2014-06-25 Planning Board MinutesCITY OF EDMONDS PLANNING BOARD MINUTES June 25, 2014 Vice Chair Tibbott called the meeting of the Edmonds Planning Board to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Public Safety Complex, 250 — 5th Avenue North. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Neil Tibbott, Vice Chair Bill Ellis Philip Lovell Valerie Stewart Daniel Robles BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Todd Cloutier, Chair (excused) Ian Duncan (excused) Carreen Rubenkonig (excused) READING/APPROVAL OF MINUTES STAFF PRESENT Rob Chave, Development Services Manager Karin Noyes, Recorder BOARD MEMBER ELLIS MOVED THAT THE MINUTES OF JUNE 11, 2014 BE APPROVED AS AMENDED. BOARD MEMBER STEWART SECONDED THE MOTION, WHICH CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ANNOUNCEMENT OF AGENDA The agenda was accepted as presented. AUDIENCE COMMENTS There was no one in the audience. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Chave referred the Board Members to the written Director's Report. Board Members acknowledged they received the report, which is also available to the public on line. In addition to the report, Mr. Chave announced that the City Council approved the Transportation Improvement Program for 2015-2020 on June 241h DISCUSSION ON RETREAT TOPICS AND AGENDA Vice Chair Tibbott referred to the list of potential topics for the Planning Board's retreat on July 9th. He invited the Board Members to provide feedback as to which items should be scheduled on the agenda. Board Member Lovell said he believes it would be appropriate for the Board to spend some time getting to know the new Board Members, but a large portion of the agenda should be reserved for discussions with City Staff regarding the Development Code rewrite process, as well as ideas for expediting permits for green building and deciding what green elements to incorporate into the Development Code. He noted that the code rewrite and Comprehensive Plan update processes should include discussions about providing flexible policies, codes and guidelines to accommodate projected growth as identified in Vision 2040. He recalled citizen concerns about the Westgate Plan and reminded the Board that the City has the responsibility to change zoning to facilitate more residential development in Edmonds to accommodate the additional growth. He said it is important to focus growth in areas where there is already public transportation and multi- family residential zoning, but they could also consider opportunities to increase density in other zones. Board Member Stewart agreed that the City has a responsibility to meet growth targets as required by the Growth Management Act (GMA). She suggested that staff provide a map of the City to identify zones where additional growth could be accommodated. In addition to allowing additional height and more multi -family residential development, the City must seek other creative strategies for accomplishing this goal, such as encouraging accessory dwelling units. Vice Chair Tibbott suggested that this item be scheduled as a topic of discussion at a regular meeting, and staff could provide background information and additional research on where anticipated growth could potentially be accommodated. Mr. Chave pointed out that this discussion would take place as part of the Board's work on the Comprehensive Plan Update, particularly as part of their review of the Land Capacity Analysis. Board Member Robles observed that "retreat" gives the impression that the Board will put aside regular business and look at bigger picture items, yet the list contains topics that could be discussed at a regular meeting. For example, it seems the Comprehensive Plan reacts to numbers and projected growth. Perhaps the retreat discussion could break away from this and discuss what the future holds. Vice Chair Tibbott agreed that many items on the list could be discussed at regular meetings. However, the purpose of introducing the Development Code re -write process is to allow Board Members to ask questions to inform their ability to deliberate more thoroughly as the various elements come before them in the near future. Board Member Lovell asked Board Member Robles to elaborate further on the futuristic items he would like the Board to discuss. Board Member Robles commented that the Board has not had any discussion about future changes at Paine Field. At this time, airplanes fly over Edmonds, which is a disruption for everyone in the community. With the next generation air traffic control, airplanes would fly over Lynnwood and not Edmonds. In this case, the future change may be an opportunity rather than a problem for Edmonds. Other potential topics for future discussion could include shared resources, growth of food production, opportunities to accommodate airbnb, etc. Vice Chair Tibbott summarized that his understanding of staff s presentation at the retreat is to bring the Board Members up to speed on the process and steps for updating the Comprehensive Plan. The topics raised by Board Member Robles regarding the future could be discussed at regular Board meetings, and perhaps people with expertise could be invited to provide additional information and insight. He noted that these types of discussions could generate more public interest in Planning Board activities. Board Member Stewart pointed out that many of the issues could be raised as the Board discusses specific elements of the Comprehensive Plan and Development Code throughout the next year. Board Member Lovell reminded the Board that their charge is to focus on land use issues in Edmonds; and some of the issues raised by Board Member Robles have been discussed by other organizations in the City. He suggested that, at some point, it might be helpful for the Board to have a discussion with a representative from the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) to learn their thoughts for the future. Mr. Chave cautioned that the Board would need to identify the specific