2023-03-02 Climate Protection Committee MinutesCity of Edmonds - Mayors Climate Protection Committee ("CPC') Meeting Minutes March 2, 2023 Mission of the CPC is to (1) Encourage citizens to be a part of the solution, (2) Encourage City staff and citizens to conserve current resources, (3) Work with the City Council to implement ideas, and (4) Effectively address the future impacts of climate change In Attendance: On -Site (Brackett Meeting Room): Committee Members: Hank Landau, Pam Tauer (Temporary Chair) City Staff: Sarah Brinkley, Tristan Sewell, Kelsey Foster— Public Information Officer Council Rep: Susan Paine Citizens — Nick Maxwell, Rosemary Monahue, Georgina Armstrong Zoom: Committee Members: Steve Cristol, Angela Winzen, City Staff — Todd Tatum 1. Call to Order, Review of Agenda, & Introductions a. Meeting was called to order at 11:05am. b. Agenda was distributed. A motion was made to add the following topic "CPC and Climate Champions Roles and Expectations" and defer the Committee elections due to three members absent. 2. February Meeting Minutes a. Meeting minutes approved with the following edits: i. Update -The committee decided a co-chair was not necessary. ii. Update — Cynthia requested a volunteer to take the meeting minutes. iii. Add - Pam Tauer and Cynthia Pruitt accepted nominations for Chairman. iv. Update -A motion was made and approved to defer the elections to the March 2, 2023, meeting. 3. Council Update a. Susan Paine reviewed the positive comments from the Climate Action Plan presentation at the City Council meeting. b. Susan believes there are no barriers to CAP approval at March meeting. c. If there are some changes to the CAP, which would most likely be additive, Susan recommends that we convene a sub committee to review updates. d. Hank asked how we should address the negative comments in the press. Response could enhance our position and reduce the possibility that the negative comments do not escalate. e. Susan responded we need abundant and positive communication coordinating with Kelsey. f. Steve shared that the comprehensiveness of the plan was overwhelming to some. g. Kelsey stated that the city does not engage with public comments in the press. h. Hank recommended that we take the opportunity in the Climate Champion series to respond or cover those topics. 4. Committee Position Elections -deferred 5. CPC and Climate Champions Roles and Expectations a. Angela asked for clarification on the roles of the CPC and the Climate Champions sub- committee. b. Tristan shared that the committee serves at the pleasure of the mayor. The organization reporting flow is: Tristan- Planner 4 Susan McLaughlin - Director of Planning & Development 4 Mayor c. We have one CPC committee member vacancy which may be a catalyst for the mayor to change priorities. d. Susan McLaughlin wants the committee to focus on implementation. e. Angela asked if the Climate Champions work should be the responsibility of the CPC rather than a subcommittee. f. Hank provided historical context. This was back when the co-chairs were to get consensus from the committee and the committee got the mayor's buy -in before providing guidance or opinion to City Council. 6. Introducing Kelsey Foster, Public Information Officer a. Kelsey introduced herself and shared the communication channels used in past events. b. Tristan asked Kelsey to share the role of PIO. c. PIO position is new since 2019. First PIO joined at the beginning of the pandemic and focused on emergency communications. She left and Kelsey joined as an interim PIO. Became permanent March 2021. Last year went to full-time status. PIO serves all the departments, which is a small staff for size of city. Kelsey works on press releases, videos, and other marketing and communications work. d. Hank asked Kelsey what the main obstacles are to communicating out. Kelsey shared that if you follow local publications that are often several recurring names. It is tough to cut through the noise to reach the people that need to be engaged. Kelsey communicates using social media, publications, and innovative ways to get the community's attention. Some new ideas are to use digital ads and/or messages on utility bills. Another challenge is to reach people who are already engaged and how to give them new information. Need to use creative means and prevent defensiveness. e. Angela asked about the social media presence to advertise and highlight opportunities. Kelsey responded that Edmonds has a main "City of Edmonds" Facebook presence. City does not use Twitter because it is real-time communication and requires staff to monitor actively throughout the day. The city uses Facebook as does the Parks & Recreation. Police are very active in Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Utilities also utilizes Twitter. The city funnels most of the information through the main Facebook page. Kelsey is looking into adding Instagram. The Facebook Event feature is used to share activities with other groups, such as "Edmond's Moms Group". f. Angela requested the best way to connect with Kelsey after the meeting. She is interested if it is how we can cast a "wider net" get information on what is going on in Edmonds. Email is best way to contact Kelsey. Tristan will forward Kelsey's email. 7. Climate Champions a. Jenn Leach joined the last meeting sharing her experience planning the Watershed Festival and other events. b. Pam shared that Jenn provided excellent guidance and provided her best guess as to how many participants to expect — approximately 200-300. c. City agreed to hire an event planner. d. Susan Paine asked to get an event planner now. The event planner will be the point person for the vendors, boots on the ground, and handles logistics. e. Kelsey has some ideas for event planners. She confirmed that the city could contract an event planner quickly. f. Pam emphasized the need to on -board the event planner soon — April 29th is looming. Pam asked when we could realistically have the event planner. Requested the city target next week to on -board. g. Angela inquired if the city want representation to vet the event planner. Tristan responded that the initial meetings would not need CPC member participation. h. Hank asked if the city has plans to address the funds available from the Inflation Reduction Act bill. Susan asked Nick to respond. Nick related the efforts of Rewiring America; they have had a hand in the IRA and how to capitalize on the funds. Susan said there is a calculator available on their website for citizens to know what is available. Susan also feels we need a grant fund manager to ensure Edmonds gets the grant money available. i. Hank brought up the C40 guidebook and we should have that on the radar. 8. April Agenda Items a. Need to add the Committee Position Elections for April. b. For the May meeting, the plan is to have the mayor join us. c. Angela asked what the role of Chairperson is. Tristan validated that the Chair facilitates the meetings and organizes agenda items. Tristan said there may be a handbook on committee roles that he will distribute to our group. 9. Public Comment Georgina Armstrong: Georgina is very interested in in existing building infrastructure. Georgina lives at 50 Pine Street. Their community has EV outlets and wants to enhance community to support the city's climate protection plan. However, there are no outlets available to replace gas stoves with electric. This would be a big cost to the community. Georgina asked if it is a high priority for city to convert to gas stoves to electric. Tristan stated that there the city cannot require existing buildings to convert from natural gas. Susan/Nic stated that Rewiring America website can provide citizens with the information on funds available through the IRA. The Climate Action Plan states that no new commercial or multi -family can introduce natural gas. A recent state law prohibits the use of natural gas in new buildings. Georgina advised not to get defensive regarding negative CAP comments; focus on education. CPC members were invited to the 50 Pines community meeting on March 8th at 3pm Georgina's contact information is georgina.armstrong @sbcglobal.net.