2023-12-13 Youth Commission MinutesYouth Commission Meeting Minutes 12/13/2023 Commission Members Present: Lydia Abundi Lucy Calabro Vivian Liao Charlie Morgan Cassidy Otis Joelle Walworth Mara Yenter Members Absent: Eemaan Bhatia Sophie Gerdes Lucy Lakefish Joanna Na Staff Present: Casey Colley Council Members Present: Diane Buckshnis I. ROLL CALL & ABSENCES Mara moved to call the meeting to order at 6:03 PM. Joelle read the land acknowledgment statement. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA & MEETING MINUTES Mara made a motion to approve meeting minutes and amend the agenda to remove item 7 on the agenda. Seconded by Joelle. III. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment IV. QUESTION OF THE DAY Would you rather have backwards knees or a backward facing head? V. YOU ARE NOT ALONE EVENT Event is from 9am to 1pm Saturday, February 3rd in Mukilteo. Workshops available to teach people about the warning sign of suicide and suicide prevention by professionals. Support resources available. Therapy dogs, music, art, swag, and food for people that attend. Sponsored by Snohomish County's Youth Suicide Prevention Taskforce. Youth commission showed interest in attending to gather ideas on a possible event that Edmonds can host. Agreed by members that we should post on instagram about the event and advertise it to youth interested. VI. SPEED TALKING WITH SENIORS PLANNING Booked 4-6pm at Edmonds Waterfront Center. Set up at 3:30pm if possible. Signup genius for youth. Advertising: what information do we have to put on the post? Joelle created a poster to advertise the event to the youth. 40 total youth is the goal. RSVP code will go up for both seniors and youth. The Casey will make QR code for the Signup Genius for the poster VII. DEIA UPDATE & VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Charlie shared what he shared with the meeting: a holiday post that has yet to be shared. VIII. BRAINSTORMING PROJECTS Connect volunteers for an event the DEIA commission is hosting. Decided that we will share the opportunity for volunteer hours for youth. IX. DECEMBER 27TH MEETING Decided to create a poll on GroupMe to see who can attend the meeting on the 27th. 6/7 people at this meeting said they could make it. X. FINAL COMMENTS Discussion of Diane's retirement. Happy Holidays!!! All went around to say what we were most excited for during break. ADJOURN — 7:29 PM Next meeting: Wednesday, December 27th, 2023 at 6:OOPM