2023-11-15 Economic Development Commission PacketI11c. 1 g9" AGENDA Edmonds Economic Development Commission Wednesday, November 15, 2023 6PM — 8PM HYBRID MEETING The Economic Development Commission members will be meeting in person and/or remotely for this meeting. The public may join at the physical location or join through zoom. PHYSICAL LOCATION Brackett Meeting Room, Edmonds City Hall — 3' Floor 121 5t' Ave N, Edmonds, WA 98020 REMOTE MEETING/ZOOM INFORMATION: hops://zoom.us/j/98696685791?pwd=RytOZ j VuK3ZCNON4Q 1 RrMHZq SWpyQT09 Meeting ID: 986 9668 5791 Passcode: 901513 6:00 P.M. — Call to Order and Land Acknowledgement: "We acknowledge the original inhabitants of this place, the Sdohobsh (Snohomish) people and their successors the Tulalip Tribes, who since time immemorial have hunted, fished, gathered, and taken care of these lands. We respect their sovereignty, their right to self-determination, and we honor their sacred spiritual connection with the land and water." - City Council Land Acknowledgment Call to Order Roll Call and Recognition of Approved Absences 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of October 18, 2023 Meeting Summary 4. Audience Comments (3 minutes per person) Landmark Advisory Committee and Workgroup Update 6. Comprehensive Plan — Planning Board Joint Meeting Review 7. Liaison Updates (5 minutes each) a. City Council — Vivian Olsen b. Port of Edmonds — David Preston c. Chamber of Commerce — Ryan Crowther d. Planning Board - Vacant Roundtable Discussion 9. Adjourn Next Regular meeting: Nov 15, 2023, 6 PM CITY OF EDMONDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING October 18, 2023 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Nicole Hughes, Chair Kevin Harris, Vice Chair Darrol Haug Natalie Seitz Matt Cox (via Zoom) Kevin Smith Allan Townsend Nick Perrault Kate Nolan — Student Representative LIAISONS PRESENT: David Preston, Port Commissioner, ex-officio Vivian Olson, Councilmember, ex-officio LIAISONS ABSENT: Vacant — Planning Board, ex-officio Ryan Crowther, Edmonds Chamber, ex-officio GUEST: Roger Pence COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Jay Hoag - unexcused Megan Luttrell, Program Coordinator CS/ED STAFF ABSENT: Todd Tatum, Director CS/ED Economic Development Commission meeting called to order by Nicole Hughes at 6:03 p.m. Call to Order and Land Acknowledgement 1. Roll Call and Recognition of Approved Absences: Jay's absence is unexcused. Ryan is also absent, and Kate is running a few minutes late. 2. Approval of Agenda: Nick moved to approve the agenda; Allan seconded; motion passed. 3. Approval of September 20, 2023, Meeting Summary: Natalie requests that Item 6.a be edited by striking the word "community" from second sentence & replace translators to "interpreters" in the second to last sentence. Natalie moved to approve the meeting summary with her edits; Darrol seconded; motion passed. 4. Audience Comments: Roger is here between events and is interested in what the Commission thinks of the next two items. 5. Landmark Advisory Committee and Workgroup Update: Kevin H. and Allan are the EDC members on the Advisory Committee. Kevin H., Allan, Matt and Kevin S. comprise the EDC Work Group for the Landmark Project. The role of the Advisory Committee is to be a sounding board, share expertise, and leverage their Board & Commission networks. Todd, Angie & Susan are currently the staff leaders. There are additional city staff from other departments who make up the steering committee. The city is contracting with a Master Planner to develop the initial best use. Kevin H. has asked if the city will have enough substantive info to determine whether they will be moving forward with the project by the end of the year. There is a public meeting on October 2111 from 10a-12p at Edmonds Woodway High School to engage the community. The city has been researching case studies. Tukwila did a DRAFT Meeting Summary Economic Development Commission October 18, 2023 Page 1 public, private partnership project. Their net cost was $7M of the $131M; Matt adds $113M was developer financed. Kevin S. explains that if this project moves forward, it would be heavily developer leveraged and the city would have a smaller stake in it. The current property owner does not want the property to go to for profit use only. The owner has backed off the original 24/75% language but has made it clear they don't want the city to sell it at a high market value. Kevin H. is not expecting much work to