2024-02-01 Climate Protection Committee MinutesCity of Edmonds - Mayors Climate Protection Committee ("CPC") February 1, 2024 Mission of the CPC is to (1) Encourage citizens to be a part of the solution, (2) Encourage City staff and citizens to conserve current resources, (3) Work with the City Council to implement ideas, and (4) Effectively address the future impacts of climate change. Mission of the CPC is to (1) Encourage citizens to be a part of the solution, (2) Encourage City staff and citizens to conserve current resources, (3) Work with the City Council to implement ideas, and (4) Effectively address the future impacts of climate change. In Attendance: On -Site (Brackett Meeting Room): Committee Members: Angela Winzen (Vice Chair), Pam Tauer, (Secretary), David Schaefer, Niall McShane, Bill Phipps City Staff: Tristan Sewell, Susan McLaughlin, Mayor Mike Rosen Citizen: Jane O'Dell, Gayla Shoemake Zoom: Committee Members: Steven Cristol, Hank Landau City Council: Susan Paine, Michelle Dotsch 1. Call to Order, Review of Agenda, & Introductions a. The meeting was called to order at 11:04 am. 2. January Meeting Minutes a. The January meeting minutes were approved without changes. 3. Public Comment and CAB Update a. Angela read the following CAB update from Georgina Armstrong: The Edmonds Climate Advisory Board (CAB) has just completed its extensive 2024 Work Plan. Within this plan is an effort to recruit volunteers at which time we will form subcommittees based on areas of interest. As shared previously, the work of the CAB is to examine and support the City's Climate Action Plan (CAP). The CAB will also compare the progress to the work other cities in the region are doing on their CAPS. The CAB has hoped to coordinate with the CPC to sponsor an Edmonds Climate Action Week like those conducted in other cities in our region that provide educational opportunities on how everyone can contribute to lowering greenhouse gases, which in Edmonds account for 98% of our emissions. This is a great opportunity for the city to showcase its Climate Action Plan by examining what is causing our climate to change, looking at ways we can all contribute to lowering Page 1 of 5 greenhouse gas emissions, and how that behavior will lead to a safer and healthier future, most especially for our youth." b. Niall shared a summary of the webinar on Fossil Fuel Non -Proliferation Treaty. Niall asked if the city would be interested in endorsing it. Emphasis is on not using more fossil fuels rather than just reducing current fossil fuel usage. Tristan responded that there may have been interested in signing up years ago. Discussion ensued regarding the coal trains that pass through the city. Susan Paine shared that ten years ago Edmonds did have a discussion on coal trains going through. It would be great to see what BNSF plans to do. c. Niall shared legislation that would be of interest to support such as the Forest Act, to prevent illegal deforestation, King Energy Mineral Reform Act and Mining Regulatory Act (against). Maybe the CPC can take some action - education as advocacy. 4. Mayor's Briefing a. The mayor asked that the committee introduce themselves and their "sweet spot". b. The mayor sees that cities are poised to advance environmental actions. Legislation is one way. c. The mayor is results oriented. We need to answer the questions: What is the problem we are trying to solve, what is the optimum solution, and how do we measure progress. Need to identify organizations that can help advance. We should look to leverage partnerships. d. The mayor would like us to identify the top 3 actions considering the following criteria: high impact, likelihood of success, cost/benefit of doing it including how do we make it easy and convenient. e. The mayor would also like us to streamline our mission into one statement. f. The mayor shared that once there is a critical view of our focused priorities, we need to seek out groups we can collaborate with. g. The mayor related an anecdotal story about Seattle sending too much compost to Cedar Grove. By promoting keeping cut grass on the lawns, the team identified other topic groups and organizations that would benefit such as air quality, water conservation, electric lawnmowers, other counties/localities. h. Angela asked the mayor if he approved the CPC proposal to hold a Climate Action Week in the fall and he responded to say that he wants us to determine "what does success look like?" Is objective awareness or for community to take an action? The mayor encourages us to define the problem and then the best solution and concluded with, "But overall, it's not a bad idea." i. Susan McLaughlin interjected to say that the Planning Department is hosting the Climate Champion Series in April and there might be overlap and a way to combine efforts. Pam asked if Susan thought we would be helping with the Series and Susan said she assumed that is what would happen. Angela asked if Pam and she could meet with her and Tristan next week to learn about the Climate Champions Series and learn what it entails. They confirmed that would work. Page 2 of 5 j. Gayla Shoemake from the CAB asked to comment. She shared that CAB is very excited about Climate Action Week. Gayla had an environmental event for her church. 39.5% of attendees had never been to one of her activities. They offered plant -based snacks and the attendees stayed for all 3 events. Gayla feels strongly that we can make CAW successful and measure that success. k. Jane O'Dell (CAB, EMEA) commented that she really appreciated the mayor's business approach to success. Jane committed to ensure outcomes and success measures are articulated for Climate Action Week. I. Bill Phipps had three issues to share to present to the mayor. 