1046 GLEN ST1046 GLEN ST i S71 ALE7 FILE CITY OF EDMONDS FOR SEPTIC TANK APPROVAL NAME ADDRESS ��-� G ��►% ADDRESS OF PROPOSED- BUILDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT # —__ BLOCK ADDITION.. TYPE OF USE:-,���-,� NO. OF BEDROOMS. SIZE OF LOT -i42.S 1. Is site well drained: 2. Located so surface water will not accumulate or run over top of ground?----- 3. Heavy slopes? 4. Will much grading or filling be required? 5. Test Hole:,: . . . Give depths to: WATER �••i.R /• h . PACKED CLAY. SAND._��i��L___��� ��t e���J • GRAVEL LLS 6; Percolation Rate: Time in Minutes .� TESTS MADE BY: NAME Inches of Fall it ADDRESS DATE.. Is A r,,y o rn'i^, C; same a .t of Health L._.".rd `-^ l _Ins-,riictions Appraisal of soi-I snd ;,rater co ne-tito detsuitability _ens e'i ine suitaty for septic tank disnosal cf se-,lape _... ,W _. --- _ _ — OEi�T ' AL IN OR ?ATIO'`d The-absorpti_cn co'_Ts .in ch r._ ,,JnfLe ds are proposed must be determined before a se•-.c. r�r:r;.'; ,a�- 1,: bran! td. b;r file Department of Health. In ar�! !'COI:" 5' �'t U;1''•" : ex-oer1C'1ce sh=)wS that soi_ls, even in a limited area.- are n 1 r �."_�?l' U??''. f C a t0 prer?' ct, rLtho' t 1nV2S",l- gation., their abrornt_:.'1 _fir'• coJ:a_.on The responsibility rests with thpI o r �.er 1d%c.fc: ?:ing soil and -rater condi- tions at proposed bu.ild.ing s.1 i e.,. and for desig_ling and installing_a sewage . disposal system that rri J_1 cpera-.e Successfully overa'.period -.of'years without creating a he-a7 to pro,) e _o . public ' _ f r the. cc.- 11).-01y or a nuJ:sa.nc:e condition to the users and their neigluor: , r,,.. , The evaluation of -,,, _I conditions for -vi1E;,ctisNosal.of .sui,�age requires a know- ledge. of . pri icipl,es ,Qf `septic ter'-r o—rst 1_ons and the::,biolctical action, in- volved in mak nt the 1 qu d i-m.st s innocuou. Therefore, it -%.rill' usually be advisable- for the Pnfl I.-i' '�ili'.c;sN :o s•�ek exti Brie: ,red help in conducting the investigations, an.i deslEning the syste;�,..- ' A number.:o professional sariit- ary' engineers i_n tbiS area have e'4_?erience`. in `indiv' dual sewage .d sp "' problems and are cep petent. to c:a, y oirr i_nvest;igations. and` design adequate systems. In addition, otr:(Ir ouai_if _od .nerscns -nay p_ovide s,eri-icesi of this nature. Soil Log: A .log of the soils mllr'c t.,�^Lich in_11 show soil 'types encountered in the drainfield and at -J.-art. t,..o fen-; the level of the the lines. The log must describe so:..1 type -_d depth of sac'_1 type._ Classification may be in general terms ;w.:-h as loos- s .,. ,. cemented samd, sandy silt, silt, silt clay, clay, hard;�an. ;_1 a._;T,oan, rock, c tc, Soil logs must be made frc;;_i -Clio 1ae-ra test• holes loc<a.ted in representative parts of the drainfield a; a, and n_ust be se Grated by ;_east 20 feet, The size of hole is relatively T n i_ _ ^o.r. an bL _-, ahould be of sufficient diarneter- for, the observer to. -obtain retires;:_ :ati_ve c,=Iples from the soil profile and determine color, teY�;u.re, st :^sac ure, and, in addition, elevation of water - - table if it is encnuntc-red, Requirements for approval includes a. Tra__r..­.:uri death in the drainfield of feet of eimeable. _l cve.r� jrir r a y ,�Y. 1 e layer -•e� 3 p _.. -?,.e - b__ la er or o r lying the ground water?table. or t.'io e.?_ :;.w`• o� o` ;rc,.1d vz� e during the 1,.e- season. Worn? P18 LvJ:; s Page two ..