2022-11-10 Ed! Board MinutesEd! Board Meeting Nov 10, 2022 Meeting called to order: 8:02am Public Comment: Thanks from Jen at Crow for welcoming her to the community. Erica met with Richard Taylor who will be MC-ing the Christmas Tree lighting. The tree lighting is Nov 26' from 3-5pm. Coco and cider and cookies will be passed out. There is an after party at the Masonic Lodge for pictures with Santa. Streets close at noon and reopen at 6pm. Halloween was a big hit despite the rain. Robert noted the diversity among the group and incredible handmade costumes. Very impressed with the creativity. Ricky said the bar was slammed. He is wondering about World Cup in Edmonds. May reach out to other bars and restaurants to see if there is interest in a joint promotion. Liz added that the next Porchfest meeting is Monday, Nov 21 st. Surveys are positive. Will start to plan summer '23 and asked that businesses consider signing up as a host location. She hopes to involve more high school students in the future. Board Members/Administration in Attendance: Kimberly Koenig, Jen Lawson, Matt McCulloch, Olivia Brown -Latham, Robert Boehlke, Beth Sanger, Ricky Bobadilla, Cheryl Farrish and Carrie Hulbert. City of Edmonds Representative in Attendance: Todd Tatum (Community Services and Economic Development Director) Guests: Liz Morgan (FIELD), Whitney Popa (Workhorse HQ), Erica Sugg (Edmonds Chamber of Commerce), David Preston (Port of Edmonds.) City Report: Todd reported. He is working on interactive holiday content - chutes and ladders type -game. Creative district window stickers will be passed out. Creative district summit will take place in 2023. The Creative District members are working on a positioning statement and high-level branding... what it means to be a district. Hopes to highlight businesses and non- profits. Will tie businesses into the campaign. Liz asked how one registers to be a creative business. Todd says to contact him if you would like to be on the roster. Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes: Olivia moved to approve the minutes and Jen seconded. All approved. No discussion. President's Report: Kimberly presented. She and Carrie attended the Revitalize Washington program. Kimberly presented a slideshow overview. They learned that BIDs were created to compete with malls. They have different focuses from beautification to city clean up (grafitti.) Kimberly shared - focus on the brand, trust the board and embrace trying new things. Carrie is interested in a cybersecurity course to share. Erica offered this to chamber members via email in the last newsletter. Kimberly also thanked everyone with showed up to the council meeting and wrote letters. It went well. Treasurer's Report: Matt presented. Still above projections. The overdue letters helped. $2500 short to hit the year end goal. End 2022 with a healthy fund balance. He said a public records request may have helped get payments in. City informed the businesses that the request was made. It caused a flurry of payments. Carrie clarified with the Beacon that the city does not consider a business to be behind until they are three quarters delinquent. The theater is caught up. New Businesses Added to BID: no new businesses added to the BID. Committee Updates • Admin: Carrie presented. Start thinking about who we might want to join the board in April. Will let us know which positions will be open. Matt hopes his replacement at the bank will be joining the board. • Marketing: Carrie presented. Holiday is the main focus. Posters and window clings went out yesterday. Drink Bingo has 24 participants. Ornament Stroll has 18-20. The trolley will be running in December. Whitney is helping with the holiday articles • Communication and Outreach: Olivia presented. We didn't get a report from the city with new businesses and have been catching up with in -person welcome visits. Will try to reach out electronically to the business that are locked and by -appointment. • Appearance & Environment: Cheryl presented. Regarding the after-hours lots, the city will not provide a hold harmless clause for the church parking lot. Have not heard from Coastal Community Bank. Shelia reached out to Todd about the wayfaring signs. She will also try coordinating with the Creative District and copy Mark since he is on that board. Umbrellas have been put out through most of downtown. She asks that stands go outside (if they were brought in.) Price has gone up significantly for the aluminum holders. Two can -style holders are still available. New Business: Todd said the Inflation Reduction Act has lots of business credits. He will share a document that helps describe what is available. Meeting Adjourned: 8:43am