Resolution 11373&e.50CUtIDtt ,tea. 11.37 Whereas, Deanna Dawson has served as Council President from January to December 2006 and during her tenure as President has presided over many extremely long meetings with poise making sure the audience has a good grasp of all of the difficult and hard -to - understand issues; and Whereas, 9Vs. Dawson was elected to the Council in November of 2001 and graciously agreed to fill Council Position #2 on November 27, 2001 as the position was vacant; and Whereas, CounciCmem6er Dawson, in addit o to carrying out her countless and varied duties as Council President as well as fulfilling a number of very laudable, outside responsibilities and interests,__has-sat on the following Committees and/or Boards: Finance, SNOCOM, Long-Range--�LTask.: Force, --Public, Safety Committee (Chair), Disability, Snohomish County T.,om'orrow, Edmonds Crossing Project, and Economic Development; and -- '■, u n \,while perforrning_her_ dut es^as�Council President, also made some Whereas, 96. Dawson career changes and,did so W4h much equanimity while doing due diligence as Council President all with an eye towaNrdsj the!bett6rrment-of-the City and its citizens; Now, Therefore, Be it 12esoked, that Deanna -Dawson be commended and thanked for serving as Council President. The Council looks forward to her continued dedication and service to the citizens of Edmonds. Tassed ,Xpprovecf, and ,4doptedthis 211d'day of yanuary, 2007. Gary Haakenson, Mayor Michael Plunkett, Councilmember Ron Wambolt, Councilmember Attest: City Clerk Peggy Pritchard Olson, Councilmember Mauri Moore, Councilmember Richard Marin, Councilmember Dave Orvis, Councilmember Citp of Qfbmonbo 3Jnrorporateb IS90