2023-05-17 Economic Development Commission MinutesCITY OF EDMONDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING May 17, 2023 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Nicole Hughes, Chair Kevin Harris, Vice Chair Darrol Haug Jay Hoag Natalie Seitz Matt Cox Kate Nolan — Student Representative LIAISONS PRESENT: Vivian Olson, Councilmember, ex-officio LIAISONS ABSENT: David Preston, Port Commissioner, ex-officio Ryan Crowther, Edmonds Chamber, ex-officio Vacant — Planning Board, ex-officio GUEST: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. Vacant Seat -Mayor Appointment Vacant Seat -Mayor Appointment STAFF PRESENT: Kevin Smith - unexcused Todd Tatum, Director CS/ED Megan Luttrell, Program Coordinator CS/ED Economic Development Commission meeting called to order by Nicole Hughes at 6:05 p.m. Call to Order and Land Acknowledgement 1. Roll Call and Recognition of Absences: Kevin Smith is absent due to a family conflict. 2. Approval of Agenda: Jay moved to approve the agenda; Darrol seconded; motion passed. 3. Approval of April 19, 2023, Meeting Summary: Megan mentioned that Keith's name should be removed with that change Matt moved to approve the meeting summary; Jay seconded; motion passed. 4. Audience Comments: None. S. Council Spotlight: Jenna Nand: Jenna is not present. Nicole shared that we could fill this spot on the agenda with anyone the group thinks could be valuable to the economic development conversation. Reach out to Nicole with suggestions on future guests. Could be other elected officials, business owners or other Board members or Commissioners. Planning Board Liaison is in the Planning Departments hands at this point. Megan will follow up. The Mayor has interviewed one candidate and is scheduled to interview the next tomorrow and could confirm as early as June 6cn 6. Discussion: Council/EDC Revenue Discussion Debrief: Nicole asked for impressions from the group on the interactions with Council. She has talked with Council President Tibbott for feedback. Natalie felt it was quick, Jay agreed. Nicole shares that Council President Tibbott is interested in biennial budgeting and budgeting by priority. He appreciates the comments that the EDC shared at the retreat. Kevin H. noted that the purpose of their attendance was not clear. Darrol feels having a future discussion, possibly with Neil, about how to move forward would be helpful. He adds the Commission could give advice on how to engage the public. Natalie cautions that the public input needs to be equitable across Edmonds rather than just downtown. Kevin H. suggests inviting Neil to come discuss Meeting Summary Economic Development Commission May 17, 2023 Page 1 further with the group. Vivian agrees and Matt supports the idea. Todd adds that switching the biennial budget; there is a heavy budget year when it's being developed and then the heavy workload year. As we dive into the Economic Development Element update, there's an opportunity to identify constraints and opportunities. It will lend to the group to be a part of the development of the plan and be a true partner in the document. Natalie asks if there is an opportunity to share suggestions on studies to position the document. Todd, say there will be, and he would appreciate the input. Darrol highlights the need to elevate public engagement. Todd suggests putting together a timeline to include the biennial budget. He will provide a timeline for the Economic Development Element update. Darrol also adds to prioritize the capital program through the economic development lens. Vivian adds that at the next Council meeting the budget timeline will be on the meeting agenda, and there will be three meetings to seek public input. Matt echoes the need for timelines to develop a workplan. Nicole will invite Council President Tibbott to the next meeting. Todd explains that the intent is to lead the consultant, Vivian concurs with that notion. Kevin H. highlights the value of lived experience and qualitative data from the public. 