subject of the discussion. Typically, the PSRC focuses its work on economic development, transportation and land use issues. Board Member Ellis suggested it would be useful for the retreat agenda to include a discussion about the Planning Board's role and responsibilities. While the Board serves primarily as an advisory board to the City Council on land use issues, they have also advised on other topics and the City Council has seemed appreciative of their insight. The Board needs to have a discussion about how much they can and want to accomplish based on legislative mandates. This discussion might help them focus on things they can do versus what they want to do so they do not end up spinning their wheels. Board Member Stewart agreed that a discussion about the Board's responsibilities and what they can realistically accomplish would be helpful. This discussion could also include ideas and tool that could help the Board function more efficiently and effectively. Vice Chair Tibbott said he was hoping the retreat agenda could include a discussion about best management practices, and how the Board could utilize digital documents more effectively. Perhaps they could invite the City's IT expert to provide Planning Board Minutes June 25, 2014 Page 2 information and training to the Board about how to use technology more efficiently. The Board agreed this would be a helpful topic. If the City's IT expert is unavailable, Board Members could share tools and ideas they have found to be effective. Board Member Stewart recalled that she prepared a short information piece on the Planning Board's practices and responsibilities, which was intended to providing training to student representatives serving on the Board. She suggested she could share this document at the retreat. She also commented that new Board Members should be invited to attend training sessions on the Open Public Meetings Act and the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. Mr. Chave advised that staff provided new Board Members with information regarding these two requirements, but they have not participated in actual training. He suggested that the City Attorney be invited to make a presentation on these two items at a regular meeting. He commented that yearly training on these issues would be appropriate since statues and laws continually change. Board Member Stewart suggested that, at some point, the Board should have a discussion about green building standards and how they can be woven into the Development Code. She said she has a file of ideas she could share with the Board to start and guide the discussion. Vice Chair Tibbott suggested this topic would be more appropriately discussed at a regular meeting. Vice Chair Tibbott summarized that the Board's retreat is scheduled for July 9°i from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. on the third floor of City Hall. The agenda will include the following: • Potluck Dinner — 30 minutes • Get to know new Board Members and discuss the expertise that each member bring to the Board — 30 minutes • A discussion about best Planning Board practices, including how to better utilize digital documents — 30 minutes • A presentation by staff regarding the Development Code rewrite process — 60 minutes • Flexible time — 30 minutes DISCUSSION ON 2015 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE Mr. Chave referred the Board to a memorandum from Shane Hope, Development Services Director, which outlines the process for updating the Comprehensive Plan. He explained that, under the Growth Management Act (GMA), the City must review and update its Comprehensive Plan and Development Code by June 30, 2015. He reminded the Board that the Comprehensive Plan is updated on an annual basis. While no formal amendment applications were submitted for consideration in 2015, the Planning Board recommended a text change related to the Westgate area. In addition, the Board conducted public hearings and recommended approval of the Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan and the Community Cultural Plan, and the two documents were approved by the City Council in February. As part of the 2014 Comprehensive Plan amendment process, these two documents would replace similar plans or elements in the current plan. All three amendments would be considered by the City Council as part of an ordinance later this summer. Mr. Chave advised that staff has reviewed the existing Comprehensive Plan against a checklist provided by the State. This review showed that the City's Comprehensive Plan policies are generally in compliance with GMA, but many sections need to be updated to reflect new data and to be consistent with changes in state law or multi -county planning policies (Vision 2040) adopted by the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC). Mr. Chave requested that the Board provide feedback on the following two options for pursuing the Comprehensive Plan update: Minimal Update with Existing Resources. This assumes that required updates would be made with no additional staff or consultant resources to assist. Basic Update with Some Additional Resources. This assumes required updates and general clean-up of the Comprehensive Plan would be carried out by existing staff, plus a temporary part-time planner. Mr. Chave explained that both options would maintain the overall policy direction found in the current plan but the plan would be updated to incorporate the 2035 growth targets and buildable lands data. Option 1 would result in minimal updates to the data, tables and charts based on new information, and Option 2 would include a more thorough update. Both options Planning Board Minutes June 25, 2014 Page 3 would include updates to the Housing Element based on data from Snohomish County, but Option 2 would also include a review of initiatives and reasonable measures identified in the Countywide Housing Initiative to determine if the current Housing Element is still adequate. Mr. Chave further explained that the Capital Facilities