be asked of the EDC members through the end of this year. At this point, the Advisory Committee has only met once. Councilmember Olson is excited about the idea of the property being redeveloped, although it's not clear if the city can afford the property. Roger Pence adds that the organization of the project doesn't include stakeholder input/involvement, the Advisory Committee should include neighboring residents and businesses. Natalie adds she would appreciate more transparency in the process. If city administration and Council representation are at meetings, there should also be community involvement. The city should be challenged to do things differently and publicly notice all stakeholder meetings. David Preston points out that there can be things going on behind the scenes that are not being publicly shared at this time. Natalie feels that people will be displaced from their homes if this redevelopment happens. Her neighbors are sharing the invitation to the public meeting on October 215Y as she did not receive one, but this is only one part of the equation. Kevin H. proposes a discussion for a future meeting to weigh in on how public engagement should be happening and make a recommendation to the city on how to improve the process. Matt supports moving forward with developing a process for public engagement. Natalie mentions that the Planning Board has done some work on this already. 6. Comprehensive Plan Workgroup Update: Nicole shares an update of what the next 14 months could look like. The work will be led by city staff and the consultant. The workgroup has not been given access to the consultant yet. Councilmember Olson shares that the consultant should be given direction to review Marysville's website on their comp plan update. Darrol adds that Shoreline is doing an interesting job also on their comp plan update. Kevin H. suggests using a SOAR analysis, instead or in addition to a SWOT analysis; Nicole mentions it is in the current Economic Development Element. Natalie suggests looking at the city by geographic sections rather than just a list of categories. Natalie, Jay, Nick, and Nicole are EDC members in this workgroup. 7. Cultural Access Program Discussion: Darrol took the EDC input for the taxing options and developed a report and shared it with the Creative District. They discussed the options of how to implement the Cultural Access tax. He shared the information with several arts organizations in the community that have educational programs. They could all do more if they had more financial resources. Darrol, Matt, Vivian met with the ECA's Director of Engagement and Education. Matt shares that the discussion also included bringing new organizations that could provide programs that currently don't exist in Edmonds due to lack of funding. Councilmember Olson asks what the EDC thinks of the tax. 8. Shopping Cart Ordinance Discussion: This item is bumped to a future meeting due to time. 9. Preview of November 8, 6PM joint meeting with Planning Board: Consensus, all present can attend. The Commission will meet with the Planning Board on 11/8 and have the regularly scheduled meeting on 11/15 as well. DRAFT Meeting Summary Economic Development Commission October 18, 2023 Page 2 10. Liaison Updates: a. City Council (Vivian Olson): Working on budget. Encourages everyone to vote. b. Port of Edmonds (David Preston): Also working on budget. The new Port administrative building move in has been delayed. New move in date TBD. c. Chamber of Commerce (Ryan Crowther): Absent. 11. Roundtable Discussion: Kate is excited for her robotics competition this weekend. Darrol shares an interesting presentation at Council last night regarding accessibility. One gentleman that was blind shared his struggles with access to culture. It caused him to pause a bit. Natalie is getting ready for Halloween. Allan attended the candidate's forum, he felt animosity from the crowd every time the Landmark Project was discussed. Nicole finished the last of the weekly out of town work visitors for the year, she was able to tour them around town and not even leave Edmonds, everyone loves Edmonds. Kevin H. has a niece who is getting married and determined to move here. Let's try to get Chamber involvement. Matt appreciates Darrol's comments as their increasing accessibility at ECA. 12. Adjourn: 8:06 p.m. Next meeting: November 15, 2023, 6 PM location Hybrid — Brackett Room & Zoom DRAFT Meeting Summary Economic Development Commission October 18, 2023 Page 3