~Percolation Test: l- Number and location of tests: Three or more tests shall be made in sep- arate test holes spaced'uniformly over the proposed dra,infield site. 2- {Type of test hole: Dig or bore the holes with horizontal dimensions of from 4 to 12 inches,,and vertical sides, to the depth of the proposed absorp- tion trench. Holes may be bored with a 4-inch auger if desired, 3- Preparation of the test hole: Carefully scratch t'_ze bottom and sie of the hole with a knife blade or sharp -pointed insL-r rier.t; in order to remove any smeared soil surfaces and to provide a natural soil interface into which water may percolate.. Remove all loose. material from the hole, Add 2 inches of course washed sand or fine gravel to protect tie bottom f ^or. scouring and. sediment. -4- Saturation and swelling of the soil: Fill the hole with clear water to' a minimum.depth of 12 inches over the gravel. Keep water in Elie hole, by refilling if necessary,, for at least 4 hours and preferably .overnight. If soil, other than loose sand had a dry appearance when hole was ni tia_1_ly dug, soil must be allowed to -swell overnight after the soaking per_od to permit it to approach the condition it w?11 be in when s;rstem is operating. .:If soil was initially wet to saturation proceed as in Item 5 after the 4 .hours. of soaking. Percolation rate measurement: A. After saturating the soil and permitting it to swell;, adjust depth of water in the test hole to 6 inches over the gravel. From a fixed'reference point, measure the drop in water level over.a 30 minute priod; 'refilling 6 inches over the gravel if necessary. Th!:s drop in 30`mJ'nutes is used" to calculate the percolation rate (time required in minutes for water to`fall one inch). SPECIAL NOTE: It may not be necessary to perform percolation tests on each lot in the subdivision. See Subdivision Report, Percolation Rate and Required Absorption Area. For Single Family Dwellings. Percolation Rate (Time -Lineal feet of 4 inch tile in minutes for water to using trench with width of. fall one inch) 2 feet 3 .150 minimum 4.. 175 ' :. 5 190 7 225 it 10 250 " 12 265 15 285 30 375. �r Over 30 Soil Unsuitable Form 18 (2) `701��NS DRA�lN 1'1=21�r -1 • • b DR1��. o . ' ��' �• �T`- - io46 Glen S"'. ! r Edmonds, Washington G.A 9" 1 L P� ( �v Snohomish, County r rx _ I��� 7 A —ems o -r� C 24v' lineal feet of %" open joint . FIN. F L9 F L. 3-6 i � drain tile,, r Drain field to be inspected by 's ,o L engineer before backfilling. M � J � I i a Grant Riley. 856 Daley S+ . Edmonds, Wash. 1•046 G L E W STl k EF_"T PR: 8-3294 — —___ _ ..-__._ h....__ •.._ _—. ._.v_-_.,..... /��,�vs...r ter. 8-2o— O — SOIL PERCOLATION TE57 p — SOIL Loca HOLEt's SOIL. INV A — (W-LON CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK SEP B — CONCRETE DISTRIBUTION BOX WITH_S_OUTLETS WS 5KIN. C — 4•" Br; 5 TIGHT' JOINT LIME CIVIL V D — 4" 'OVEN, JOINT• 5EWACnL DRAIN LINES LINGOL N �-Z- E -- ROOF AMD POOTIN4 DRAINS --DIVERT AWAY FROM. SEWAQE DRAIN LINES ./I- ,Q 0 N as. o � B t 3Z' 61 0 r4 C 'FIN. F LR E L. 3--0 I i . I s I , i -7 0 1 1.046 G L P-Ni 5 T P -�--'-T 0— SO)L PEIRCOLATION TEST ❑ — SOIL LOq HOLE5 A — _T GALLON CONCRETE 5EPTIC TANK B — CONCRETE DISTRIBUTION Box WITH M _OvrLETs C = 40,5f 5 TIGHT JOINT LINE p — a" OPEN .701NT• 5EWAG,G DWN LINES E — ROOF AWD FOOTIN4 DRAIN5--DIVr-KT AWAY FROM SEW.AQE DRAIN LINES 104.6 Glen Sd e Edmonds, Wasrdnpton Snonoraish, County 24b s Lineal feet of 4" open joint drdin tile. , Drain field to. be inspected by engineer before backfilling, Grant Riley- 356 Daley S+ . Edmonds, 'Wash. PR .8o3a94 0 • CITY OF EDMONDS FOR SEPTIC TANK APPROVAL NAME Grant -RI I xv ADDRESS 856 Daley S�j., Edmonds .Wash. ADDRESS OF PROPOSED BUILDING- __-3 L6 Glen ST . -EdmondsWA h.... __._...... LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT # -�_--- BLOCK ADDITION TYPE OF USE:. Single family residence__ NO. OF BEDROOMS.