Snohomish County Regional Drug Task Force 2024 Interlocal Agreement ExtensionDocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A o� tvA10 -INc.taeu CONTRACT ROUTING FORM No. Z Originator: Michelle Bennett Routed by: O Department/Division: Police Department Date: Name of Consultant/Contractor: a Snohomish County Regional Drug Task Force wCONTRACT TITLE: ILA Extension Letter G Type of Contract: ® (GR) Grants O (1) Intergovernmental Agreement 1-- (S) Purchase of Services Z W l'— Project/Bid/RFP No: Z tom.) _ Effective Date: 1 /1 /2024 uHas the original contract boilerplate language been modified? I.- If yes, specify which sections have been modified: pDescription v of Services: Task Force membership/partnership Total Amount of Contract: $8,395 Public Works (City Clerk Use Only) Alexandra Ehlert 1 /18/24 O(L) Lease Agreement Completion Date: 12/31/2024 Yes r.N No Amount: y Budget # Budget # J Amount: W Budget # Budget # G J Amount: Q Budget # Budget # C� Z Are there sufficient funds in the current budget to cover this contract? • Yes Q Z Remarks: g � This is an automatic extension of the existing contract Authorization Level: W ❑ 1. Project Manager Q ❑ 2. Risk Management/Budget Z 3. City Attorney 2 ❑ 4. Consultant/Contractor N ❑ 5. Other No ❑ 6. City Council Approval ❑ Date (if applicable) 12/19/23 ❑ 7. Mayor ❑ 8. City Clerk Other Amount: WEENINIMIIIIIIIN WEEMENEW DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force M/S #606 3000 R6ckefeller Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 388-3479 FAX (360) 658-7664 November 21, 2023 TO: Signatory Agencies of the Interlocal Agreement RE: Interlocal Agreement (ILA) Establishing the Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force (SRDTF) CONTRACT PERIOD Section 1.1 of the SRDTF ILA allows for -the agreement to be extended for up to three additional one-year terms by providing written notice to each of the participating jurisdictions. This is the final additional one-year term allowed in the ILA. Please accept this letter as notice to extend the SRDTF ILA to December 31, 2024. TASK FORCE BUDGET Attached you will find the allocation schedule for 2024 which will remain at the 2023 rates. There will be no increase to participating jurisdictions for 2024. Sinc'!, Y -- Commander Jay Baines SRDTF M/S #606 9 3000 Rockefeller Ave 9 Everett, WA 98201 . Phone (425) 388.3393 . Fax (425) 388.3805 . sheriff.snoco.org DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A Jurisdiction 2024 Unincorporated Snohomish County $ 73,016 Arlington $ 3,930 Bothell (part) $ 3,619 Brier $ 1,327 Darrington $ 281 Edmonds $ 8,395 Everett $ 22,256 Gold Bar $ 428 Granite Falls $ 776 Index $ 35 Lake Stevens $ 6,585 Lynnwood $ 7,883 Marysville $ 13,501 Mill Creek $ 4,099 Monroe $ 3,832 Mountlake Terrace $ 4,298 Mukilteo $ 4,250 Snohomish $ 2,031 Stanwood $ 1,397 Sultan $ 1,031 $ 162,970 DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force M/S 11606 3000 Rockefeller Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 388-3.179 FAX (360) 658-7664 June 2, 2022 TO: Signatory Agencies of the Interlocal Agreement RE: Interlocal Agreement (ILA) Establishing the Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force (SRDTF) CONTRACT PERIOD Section 1.1 of the SRDTF ILA allows for the agreement to be extended for up to three additional one-year terms by providing written notice to each of the participating jurisdictions. Please accept this letter as notice to extend the SRDTF ILA to December 31, 2023. This is the second of the allowable extensions. TASK FORCE BUDGET Attached you will find the allocation schedule for 2023. The allocation schedule includes a 3% increase over 2022 rates. Si Commander Jay Baines SRDTF JB:srj DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A Jurisdiction 2023 Unincorporated Snohomish County $ 73,016 Arlington $ 3,930 Bothell (part) $ 3,619 Brier $ 1,327 Darrington $ 281 Edmonds $ 8,395 Everett $ 22,256 Gold Bar $ 428 Granite Falls $ 776 Index $ 35 Lake`SfeVens $ 6 5$5 Lynnwood $ 7,883 Marysville $ 13,501 Mill Creek $ 4,099 Monroe $ 3,832 Mountlake Terrace $ 4,298 Mukilteo $ 4,250 Snohomish $ 2,031 Stanwood $ 1,397 Sultan $ 1,031 $ 162,970 DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A DRUGTASK FORCE This Interlocal Agreement Establishing, the Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force ("Agreement."), is entered into by and among Snohomish County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington. and the following municipal corporations and departrrient of the State of Washington (hereinaltei collectively refermd to as the " Pat -tic ipat irig Jurisdictions"): City of Arlington City of Bothell City of Brier City of Darrington City of Edmonds City of Everert City of Gold Bar City of Granite Falls City of Index City of Lake Stevens City of Lynnwood City of Marysville Interiocal Agreement Establishing Snohomish R :gioaal Drug Task Force •_. Page I City of MiIII Creek City of Monroe City of