1) street tree planting along major arterials, 2) tree code amendment process (city has put a pause on current proposed amendment) and 3) the Perrinville creek disaster. m. Susan Paine asked to respond. The tree code amendment comes to council through planning board and is on the schedule. Street trees are important; however, we need to encourage personal property tree planting. The city is responsible for street trees and the costs include both planting and maintenance. Regarding the Perrinville creek issue, it is a multi -dimensional problem and Susan looks forward to providing an update when available. S. Council Update a. Multi -modal levels of service meeting to be held on February 131n 6. Election of Chairs a. Pam and Angela are interested in being co-chairs. No one else indicated interest. Both were elected. Nick Maxwell has agreed to be co -secretary. We will have an ad hoc secretary when needed. b. Dawna has not been available to take meeting minutes and does not attend meetings in person hence the need for a secretary. 7. 2024 Calendar Activities Presentation a. Angela asked if committee would be interested in a speaker series for a mid -month or special meeting that we would open attendance. b. Niall responded regarding PUD speaker — what are they doing with smart grid infrastructure (demand response). What is the objective? Niall, put them on the spot — what are they doing? c. Niall stated that speakers are in two categories: educational or answering to the city questions. d. Tristan was concerned about using the Brackett Room after hours. Angela shared that we were thinking about using the library. e. David asked if we are trying to inform the public or inform ourselves. Our mission is to advise the mayor and council. f. Susan McLaughlin stated the city is always looking forward to ways to combine efforts. There are a lot of similar topics in the comprehensive plan, and she would be excited with a speaker series that can address both. It would be great to get public Page 3 of 5 awareness on many of these topics which would combine leverage work of comp plan. g. Angela refined question — do we want speakers to come to our one meeting or have a special meeting? h. Nick Maxwell reiterated that having speakers in our working meeting is difficult. i. Speakers should be aligned with CPC work. j. Susan and Tristan reiterated resource constraints. k. Everyone concurred a special meeting should be scheduled for speakers. I. Nick would like to line up speakers up 2 months in advance. Notifications could then be made in the public media. m. Angela reviewed our activities in context of the Climate Action Week umbrella. The mayor is supportive of the EV rally at the Classic Car Show. n. Angela and Pam will meet with Susan McLaughlin and Tristan regarding Climate Champions week. o. There was discussion on gas furnace permit data and contacting homeowners about the benefits of heat pumps. p. Niall shared that demand reduction may be a great incentive. q. Nick stated that public access data regarding metrics on heat pumps would be very helpful. Susan related obstacles to making data available how data is input. Tristan asked Nick to contact him regarding data access. r. The mayor asked if we did nothing would there be an impact? If we can be in the loop for the heating conversions, it is easier to track. s. Nick shared that he has data showing a 10% reduction in natural gas use. t. The mayor concurred that showing the trend is beneficial for further adoption. u. Thom shared that when emergency gas furnace permitting occurs, it is difficult to move to heat pumps. Heat pump adoption may require additional electrical capacity. The biggest advantage to installing heat pumps is getting air conditioning. Recommends advertising in the summer. v. Hank relayed the difficulty of getting information on the heat pump options and his quest for a brochure to simplify for homeowners. Hank believes the public utility should provide. w. Steven commented that both Youth Creative Climate Competition and Sea Level Rise would need to start March to make a fall Climate Action Week. 8. Update on Grants a. Steven shared that two of the grants we were considering funding the digital sea level rise simulation have changed their rules making it difficult for us to apply for. b. In addition, the Bullitt Foundation made their last grant in December. Page 4of5 9. Staff Updates a. There is a draft policy from the legislative consultants; the draft code will be forth coming. The city will seek public awareness along with reviewing with the planning board and City Council. b. Green Building Incentives presented an overview to the Planning Board. Will be providing specifics to the planning board next. Green Building applies to new development and remodels. There will be a public hearing on the draft code. It has great political support. This topic has not generated a lot of public interest. Edmonds is late to the "ball game"; many neighboring localities have green building incentives. Edmonds has about a dozen green homes; neighboring cities have hundreds. Incentives are to expedite permitting. c. Talked about the sea level rise temporary art installation. d. On February 14t" the city will be presenting growth strategy to the planning commission. e. Will be looking to add climate change adaptation in the comprehensive plan now. f. Climate change and adaptation is required for 2029 comprehensive. g. Tree canopy goal — why the pause? Need to develop a holistic approach to all aspects of tree planting to include right of way, private property. The street tree plan guides how we plant — there is no budget. h. Rose is making great progress on the ADU guide. Anticipate a public hearing on February 28tn 10. March 7th Agenda & Action Items a. Review the annual report that Cynthia drafted. b. Update on the Comprehensive Plan update from the city c. Pam, Steven, and Angela will follow up on specific items in email: i. Pam — solicit top three activities to pursue as per mayor. ii. Angela — scheduling a second meeting for speakers to the CPC. iii. Steven — grant updates and Youth Creative Climate Art initiative. Hank spoke to involving the Port to address Sea Level Rise. A meeting like that — how would the mayor like us to handle this. Susan McLaughlin responded that there is a waterfront vision process with stake holder interviews in the February/March timeframe to include a public forum — the objective is to set the stage and introduce concepts to drive 20-year plan; this topic would be a good springboard. 11. Announcements and General Public Comment a. None The meeting adjourned at 12:46pm. Page 5 of 5