Resolution 12631A,- pulne 0 111glamimm A RESOLUTION STATING EDMONDS' OPPOSITION TO TRANSPORTING COAL ACROSS WASHINGTON STATE AND ON THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE RAILWAY ALONG PUGET SOUND TO EXPORT FOR OVERSEAS CONSUMPTION WHEREAS, Edmonds has committed itself to being a leader in protecting the environment, air quality, and Puget Sound, and WHEREAS, mounting evidence demonstrates the overwhelming negative impacts of coal mining and combustion on public health, and WHEREAS, Washington State already recognizes the severe economic, public health, and environmental impacts of climate change on this state (Executive Order No. 0905), and WHEREAS, Washington State and other states are taking steps toward reducing American dependence on coal-fired power, including the recent passage of TransAlta Energy Transition Bill, which will retire the two remaining coal-fired power plants in Washington State by 2025, and WHEREAS, coal is commonly transported via opentop rail cars contaminating cities, towns, farmland, forestland, streams, and rivers across Washington State with coal dust and chunks of coal, and WHEREAS, coal contains toxic heavy metals - including mercury, arsenic, and lead - and exposure to these toxic heavy metals in high concentrations is linked to cancer and birth defects, and WHEREAS, increased rail traffic will lead to an increase in diesel emissions in communities along rail lines, and WHEREAS, coal export terminals in other parts of the nation and world are associated with significant air and water pollution, and WHEREAS, coal shipments through Edmonds are expected to add as many as 18 trains per day, and WHEREAS, an additional 18 trains per day will inhibit the travel of emergency vehicles to our Senior Center, underwater dive park and waterfront residences and businesses, and WHEREAS, an additional 18 trains per day will endanger pedestrians, and inhibit access to our waterfront for fishing, diving, and other recreational uses, and WHEREAS, an additional 18 trains per day will cause increased delays in ferry loading and unloading having detrimental effects on traffic congestion and air quality due to idling cars, and - 1 - WHEREAS, increased noise from large freight trains have been shown to have a negative impact on health, and WHEREAS, increased freight train traffic will have a negative effect on property values, and WHEREAS, Edmonds and the region are not equipped to 'respond to the; environmental devastation a coal train derailment would have on Puget Sound or the Edmonds Marsh, and WHEREAS, Washington has been a national leader in creating clean -energy jobs and innovating, developing, demonstrating, and marketing clean energy technologies and practices that promote sustainable global economic development, and coal export promotes the most destructive and unsustainable energy development practices. NOW THEREFORE E IT RESOLVED, that the City of Edmonds opposes coal- export terminals in Washington State, and E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Edmonds supports economic growth that does not jeopardize Washington State's commitment to fight the serious impacts of climate change, and E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Edmonds urges the Governor and the Legislature to work on a comprehensive policy opposing coal export terminals in Washington State, and E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Edmonds intends to address any impacts to public health and/or property caused by the transport of coal_ through_ Edmonds by actively enforcing local public health, safety, building, electrical, and fire codes, and E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Edmonds intends to address any impacts to surface and/or groundwater caused by the transport of coal through _ Edmonds ,by actively enforcing applicable federal environmental statutes delegated to Edmonds, and E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Edmonds will request that the railroad mitigate any public safety hazards created by the transport of coal through Edmonds such as access by emergency vehicles to the senior center and waterfront, and E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Edmonds will request from the railroad, and make public, any plans for new or expanded rail facilities or; significant rail traffic volume increases within Edmonds, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Edmonds will request that the railroad provide representatives to meet periodically with local _ citizen groups and local government officials from Edmonds to seek mutually acceptable ways to address local concerns, and E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Edmonds will request that the railroad submit an emergency environmental clean-up plan in case of a derailment into Puget Sound or the Edmonds Marsh, and -- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ' that the City of Edmonds will request that the railroad perform environmental monitoring of noise, air, groundwater, and surface water quality on an ongoing basis ani that the results will be shared with local and state agencies, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Edmonds will request that the railroad carefully monitor the loading of coal at the coal mines as part of the contract(s) with the coal companies to assure best loading practices in order to reduce the amount of coal and coal dust coming out of the rail cars, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Edmonds will request that the railroad write up road improvement plans for grading, widening, or otherwise providing crossings at intersections that would be impacted by rail traffic increases and require the railroad to pay for these upgra es, an BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Edmonds City Clerk transmit copies of this resolution io the Governor of Washington, the State Lands Commissioner and to each Senator and Representative from the I st, 21 st and 3 2nd Legislative Districts in the State of Washington Legislature, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Edmonds City Clerk be directed to transmit copies of this resolution to each Senator and Representative from Washington State in the Congress of the United States. Adopted this 22"d day of November, 2011. MAYOR, MIKE COOPER FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: 11-18-2011 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 11-22-2011 RESOLUTION NO. 1263 M