one or 111ore secure eio;cle raclcs, 1;1seable by visitors, for at least-four bicycles is pro,.•ided within the front seteack of the property. 22.110.090 Westgate Mixed Use Zone -Height Bonus 22.110.090 Height bonus. Areas eligible for a fourth-story height bonus are shown in the diagram contained in ECDC 22.110.010(8). Areas within the Westgate mixed-use district that are not shown in Figure 22.110.010.B may not contain four-story buildings regardless of how many points such a development could achieve on the height bonus score sheet, below. In order to obtain the height bonus for projects in eligible areas, the proposal must obtain eight points from the height bonus score sheet, with at least one point in each of at least four different scoring categories. When a fourth story is proposed in a building, the fourth story must be stepped back at least 10 feet from a building facade facing SR I 04 or 100th A venue W. In addition, no third or fourth story may be located within 30 feet of the intersection of SR 1040 and 100th Avenue W, measured from the comer points of the right-of-way intersection. For proposals seeking to earn points in the green building program category, the applicant shall be required to submit a deposit sufficient for the city to retain an independent green building consultant who is qualified to evaluate the construction of the building at key milestones in order to determine that the building is being constructed in a manner that is consistent with the points proposed on the height bonus score sheet. Height Bonus Score Sheet Height bonus to obtain 4 stories requires 8 points with points in at least 4 categories 1 Green Building Program (points are not additive) Points ' ::J Required 2 Built Green/LEED Certified Rating or Equivalent Required '.J Credit I LEED Silver/Built Green 4-5 Rating I .J Credit 2 LEED Gold or Evergreen Sustainable Development Rating 2 10/4/2022 (Addressing Council Comments) Page 6 of 7 :J _j :J :J :J :J :J :J :J '] _j :J _j :J -d- _j I :J EXHIBIT A Height Bonus Score Sheet Height bonus to obtain 4 stories requires 8 points with points in at least 4 categories 1 Credit3 Passive House Standard/LEED Platinum Rating Credit 4 Living Building Green Factor (points are not additive) Required Green Factor Score OJ Credit I Green Factor Score 0.4 Credit 2 Green Factor Score 0.5 Credit 3 Green Factor Score 0 .6 Credit 4 Green Factor Score ?_0 . 7 Amenity Space (points are not additive) Required Percentage of Amenity Space 15% Credit 1 Percentage of Amenity Space 20% Credit 2 Percentage of Amenity Space 25% Credit 3 Percentage of Amenity Space ?_30% Miscellaneous (points are additive) Required Meet Street Standards Incl. Bikeway and Pedestrian Networks Credit 1 Car-Share Parking,3 Provide Minimum 2 Spaces Credit 2 Charging Facility for Electric Cars, Provide Minimum 4 Spaces ~ h1Elear/GeveFeEI Bleyele !ilemge 11REI l11EieeF Gh a11gi11g J.eeili1ies Credit 34 Public Art Integrated into Provided Amenity Space Large Format Retail Space Credit 1 Development Contains One or More Retail Spaces >1 5,000 sf See locational requirements for extra floor bonus in ECDC 22 .110 .090 . "Required" means required for all development, whether seeking a height bonus or not. "Car-share" parking refers to parking for vehicles that are rented by the hour or portion ofa day . 10/4/2022 (Addressing Council Comments) Page 7 of7 4 6 Points Required 2 3 4 5 Points Required 2 3 4 Points Required I I .j. I I 3 Everett Daily Herald Affidavit of Publication State of Washington} County of Snohomish } ss Michael Gates being first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says: that he/she is the legal representative of the Everett Daily Herald a daily newspaper. The said newspaper is a legal newspaper by order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the first publication of the Notice hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a daily newspaper in Snohomish County, Washington and is and always has been printed in whole or part in the Everett Daily Herald and is of general circulation in said County, and is a legal newspaper, in accordance with the Chapter 99 of the Laws of 1921, as amended by Chapter 213, Laws of 1941, and approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of Snohomish County, State of Washington, by order dated June 16, 1941, and that the annexed is a true copy of EDH964449 ORD 4276, 4277, 4278 as it was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper and not as a supplement form thereof for a period of 1 issue(s), such publication commencing on 10/07/2022 and ending on 10/07/2022 and that said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. The amount $51.60 . Subscribed and swor~~ on this //)-Tu dayof ~ ' ~~- Nora,yPoblic in and fm~ Washington. City of Edmonds-LEGALADS I 14 101 4 16 SC OTT PASSEY . Classified Proof orth•%':~tl!~E,,;~::1~~!t-01 on On 1h• 41/1 da, or Oclotcr. 2022. lhil Coty Councd ol lne City ol Edmor1ds, pa.55ed tho rouowu,g orcinonc1:~, Iha itm1mort0:l> or slk! c:udmancos cor,sl1-tir1g or 1.tllei , re p,avldeo as foUo,·~ OROINANC~~~bt.lbt AN ORDINANCE OF n-ie Cll Y DS. WASHINGTON . :STABLISHING Dl:SIGN STANDA RDS FOR STAND-i>.1.0N: MUL Tl?I.E DWELLING SUJLQINGS IN THE 802 ZONE AND REPEALING ORDINANCE •2* AN ORDINANCE OF ~~~"c'Wrt~~O!~b~DS, WASHINGTON. ADOPTING NEW REGULATIONS ANO A NEW CHAP1ER 17 120 ECDC, ENTITLED "SICYCLE PARKJNG FACILITIES"; AMc:NDING ECOC SUBSECTION 1il.60.0JO.i! ENTITL:0 "?ARKING. ACCESS, ANO BICYLE STORAGE STANDARDS" ANO AMENDING ECOC 22 110.090 l'/ESTG;\TE MtXSU tJS: H :IG)iT 30NUS TO SE CONSISTENT "MTH "T H: l<e'N REGULl-"ITONS ORDINANCE NO. •2lB AN ORDINANCE OF fill! CITY OF eOMONDS. WASHINGTON . EST"5USl-l1NG INTE.HIM OE\'cl.OPl,IENT REGULA'IONS FOfl THE CG ZONE . DECLARING AN :MERG::.'ICY NECESSIT,\<iNG THE IMIA::.DIATE cFFECTII/ENcSS OF Tl1E OROUl'Al\'CE. AND SETTING SI X t.lONTt-lS AS T-<: F.Fi':C'TW:: "ER•OO OF TH E ORDINA NCE DATED lhis 4th Day of OctolM, 2022 CI TY CLERK. SCOTT ?ASS:Y Published: Oelober 7, 2022. EOH:1~:.149 Proofed by Phillips, Linda, 10/10/2022 08:40:41 am Page: 2