Ylounilake Terrace City of MUkilteo City of Snohomish City of St?ri-wood City of Sultan Washington State Patrol Snohomish health District DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A WITNESSES TEAT: WHEREAS, since 1988. Snohomish County. and nutltiple cities and towns located in Snohornish County, have collaborated in a cournytwide multi -jurisdictional (ask force to address illegal drug traffickirta in the region ("Snohornish Regional Drag Task force" or "Task Force") The Task Force has operated on a continuous; basis since 1988 under a series of interlocal agree tilemi, WHEREAS, the Participating Jurisdictions desire to corlltnue operation of the Taslc Force, with Snohornish County achilinistering task force project. grants and other funding on their behalf: and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of covenarats, conditions. performances and proEliiszs h reinatEer cr?tttained, the parties herelo, agree as rollows: 1.0 TASK FORCE TERM AND PURPOSE 1 I The ten-n of this A(nv ment ("Term") shall begin on January 1. 2021 ("Lffet:tive Bate"). and continue through Deconiber 31. 202-1. unless earlier tenninaterl or modified as provided in this Agreement. The Snohomish County Sheriff, with the concurrence or the Exectaivc Board. may extend this Agreerrient for tip to three additional one-year terns by providing written notice to each of the Participating Jurisdtclioris. l 2 The purpoie of the Task Force is to fol-malty structure and jointly coordinate: ,selected law enforcenient activities, resources, and functions in order to disrupt illegal dnia trafficking systems and to remove traffickers through a cooperative tnterlocai A__reerntnt Establishing JnOtiviS'.Ei(? Reeinr Drug Task Force Page L DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A TTtij�£igriq-.3 II1s�tTJ?�Jij'S> 11::1�i.TaTZTj 'u0Q?5'l1S3AUI LiGlje3ufitial,lla22i3 C� 'aoua011lalul 10 ruaLudG{3Aa(] i? wpTlpm `suoirulado wautaldmi ll ins aolo {Asa ;t11. I I lu'luma.04 Stf.{1 u.l r It;311IL1331 PULE 'ItlaLudT11173 '[Mllvulr sT? If3m SP IPull 0s1ad jo uo113a11I1 Pliv 1101,ruil;1003 Ira.tetls aLlj toy tuaisAs 1U.-motgiml-w t? molloi 11!m1 =a10j ll`1?_I. atl.l t AlItill Lul.uoo c+T{r l:ue luaLua3.tgpa h11=.j I.l;oq 1oi AjaJ.BS {0 UGIjT;.1;)pt�:t1{l3 rsotua.Jra� ayJ yim Siwm 153Ltj ssaippV 1:) pi-w :11(melT11Ulut pme 4�! T.111CrSa.l !n OLli.lut.Is ail) I.1ue ,molt 1psllrtf IF301 .IQ i0ULU1WI.1 ''. l0l1t1F;1St Atli -Ijlll:ll giRtlnit{l tfoijulli 7.t000 {fill t101it?_i.^,dOC jU.>LU3-AC-)lf.l, %11` 2;lift?Iltf:i 1 'alclru�a.fdul l :Clsntll,;� 1ci SLlol;l?ztu13,a:to UutJayJe.lj 5,113p lot=duAt 'OS '011101) K(I I7u131 'st!oliL�110-111 JO sa11L?PLrllaq 1011 Gt) oLlm s1L1jZ)ljJl3.11 11,11 1,M01 aaddri of pltu paZRIR'13ilo POT? lt'np1A11pUl Djnn-soid putt; `idnlsLp '){:)tu11T? AlrttalvjjjH y `.t1G1131ALIOJ puT7 -u01suatlalddii -11011E511$; •AUT muoiscajoid 2LI4 gErLolyj Ximlo-) tlsftlltltlou" jut Sali1L111tt1LL103 ZtLI.j Ul S.laSj3t�j 11j silllFr 10 12CIMIM all) a3tl}•l--q'I 1? :oi alt? sluoa a3.Io >Inj- )II-L E 1 rtf1S C11 j3altlns irtilla Ie al t; a11213 ILTafuaala"� sit{: tcu,i ,aLrajuf IOU 0p Salmd -LI j, 'altiUapol 13ssv FLit? 'uoumasold 10 LLIEl50ld DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A cl. Arrest F,.tt S1.1spe"Is. e. Successful prosecution of off; nde'.rs, and f. Asset forfeiture lsposition. l .6 the 1',isk Force shall evaluatc and report on Task Force performance its required in any applicable grant or fundinl aUreeitiellt. 2.0 ORGANIZATION 2 1 The Task Force shall be organized according to ille chart contained ill Exhibit A, invorporated Herein by this reference. ? 2 Personlnel assigned to the Task Force shall be directed in their Task Force duties by the Snohernish C.'uunty Sheriff's Office ("SC'SO"), through the Task Force Co mtla ndcr The Task Force ('0111malldler is uri ;!1 ployee o'1 Snohomish (.';aunty. Sc)e ctimi of die Task Forcc C;or! .hider trill be conducted ill �1C{ t;r'Cl ICrt:E' %'Vith Exhibit B, Inco,rpora(ed herein by ihiS I-CN`CrenCC-. f\r)liortlImetlt and removal of the Task Force Commander rerriains at the sole discretion of ill(, Sriollottlisli Cotinly Sheriff Should the Sheriff elect to runic?ve the Task Ferro. Con.mandeC-IN ithUllt MISC. the E•XM.ttrve tar}ard Shall bO t:On$-:tlted befolr'c acilorl is taketi �f O'bi! C, incorpurated herein by this reference, sets forth the personnel currendy assigned to the Tusk force by each Participating hlrisd!ction. Nothing in this Agreement shall restrict the ability of the Snohomish County Prosecuting AltQrncy, Snohoo-nish Cotirltl Silt;r'Ifi. Everett Police Chief, or chive late interlocal Ag reemem Establi=hirg �rlu7omish Ruvional Drue ask Force - Page 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A ... Y� a:`0J 71ie ( oltLCt lnuOi la-d 4�11001PUS ?1j!gsL1i)1:1k'3 (L>.