2014-07-16 Economic Development Commission MinutesCITY OF EDMONDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION APPROVED MINUTES July 16, 2014 The Citizens Economic Development Committee meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m, by Chair Witenberg in the Brackett Room, 121 Sth Avenue North, Edmonds. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT PLANNING BOARD LIAISON Bruce Witenberg, Chair Phil Lovell Kevin Garrett, Vice Chair John Dewhirst ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT Darrol Haug Councilmember Strom Peterson Roger Hertrich Councilmember Kristiana Johnson Nicole Hughes Doug Purcell PORT OF EDMONDS LIAISON John Rubenkonig Gail Sarvis Bruce Faires Michael Schindler Rich Senderoff STAFF PRESENT Darlene Stern Shane Hope, Development Services Director Douglas Swartz Cindi Cruz, Program Coordinator Teresa Wippel (Arrived 6:09 p.m) Rob Chave, Planning Manager Frances Chapin, Arts & Culture Program Mgr, COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Jeannie Dines, Recorder Debbie Matteson Nathan Proudfoot PUBLIC PRESENT Finis Tupper Natalie Shippen 1. OPENING REMARKS Chair Witenberg announced Commissioners Matteson, Proudfoot and Tupper have excused absences. 2. AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA Chair Witenberg requested Agenda Item 6 be moved to follow Item 3, 3. APPROVAL OF JUNE 18, 2014 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES COMMISSIONER DEWHIRST MOVED, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER PURCELL, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 18, 2014. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (Commissioner Wippel was not present for the vote.) 6. PLANNING BOARD RETREAT Approved Minutes Economic Development Commission July 16, 2014 Page 1 Development Services Director Shane Hope explained the Planning Board held their annual retreat on July 9. Agenda items included getting to know the new Planning Board Members, a demonstration regarding digital documents on the City's website and a presentation regarding the Edmond Community Development Code (EDC) update. The Planning Board and the City Council had a joint meeting earlier this year to discuss the update and the Council provided direction to the Planning Board regarding issues to work on and priorities. Staff reviewed with the Planning Board, 1) what the development code is and its contents, and 2) concerns that many things in the code are outdated and the code needs to be cleaned up to address inconsistencies. The Planning Board discussed principles important to them and developed a list of key principles and objectives: Kev Principles • Consistency with current state law • Consistency with Comprehensive Plan • Provide predictability for developers and community • Provide some flexibility • Clear user friend language and format • Recognition of property rights • Enforceability and compliance • Sustainable development oriented Key Objectives • Ensure reasonable and clear process for all actions • Provide expanded and up-to-date definitions • Encourage appropriate development • Protect critical areas and shorelines • Recognition of diverse neighborhoods and their characteristics • Pedestrian and bicycle friendly access • Low impact stormwater management • Transit development in key locations Ms. Hope explained the code update is expected to occur over time and oversight of the update is one of her responsibilities. Some aspects are moving forward in the short term such as the Tree Code, the Critical Areas Code Update and regulations regarding subdivisions. She expects to have a draft Tree Code completed by the end of year and efforts are underway to hire a consultant to assist with the Critical Areas update. Once she determines aspects of the Code that need to be updated, she will develop a schedule, and seek further input from the Planning Board and City Council. She was also interested in feedback from the EDC as well as other interested organizations and citizens - Planning Board Member Phil Lovell relayed his request that the PowerPoint Ms, Hope presented to the Planning Board regarding the key principles and objectives be made available to the public. The Planning Board discussed consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and agreed the code needs to be updated prior to revising processes. With regard to sustainability, he relayed information provided by Planning Board Chair Todd Cloutier that Edmonds residents and businesses spend $38-40 million/year on electricity. The highest utility consumption is water. Commissioner Rubenkonig asked if there was data regarding usage five years ago, 4. BUSINESS DISTRICTS ENHANCEMENT SUB -GROUP UPDATE — RE -VISIONING WESTGAGE WHITE PAPER PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION AND ACTION Commissioner Purcell explained the Business Districts Enhancement Sub -group was asked to prepare a document that could be a position paper for the EDC on the Planning Board's recommendation to the City Approved Minutes Economic Development Commission July 16, 2014 Page 2 Council regarding the proposed Westgate Plan. Fle explained the concept originated with the EDC in 2009. The City Council approved funding for a study that was conducted by a team train the University Washington The UW team's extensive process focused on two neighborhoods; Five Comers and Westgate, and included the Ctty Council, the Planning Board, the EDC and a great deal of community input. This presentation is only regarding Westgate: the Planning Board made significant modifications in the final proposal to address concerns such as maximum heights and setbacks From SR-104. He reviewed the sections of the white paper: 1. Executive Summary 1 Introduction 3. The Westgate Public Process 4. Why Westgate: What's Different this Time? • Predetermined, Point Based Incentives • Form -Based Code 5. Conclusion COMMISSION PURCELL MOVED, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER RUBENKONIG, THAT THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION APPROVE THE PROPOSED WHITE PAPER BY THE BUSINESS DISTRICTS ENHANCEMENT SUBGROUP AS ITS POSITION TO BE DELIVERED TO THE COUNCIL IN THEIR CONSIDERATION OF THE WESTGATE DEVELOPMENT PLAN. Commissioners' comments regarding the white paper and the Westgate Plan included the following: • The white paper does not reflect that citizen input has not been 100% positive. Suggest includlne a comment in the white paper that the Westgate plan puts flexibility in the hands of staff and there is potential for things to happen that are not clearly defined • It is not the EDC's place to recognize negative comments in the white paper; there will be opportunity for those with concerns to make them known to the City Council • Property owners can implement the new standards in the Plan over time • Form -based code is a step toward giving the City opportunity for input on dimensions other than just the building box and use • Form -based code is necessary to ensure future development embodies the community • Form based code allows flexibility and discussion regarding how to make a proposal consistent with community's values • Edmonds a unique place, but does not have unique problems • Plan creates a tool that provides flexibility and possible solutions for mixed use development for more people -scale places • Plan could result in really good development, puts tools in the hands of the Mayor, Council and Staff • Citizens will make their concerns heard at City Council • Worth giving it a try; it has been discussed/studied for four years • Change in Edmonds is excruciatingly painful, no giant leaps, small baby steps • The last zoning change in Westgate and the Edmonds Way Corridor did not result in what the Planning Board envisioned the language would produce • Current regulations are not producing what we want. Need do something so that the development we want occurs • Walgreens in Greenwood blends into the community; Edmonds does not have the tools to do that • Community wants change whether they know it or not • White paper is the EDC's position to the Council and needs to be taken seriously • There has been substantial opportunity for input and there has been substantial input. The recent modifications by the Planning Board address complaints and concerns. Approved Minutes Economic Development Commission July 16, 2014 Page 3 • Characteristics of the area such as proximity to neighborhoods and SR-104 represent substantial opportunity including a new type of development the City does not currently have — community village mixed use • Provides opportunity and impetus for new development to allow the City to continue to grow, prosper and evolve • Existing code has not achieved what was envisioned • New investment will bring new revenue which is a key part of the EDC's purpose • Regulations in the Plan provide an improved structure for managing redevelopment in that area, a structure that is more flexible, more targeted but not arbitrary • Members of the EDC have participated in numerous opportunities to shape the Plan since 2009 • If changes are not made to development regulations, it will prevent the change that needs to happen in the community and stifle what people envision • Demographics are changing, it is incumbent to prepare for the future • Plan provides flexibility and thoughtful consideration to each property and how form -based code would affect that property versus one size fits all • Form -based code provides flexibility and a great opportunity