2006-09-14 Historic Preservation Commission MinutesHISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SUMMARY MINUTES September 14, 2006 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Chair Hall called the meeting of the Edmonds Historic Preservation Commission to order at 3:35 p.m. in the 3rd Floor Conference Room of City Hall, 121 — 5' Avenue North. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brian Hall, Chair Steve Waite Norma Bruns Deborah Binder (arrived at 3:42 p.m.) Michael Plunkett COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Rob VanTassell, Vice Chair Barbara Kindness Christine Deiner-Karr READING/APPROVAL OF MINUTES STAFF PRESENT Rob Chave, Planning Division Manager (arrived at 3:55 p.m.) Diane Cunningham, Planning and Dev. Services There was not a quorum present to approve the minutes of August 10, 2006. ANNOUNCEMENT OF AGENDA The agenda was approved as submitted. REQUESTS FROM THE AUDIENCE There were three people present in the audience: Chester Curtis, Vicki Haynes, and Elizabeth (Betty) Larman. Commissioner Binder arrived at the meeting at 3:42 p.m. University Colony Neighborhood Vicki Haynes urged the Commission to consider adopting the historical overlay concept for certain residential neighborhoods, starting with University Colony Neighborhood where she lives. She pointed out that the University Colony Neighborhood goes back as far as 1872, when it was designed to be a place of summer residences for University District business people. The neighborhood has had an interesting coexistence of cottages and more substantial homes, and since 1992 the character has been changing dramatically as property owners have been granted permission to build homes that occupy the entire lot. She asked the Commission to endorse the historic overlay district concept for her neighborhood. Mr. Chave pointed out that no process has been established in the City's Development Code for creating historic overlay districts. He explained that an overlay approach might be more appropriate for this neighborhood since there are not a lot of historic homes left, but the character of the area is somewhat historic. He advised that an overlay could address such things as special setbacks, limitations on lot coverage, tree retention, etc. He explained that the first step would be gaining support from a majority of the property owners in the neighborhood. The Commission asked questions of Ms. Haynes to clarify specific information about the history of the University Colony Neighborhood. Ms. Haynes advised that they do have a neighborhood association, but their rules do not address the historic nature of the area. Again, Mr. Chave stressed the importance of starting the entire process with a working majority of the neighborhood in support of the proposal. The Commission encouraged Ms. Haynes to contact the members of her neighborhood association to find out how many would be interested in learning more about the historic district or historic overlay concept. If the majority of the neighborhood association members express support for the concept, members of the Commission could attend their next meeting to discuss the virtues of saving the existing historic structures, etc. The Commission agreed to continue to consider the overlay concept and how it might be applied to various historic areas in the City. It was noted that the Preservation Planning Committee has already been given this assignment. Old Mill Town Reconstruction Council Member Plunkett recused himself from the discussion regarding the Old Mill Town Reconstruction Project and left the room. Betty Larman said she has lived in many historic areas, sat on various historic boards, and is very interested in historic preservation. She specifically spoke to the Commission regarding the proposed plans for reconstructing Old Mill Town. She said she does not support the proposed plans to reconstruct just a portion of the area with a design that is not in character with the historic nature of the property. She explained that she approached the Architectural Design Board with her concerns, but they approved the project without ever addressing her valid questions and recommendations. She suggested that the Commission create some City guidelines about what styles and finishes are appropriate, depending on the age of a building. She also suggested that one Historic Preservation Commissioner should sit on the Architectural Design Board to make sure building designs are properly based on the age of buildings and their surroundings. Mr. Chave explained that if Old Mill Town were identified on the Edmonds Register of Historic Places, the City would have some control over the type of development that occurs. Because it is not on the Register, the City cannot require the owner to maintain the historic nature of the building. Commissioner Binder expressed her belief that design is more important than height when considering the redevelopment of buildings in the downtown. Mr. Chave noted that, up to this point, the City Council has been unwilling to adopt design guidelines that specifically restrict building materials, colors, finishes, etc. Ms. Larman asked the Commission to support her efforts to appeal the Architectural Design Board's decision to approve the Old Mill Town application. Mr. Chave emphasized that the City would not be able to impose any new regulations on the proposed Old Mill Town Project since an application has already been submitted. The Commission agreed to support and applaud her interest and passion in preserving historic buildings in Edmonds. They also agreed to support her efforts to encourage the City Council to address design requirements for historic preservation. READING/APPROVAL OF MINUTES COMMISSIONER BINDER MOVED THAT THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 10, 2006 BE APPROVED AS AMENDED. COMMISSIONER BRUNS SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS Historic