7. Discussion: Creative Economy Pt. 2: Todd shares a PowerPoint presentation with the group to share what the Creative District is doing to build their next 5-year plan (see attached). Todd explains that the geographical constraints are not a focus of the CD group; the CD is viewed as all of Edmonds. There are discussions with ArtsWA, regarding the recertification and whether or not the current geographic limits could be expanded. Jay adds that there are zoning constraints for some businesses. Natalie points out that the revenue drivers are from Hwy 99. Matt points out that the presentation lacked references to entrepreneurship and bringing new business to the City which could be outside the border of the CD. 8. Discussion: Family, Child and Youth -Focused Businesses/Activities: Darrol shares the homework documents that were provided last month. He explains that this conversation started between him and Kevin Smith because on rainy days, Edmonds doesn't have a lot to offer for kid's entertainment, he goes out of Edmonds to find indoor activities for them. Nicole adds that there are true destinations outside of Edmonds and they can be a draw. Natalie shares that folks she talked with would go outside of Edmonds to places like Arena Sports, Everett Children's Museum, pump it up, Alderwood Mall, libraries (but currently not Edmonds). Nicole adds cost restraints can be problematic, but memberships are desirable. Matt received feedback that the desire is to keep kids active. Kevin H. suggests thinking about using existing facilities to activate this idea. Possibly use school gyms. Kate adds that activities would be ideal for small kids, she suggests Holy Rosary gym as a possible location. Natalie points out that these facilities are not on the east side of the city. Vivian suggests an ILA with Mountlake Terrace to utilize their senior center. Nicole adds that this is not just about Edmonds community but attracting neighboring communities. Natalie suggests engaging the Hwy 99 community by acknowledging the Plum Tree plaza arson and have an event for the reopening. Nicole asks the group to keep the ideas noodling and there will continue to be space to comment on this. 9. Liaison Updates: a. City Council (Vivian Olson) mentions the housing bills will have an economic impact. She also mentions the drug use bills and the relevancy to the economy. The Arts Festival Foundation has been discussing electric buses. Perhaps there could be partnership between different City organizations. b. Port of Edmonds (David Preston) Absent. Meeting Summary Economic Development Commission May 17, 2023 Page 2 c. Chamber of Commerce (Ryan Crowther) Absent. 7. Roundtable Discussion: Kate likes the idea of inclusivity and culture; she'd like to be apart of it. Darrol is working with the school district on the possibility of a bond, they're recommending moving 61h grade to middle school and universal preschool, it will be heavily discussed in future School Board meetings. Jay volunteered at the Laugh-a-Thon, they raised $5,000 for the WISH Chamber program. Matt is really enjoying the discussions on creative economy. Natalie thanked Kevin H. for touring the Hwy 99 area with her. Kevin H., great meeting! Nicole, think about how to make some of what was talked about tonight actionable, it could be a good time to report to Council. 10. Adjourn at 8:11 p.m. Next meeting: June 21, 2023, 6 PM location Hybrid — Brackett Room & Zoom Meeting Summary Economic Development Commission May 17, 2023 Page 3 What is next in the workplan? Guiding concepts/values for newly framed initiatives are: Collaboration —City departments and businesses/nonprofits working together, integrated projects Hub and spoke model —inclusive, CD as catalyst but tied to other parts/neighborhoods of city through connections with businesses and organizations Intentional Visibility— arts, culture and creativity permeates the community, intentional creativity is a priority in program and projects Area A - Strengthen and expand creative identity Initiatives 1. Improve coordination and advocacy efforts 2. Create an asset map to identify creative resources/strengths/experiences in Edmonds, both public and private 3. Improve marketing of Edmonds as a creative destination Area B —Leverage and connect creative experiences (inside and outside district) and implement capital project to highlight spaces for experiences Initiatives 1. Facilitate internship and mentorship opportunities (enhances visibility of CD outside downtown) 2. Improve efforts in activating spaces for creative experiences 3. Improve efforts to develop physical infrastructure for creative experiences 4. Develop a fundraising strategy for efforts in placemaking Area C —Retain and attract creative businesses and nonprofits Initiatives 1. Identify and address needs of creative businesses/nonprofits 2. Secure consistent funding/support for CD initiatives 3. Use collective marketing efforts to help the creative sector thrive