2023-04-24 Sister City Commission MinutesEdmonds Sister City Commission MINUTES Monday, April 24, 2023 6:00 — 7:00 pm `nc. 189v Pos. 1 OPEN Pos. 4 Anne Nadreau Pos. 7 lyoko Okano Pos. 10 Karyn Heinekin Student Representative: Pos. 2 Katy Renz Pos. 5 OPEN Pos. 8 Michele Fellows Pos. 11 Colin Torretta 1K - *14 s sister CAI Co/ Pos. 3 Greg Lange Pos. 6 Samantha Hopper Pos. 9 Yuri Nishiyama Pos. 12 OPEN In Attendance: lyoko Okano, Michele Fellows, Katy Renz, Samantha Hopper, Greg Lange, Colin Torretta, Karyn Heinekin Absent: Yuri Nishiyama (ex) Staff Liaison: Carolyn LaFave Call to Order: Katy Guests: Administration: 1. Approve/Amend Agenda: Greg moved, Colin 2nd, approved unanimously 2. Approve/Amend Minutes: Michele moved, Greg 2nd, approved unanimously 3. Financials: no change Continued Business: 1. Reports form sub -committees a. Outreach i. Suggested ideas 1. Attend Service Organization meetings 2. Local markets 3. Arts Festival 4. Edmonds in Bloom —July 5. Studio Tours 6. Concerts in the Park — Carolyn to check w/coordinator 7. Friends of the Library 8. Teacher Preview — Katy attending 9. Community Fair 8/6 ii. Need Commissioners for 8/6 Community Fair and 10/14 Market Booth iii. Michele has list of local meetings iv. Need video for presentations V. Katy meeting w/Rotary week of 4/24 b. Internal i. To do: 1. Update pamphlet: Carolyn, Karyn and Michele will work on this 2. Register for June 10 Market Booth: Karyn, Katy, Colin will work and Carolyn will submit paperwork 3. Library display in October when Delegation is here 4. Notebook update; completed by Karyn and Carolyn 2. 2023 Exchange from Hekinan a. Discussed ideas for itinerary i. Tour of Marsh ii. Mayor's Welcome reception (set for 10/30) iii. Mayor's dinner iv. La Connor V. Seattle Day / Market and SAM vi. Olympia vii. Fire Station viii. Meet w/Mayor ix. Halloween X. Burke Museum xi. MOHAI xii. Tacoma Glass Museum and History Museum xiii. Snoqualmie Falls xiv. Leavenworth xv. Ferry to Kingston / lunch at Kingston Ale House xvi. Bellingham / Deception Pass / xvii. 35t" anniversary reception (set for 11/1 @ Waterfront Center) xviii. Commission hosted dinners w/Hekinan delegates xix. Edmonds Woodway HS concert b. Carolyn, Katy and lyoko will review suggestions and vet what will work and then bring a tentative itinerary back to the Commission New Business: 1. Welcomed new Commissioner Samantha (Sam) Hopper a. Samantha introduced herself i. Expressed importance of traveling to other countries; helps people learn about the world ii. She leads Amazon Corporate Intern Program 2. Reviewed letter from Gary Gibson regarding Steel Magic N.W. Band group traveling to Japan in 2025 and how we can help a. Michele suggested we provide an orientation meeting before they travel to Japan b. Generally the group was not sure how else we could help c. Carolyn will meet with Gary to discuss further and bring back to Commission Adjourned: 7 pm Next Meeting: Monday, June 26, 2023