^ot.m;u1 2UD pine 1O)MNG F'.Lo1H lsaMgL'o q ark, `: 2U301,1V All..) 1),aaA'21.11 'tiatuo„V s t.tljn=O d Ar103 4SIU04OUS aqa APMOU! i 002 a,oA at=o 411M 'sjagtt.rata PISOF1 aAr,r,MaQ MUCYPPY 'aaNI SVq poOAMA 1 JU 'QQ 241 ()US S210A xis saq ij!.ragS ,tjunoj us!t.uogou$ a�,'aaat{a saptAo.id pooinuu,C-j jo Xt!J au, I=t,a swa4,njdu.ra xis saptAaad jj!.T,4gS :{ir,iic+;) tjs!tu040uc ;atl; ji `aldt.unow up >1KL'.L Pip of sa]11gr. wao uoi gpspnf .lagplq jauuawd 2Lup-HRI jo iwgLunt! au,) of oypiam pa)eMojle aq HOLIS S.^. QA l2gM2UJ PRO(] a:+!)nM3x:1 aa.u>,j >Ist i. z'ql ai anAgdW2 aulll-i U (1 ) 2r.io ISell 1C'• satngi.quon wtp uol��spsi:!}1 �u1,lsdlJtt.li<d i 0en Si!(y AT)r?wasa.ld2J aut! jC} pom,0111m 2(,l j?_11mg Pqj piV09 aq U M;ax..a US hO p01.1_10A0 aq Hplis DM.10:1 >isG L 1111•fie} 5all!A11,)V aLj.l. ! sa* ,(oldLu:.! SO t'"t-1jgk'.M!;ddF1 '4LIDPOtilRM IWO S;y M OMl.1MS "NO .TU PUC 'StL12lll<,?.I O RuiLtlEin.lcq aAt,:)jPa SM01 Nqoaqddu He l.pm 2;>Ul'qdwo3 oill.inno mN gq!suodS31 aq Hugs urjigps;nC gtirled!nlj.'Fd tV)E3 U0!1:?!ps!.t11C &u!,>?d!09:L=d1 11qj t.j,!,t, UQUa.l nugs 2MQUO aqi p1.rk; 12XO EUP 2q) 10 SuOt7eOpIp jmic 'sapnp •sjqQ nV way y Ise,1_ aqi of pauSyse umi saanojdui;t si! gji-m J>21t:iMosstt 51son 1,11? Ard jpgs uougpsgn SupudlM "Ed 4'% noppsynr nunedlM1uy RtllLli yap aq, ) a-:, gdwa uv ja.laMsma aq puu •ulLilLl.?,l H q` uuu !Ps!.rtij r�utak;dlMt).1L L{ U :gig POJ03 TISI . aql 01 pau9!s;? aa:{oIdr'L10 AU r :saaAgdmj uol.toi},s+,slV Siliak d>;slued i; c a JOA TISr.L n4l Ct p2uNIN ra,EI _i Z :k OU 12Uu()S.Tead uOyse'21 m mqqpymlr 1ulredpmr,1 AUU JO.loQ0 Watt.laalgLl,'; DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A chief of police froin the remaining Participating Jurisdictions. s-Itected by a majority vote of the chiefs of police of [fie remaining Participating Jurisdictions. If a Participating Jurisdiction that has rto personncl assigned to the Task Force as Of -the effective data. of thrcz Agreement. assigns filil-time personnel to flit. f ask Force, a representative from that agenc-r will be added as an Executive Board 11-1 nibl-r after the Full-time Personnel has biro assigned to the Task force for three months. 3.2 The Snohomish County Sheriff shall serve as. Chair of the Executive Board The Task Force Executive Board in -ay adapt bylaws which include provisioli For appointment of alternates to attend l-N£1,'ti';1Y£ Board i»ee;t'n(Is In the abselic of ni-n-ibcrs At such m etntcs. the Iliel-nate shall lifive tll:, sarne rights a5 the appointing member. Any action taken by the Task force Executive Board urider this Agreement shall b(� based on simple rnajority of votes. 4,0 JASK FORCE €it. O{:Ylr T 4-1 The 202' -f'a,k Force budget is: attached a= Exhibit 1). incorporated Herein by reference Each Participahiig Jurisdiction shall comribLite funding. to the Task Force as specified in Exhibit I), 4.2 The; SC'SO will annually review and revise the Task Force budget tc.) provide a sufficient level of funding acid tetal restzu_rCC obligation for the r"OHolving calendar ;near. The Task Force buclg; t -:rill lie allocated to each t atticipating Jurisdiction on a proportional basis. Each Participating iurisdiction's proportional share will be based or, the 'Participating Jurisdiction's average ,:n:ertocai Agieemetit t::sm-Mislimg DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A rs�t� -.. ,�Jc�:i'I`•� i• �;iz.tl'] �uuttii$:,� t,�nur}yn!1 Ili Sx tj [.n I.1:�1:.�LI2ut�.^,.to�tlo �• 1,:tp ou11s1xa :sue x Idoi ,ca jue,ddns IIIM AI'Mitme, aaso.l >Is1.t. ("u je?u1 pue a2111AI)OP )U31LIX lolua �?rup of palrudaidde AIJUP:lfaa lYtia at 110111}:p>? (,It papIAold icl, ii-PLIs 53111t" U)L1O':? 11 IxUl !t1ft1 3gj jel1.1 MJA'Iri 1.101101PSI.111(' iilJ[]t'c11aiZ:t?Cj 1.1=I{'g 9'1; r}I1p S1 �;utpurt� LII1 ?,aft:�ti 111 .1Ea4 atll Jo 'I ij-w py U?I.I1 .tawl Ou spum aaao.j > Sla I_ ;o .Imvjlsrututpt, 513 nluno.) LIc11.11OLICI S- 01 a.1PLIS utpunl sii :-Ked o1 pur, '(} 1lq!q%-- j t+) pa111^tpul jur ollst, DLII MR1.1 M01 ou st jr1,I1'01jil)MI.) al:t[nt).ld 01 s3?JU13 t,nsl,lp51..141( 'ouiludioii"Ed uaPR S 17 aa.1oq `Is1'..I, lgijo t►}auaq auj .iol aiut;tt 461tu011O .IS ut p;aq q I Ifnr, aa.to.4 Nsu L aili jot 4tado.td Iettouad ja ira-1 `IV -slunoaau polrtlalsn) aq1 uI pain pur 11tt1snar_1_ :411uao;� tlslts.toi}ot15 ;at;1 of pap.sr•tuo;} aq 111,LIs aa.io.I S1'..I_ aLI1 ip.l..to Xq p3jaiauen .to pa#aw IIo^ SMIU3ADI 11t= '(} uolsa.?s ,tq paiilpoul st, jdaa)%- sto-Mv.,iado ?:;,1c.1 jst'j. 'umoddns jo 2st^.•t-1.11 d 2L� iD1 S uno3Jp VOLURUt �lPlfni$? iltE'I11P1ii !� � :i 1111[} L S1LU0 OUP ,1. 1 1. p p ;. 1, q k ? 1. q t A7 a.,egs inuotuodoid s,l<otj;ip;;un gwirdio[j.tud golra pt[t; jaz�pltq :aa.tclj Yrctl _ pasado.ld s,naA amnbasclus aip p uop.)ipsytt) u►11?d1:t► .tY,� llaea of aaljOU aplAo.td IMIS Ia UMIS Pill •.tea.i 11aTa JO 1 4111 f ut'141 xNE1 Olt 1 t ua11_t a�r;.tr 1.1 113PL1Pu, J ;o a-)Ijjo Dims uej tt,gsl'r 1 4rA p,tzrwialap sr "ueuElr:dod DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A 5.1 l,ach Participating Jurisdiction agrtYS to provic{e Stiolio tish County xith any documentation Necessary to apply for, receive, oi- comply with any applicable ;rant requirements 5 t By execLaing this Agrt:em ni, each Participatinng Jut-isdiction agrees to make any certified or other assurances required by any applicahl;, grant agreement that .ere Within its particular control, and agrees to make all its records related to the "mask Force available •for inspection if regctired as a condition of receipt of grant funding. 