2022-10-26 Youth Commission MinutesYouth Commission Meeting Minutes 10/26/2022 Commission Members Present: Julie Andres Eemaan Bhatia Lucy Calabro Sophie Gerdes Naomi Machyo Charlie Morgan Joanna Na Joelle Walworth Mariana Yenter Samuel Yi Staff Present: Casey Colley I. ROLL CALL & ABSENCES Councilmembers Present: Diane Buckshnis Casey moved to call the meeting to order at 6:04 PM. Charlie read the land acknowledgment statement. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Casey moved to add in an icebreaker to the agenda following IV. Public Comment. Seconded by Sam. The motion passed unanimously. III. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 12, 2022 Joanna mentioned that her name was missing from the meeting minutes. Sam corrected it. Casey moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Sam. The motion passed unanimously. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT Susan McLaughlin, Development Services Director went over the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan and the visioning process that occurred over the summer. The city wants a Youth Commissioner to be involved in the Nov. 5 porchfest & unveiling of the Comprehensive Plan mission statement. This could be a speaking role, planning role, etc. 1� 110:13R:F-Ali34:7 The commission played an M&M's icebreaker game. VI. GROUPME Casey spent a few minutes getting the rest of the new members added to GroupMe. VII. VOTING LEADERSHIP POSITIONS Sam was voted in as chair. Eemaan was voted in as co-chair. Joanna took the role of secretary, and Charlie took the role of Communications Manager. VIII. APPROVE MEETING NORMS Sam moved to approve the meeting norms established last meeting. Seconded by Joelle. The motion passed unanimously. IX. PROJECTS 1. Create a youth poll in Nov/Dec 2. Partner with city/other groups for Earth Day 3. Report to City Council (Jun) 4. Hold a youth forum at the end of Feb 5. Possibly EYC videos? X. DVS WORKSHOP Casey discussed getting Domestic Violence Services to present info on relationships and preventing domestic violence in an EYC meeting and possibly follow up with an event. Julie suggested presenting this in schools. Joelle brought up the idea of creating an Instagram post including the main points. Casey suggested making DV one of the topics for a forum. Sam moved to invite DVS to present at a future EYC meeting. Seconded by Joelle. The motion passed unanimously. XI. WAIVERS, EMAIL SIGN -ON Casey worked on getting the rest of the new members signed on to their city emails. Casey reminded new members to sign the waiver. Casey forwarded Mara's Instagram post template to each commissioner, in which each of us will add a picture, bio, and pronouns. XII. FINAL COMMENTS Casey noted that her Youth Commission work hours are from 1:00 - 3:00 pm Mon -Fri. XIII. ADJOURNMENT Sam adjourned the meeting at 7:12 PM.