2023-11-02 Climate Protection Committee MinutesCity of Edmonds - Mayors Climate Protection Committee ("CPC") November 2, 2023 Mission of the CPC is to (1) Encourage citizens to be a part of the solution, (2) Encourage City staff and citizens to conserve current resources, (3) Work with the City Council to implement ideas, and (4) Effectively address the future impacts of climate change. In Attendance: On -Site (Brackett Meeting Room): Committee Members: Angela Winzen (Vice Chair), Pam Tauer (Minutes) City Staff: Tristan Sewell, Sarah Brinkley Citizen: Nick Maxwell Zoom: Committee Members: Steven Cristol, Hank Landau Council Rep: Susan Paine Citizen Bill Phipps, Lora Hein 1. Call to Order, Review of Agenda, & Introductions a. The meeting was called to order at 11:07 am. 2. October Meeting Minutes a. The October meeting minutes were approved without changes. 3. Public Comment a. No formal comment. 4. CAB Update a. The CAB is focused on engaging the community to make public comments at City Council supporting the need for a Climate Action Manager. 5. Council Update a. Susan Paine shared that the second public hearing for the 2024 budget is on November 6t". There is no set date as to when the City Council votes on the 2024 budget. Public comment most likely will be around 6:45pm-7pm on November 6th. b. Susan responded to Steve's question about submitting a formal comment. Comments submitted now are added to the November 13t" agenda packet. Comments flagged for public comment would get the eyes of the council. c. Hank is uncomfortable with this committee instructing the city what to do. He sees the CPC as advisory. d. Susan Paine shared that the council is focused on budget planning and projects. CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) and CFP (Capital Facilities Plan) will be submitted as part of the budget package. The restoration of the Edmonds Marsh is included to ensure it is available for grants. 6. Staff Updates a. Tristan shared the solar grant is close to handing out the funding. It is in the contractual phase. b. The city has drafted a contract with a planning consultant to draft up code amendment updates. That would be presented to the council in Q1 or Q2. c. The sea -level rise art project is in the contracting phase and should be delivered in Q1 or Q2. d. Tristan shared a draft of the city's green building incentives program. This is one of the actions in the CAP. The goal is to incentivize new green development in single- family, multifamily, commercial, and mixed -use projects. e. There were several questions on GHG tool that was a part of the CAP delivery. A request was made to make the tool available to the CPC. 7. Grant Opportunities a. Steven shared that he followed up with cities that used the 3-D sea level visualization tool as to where they got their monies. Most localities used state funds, which would be the Department of Commerce for us. Steven provided a list of additional grants that could be used as funding sources for this project. He recommended the CPC review this list. In addition, Steven shared that the marsh could be an avenue to help garner funding because it is impacted when sea level rise is 2ft or under. Some potential grants are wildlife focused that may not sound climate -related but could be valid for some of our activities. b. Steven shared that Shoreline has a lot of success with mini grants. They have a limit of $5K for organizations that match the funds with 20% volunteer hours. He recommends the committee check out the Shoreline sustainability web site. 8. Committee Roles & Responsibilities Follow Up a. Membership recruitment has closed. Angela followed up with mayor regarding the youth interest. The mayor would like us to vet the youth candidates. If they truly have the interest, they will proceed with the standard recruitment process. b. Adult candidates are in process with city and mayor. c. Angela led the discussion on the 2024 calendar activities. The updated 2024 activities calendar is attached. 9. December 7th Agenda & Action Items a. Include the 2024 calendar activities prioritization to create the CPC calendar. Steven encouraged CPC members to bring estimated costs for the designated activities. Hank also brought up the resource time needed. Pam recommended a CPC member take a lead for each activity. Angela recommended each CPC member come prepared to lead or co -lead two to three events. We want to partner with other volunteer groups to provided additional resources. b. Susan Paine reached out to Robert Knolls, PSE, and he will speak at the January meeting. c. Susan Paine will reach out to Washington ferries to speak when we are ready. 10. Announcements and General Public Comment a. Lora mentioned the impacts of meat and dairy products. Sno-Isle Sierra club plans to demonstrate plant -based food cooking and is a good resource. b. Sarah announced on November 18t" there will be a fluorescent lighting recycling event from 10am-2pm at the Public Works facility at 7110 210t" St. The meeting adjourned at 12:37pm.