5. Sric}lx flflkh C:'otanty is trantcd the 21.0101-ity to execute ou behalf of the Participadno urisd'. boll° PH arrieer-nents ai'd contracts tit4?,11i.dl as approved by the Task I"orce Executive: Board. by :uid t`;^.r;augfl its Chair. including but nor lninited to all contracts for professional services. A reenicrits and contracts executed in this inanner gllall have the sarric 1i g?al efFeCt iiS if thCy We N executed by each Participating Jurisdiction. All -Task Force contracts and arreennents executed junsdictionS cinder this Aei'eernerit riLi t first be approved on motion of the Task Force Executive Board 13y exectititr2 IhiS Agreernerit, each Participating luri diction agrees that. for the purpose; cif administering; the assets and resources available U) the Task Force, no such agreement or contract inav impose or waive liability With respect to a Participating Jurisdiction iti a manner that t3 inconsistent faith the hold harmless provision in sc tion 11.0 of this Agreei•nent Imc do.: tl Agreetttent l st:it:ltsl;ine Siiohotntsh R;!gtonal Druou Taste Force - Page N DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A 5.4 Any dispute arising under this Agreement will be rnr4rrarcied to the Task l=orce EXC LItiVe Board for rel_olution The detGmliration made by the EXI-cutive Canard shall be final and conclusive a: between the parties. This prevision shall not applN' ttl i'SSL1fS Of 1ndCillnill1 a11d liallllity 'Yovernekl b-Y the hold barn less piovl,ion in SCciloun i 1.0 of thl; Av_!'ccivtent 6.0 ASSET FORFEITURE ti.l 1111C Participating Jurisdictions shall refer all potential asset forfeitllreS iciitiatecl or investigated by deputies officers assigned to the Task Force during the pendency or this Ag1'eemiCiit to the bask Force for disposition at the discretion of tlic Task Ftorc z� F xocuuve Hmara oi- proseciitii .; authority !Pro_ iecurinc 'lit01 l<:y UI UliitCd St[ltiCS Attorney). Any .lull referrecl cisset {OrfCitlirr that is pursued in ytcve CC1l111'1 Will bC prosecuted in the name, ofSrmhon)ish County. on beli,!lf'of (he Task Force and its Participating JL11'ladictit)l1S 6.2 The T:1sk Force (: omir ancder. uncit.r the direction cif` tht` Task f'orcc Executive, t3o !'tl, Shrill rnE ruive itid acquisition and drzP0SlL10V1 01 :I:SSCIS SiOlZeCt 01- torieited as a result of this A—ute neat in cornplitulee suaie and (deral la i and Task Force procedure; . 6.3 Federal Forfeiture. a For purposes of receipt and processing. or federal Equitable sharing clistri'butions, SnDhornish County shall be desi natcd as the fiducmi! ; agency for the.Task Force tiitertocAl Aet•eetneni Establishing Snohorni.ih Regional t)l,tg Task Force - Page: 9 DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A b. Participating JLarisdicttores :will be con -pliant with federal H-quitalz4c Sharing Program guidelines and reporting requirements. including the requirenlents contained in the Gttidle to 4'guitable Sharing ]"or State, L.ocal. and Tribal Law F..;rtftorceincant. published by the Depairtment o Justice <rfd the Department of Treasury. c Snohomish County will submit request(s) to the Federal rovemilient. on behalf' of the Task Force. in carder to obtaiii equitable sharing related to federal forfeitures. d Participating Jurisdictions agree and understand That all procc>eds frorn federal ForFelttaa'C.S of seized assets. which may be awarded to (lie Co. UMV Oil behalf of the Task Force, tivill be retained by the County for Task Force; operations and expenses. e Except as allowed by Section h 1(g), Participiaiing Jurisdictions will not sub,nit individual equitable shannr regaicsts. no;- will Prarticipratil-la Jurisdictions receive Shared federal funds froni Snolion-aislt County. F. The Task Forcc may only use proceeds From federal SCirures and forfeitures for law enfbi-cement purposes. as defined by the United States Department Of Justine. g IF the Task Force initiates or participates in an investigation that results in a federal Forfeiture of S300,000 or more: in net proceeds, each Participating Jurisdiction that participated in the investigation may file an individual request for eyuit.able sharing under its own agency code. lnterlocsl Agreement Establis'r mg Snohomish Regional Drug ku-ik Force flag;: 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A The parties intend that each Participating Jurisdiction's individuat equitable sharle will be Lite. PGrticipating Jurisdiction's Task Force participation percent at the time of the investigation, provided however, the SC'SO is entitled to claim an additional tw.nly Five percent (254'o) uo account for Task Force operative,'adniinistrative expenses. The parties acknowledge, hom,ever, that final determination of a Participating; .WriSdict£on's rece;£pt, ,and Percentage allocation, of federal forreiture proceeds is x-within the discretionary authority of the Department of Treasury or Department of Justice, as applicable h. Thy: "l'ask Force; Command-er will n€+tily an eligible Participating Agency of' a federal lilrfeitur€; tneetittg. the threshold o!itlirie:d ill Section 6.3)(g) within 15 days of the farfeittire. A Participating JUriSdictirin seekinG an indtviduai equitable Sharc of tll Federal I'Orfeiture must file its retlUeat no later than 45 days lbIl€ wing the 1"01Fc411re, Unless an exeiliption applies. 