2023-04-26 Youth Commission Minutes1. Roll Call & Absences - Sam called meeting to order at 6:01 pm - Joelle read the land acknowledgement - Absent: Julie Andres, Lucy Lakefish, Joanna Na, Sophie Gerdes 2. Approval of Agenda - Sam move to amend item nine of the agenda - City Council Agenda Review and Civic Park Discussion - Sam called for vote, Charlie seconded; passed unanimously 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes 4/12/23 - Sam called for a vote and Joelle seconded; passed unanimously 4. Public Comment - No members of the public present 5. Earth Day Reflection - Sam did not like the photos of him taken during the cleanup - Not a lot of trash on beach - Interesting Fentanyl water bottle fact from Mara - A lot of clothing was found - Many girl scouts volunteered 6. Review the Council Presentation Outline - Very blank, but all of the accomplishments worth noting are on there 7. Work on Presentation - Pictures of the new commissioners on the introduction slide - Shorten all writing on the slides < 30 words - Add something about our social media presence - Want to break up the slides with more pictures, less words - Discussion of what to do next year - We want to have a forum but maybe pair it with an activity to draw more people - More engagement in city council meetings - Sam and Charlie agreed to present at the meeting (maybe Julie) 8. Publicity for Pineridge Park Cleanup Review - Poster is made, we can hang them up at the FAC and in our schools - Asian service center is an option for volunteers - Work on instagram reel - Sam moves to extend the meeting to 7:35 9. City Council Agenda Review and Civic Park Discussion - The people running the event wants the EYC there with a booth - Help with bingo activity - Casey is meeting with the people in charge to come up with a plan - 4 pm on June 23rd - Send ideas about what activities we would have at the table to the GroupMe 10. Final Comments - Sam called for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:33pm