Plan would be updated in both options, and substantial updates were already made to the Transportation Improvement Plan that was recently adopted by the City Council. Both options would include a general review for consistency, but Option 2 would allow the City to create a comprehensive document that includes policies from stand-alone plans (transportation, parks, utilities, cultural, etc.) He explained that a lot of the policy direction is contained in the stand-alone plans, and combining all of the policies into one document would provide a much better picture of the overall Comprehensive Plan. He cautioned that this would not change the elements that have already been approved (Transportation Improvement Plan, PROS Plan, Cultural Plan, Utilities Plan, etc.). However, identifying the policies in the main Comprehensive Plan would ensure they are reviewed on a more regular basis. Mr. Chave said Option 2 would also allow the City to update existing maps and provide some new maps and illustrations. It would also include a review of other elements of the Comprehensive Plan such as the Street Tree and Streetscape Plans, which have not been updated for quite some time and no long cover all of the situations that come up. Lastly, he said Option 2 would also include a review of whether or not master plans should be included in the Land Use Element, specifically master plans for parks. He explained that park master plans are not set in stone, and the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department continually improves and updates them. Including the master plans in the Comprehensive Plan makes it more difficult to incorporate incremental changes. The review will include a discussion about whether master plans should be included in the Comprehensive Plan or adopted as stand-alone documents. If park master plans are eliminated from the Comprehensive Plan, Board Member Lovell asked if policies in the PROS Plan would be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan so there is a single source to figure out what is hoped and planned for the future of the City. Mr. Chave agreed that is the intent. Again, he emphasized that the various elements (Transportation Improvement Plan, PROS Plan, Utilities Plan, etc.) have already been adopted and would not be revised as part of the Comprehensive Plan update. Instead, the goal would be to consolidate the policies from the various plans so they are readily available and accessible in the Comprehensive Plan. Requiring people to view the policies in separate documents does not lend to consistency. Mr. Chave said staff is recommending Option 2, which would provide for a more complete Comprehensive Plan Update and would likely involve an additional half-time staff person from now until next June to assist in the effort. Board Member Lovell said he supports Option 2. Given what the City Council is going through and the fact that there will be City Council elections next fall, he felt it would be appropriate to "beef up" the Comprehensive Plan to provide clear direction on where the City is going. Vice Chair Tibbott said he supports Option 2, as well. It will provide an opportunity to add additional illustrations and documentation, which has proven helpful in other documents. He said he supports the idea of having all of the policies from the various plans in the same document. Board Member Robles asked if the Board would have an opportunity to provide input and guidance throughout the Comprehensive Plan Update. Mr. Chave reminded the Board that they previously participated in the process for updating the various elements of the Comprehensive Plan, and they will be involved throughout the update process, as well. While he does not anticipate any significant changes in policy direction, there will be some changes related to capacity and potential land uses. He referred the Board to the proposed schedule for the Comprehensive Plan update, noting that the Board would begin reviewing various elements of the plan starting in September 2014, culminating in public hearings in July of 2015. He asked the Board to forward a recommendation to the City Council regarding the preferred option for approaching the task so staff can present the proposed schedule to the City Council in July. BOARD MEMBER LOVELL MOVED THAT THE BOARD FORWARD A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT OPTION 2 (BASIC UPDATE WITH SOME ADDITIONAL RESOURCES) BE UTILIZED FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Planning Board Minutes June 25, 2014 Page 4 DIRECTOR'S MEMORANDUM DATED JUNE 25, 2014. BOARD MEMBER ELLIS SECONDED THE MOTION, WHICH CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. REVIEW OF EXTENDED AGENDA Mr. Chave advised that the extended agenda would be revised to include various discussions related to the Comprehensive Plan update and Development Code re -write. Staff will work with Chair Cloutier and Vice Chair Tibbott to schedule these items appropriately. Mr. Chave agreed to contact the Parks, Recreational and Cultural Services Director to schedule a report before the Board sometime in August or September. Mr. Chave reminded the Board of their retreat, which is scheduled for July 9th from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Board Member Stewart asked when the Board would begin its review of the Critical Areas Ordinance. Mr. Chave said the City will proceed through the consultant selection process during the second half of 2014, and he expects a report will be presented by the end of the year. However, he does not anticipate the Board will begin its review of the Critical Areas Ordinance until 2015. Vice Chair Tibbott asked if the City plans to move forward with the Five Corners Plan. Mr. Chave said staff is waiting see the outcome of the Westgate Plan before moving forward with additional work on the Five Corners Plan. Board Member Lovell requested a status report on the Shoreline Master Program. Mr. Chave said staff is working to prepare the document for final City Council