to build what is appropriate for that area • Do not want Edmonds to look like Lynnwood but without a plan, the City is shrink-wrapped, stifled and stagnated which leads to deterioration • To do nothing is move backward and we will lose the opportunity to provide what future demographics are asking for • Without change to attract future changes in demographics, taxes go up and the City deteriorates • Westgate deserves far better than it is receiving • The two developments that have occurred prove the code needs to be changed • Input at the charrettes indicate the community wants walkable, green, community gathering places, welcoming area • Understand not everyone like every program but we need to move forward • Hope the white paper assist in public acceptance of change; involvement of a citizen commission in the development of the Plan and the process ]ends credibility • White paper provides consumable way for the average citizen to understand the changes in a user friendly manner. • Commend the Planning Board for the hours they spent listening to objections and answering each one in fair manner • Access to white paper will be helpful to citizens • Plan provides an opportunity to package the best of downtown and transplant it to Westgate • Provides gateway to Edmonds and a welcoming front to downtown. • Provides framework and flexibility • Consider white paper a good generalization of Planning Board efforts, does not mean agreed with all those efforts • Encourage EDC and Planning Board members to participate in Council public hearings • Compliment Planning Board for addressing the concern that there was not enough room for expansion of SR-104 and that the setback sited building too close to the curb • Concern that increasing the density will raise property values and will result in the two grocery stores leaving the area • Concern increased density will increases problems with internal circulation which will cause shoppers to go elsewhere • Concern with jamming too much into a restricted area • Suggest add something to the white paper about recreational needs Approved Minutes Economic Development Commission July 16, 2014 Page 4 • Recognize value of getting more out of Westgate due its location and what it can after and that the development that has occurred was not welcomed by community, for example losing a bowl ing alley for a Walgreens • Negative outcome of inaction is equal or worse than the negative outcome of action • Add something about recreation • It is beyond time to start moving forward on project, need look to future • Don't know what don't know, does not do any good to wait • One of things happening in the Westgate neighborhood is redevelopment of the Woodway High School fields • EDC proposed this idea to the City Council in 2010 and literally has been involved in every step • There have been more than 50 meetings where the public could offer input and where information has been available • Plan as originally presented by the UW Green Futures Lab has been revised and additional significant revisions were made by Planning Board prior to and subsequent to. their three public hearings • When the Planning Board proposal reaches City Council for discussion and action, will be at least one additional public hearing and City Council will leave the benefit of the EDC and Planning Board minutes • Inaction is action; the result of years of inaction is what we see there now; a prime intersection occupied by bank and prime property that could have been redeveloped for more economic feasibility now has one story building and cement ►vall behind. That would not have occur if this plan had been in place • Edmonds citizens outside the bowl deserve amenities such as a lifestyle center, walkability, easy access to services, housing, and open spaces • Westgate is a gateway to the community and we need to improve how Westgate currently Portrays the City. • Deserve opportunity for additional revenue through redevelopment of Westgate and improved quality of life and opportunity for communities by adopting white paper as written • Plan sets the stage for increased revenue in that area by increasing density and uses • Plan will help provide sales tax, excise tax and a larger tax base, all of which are good for the City's revenue • Redevelopment at Westgate will not solve all the City's problems but it will contribute to City's revenue stream Port Commissioner Bruce Faires relayed the Port Commission has discussed opportunity for ecanomie development in the City and agreed the most leverage for significant economic development is in Westgate but acknowledge it will not happen quickly. The Port Commission recognizes this is an important step For the community and urges the EDC to support the Planning Board's