Resolution 1279RESOLUTIONOF THE CITY COUNCILOF OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON,APPROVING THE 2013-2018 TRANSPORTATION Irri PROGRAM r AND DIRECTING OF ADOPTED D PROGRAM a THE WASHINGTON• DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. program with the Washington State Department of Transportation (SOT); and WHEREAS, the TIP identifies all planned projects over the next 6 years, along Section I The Transportation Improvement Program is hereby adopted pursuant to the requirements of RCW 35.77.010 and 36.81.121 to be effective on June 20, 2012 and to continue in full force and effect until amended. A copy of such Transportation Improvement Program for the years 2013 to 2018 is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference as fully as if herein set forth. of r• •n Improvement Program • Department of Z�(" -;iCLL44M !�fi* CLEM SANDRA 8 CHASE FILED WIT14 THE crry CLEM 06-15-2012 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 06-19-2012 RESOLUTION NO, 1279 -2- 8 I'MO R O I T llil 'T 7, ­9 I Ram 2 AEGG fl -IR rN R: Fs ro ua 0) E a a 12 'k R 6R. 1111 4 RUR zo G3 'E -12 12 IS 11 11 I III