2010-02-11 Historic Preservation Commission MinutesCITY OF EDMONDS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SUMMARY MINUTES February 11, 2010 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Chair Eccleshall called the meeting of the Edmonds Historic Preservation Commission to order at 4:35 p.m. in the 3rd Floor Conference Room of City Hall, 121 — 5th Avenue North. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Andy Eccleshall, Chair Jennifer Anttila Alan Macfarlane Eric Norenberg Larry Vogel Steve Waite Michael Plunkett READING/APPROVAL OF MINUTES STAFF PRESENT Diane Cunningham, Planning and Dev. Services COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Larry Vogel, Vice Chair (excused) Sue Bauer (excused) Christine Deiner-Karr (excused) John Dewhirst (excused) The minutes of January 14, 2010 were approved as presented. ANNOUNCEMENT OF AGENDA A discussion of the Washington Trust Most Endangered List was added to the agenda as a "New Business" item. REQUESTS FROM THE AUDIENCE There was no one in the audience. COMMITTEE REPORTS Registration Committee Chair Eccleshall reported that the Registration Committee met to put together a list of new properties the committee would nominate for the Register (17 in total). The list would be forwarded to staff soon. At their upcoming retreat, the Commission would discuss how to proceed with those properties that have been nominated but the property owners either declined or did not respond. Commissioner Anttila suggested, and the remainder of the Commission concurred, that letters sent to property owners should also contain a copy of THE PRESERVATIONIST. It was also agreed that Commissioners Bauer and Anttila should update the letter to include a paragraph about the properties that have already been added to the Register. Chair Eccleshall thanked staff for obtaining a great deal on the plaques that were recently purchased. Education and Outreach Committee Chair Eccleshall reported that he and Vice Chair Vogel met to discuss THE PRESERVATIONIST, which is scheduled as a discussion item later on the agenda. Preservation Planning Committee Commissioner Waite reported that he met several times with Susan Blalock, the previous tenant of the Bettinger House, who is interesting in using the structure for a non-profit use. He also met with the fire chief and plans examiner and was encouraged by their positive attitude and willingness to work with him on the International existing Building Code. He said he anticipates moving forward with a permit application in the near future. He noted that Ms. Blalock is still concerned about the cost of the improvements necessary to obtain the required permits to change the use from residential to public. She is currently negotiating a lease for the structure. Commissioner Waite explained that the International existing Building Code is the easiest and best way to approach Ms. Blalock's situation. It also better addresses the needs of historic structures. While this code would not be formally adopted by the City until July 2010, they do have the option of using it now. He concluded that once the permits have been obtained, Ms. Blalock's ability to raise funds for her project should improve. He advised that he would continue to help her through the process. Chair Eccleshall reported that the Preservation Planning Committee forwarded a requested to the City Council's Community Services/Development Services Committee suggesting that the $625 pre -application fee be waived for properties that are on the Register. The Committee approved the request and forwarded it to the City Council for consideration. Commissioner Waite recalled that in the past, the Commission also requested a reduction of the permit fee for properties on the Register. The Commission agreed they might want to follow up with this request at some point in the future. Edmonds South Snohomish County Historical Society Commissioner Macfarlane reported that the Museum has been inundated over the past month by visitors who were particularly interested in the paper doll collection that is on display. NEW BUSINESS Discussion of Retreat Chair Eccleshall recalled the Commission previously talked about holding a retreat outside of their regular meeting to discuss how best to move forward with the property owners that have either not responded or declined the Commission's nominations for the Register. The Commission agreed to schedule the retreat as part of their March 1 lth meeting rather than having a separate meeting. Grant Discussion Chair Eccleshall announced that the Certified Local Government (CLG) grant applications are due in April. The Commission discussed the following options for grant funding: • Bola Report. The Commission agreed it is important to accumulate more information about existing historic properties. Once properties are surveyed, it is much easier to move forward with nominations, etc. They recalled previous discussions about expanding the Bola Report beyond the bowl area. • Literature. The Commission recalled earlier discussions about their desire to improve the quality of their literature, particularly THE PRESERVATIONIST. They also discussed the option of creating a calendar that could be used as a fundraiser and preparing a booklet of registered properties. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes February 11, 2010 Page 2 Chair Eccleshall agreed to submit a grant application for expanding the Bola Report. He also agreed to contact the Finance Director to locate the money that was previously raised for historic preservation activities. Council Member Plunkett agreed to pursue the issue, as well. Washington Trust Most Endangered List This item was not discussed by the Commission. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Potential Property Nominations Chair Eccleshall invited the Commissioners to identify properties they would like to add to the list of potential property nominations. He noted one home at 645 Fir that was built in 1908 but is not on the tax map. While it is in rough shape, it appears to be the original home. The new owner is interested in listing the property on the Register, and he offered the Commission's assistance. Next Steps of 4th Avenue Overlav Concept Chair Eccleshall reminded the Commission that a tentative public meeting with the residents of 4th Avenue has been scheduled for April 8th to describe the overlay concept and invite public feedback. Commissioner Waite pointed out that any overlay proposal would be put forth by the residents on 4th Avenue. Its purpose would be to provide greater local control through the creation of specific design standards for the neighborhood. Chair Eccleshall reminded the Commission that they only have one more meeting to prepare for the public open house. He shared a punch list he prepared of items that would be needed for the meeting. The Commissioners were assigned to work on specific items prior to the next meeting as follows: • Councilmember Plunkett — Oversized map of the 4th Avenue Corridor with an outline of the suggested overlay district. • Commissioner Norenberg — Information board with a simplified explanation of what an overlay is and how it works. • Commissioner Norenberg — Information board of design guidelines examples found in other overlays. The Commissioners were invited to review the information related to historic overlays that was previously provided in preparation for their continued discussion on March 11`h. It was noted that invitations for the open house would be sent out prior to the Commission's next meeting. Ms. Cunningham agreed to locate the materials that were used at the Commission's last open house several years ago. ACTION ITEMS The Preservationist Chair Eccleshall reported that the next edition of THE PRESERVATIONIST is ready for publication. He agreed to provide a ream of quality paper for staff to print the document on. Commissioner Waite expressed concern about Item 6 on the list of benefits of being on the register. He requested more information about the statement that there would be some protection against work undertaken on adjacent properties that could negatively impact the registered properties. He also suggested that Item 3 on the list of benefits be reworded to provide clarification about what is meant by "eligible to undertake non -conforming building restoration." The Commission agreed it would be appropriate to replace this section with the list of "established benefits" for this edition. Chair Eccleshall agreed to request an explanation from Commissioner Bauer regarding Items 3 and 6. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes February 11, 2010 Page 3 BROCHURE UPDATES Ms. Cunningham announced that the City is in the process of updating their various brochures, including the one related to historic preservation. The Commission offered their permission for staff to review and update the document. Commissioner Waite agreed to review the document once it has been updated by staff. HISTORIC PRESERVATION CHAIR COMMENTS Chair Eccleshall did not provide any comments during this portion of the meeting. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSIONER COMMENTS None of the Commissioner provided comments during this portion of the meeting. ADJOURNMENT The Commission meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes February 11, 2010 Page 4