2023-02-08 Youth Commission MinutesYouth Commission Meeting Minutes2/8/2023 Commission Members Present: SamuelYi Sophie Gerdes Joanna Na Naomi Machyc Eemaan Bhatia Mariana Yenter Charlie Morgan Joel le Walworth Julie Andres Lucy Lakefish Staff Present Casey Colley Councilmembers Present: Diane Buckshnis I. ROLL CALL & ABSENCES Sam moved to call the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. Julie read the land acknowledgment statement. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Sam made motion to approve th is weeWs agenda; no alternation, Seconded by Joelle, The motion passed unanimously. III. APPROVALOF MEETING MINUTES OFJANUARY25, 2022 No meetingminutes due to internetoutage. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT No members of the public present V. FORUM PLANNING We received 84 responses and 75 are from the 13-19 age group. Most people are interested in youth opportunities (Volunteering, schoolstuff,opportunities to learn) - Planning to do beach eleani ng on Earth Day. Forum Sched u le - 3:30 Setup (Be there by 3:30) - 4:00 Event - 5:05 Start introductions (5-10 minutes commiss loner intros., explanation of forum -t EYC. Plug recruitment) &read land acknowledgement - 5:15 First Table (15 minutes pertable, 2 minutesupassingperiod'°) - 520 End of lasttable session - 5 30 Clean up (15 minutes) Our main topics: Youth opportunities (Sophie, Joanna, Mara, Julie), mental health (Sam, Luny L, Charlie), diversity (Eemaan, Naomi, Joelle, Lucy C) We had time {around 15 minutes} to discuss about each topics We are going to make signs for each station on forum day (sandwich board). Commissioners should wear a youth commission vest on forum day. Commissioners, please check GroupMe! VI. ANNUAL REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL DATE SELECTION Annual report toe ity council is going to be on June Gth 7:00 PM. It will be about 10 to 15 minutes, VII. JOSH BIN DAARTICLE DISCUSSION When the topic settles down, revisit later. Vill. DISTRIBUTING DVS POSTERS DISCUSSION Candy and QR code For spreading knowledge of domestic violence_ IX. EARTH DAY PARTNERSHIP We're going to have beach cleanup on April22. They'll provide cleaning supplies, Two spots on the beach, X. FINAL COMMENTS From Casey: Everyone have fun on Forum day_ Don't be too stressed and enjoyI XI. ADJOURNMENT Sam adjourned the meeting at 7.27 PM.