6.4 State FOrfeitute El The net monetary proceeds of each state as fitrfeilure made by the Task Force shall. be retained by the County for Task .Force operations and expenses. If proceeds from state asset forfeitures exceeds the amottrtt necessary for '.'ask force operations and expenses, the excess state forfeiture proceeds shall. be distributed to Pa£-ricipating 3 utrisdictions in interlocat Agreement Esi;,blishinJ Snohomish Regional Ojitg Task Force Pate t I DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A accordance with each Participating harisdiction'S participation perclent, listed in E*Ahibit C b. The Task Force nay relmn fitnds in are antaum LIP to j/250.000 from the net proceeds ot'vehicle sciiures liar the p-m-chase of"Task Force vehicles and related fleet- costs. :. ,any Participating Jurisdiction receiving a distribution ofasseis forfeited under RCW 69.50.505 shall LIse such assets in accordance with RCW 69.50.50500), which limits use 14 the expansion and improvement of controlled substmices related las-, cuforcement activity and prohibits use to supplant preexisting t. nding solarcei. 7.0 ACQUISITION AND USE OF EQUIPMENT 7 1 For purpo sos ofthis ikgrcerrient, the terili " igtlipl-ft tt" Shall refer to all personal property cased by (lie Task Force in perf'ori-ring eta purpose and Rinction, iticluding btii not litnited to rnatorials, tools, rnachinery, eguiprrtzrtt, Vehicl,:.5. Sul)pi1eS, £rnd faCIIIH 6 7.2 if any Equipment is acquired with grant ('tli'ids. the Participating Jurisdictions agree that the Task Force Will LISe that equitpment only for specified law enforcentertt pt,I.11)aSeS for the teem of the izrant. 7.3 Personnel assigned to the Task Force May u>e Fguipm.ent that is provided or acquired for Task Force purposes, as directed by the Task Force Commander. 7.4 Upon termination of'the Task Force, any £tJtliDnient provided to the Task force: by a Participating Jurisdiction will be returned to that jurisdiction. t.nterlocal Agr zt�ient Estabiishir.g Snohomish RGgionat Drug Task Force - Page 12 DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A ?.> t pon teri?lination of the Task Force, any Equipment acquired by the 1 ask Force will be disposed of in accordance with applicable federal, state. or foal rCgUiret?tents or this Agreernent 8,0 iNIODiFIC'A`I'IO Participating .ftu•i dictions hereto reserve the right to at -fiend this Agreement in the future frorn time to time as may he i ritually agreed upon. No such amendirtent shall be effective uitle>s writteri and signed by all then -contributing Participating Jul"iSdiCUO with the same foriTtaiity as this Agreernent There shall bC rio disc:riminatioii auailist any oniploree Of rgaitlst any applicant For such 0111[lOVITicnt because (if' race, color, re�lititan, hantlic;ip, rn<trital status, political af'fili ttian, sex, age, or nationGiI origin This prov's ion shall iticlude, but riot be hinited to the following: erriployment, upgradi(ig, cl;i motion. trans er, i" E;Iiltt:l'T1E',111. advertisiYiE;, lay-off or termination. rites of pay of other Foruts of cornpi:nsatioti. and selection R)r tl'�tninu. 10.0 TERMINATION OF'AGREEMENT 10 1 Notwithsianding any provisions of this ACT-Cemnent, any party may withdraw from the AC.ureement by providing wvritteri t?atice of suclT withdrawal to ail either parties, specifvirig, the effective date th,Vreof at least thirty (30) days prior to such date. ;� withdrawing party may take with it any Eclttipmertt it has provided to the Task Force and shall be entitled to distributions under section 6 of this !ntertocal A,r;;ernent Establishing Snohamisn Ri;giona! Drug Task F'v_:;e - Page 13 DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A !k-re'nleni with respect to asset fUrfettures which that Participating Jurisdiction participated before the effective date of withdrawat. 10 1 If there B a reduction in funds by the source of those funcls, and if such funds are (lie bt is of this Snohowish C'ount.y may unilaterally terminate all or part ol'the agreement or may reduce its scope ofwork and budget. 