-3 SIZE OF LOT 70! x_ ggl _. 1. Is site well .drained: Y,?a Yes <' y 2. Located so surface water will not accumulate or run over top of ground? s /7,t2 3`. Heavy slopes? 4. Will much grading or filling be required?... 1 lY 5. Test Holc No: `l ._ Giver depths to: A.°2 1` WATER PACKED CLAY.__. N n"O . SAND ._ a � -�b� 140f1 GRAVEL &Qnd Y t 6, Pereglation Rate: Time in Minutes 3.0" TESTS MADE BY: NAME C. R. Lyon, Engineer.....- Inches of Fall ADDRESS,..- rora Ave. _. DATE .._—.JUI4 10, 1258 __ • r: _t.y of Ed -non.: i s R-qui-­e r ent s sari e asSit®l�o�r�_ti'_Z Cour�'.Tr Dnnartm.ent of Health_ e iz"I:_ation Test- and. Soil. Log Instructions . Appraisal -of soil,aand waiter condo ic_,s to determ ne suitability for septic tank disposal of. se4aa.oe.l��___.. 7l L{ NER_U - INFO'?MATION The absorption capwcity...o f so -1s .~l ,^:h,_ch,. drai.nfields are propo .ed..must be determined before a Septic, Department of Health: In Edmonds and _ Snc.'�c Qxr erie.*rce shows that soils; even in a limited area; are not r fir,; F_7tly .un.:iy orm to predict i thout investi- gation; their absout-.on Ord r� rcc a `,__cn e ^_aracteristics-. The responsibility rests' wit`h''�Uhe' o riser a..id/cr bt:_'_dcr for investigating soil and water condi- tions at proposed building sites and for designing and installing a sewage disposal system that. -will c ,.^rs' e soocessfuliy,:over a. per od,.,of :.years -without - creating a` public health. prcbl .o J'or: thi6 ccm iunity :or a nuisance condition to the users "and their: nA:Lr�bo•� r: The evaluation of soil.. co, cIt=o{i.a; fc,r: the disposal-. of sewage requires: a know- led`ge`­of;princinies of sep_'ic, Lark .ope ate oZs: and the biological action in- volved in -making the. h emu d w stes innocuous. Therefore;. -it io Ull usually be advisable for the `cv:rzi' a:in/o ^ builder to seek experienc:ed.i+help in conducting the investigations and designing the s7 stem. A number of professional sanit- ary engineers in this -area have el,perienee-, iz indivydual aetaage :disposal problems and are competent to..eW:� gy;;oiar i.nvesti,gatioriss=and design 'adequate systems. In dddition: .ot,her. qu.-lif e-d persons may: provide services of this nature.: �,.:�� �j: < r EPJT S.. Soil Log: A log of th-e..so%ls crust be su17mn.1_tted which vnill show soil types encountered in.the-.drai.nfield and ,at::Io st two feet_ bCloi.rthe, 1evelof'the �tile lines. • The log must describe ,s_,6il tape and depth of each type, Classification may be in general, terms- such .as loose sa.r , cmented, sand.- sandy silt; :silt, silt clay, clay,. ;Yrardpan . ca,yp?n, rock; etc, _ Soil -logs --- must--be-made-frc .r-two or riore-testc roles located in representative parts of: the drainfield :area and must be separated by at least. 20 feet. The size'of hole is relatively uni-?Iortant, but should be of sufficient diameter, for the observer to obtain representative samples from the soil profile and determine color, t.extu?