recommendation. Audience Comments (Consensus of the Commission to allow to audience comments at this time.) Natalie Shippen, Edmonds, suggested the Plan Nits a drastic and destructive step. Edmonds will be 125 years old next year; it is a unique miracle due to luck and geography that Edmonds is still recognizable from that time. Edmonds has had the same identity Tor 125 and although not a dynamic commercial town, residents like the scale and uniqueness of Edmonds. Edmonds has maintained its reputation as a residential to►" since WWII. This planning effort went awry when the basis was commercial development rather than asking residents what they wanted. She did not want to destroy Edmonds` residential quality to make a little money. She suggested citizens would support a bond issue to take the City in a unique direction that the residents want. She did not feel the Plan was representative of the community, incentive zoning was very disruptive and just a bribe and form -based zoning was a substitute Approved Minutes Economic Development Commission July 16, 2014 Page 5 for zoning and was wishy-washy. She concluded the Plan was a bad idea and she hoped the EDC would not support it Commissioner Senderoff relayed what is intended at Westgate is a lifestyle center which should include opportunity for entertainment such as a bowling alley, movie theater, etc. Amusement establishments are currently permitted at Westgate as a conditional use. He referred to the list goals (C.1-9) in the revisions to the Comprehensive Plan recommended by the Planning Board and suggested adding amusement establishments to the list of goals. COMMISSIONER SENDEROFF MOVED, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HERTRICH, TO AMEND THE WHITE PAPER TO ADD TO THE END OF THE CONCLUSION STATEMENT "HOWEVER IN ORDER TO FURTHER EMPHASIZE THE INTENT FOR AND CREATION OF A LIFESTYLE CENTER WITHIN THE WESTGATE BUSINESS DISTRICT, THE EDC WOULD ALSO RECOMMEND THE ADDITION OF THE FOLLOWING TEXT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CHANGE LIST AS C.10: "SUPPORT THE INTRODUCTION OF AMUSEMENT ESTABLISHMENTS (PERMITTED AS CONDITIONAL USE) ESPECIALLY THOSE THAT MAY BE REGARDED AS FAMILY OR ALL AGES ENTERTAINMENT." Discussion followed regarding the subgroup's discussion of amusement establishments, the subgroup's incorporation of the concept of entertainment into lifestyle centers, the Planning Board consideration of the issue and decision not to incorporate it, the white paper's support for the Planning Board's proposal, Planning Board Members as citizen experts on land use, Plan as a tool to enhance economy and vitality of City, components of a Iifestylc center, and reference to Iifestyle centers in the white paper. COMMISSIONER SCHINDLER CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. CALL FOR THE QUESTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. AMENDMENT FAILED (3-10), COMMISSIONERS SENDEROFF, HUGHES AND HERTRICH VOTING YES. MAIN MOTION CARRIED (11-1-1), COMMISSIONER SENDEROFF VOTING NO AND COMMISSIOINER HERTRICH ABSTAINING. STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN UPDATE Development 5.ervim Director Shane Hope displayed the Merit Award presented to the City in the Governor's 2014 Smart Communities Award Program. She presented the PowerPoint given by the Strategic Plan Consultant Cynthia Berne to City Council on June 24: General overview of how the SAP serves the Cilx • The SAP is the City's roadmap to the future, allowing for cohesive decision -making of policies and programs. • The SAP was approved by the Council in April 2013. It is not a legal document but a fluid living document that will evolve over time. • The SAP was created over a two-year period • The outreach program consisted of surveys, charrettes and focus groups • Approximately 2,500 people participated in the numerous public outreach efforts Ms. Hope described Ms. Beme's work product over the one-year contract: • Work with stakeholders to coordinate assignment of a primary lead to each action items • Create a first -level work program for implementation — a blueprint of how each action item will be addressed, identifying funding challenges, timelines and conflicts as well as other roadblocks Approved Minutes Economic Development Commission July 16, 2014 Page 6 • Create more awareness and cooperation throughout the community with multiple stakeholders during her outreach effort A working group has been created that is comprised of variety of organizations that were instrumental in the creation of the SAP. The working group has met three times and will meet three more times between now and the end of 2014. General statistics: • Total action items 86 • Action items with committed primary lead 76 • Action with unconfirmed