11.0 HOLD HARMLESS Each party hereto agrees to save, indemnify, defend and hold the other parties harmless frorn any allegations, complaints, or clatnls of wrongful and/or negligent acts or Omissions, by said party and?or Its officers. agents. or employees to the fullest extent allmved by 1av4. In the case of allegations, complaints, or claims against rruwe' than one parny, any dannages alioNvtx"I shall 7: levied in t;I.OPOrU0lI to the percentage of Fault aurli?watfe to cach part,;, and each prtl•ty shall have the right to ,felt contribution from each of the other parties in proportion to the percentage of fault. attributable to each of the truer partles Moreover. er. the parties agrcc to Coopel ate, and join.tly defend ano Such nuticr to the extent .Iilowln-d by lava. A jurisdiction that Ilan withdrawn assumes no responsibility for the actions of the remaining members arising after the date Df withdrawal but shall remain liable For claims of loss or liability arising prior to the effective date of withdrawal. 110 GOVERiiING LAW AND VENUE (tli, Agreement shall be governed by, constnted, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington without reference to choice of law principles, and veriu;; tnter[on-il Agreement Establishing Snohomish Regional Drug rash: Force - Page 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A of any suit between tilt; parties alISiRC:kD out of this Agreement shall be in the auptri€� Court of Sm)hornish Courity, Wa3ht pl U,.)'-"€ 1.1.0 IliT G,RA"I'..10N With the excendoli of necessary operational sure -meats between lave enfbi-ccmeni agencies of the Pari€clpating .ltn'lSdiC(i0(IS and agreements executed pursuant to s_c:tion 5.3, this AUi'c'eme,lt Corim"Itutes the whole and entire agrezi-rent among those parties i to the Task Force and no other Understandings, oral, or othei-wise, regarding the 'Pask Force shall be d-cemed to exist w bind the: parties. 14.0 I .KI~,CUTION OF MULTIPLE ORIGINAL COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be reproduced in any number of orightal counterparts. Each party need Sion oIlly one Coll lllerpar"t and when the Si (IfiatUrt: pages arc all assembled wit€l t)'nc ClilQlnal iiuUflti'.l"(3a€'t; thlt %orlipitatIon constltull-s, a CLINy eXeCUted and O'Fe;tiv agreement all the I3itrtlL II)iltlnJz Alrisdictloris In the event Thal fewer {hall t1iI mined pariies execute this Aurei:I7ient, the Agreement. once tiled of - posted as Specified in ;ectlon 16.0, +hall be effective as bet"WI the Iiarties that have e.rrsCUted tI'Ie Agreel7li'm to the !SauritG UALCERi i15 'ii'ilt7 01[hC'.r path" had been narned 15.0 SE,VERABILITY If any part of this Agreement is unenforceable for any reason the remainder of' t1le agreement shall rernain in -kill 'force and effect. lr±t�rtut:�l A,reer;Ier�r. EI:;biis}lr notwrrustr (Z.e poriai} Druj; T.-4t< 'N.C.- - Page 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A 1.6.0 POSTING/RECOR.DIitiG This Agreement will be filed with the Snohomish County Auditor or posted on the County or Participating Jurisdiction's interlocal agreements webpage, in compliance with RCW 39.34.040. In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement. SNOHOMISH COUNTY: Snohomish County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington By Name: Title: Approved its to Foil -III: Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Interlocal Agreement Establishing Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force Page 16 DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A Exhibit A SPDlTF Executive Board Snohomish County Sheriff {Dlair), Everett Police Chief (Asst. Chair),'drnonds police Chief, Lynnwood t'Olice Chien, Mountlake Terrace Police Chief, Dsrf�r_tos of Northwest H.l.D.T.A � Participating Agencies ATF DEA DOC Edmonds PD Everett PD FBI Lynnwood PD Mountlake Terrace PD Prosecutor's office SCSO • Jay Baines Operations sgc E~- Robert Cracchiole Jarrod Seth - Dan Rucker - Molly Spellman ( • Greg Mueller Geoff Ehrhart DOC Agent EllsotThomsen 1 t DPA € Janet Roupe Li:gai Secretary i Dave Hayes Qpe:rmions L.r • Terry Warren Operations Sgt. j I i •---- - Brian Emery • Sill McCormick Vacant i Local LE netecnvms ! I interim l•--• -- f- -- - I Sharlene Johnson Admin ASsir. eatii. • Jeff Mason j Operations Sgt ! Sean Templeton WSP Detective • vacant Local LEMSi Vacant -- i Quinn Davis i Hclrn,f rstrat(v.e t. Secretary i Vacant i - Ryan Hoirup - Karen Lewis • Michelle Pdff — • Vacant 1 Jeremy Perry I Finairdnl Det. I • Vacant i Martin Weinbaum j'Te'_h Detective -- -, } Kristen Burford 1 Matt Wear DEA Agent ATF Agent DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A EXHIBIT B Commander Selection The Drug Task corce Commander i5 a management exempt ("at will") employee of the Sheriff's Office With the objective of seiecting the best possible candidate for the position of Drug Task Force Commander, and ensuring the best fit into the organization, the Executive Board will recommend to the Sheriff three candidates to be considered for the position of Drug Task Force Commander. Candidates for the Drug Task Force Commander position must demonstrate a strong leadership skill set, the ability