2023-12-27 Youth Commission MinutesYouth Commission Meeting Minutes 12/27/2023 Commission Members Present: Lydia Abundi Lucy Calabro Vivian Liao Charlie Morgan Lucy Lakefish Eemaan Bhatia Members Absent: Sophie Gerdes Joanna Na Cassidy Otis Joelle Walworth Mara Yenter Staff Present: Casey Colley Council Members Present: Diane Buckshnis I. ROLL CALL & ABSENCES Lucy L. is subbing for Mara as chair. Lucy C. is subbing as secretary. She called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM. Vivian read the land acknowledgment statement. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA & MEETING MINUTES Lucy L. made a motion to approve meeting minutes. Seconded by Vivian. III. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment. IV. QUESTION OF THE DAY Would you rather have no eyebrows and not be able to draw them on or have no hair on your head? V. SPEED TALKING WITH SENIORS PLANNING Worked on the questions and outline for the event. Created a written introduction and conclusion for the event. Deciding on the poster and instagram graphic for the event. VI. BRAINSTORMING PROJECTS Discussion of a You Are Not Alone event for Edmonds Youth hosted by the EYC and other branches of the city government. If we were to host an event like this it could be spread across the downtown area to engage local businesses. Push the event to next school year so we have time to plan. Have different areas for activities, maybe at the civic field park. We should do Ivy Pull again maybe in late May. Reach out to parks and rec managers and see what is available for May. VII. FINAL COMMENTS We all shared a nice comment about Diane since it was her last meeting with us. We thanked Diane for her service as a public servant and providing insight to the EYC. ADJOURN — 7:32 PM Lucy L. called the adjourned the meeting at 7:32 PM Next meeting: Wednesday, January 1 Oth, 2024 at 6:OOPM