^e, ructure, and, in addition, elevation of water — table if it is encounte,i-ed, Requirements for vor' -) 'a includes a depth in the drainfield of 3 feet of perme bi.e so _1.. ovr,­ry-I* nE any ij:�.perrn.ea.ble layer or overlying the ground water-tablery ,o, -.the e-Levati_on of ground Ovate:.• during the wet season. Form #18 (1) Page two Percolation Test; 1- Number and location of tests:. Three or more tests shall be made in sep- arate test hole.. spaced.uniformly over the proposed drainfield site. 2- Type of test hole:. Dig -:or bore the holes with horizontal dimensions of from 4 to 12 inches, and vertical sides, to the depth of the proposed absorp- tion trench. Holes may be bored -with a 4-inch auger if desired. 3- Preparation of the test hole: .Carefully scratch the bottom and sides of ..,:the hole witha knife blade or sharp -pointed instrument, in order to remove any smeared soil surfaces and to provide a natural soil interface into which water mayaercolate. 'Remove.all loose material from -the hole. Add 2 inches of course fished sarid or fine gravel to. protect the bottom from scouring and sediment. . 4-. Saturation and swelling of` the `soil: Fill the hole with clear water. to ;a. minimum depth'of 12 'inches over the gravel. Keep water- :in the hole., -by refilling if necessary, for at least 4 hours and :preferably overnight. 'If soil, other than loose sand had a dry appearance when hole was initially dug, soil must be allowed to swell overnight after the.soaking period to:' permit it .to approach the condition it will be in when system is operating. If : soil, rwas initially. wet to saturation proceed as in jt,em 5 after. the4 " >.; hours: of soaking. 5- Percolation rate'measurement: A. :,After saturating the soil and permitting.it to swell, adjust depth -.of wager, in ;the test hole to 6 inches over the.. gravel. From a fixed reference ;.,point,measure the drop in'vrater level over a 30 minute period, refilling:' 6 inches over the gravel if necessary. This drop in 30 minutes is used to calculate the percolation rate (time.required in minutes for water to fall one inch). SPECIAL NOTE: It may not be necessary to perform percolation tests.on.each 'lot.in the subdivision. See Subdivision Report. :Percolation:Rate and Required Absorption Area. For Single Family­Dweilings. Percolation` Rate. (Time Lineal feet .of 4 inch -tile in minutes=for water'to using trench with width of fall one inch) 2 feet 3= 150 . minimum:. 4 175 : 5 190 rr. 7..... 225. r► 10 250 rr, 12 265 ri 15 285 �r 3'0: 375 - .Over. Soil Unsuitable Form 18 (2) I ) I 2-01 blI► s FiR\V C� b GA1Z. { `� P� 4 I �) D IC -I 2 aI I _— 3-7' 6 1 i` FIN FLR EL..3-a M M v f -\r 1 a , -701 /' j,7 1.046 GLEN 5T R EET 0 — SOIL PERCOLATION TEST ❑ — SOIL LOy .HOLE5 A — 35(-' GALLON CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK B — CONCRETE DISTRIBUTION BOX WITH_w-OVTLET5 C — 4N at 5 TIGHT JOINT LINE — 4" OPEN JOINT- 5EWAGt DRAIN LINES e — ROOF AND FOOTINR DRAIN5--DIVeKT AWAY FROM SEWAGE DRAIN LINES 1046 Glen S". Edmonds, Washington Pnohomish, County 188 lineal feet of 4" open joint drain tile. Drain field to be inspected by engineer before backfilling. Grant Riley 856 Daley S+,,, Edmonds, Wash. PR: 8-3294 ar' X''`-off` +,(, : +aSJ�±N - L SOIL INVE5TIGATION � DE5IGN OF SEPTIC TANK 5`fSTEM RU5KIN F'15HER � .A550'C.IATES CIVIL ENGINEERS € LAUD 5VRVEYORS 1796Z AURORA AVE. 11NGQl.N-2-8141 SEATTLE.339 WN. --7o4 - APoPtE.� BY L T DATE