to build consensus, and direct the efforts of a multi -agency team to achieve established goals He or she must meet the performance objectives set by the Executive Board and the 5heriff. The Sheriff will select the Drug Task Force Commander from the Executive Board's three recommended candidates. The Drug Task Force Commander's initial corn ritment of service is four years, with the option of a year by year extension after that period. The Sheriff shall consult with the Executive Board before authorizing, anv extension of the Drum Task Force Commander's service commitment. DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A EXHIBIT C Snohorish Regional Urue Task Force Personnel Assigned by Jurisdiction lativar 1, 2021-December 31, 2021 EVER ETT PCLICI: DEPARIi\!IL\"I' FU."1.DINU I Sergeant Everett PT) 1 Detective Everett PD 1 Detective Everett PD I Detective Evemt( Pt) I Detective Everett PF) i Detective Everett PD 1 Detective Everett PD- Vacant I Support Personnel Everett PU SNOHOMISH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE: mm FUNDING I Task Fbrcr: t"ommm-ider Snohomish County Sheriff- Vacant 1 I.Jetitenant Snohomish County Sheriff 1 Sergeant Snultnini'Sh t.'utuity Sheriff -Vacant I SergecnI Snohomish County Sheriff I Detective Snolomish County Sheriff 1 Detective Snohomish COunty Sherift I Detectivc SnOhotntsh Coutity Sherift I Detective Snohomish County Sheriff'- Vacant I Detective SnotiOtrtish County Sheriff- Vacant' I K9 Detective Snohomish County Sheriff I Support Stag Snohomish C:otmty Sheriff LYNN1, OQD POLICED-EPARTMEN"f FUNDING ! Sergeam Lynnwood PD I Detective Lynnwood PD - Vacant EQN,IONDS POLICE !D_EPARTMEN-F FU:�1D1vG 1 Detective Edmonds PD DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A j,S,H.C-Q(J\,TY PROSE-QUIO S -i Stal T Deputy Prosecutor i, I-"- T 1. {9- - N A M1 —[N,-'—Cy T- � 00 B.UIREAQ OF ALCQf j0L.TQBACCO AND FIREARMS ENFORCEME-N-1- AQP-NCY I Agcril Agbncy _Part imts CT E- Board Vote Everett PD 7 ,Stroh Co Sheriffs Off, 7 7 PD I ..L,rpmvood Edmonds PD WSP DOC SC Pros Alt - Ed City Atli'._ 0 1 NWHIDTA. Dir 0 At Large PD 0 'ro.this 1 19.5 22 FUNDING 5IM-11011-liSh County Prosecutor Snoliornish County Prosecutor FUNDING 'Washington State Patrol Depewin-iew of Cori-ccuotis .FUNDfNG i\'f F Pent Notes 43.71;% 6.25% 615% Fr. 10% WaSt Tx r. Tx �ast 00 0. DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A Mtps:ifwVVw utrr: vra.gn3 fwealtinyton d;,ta-resedrrhipapura!wrr-uen�ogral;;ucs:papulaoon-a;:hn:atesr i;.r�i-1-o#tic�a;-papulat�^n•esnrrr�,tea Jurisdiction 2015 2019 2019 1% of 2021 Population Est. Population Est, Population Est. Allocation 16t3incurporated Snotwnush CourttY ;i30,26U :i65 48[) A .t?1',� 7U,896 Arlingtoo 18,490 19 740 41 °h 3.015 8-MY1101 (paft; 17,230 18, ! 8U 2 22°! 3 514 I(•Snn= fi' lU0 t,.lrb5 ; �1`/^_ 1,288 i t,rrns?titun 1,360 1 r110 0 17% 273 I dnionas 40.490 42.17E `i 16%. 8,15E �Evi:rc(l •105,800 111,80(1 1366% IS 21,608 Goitl Bar 2,115 2 150 u 26% 416 Granite Farts 3,390 3 900 0 48% S 754 lindex i60 '175 r, 02% 34 Lake Stevens 29,90U a 04% _ 6.393 Lynnwood 36.420 39 iiUO 11 84% 1; 7.654 Marysville 64.1410 57,820 i) 28% i3,108 lLIM Crec?k ,9,700 -"0.590 2 51`/° i 3.979 tvloni"It: 17,620 19,250 2 35% ;; Mountlake. Terrace 21.090 21.590 2 641% S 4.173 Mukitlfi:t, 20,900 21;3jG 2 61 % a 4.126 Snononi;sit 9.385 1G, UU 1 250% 1,971 Stanwoars 63,5115 7.020 G 86%: 7.357 Suttar3 4.680 +,1IM 0 631% 1.001 woodwav' 1.3:ta 1,3 SU U.GO",., S 757.600 818 700 100GU°/u 158.223 Noo0way does not pay Into TF Population Growth Numoer Wi.100 increase from 2020 added into unicorporatou Sno Co Populattorl Growth % 8 Uti Yc Salary 8ene(its Commander 133,97ti UG S 1!i.f43 0U S: Li •133,979 UU t. (i•1$.001 _ 202() TOTAL 5* 153 6 � ;Q 2U211't7'tAl..(3%increase) S 158.230.66 2020 Sincrease to !,increase Allocation 2021 to 2021 j S 93,197 $ (22,307) -24% S .'i.21If b (1403) -27% J 4,862 r',348) S 1.834 s (Si46) -30% -28% Si 11,426 (3,276) •i9% $ 2.9.856 g, (8,248) 28`,", $ 597 (181) 957 + (1(13) 2#5a 46 $ (12) .26% j.437 $ (2.U44) •24g%a S 10.217 .$ (2.623) =?.6% $ 18.10() $ (4,942) •211% S 5.576 a (1,597} -29% S 4,972 $ 11.252) -25% 5.982 Y t1.779) i09r° 2.64(i $ (U77) -26% 3 1.85ti $ i502i =7% 5 1.321 (:i?0) S 1 2113414 ; (55.191.09) j Cy DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING .JURISDICTION: Title ATTEST: Jurisdiction Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jurisdiction Attorney Dated Jurisdiction of C lix Qf E660krjs Datedrl� �` �2/ Dated 11-7-4 2l DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A ......... . Allowable conitributiorls For Jan 1 2018 - Dec 31 2018 AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS Edmonds Police Department 250 5th Ave N Edmonds WA 98020 QUESTIONS AND FORMS SHOULD BE E-MAILED TO PauLine.sanders@snoc�o.org Fiscal Anatyst for Snohomish County Sheriff's Office 425-388-3426 ESTIMATE REPORT (Due Janaury 31, 2018) FINAL REPORT (Due March 31, 2019) Financial Contact Name: ACOP Don