action, but the Board has completed its review of the document. Vice Chair Tibbott advised that the July 23`1 meeting agenda will include public hearings on Highway 99 zoning, as well as legal lot issues and potential code amendments. Mr. Chave reminded the Board that they agreed to present different options at the hearing for addressing parking and the distribution of commercial and residential uses in the General Commercial zones. PLANNING BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS Vice Chair Tibbott said he recently walked along Highway 99 and made the following observations: • The best kept properties, both internal and along the street front, are the large commercial properties that are owned by large corporations. • The larger residential properties are also well maintained both internally and along the curb. • The properties that are not well maintained are developed with older buildings that have gone through several different phases of use. These buildings were not designed for the particular purpose they are being used for. • The neighborhoods located one or two blocks off of Highway 99 are quiet and offer opportunities for a variety of housing options. Vice Chair Tibbott expressed support for preserving the commercial enterprises and extending the residential options along Highway 99, as well as providing additional opportunities for residential development one or two blocks off the highway. He encouraged the Board to consider options that will invite higher quality development along Highway 99. PLANNING BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Board Member Stewart reported on her attendance at a workshop at the Edmonds Conference Center titled, "Flood Planes by Design," which was sponsored by a number of different entities. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss how the various entities could partner to carry out integrated projects that improve flood protection, restore salmon habitats, improve water quality and enhance outdoor recreation. One goal is to integrate funding so that it is more flexible and can be used where needed. They discussed creating a multi -agency permit team to make the process more efficient and user friendly. She was particularly struck by input provided by representatives from the Tribes who pointed out how important it is to Planning Board Minutes June 25, 2014 Page 5 consider treaty rights when putting together a project and asking for funding. The Environmental Protection Agency has $50 million available for grant funding this year for projects that address fish farming and flooding, and they are hoping to make this a sustainable source on a yearly basis. She said she anticipates a lot of good projects will move forward in the State. She noted that the City received grant funding for the marsh, but more will be needed. If salmon recovery is part of the goal, it should be easier for the City to obtain funding in the future. Board Member Lovell reported on his attendance at the June 18th Economic Development Commission (EDC) meeting where he was asked to provide an update on the Board's actions related to the Westgate Plan and zoning. He informed them of the Board's recommendation to the City Council to approve the draft amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Development Code and zoning map. There was some discussion about encouraging family entertainment businesses at Westgate, but the EDC was generally supportive of the Board's recommendation, and they are preparing a report in support of the proposal. Board Member Lovell reported that, also at the EDC meeting, Commissioner Schwartz presented the findings of his study measuring tourism activity. The study looked at the various elements (location, hotel accommodations, attractions, activities, etc.) that attract tourists, rating the importance of each one. He noted that the highest value is the fact that the City is located on the waterfront, but the City falls short in two or three areas, particularly in the area of overnight accommodations. He reported that the presentation was well received by the EDC, and Commissioner Schwartz was invited to share his findings with others in town such as the Planning Board, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, etc. He noted that the presentation is also available on line via the EDC's website. He concluded that Commissioner Schwartz's basic recommendation was that the City needs to do something about overnight accommodations and parlay on what is going right. He commented that it is easier to add to something that is already successful to make it better, such as the Arts Festival and Taste of Edmonds. Lastly, Board Member Lovell said the EDC discussed the importance of electronic communications. They recognized City staff for doing a great job of organizing and updating the City's website to make it more accessible and provide more links. They discussed the idea of providing a single source for people to find out what is happening in Edmonds throughout the year. Board Member Robles pointed out that airbnb is operating in numerous jurisdictions, and there are about 20 property owners in Edmonds who are participating in the program. He said he anticipates that participation will double in the near future. He suggested that upcoming discussions related to the Comprehensive Plan and Development Code would be an excellent time for the Board to discuss changes that would allow opportunities for this unique and successful service to expand in the community. They should also keep in mind that electric cars will become more popular and will create a lot of need for charging stations. They should also discuss how to encourage commercial opportunities to entertain people who are waiting for their cars to charge. He summarized that the Development Code and Comprehensive Plan should leave enough fluidity to accommodate future needs. ADJOURNMENT The Board meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Planning Board Minutes June 25, 2014 Page 6