Preservation Commission Minutes September 14, 2006 Page 2 An application by Chester and Delores Curtis to Determine the Eligibility of the Curtis House for Placement on the Edmonds Register of Historic Places. The site is located at 850 Alder Street and is zoned single-family residential (RS-6) (File Number PLN-06-103) Chester Curtis said the subject home was constructed in 1930 by Fred Rose, a long-time land owner in Edmonds, and he lived in the home for a period of time. Mr. Rose owned most of the property between 9t1' and 81 Avenues, and between Walnut and Alder Streets. He also built and lived in the home that is located on the corner of 91 Avenue and Walnut Street. He said the only changes he has made to the home since he bought it four years ago was to replace the windows with vinyl, and they were designed to look like the original ones. He said he also put a new roof on the home. Mr. Curtis advised that the garage at the back of the property was constructed about 15 years ago. Mr. Chave pointed out that the original roof was altered slightly to accommodate the garage. Mr. Curtis said there was a shed roof attached to the house that was about to fall down. Council Member Plunkett asked Mr. Curtis if Mr. Rose could be considered a prominent Edmonds personality. Mr. Curtis suggested the City contact Mr. Roy, who lived in the home for a significant period of time, for additional information about the historic value of the property. Mr. Chave encouraged the Commission to document and clearly state their reasons for placing a property on the Register. The Commission reviewed the designation criteria that must be considered when determining whether or not a property should be listed on the Edmonds Register of Historic Places. They discussed that the home is typical of the era, but it could not be considered an outstanding example because there are very few architectural details to distinguish the structure. They further agreed that perhaps the home would meet the cultural heritage criterion rather than the architectural heritage criterion. The Commission discussed Mr. Curtis' plans to replace the siding on the structure. Mr. Chave explained that if the subject home were placed on the Register, Mr. Curtis would be required to obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Commission before any work could be done on the structure. Once designated on the Register, Mr. Curtis would probably not be able to replace the existing siding with artificial siding. On the other hand, if the property were identified on the Register, tax credits might be available to the owner when significant restoration work is done. Chair Hall summarized that the Commission believes the building would likely be eligible for the Register, but additional information must be provided. This information could easily be obtained by contacting Mr. Roy, etc. In addition, Mr. Curtis should carefully consider how his proposed changes to the building would be impacted by the requirements associated with being on the Register. The application was continued to the next meeting, and Commissioner Bruns was asked to contact Mr. Roy for additional information. Registration Committee There was no report from the Registration Committee. Education and Outreach Committee Commissioner Binder reminded the Commissioners that they are scheduled to staff a table at the Summer Market on September 161. Chair Hall agreed to contact Commissioner Kindness regarding the schedule and ask her to notify each Commissioner of their scheduled time slot. Commissioner Binder suggested they use the historic preservation displays that were previously prepared for the last public open house. Staff agreed to try and locate these materials. Preservation Planning Committee There was no report from the Preservation Planning Committee. OTHER REPORTS Edmonds South Snohomish County Historical Society Historic Preservation Commission Minutes September 14, 2006 Page 3 There was no report regarding the Edmonds South Snohomish County Historical Society activities. Holmes Corner Commissioner Waite reported that the Public Works Director and Traffic Engineer have requested a proposal that shows the type style and color for the new plaques. He noted that the plaques would go on all four corner poles. The Public Works Department has some sign making capabilities, but they would likely need permission from the Mayor. Commissioner Waite said he would work on creating some possible type style designs. Frequently Asked Questions Chair Hall provided a handout of a list of questions that were created by Council Member Plunkett in response to questions raised by Mr. Lyppert. Logo Design Commissioner Binder provided an updated logo design for the Commission to consider. The Commission agreed they wanted to change the design by perhaps depicting another picture. They talked about looking through the City's current historic inventory to find a better one. Mr. Chave agreed to meet with Commissioner Binder on this effort. Commission Meeting Times The Commission discussed the option of changing their meeting start time to better accommodate work schedules. Chair Hall agreed to poll the Commissioners to see when they would prefer to start the meetings. HISTORIC PRESERVATION CHAIR COMMENTS Chair Hall reported that there are two old damns on Shell Creek in Yost Park that were evidently built by Mr. Yost in the early 1900's to supply water to Edmonds residents. The City Parks and Recreation Department is supportive of nominating the damns for the Edmonds Register of Historic Places. They have also agreed to provide signage for the damns, and the Museum is currently looking into their historic background. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSIONER COMMENTS None of the Commissioners provided any comments during this portion of the meeting. ADJOURNMENT The Commission meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes September 14, 2006 Page 4