Anderson/Exec. Asst. Caroline Thompson Phone Number: 425-771-0200 E-Mail Address: don. anderson@edmondswa.gov / crinoline.thornpson;?edrr,ondswa.gov Contribution is defined to include, but is not limited to, financial contributions made to the Task Force under the Intertocal Agreement, personnel costs to be paid directly for investigative staff assigned full time to the Task Force, and Task Force operating costs paid directly by the Participating Jurisdiction. Management Supervisor Detective Other 0 Half 1 0 Rc(jueswd Considerations (with Support docurn_}nts) I Estimated Variance (15%) Maximum Total Final ' Credited 2 Detective Name: Det. Michelle Poff Total Salaries 108,302.50 Total Benefits 35,834.72 Detective Name: Total Salaries Total Benefits Detective Name: Total Salaries Total Benefits Detective Name: Total Salaries Total Benefits Detective Name: Total Salaries DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A Total Benefits Detective Name: Total Salaries Total Benefits Total Salary E& Benefits 144,137.22 Additonal Consideratons2 Estimated Varience Maximum Total Final Credited 'Half of Sgt. Masons salary & benefits $78,675.22 $800.00 ' i 1 $3,824.00 ; 1 $6,960.00 $159.00 ! 1 $4,525.00 "Edm PD Equip. transferred to SRDGTF on 2/14/18 8 Olympus digital recorders Body Wire Pole Camera Inspection cam for fuel tanks 3 Duress radios and B Bantam radios w/chargers 1 I ; 1 1 1 1 Grand Totals I 1 ; $239,080.44 ; ; 1 A maximum of 80 hours of non -task force benefitted time will be allowed before an adjustment needs to be made (Military service, extensive training commitment, etc) 2 Additional consideratons must be pre -approved by the Task Force Commander. These could be, but not always; space rental, specialize and requested equipment, etc Final reports will be used to establish the allocation rate for each Participating Jurisdiction for the prior year. The allocation rate for each Participation Jurisdiction shall be calculated by dividing the Participating Jurisdiction contributions by the total of all participating jurisdictions' contributions. Task Force Commander Signature Date Approved DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A Snohomish Regional Drug and Gang Task Force Estimated Contributions January -December 2018 Total Total Officer 5a, larx MEBT Medicare LEOFF L&I Medical Dental Vision Def Comp Life Clothing Benefits Salary & Benefits Michelle Poff 108302.5 6714.75 1570.39 6069.46 2925.706 1.2493.68 1009.32 223.92 3474 453.49 900 35834.72 144137.19 Salary = Monthly Salary + Holiday Buyback+Overtime through 9/15/18 L&I based on 2088 hours worked Deferred Compensation equals 4% of base salary of $7232/month Other Costs 1/2 of Salary and Benefits of Lynnwood Narcotics Officer 78675.22 EPD Equipment transferred to SRDGTF on 2/14/18: 8 Olympus digital recorders 800 Body wire 3824 Pole camera 6960 Inspection tool/camera for fuel tanks 159 3 Duress radios and 8 Bantam radios with chargers 4525 Through 9/15/18 Detective Poff has used 45 hours sick leave, 150 hours vacation, and 20 holiday hours, for a total of 215. DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force M/S 4606 3000 Rockefeller Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 388-3479 FAX (360) 658-7664 August 5, 2021 TO: Signatory Agencies of the Interocal Agreement RE: Interlocal Agreement (ILA) Establishing the Snohomish Regional Drug Task Force (SRDTF) CONTRACT PERIOD Section 1.1 of the SRDTF ILA allows for the agreement to be extended for up to three additional one-year terms by providing written notice to each of the participating jurisdictions. Please accept this letter as notice to extend the SRDTF ILA to December 31, 2022. This is the first of the allowable extensions. TASK FORCE BUDGET Attached you will find the allocation schedule for 2022 which will remain at the 2021 rates. There will be no increase to participating jurisdictions for 2022. Commander Jay Baines SRDTF JB:srj M/5 #606 . 3000 Rockefeller Ave . Everett, WA 98201 . Phone (425( 388.3393 . Fax (425) 388-3005 . sheriff.mco.org DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A Jurisdiction 2022 Unincorporated Snohomish County $ 70,890 Arlington $ 3,815 Bothell (part) $ 3,514 Brier $ 1,288 Darrington $ 273 Edmonds $ 8,150 Everett $ 21,608 Gold Bar $ 416 Granite Falls $ 754 Index $ 34 Lake Stevens $ 6,393 Lynnwood $ 7,654 Marysville $ 13,108 Mill Creek $ 3,979 Monroe $ 3,720 Mountlake Terrace $ 4,173 Mukilteo $ 4,126 Snohomish $ 1,971 Stanwood $ 1,357 Sultan $ 1,001 $ 158,223 DocuSign Envelope ID: D5F8286A-AD65-45CA-9278-5A15A2438B9A Jurisdiction 2022 Unincorporated Snohomish County $ 70,t390 Arlington $ 3,815 Bothell (part) $ 3,514 Brier $ 1,288 Darrington $ 273 Edmonds $ 8,150 Everett $ 21,608 Gold Bar $ 416 Granite Falls $ 754 Index $ 34 Lake Stevens $ 6,393 Lynnwood $ 7,654 Marysville $ 13,108 Mill Creek $ 3,979 Monroe $ 3,720 Mountlake Terrace $ 4,173 Mukilteo $ 4,126 Snohomish $ 1,971 Stanwood $ 1,357 Sultan $ 1,001 $ 158,223