primary lead 5 • Action items without a primary lead 5 • Completed action items 4 • Action items started and in motion 42 • Action items not yet started 44 In her next presentation to the Council in September/October, Ms Berne will: • Discuss each action item that has been accomplished • Discuss each action item that has financial challenges • Give an updated report on the general statistics At the first quarter 2015 Council presentation Mr. Berne will present a technical working document for implementation that clarifies language details of the SAP. The SAP is a visioning document that has taken a great deal of time and resources to produce. A few action items are simple to implement but many are more complex and will require long term collaboration of community organization as well as strong sources of funds. In response to Commission questions, Ms. Hope advised further information regarding leads will be available at the SAP Working Group's next meeting in September; the consultant's one-year contract extends into March/April 2015; and the four actions that have been completed include establishing the Business Improvement District and installation of the International District lighting, TOURISM AND VISITORS SUB -GROUP UPDATE Commissioner Dewhirst advised the sub-group's next meeting August 5. They hope to have 1-2 items on the EDC's next agenda. a. Tourism Video Program Coordinator Cindi Cruz explained Destination Marketing filmed every event in the City over the past year and developed a video to promote Edmonds. She played the video for the EDC, explaining it is available on the front page of City's websitc and everyone is encouraged I provide a link to it. 8. COUNCIL LIAISON COMMENTS Councilmember Johnson inform of upcoming events: • Council work session on Tuesday, July 22 regarding the Westgate Plan • City Council Public hearing on the Westgate Plan on Monday, August 4 • Solarize Edmonds workshops, a program for low cost solar energy installation o July 22 and September 13 in Brackett Room: 6:30 — 8 p,m. o Two additional workshops in Lynnwood Approved Minutes Economic Development Commission July 16, 2014 Page 7 Second annual Volunteer Appreciation picnic on August 24 at City Park 2 — 4 p.m Councilmember Peterson reported on a meeting of the Leadership Alliance Against Coal that he attended, noting the group will soon be renamed to include oil trains. The group is making presentations to organizations; he offered to get their contact information. The issue is increased train traffic and the effects on the economy, local businesses, the transportation of goods and services, ferry access, etc. 9. MISCELLANEOUS Commissioner Hertrich referred to Chuck Gold's presentation regarding a train trench for Main Street and Dayton Streets and suggested he made a presentation to the EDC. Chair Witenberg advised he has been in contact with Mr. Gold about speaking to the EDC. Commissioner Dewhirst inquired about the Top Food property. Ms. Hope advised it is listed for development by an Arizona company. The City had reached out to them but they have not shared their plans. Chair Witenberg relayed he was invited to participate in a citizen/council (Councilmembers Mesaros and Fraley-Monillas) group that interviewed three applicants for the Community Services/Economic Development Director position. Mayor Earling will be making his recommendation to Council shortly. Chair Witenberg relayed his intent to have Nick Echelbarger, Salish Crossing, make a presentation to the EDC about development plans for the property, possibly at the August 20 meeting. Port Commissioner Faires advised mid -August is the EDC's fifth anniversary. Arts & Culture Program Manager Chapin referred to Strategic Plan Action Item Le.6, Art and History Walking Tour, advising of the dedication and tour tomorrow evening of the 12 Stages of History historical plaques. Planning Board Member Lovell explained Solarize Edmonds, sponsored by the non-profit Northwest Seed, is a community program in Edmonds, Lynnwood, Mountlake Terrace and Shoreline to encourage residents to install solar energy. His system started two days ago and they are already selling electricity to PUD. There are tax rebates, incentives from PUD and the State, and reimbursement of $0.54/kWh if panels are manufactured in Washington. His system was installed in 2Y: days and will pay for itself in 6 years, He heartily recommended the program. Chair Witenberg thanked the Business Enhancement Sub -group, particularly Commissioner Purcell who melded the positions of sub -group members into the white paper. 10. AUDIENCE COMMENTS See above. i_[�UaLilil;i�l With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m Approved Minutes Economic Development Commission July 16, 2014 Page 8